Dan. medial voiceless spirants voiced after vowels; [-V{fθ}-] > [-V{vð}-]

Dan. medial voiceless spirants voiced after vowels; [-V{fθ}-] > [-V{vð}-]

According to the Comparative Tables, medial voiceless spirants [f] and [θ] were voiced to [v] and [ð], though it seems that in East Danian medial [θ] (“þ”) was sometimes preserved (PE19/23). The Germanic languages that inspired Danian underwent a similar change as part of Verner’s rule (ref/@@@). It is possible that the medial voiceless velar [x] underwent a similar change to [ɣ] as part of the process whereby medial [x] vanished between vowels.

Phonetic Rule Elements

[-Vf-] > [-Vv-] ✧ PE19/23 (-ph- > f = v); PE19/23 (-ph- > f = v)
[-Vθ-] > [-Vð-] ✧ PE19/23 (-th- > -ð-); PE19/23 (-th- > þ, ð)