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ᴺQ. !aptaina adj. “cooked, broiled” (Category: to Cook)

⚠️ᴺQ. !aptaina, adj. “cooked, broiled” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT] (Category: to Cook)
Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
ᴺQ. maxa- “to cook”

A neologism coined by Helge Fauskanger for his Neo-Quenya New Testament (NQNT), probably based a hypothetical verb apta- “cook” from the root ᴹ√AP which at one point Tolkien glossed “cook”, though this gloss was deleted (EtyAC/AP). Personally I would use the passive participle maxaina “cooked” from the verb ᴺQ. maxa- [< ᴱQ. maksa-] “cook” (QL/59).
