✶Ad. [z]

✶Ad. [z]
The primitive consonant [z] mostly survived unchanged into Classical Adûnaic (SD/416, 418), but it sometimes unvoiced to [s] when adjacent to aspirates, [s] or [x] (SD/421-2). It is unclear whether this was only true in spoke Adûnaic or whether it was reflected in spelling as well.

References ✧ SD/416, 418, 421-422


Element In

Phonetic Development

✶Ad. most palatals became sibilants [s] or [z] z < ɟ ✧ SD/418 (J > Z)
Ad. [z] became [s] before [x] and [s], and after aspirates, [s] and [x] {pʰtʰkʰsx}z > {pʰtʰkʰsx}s ✧ SD/421 (Z > S)
Ad. [z] became [s] before [x] and [s], and after aspirates, [s] and [x] z{sx} > s{sx} ✧ SD/422 (Z > S)