Q. Ecelli coll. “The Forsaken”

Q. Ecelli, coll. “The Forsaken”

A term Tolkien introduced in the 1950s, used for the Eldar left behind on the march from Middle-earth (MR/169-170). This term probably replaced the older term Lembi “Lingerers” for this particular purpose (MR/169). Ecelli was later changed to Alamanyar (MR/170) or Sindar (WJ/175), but the concept survived in the Sindarin word Eglath “The Forsaken” (MR/170, S/58). The Quenya cognate of this later Sindarin word, Hecel “Elf who stayed in Beleriand”, is probably the successor to the term Ecelli.

References ✧ MR/169-170; MRI/Ekelli; WJ/175; WJI/Ekelli


