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GWAL root. “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”

GWAL root. “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”
ᴱ√GWALA¹ “*brown”
ᴱ√QIPI “*awaken”

This root appeared in a couple different notes from the late 1950s, as {√GWAL} >> √WAL “emotion, movement of feelings” in one (PE17/189) and as √GWAL “be stirred, excited” in the other (PE17/154). However, its one Sindarin derivative balch “fierce, ferocious” (PE17/154) requires the primitive form be √GWAL, since it demonstrates the Ancient Telerin sound change whereby labialized velars became labials (gw > b). This is further supported by the prevalence of w-forms in its Quenya derivations, since primitive ✶gw- would have remained w- for longer in Quenya (PE19/75).

References ✧ PE17/145, 154, 189



