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UTHU root. “bad; unsuitable; improper, useless, wrong; [wrong] with a bad sense”

UTHU root. “bad; unsuitable; improper, useless, wrong; [wrong] with a bad sense”

This root appeared in a page of roots from Definitive Linguistic Notes (DLN) from 1959 with the gloss “unsuitable, bad, improper, useless, wrong” (PE17/172). This page was rejected, but the root √UTHU appeared again later in DLN as the basis for prefixes meaning wrong “with a general bad sense”: Q. us- and S. oth- as in S. othgarn “misdeed” and Q. uskare > Q. uxarë of the same meaning (PE17/151).

References ✧ PE17/151, 172, 189

