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Q. raita-¹ v. (ta-formative) “to make network or lace; to catch in a net” (Category: to Wind, Wrap)

Q. raita-¹, v. (ta-formative) “to make network or lace; to catch in a net” (Category: to Wind, Wrap)

A verb appearing as rea or raita in notes on The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor from the end of the 1960s, with glosses “make network or lace” and “catch in a net” as derivatives of the root √RAY “net, knit, contrive network or lace; involve in a network, enlace” (VT42/11). In a draft of this etymology appearing in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from 1969, the verb was simply glossed “to net” and the root was glossed “net; knit (contrive a network); catch, involve (in a net)”, while the verb’s present form †rea was marked as archaic beside modern[?] ráya, along with a strong past raine (PE22/159).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya I would use the easier-to-conjugate verb form raita with strong-past raine and (modernized) present raitea, and would assume rea was archaic. Compare its homonym raita- “smile” which has a half-strong past reante “smiled” (PE17/182).

References ✧ PE22/159; VT42/12





raine past; strong-past ✧ PE22/159
rea present ✧ PE22/159
ráya present ✧ PE22/159

Element In



Phonetic Developments

RAY > raita- [raita-] ✧ PE22/159
RAY > rea [raja] > [rea] ✧ VT42/12