Ad. gendered-nouns grammar.

Ad. gendered-nouns grammar.

Gendered nouns are used for beings that could have a sex, whether that sex was specified or not. Adûnaic recognizes three genders: masculine, feminine and common. The “common” gender was used when no gender was specified (SD/426).

Gendered nouns have different declensions from neuter-nouns. Gendered nouns mostly share the same declensions with each other except for in the singular subjective case, where they use three different suffixes if the nouns ends in a consonant (SD/432, 436): -an (common), -in (feminine) and -un (masculine). If the noun ends in a vowel, the subjective singular suffix reduces to -n for all genders (SD/437-8). By the time of Classical Adûnaic, feminine nouns sometimes use -i- in the objective case instead of the usual inflection -u-, owing to the association of u with masculinity (SD/432).

In much of Adûnaic grammar, the long and short vowels i and u are used as markers of femininity and masculinity (SD/435). For example, the feminine pronoun is hi “she” while the masculine pronoun is u “he”. The final vowels and (from Primitive Adûnaic ✶-ai and ✶-au respectively) also serve as feminine and masculine markers, especially in the feminine where a final would look like a plural noun (SD/438).

Masculine and feminine nouns are mainly weak-nouns, since they typically have long vowels in their final syllable (SD/436). This is especially true of feminine nouns, which are usually produced from masculine or common nouns by adding a suffixal or (SD/426).

References ✧ SD/432, 435-436, 438



masculine-nouns ✧ SD/432
feminine-nouns ✧ SD/432
common-nouns ✧ SD/432

Element In