Ilk. [ŋ] became [ɣ] between vowels and before [l], [r]; [VŋV|ŋ{lr}] > [VɣV|ɣ{lr}]

Ilk. [ŋ] became [ɣ] between vowels and before [l], [r]; [VŋV|ŋ{lr}] > [VɣV|ɣ{lr}]

The development of intervocalic ŋ to ʒ [ɣ] is indicated on the Comparative Tables (PE19/23). This change is also described in some of Tolkien’s late notes on the development of Beleriandic [Ilkorin] ʒ and ñ, where he stated that “ñ also became ʒ, gh between vowels and before r, l” (PE18/104). Presumably thereafter the sound developed the same way as primitive ʒ [ɣ], but there are no attested examples.

Reference ✧ PE18/104 ✧ Bel. [ŋ] became [ɣ] between vowels and before [l], [r]

Phonetic Rule Elements

[VŋV] > [VɣV] ✧ PE19/23 (-ŋ- > (ʒ))
[ŋ{lr}] > [ɣ{lr}]