AQ. [ę̄], [ǭ] became [ē], [ō]; [ę̄|ǭ] > [ē|ō]

AQ. [ę̄], [ǭ] became [ē], [ō]; [ę̄|ǭ] > [ē|ō]

The Primitive Elvish a-fortified long vowels ę̄ and ǭ became ē and ō in the Quenya of the 1950s. Tolkien mentioned this development in both the second version the Tengwesta Qenderinwa (TQ2: PE18/96) and the Outline of Phonology (OP2) from the 1950s (PE19/106). The same developments held in the 1930s (TQ1: PE18/47; OP1: PE19/53), except in that period Tolkien represented a-fortified e as ǣ rather than ę̄. Examples of these sound changes are rare but can be found in both conceptual periods:

As the Orome example illustrates, this must have been a somewhat ancient change, before unstressed medial long vowels shortened.

Conceptual Development: There is no evidence of anything like a-fortification in Tolkien’s earliest conception of Primitive Elvish in the 1910s and 1920s.

References ✧ PE18/96; PE19/106

Order (03300)

Before 03400 unstressed medial long vowels shortened Orǭmē > Q. Orome PE17/153

Phonetic Rule Elements

[ę̄] > [ē] ✧ PE18/96 (ę̄ > ē)
[ǭ] > [ō] ✧ PE18/96 (ǭ > ō)

Phonetic Rule Examples

mę̄la > mēla ę̄ > ē MEL > Q. méla ✧ VT39/10
arǭmē > arōmē ǭ > ō Arǭmēz > Arome > Q. Orome ✧ PE17/138
arǭmē > arōmē ǭ > ō Val. Arǭmēz > Arōmē > Arome > Q. Orome ✧ WJ/400
orǭmē > orōmē ǭ > ō Orǭmē > Q. Orome ✧ PE17/153

ᴹAQ. [ǣ], [ǭ] became [ē], [ō]; [ǣ|ǭ] > [ē|ō]

References ✧ PE18/47; PE19/53

Order (03400)

Before 03500 unstressed medial long vowels shortened ᴹ✶Òrōmḗ > Oromḗ > ᴹQ. Orome PE19/58

Phonetic Rule Elements

[ǣ] > [ē]
[ǭ] > [ō]

Phonetic Rule Examples

kwǣnē > kwēnē ǣ > ē ᴹ✶kwǣnē > ᴹQ. qēne ✧ PE22/32
ndǣr > ndēr ǣ > ē ᴹ✶ndǣr > ᴹQ. nér ✧ Ety/NDER
wǣðē > wēðē ǣ > ē ᴹ✶wǣdē > ᴹQ. vēre ✧ Ety/WED
mǭre > mōre ǭ > ō ᴹ✶mǭri > ᴹQ. móre ✧ Ety/MOR
orǭmē > orōmē ǭ > ō ᴹ✶Orǭmē > ᴹQ. Orome ✧ Ety/ORÓM
orǭmē > orōmē ǭ > ō ᴹ√ORÓM > ᴹQ. Orome ✧ Ety/ROM
orǭmē > orōmē ǭ > ō ᴹ✶Òrōmḗ > Oromḗ > ᴹQ. Orome ✧ PE19/58
orǭmē > orōmē ǭ > ō ᴹ✶Orǭmē > ᴹQ. Orome ✧ PE22/37