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ᴱ√SṆTṆ root. “esteem”

⚠️ᴱ√SṆTṆ root. “esteem”
^ᴺ√SINIT “esteem”

The root ᴱ√SṆTṆ “esteem” appeared in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s with derivatives ᴱQ. santa “dear, beloved” and ᴱQ. sinte “esteem; estimate, computation” (QL/85). There are no signs of this root in Tolkien’s later writing, but I think it is worth positing a Neo-Root ᴺ√SINIT for “esteem” and “estimate” words.

Reference ✧ QL/85 ✧ “esteem”
