Neo-Quenya Words

This word list describes the decisions that went into constructing the Neo-Quenya Vocabulary. It lists all Quenya words from every time period, with markers indicating which words have been excluded and which ones have been added. Unlike the vocabulary list, it explicitly indicates the source period of each word:

Spelling has been normalized to be consistent with the conventions Tolkien used in The Lord of the Rings: kc, qqu, ksx, with a diaeresis over vowels (like final ë) to indicate that they are pronounced. The original spellings may be found in the entries for individual words.

Words spanning multiple periods may have several language markers. Later (“Post Tolkien”) inventions or derivations by fans are marked as Neo-Quenya: ᴺQ. If these are directly based on some word of Tolkien’s, the period of the original word is marked in brackets, for example: ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] otsola “(seven-day) week”. Some of the neologisms presented here have gone through an external vetting process of some kind: the creator and vetting process (if available) of each neologism is listed below.

Excluded words (those that I personally recommended against using and do not appear in the vocabulary) are marked with the warning sign: ⚠️. There is considerable variation among Neo-Quenya authors as to which words should be accepted as legitimate, however, and not every other author would agree with my recommendations. There are additional “reliability markers” that can be used as guide for the level of quality of each word:

Glosses (English translations) may also have language and reliability markers indicating which periods various translations come from and how reliable they might be. For example Q., ᴹQ. mól “slave, [ᴹQ.] thrall” indicates a (Late) Quenya word with one translation that appears only in the Middle Quenya period.

For simplicity, these reliability and language markers have been omitted from the vocabulary lists. For more exact lists of additions or exclusions, you can look at the following word lists:

At this point in time, this arrangement of added and excluded words is very much a work in progress, and I am always open to feedback. Nothing here should in any way be considered “final” (if such a conclusion is even possible).

Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #-a suf. “adjectival suffix”
Q. #a- pref. “infinitive prefix”
Q., ᴹQ. á particle. “imperative particle”
⚠️ᴱQ. â n. “mind, inner thought”; see instead:
Q. sanar “mind, thinker, reflector”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. pron. “it, one, indefinite subject”; see instead:
Q. mo “one, anyone, someone, somebody”
Q. ma¹ “something, a thing; ⚠️anything”
Q., ᴹQ. interj. “O, Oh”
⚠️ᴱQ. a-¹ pref. “it; 3rd sg. neut. pronoun” see ᴱQ. ha
⚠️Q. article. “accusative definite article”
⚠️ᴹQ. prep. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. a-² pref. “*intensive prefix”
⚠️ᴱQ. aca adv. “very, intensive”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lai “very”
⚠️ᴱQ. aca- pref. “intensive”; see instead:
Q. an- “intensive prefix”
⚠️ᴱQ. ‽(a)cainu- v. “to wed”; see instead:
ᴹQ. vesta-¹ “to wed, *marry”
⚠️ᴱQ. (a)cainusta n. “wedding, marriage”; see instead:
ᴹQ. vestalë “wedding”
ᴹQ. vesta¹ “matrimony, [ᴱQ.] state of marriage”
⚠️ᴱQ. acairë (acairi-) n. “‘living beside’, wedded life”; see instead:
ᴹQ. vesta¹ “matrimony, [ᴱQ.] state of marriage”
⚠️ᴱQ. acairis (acairist-) n. “bride, wife”; see instead:
Q. indis “[ᴹQ.] bride; ⚠️[Q.] wife”
Q. veri “wife”
⚠️ᴱQ. acairisan (acairisamb-) n. “bride chamber, thalamus”
⚠️Q. †acas n. “neck”; see instead:
Q. axë “neck [vertebrae], *(upper) spine; rock ridge”
⚠️ᴱQ. acca adv. “too”
ᴺQ. !accal- v. “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly”
ᴺQ. !accamátala adj. “over-eating” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !accamatië n. “over-eating” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️Q. accar- v. “to do back, react; to requite, avenge”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ahtar- “to do back, react; ⚠️to requite, avenge”
ᴺQ. !accasúcala adj. “over-drinking” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !accasucië n. “over-drinking” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. aci adj. “extreme, vehement, excessive”
⚠️ᴱQ. acta n. “notion”; see instead:
ᴹQ. intya “guess, supposition, idea, notion”
Q., ᴹQ. aha n. “rage”
ᴺQ. !ahta- v. “to narrow (tr. and intr.); ⚠️to besiege [with os]” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺQ. [Q.] ahtar- v. “to do back, react; ⚠️to requite, avenge”
ᴺQ. !ahtarië n. “reaction; ⚠️vengeance” [created by NQ-Wiki, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !ahtarulas(së) n. “responsibility, (lit.) aptitude to react” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !ahtassë n. “narrowing, ⚠️siege” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ. ahto n. “wright, maker, *[lesser] craftsman”
ᴹQ. ahtumat n. “supper, *(lit.) maker’s meal”
⚠️ᴱQ. Ahúra n. “Sun”; see instead:
Q. Anar “Sun”
⚠️ᴱQ. †ahúrasilqui n. “sun and moon”
Q. #ahya- v. “to change”
⚠️ᴱQ. ai interj. “o!, ha!”; see instead:
Q. “O, Oh”
Q. ai¹ “ah, alas”
Q. ai¹ interj. “ah, alas”
Q., ᴹQ. ai² adv. “supposing, suppose, maybe; *any”
ᴺQ. !aia adj. “strange, unusual” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. aia interj. “hail” see Q. aiya
Q. aian n. “holy thing or object or place”
ᴹQ. aiano n. “stranger”
Q., ᴹQ. aica adj. “fell, terrible, dire; [ᴹQ.] sharp”
⚠️ᴱQ. †aica adj. “broad, vast”; see instead:
Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
ᴹQ. aicalë n. “peak”
ᴹQ. aicassë n. “mountain peak”
⚠️ᴱQ. aicassë n. “pine-tree”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aico (aicu-) n. “cliff”
⚠️ᴱQ. aicor n. “pine-tree”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
⚠️ᴱQ. aicuvoitë adj. “cliffy, rocky”
⚠️ᴱQ. ailë n. “beach”; see instead:
Q. hresta “beach, shore”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ailin n. “(large) lake, [ᴹQ.] pool”
⚠️ᴱQ. ailin² n. “shore”; see instead:
Q. hresta “beach, shore”
ᴺQ. !ailindo n. “loon [bird], (lit.) lake-singer” [created by Valerie]
⚠️ᴱQ. ailinon n. “water lily”; see instead:
Q. indil “lily, other large single flower”
⚠️ᴱQ. ailo (ailu-) n. “lake, pool”; see instead:
Q. ailin “(large) lake, [ᴹQ.] pool”
ᴺQ. !ailumë¹ adv. “anytime”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ailumë² adv. “sometimes, at times” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
ᴺQ. !ailumë¹ “anytime”
ᴺQ. !aima pron. “anything, whatever” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. aimactar n. “martyr (m.)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aimahto “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
⚠️ᴱQ. aimactu n. “martyr (m.)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aimahto “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aimahto n. “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
ᴺQ. !aimanen adv. “however” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. aimaxin (aimaxi-) n. “martyr (f.)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aimahto “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
ᴺQ. !aimë n. “surprise, thing/action that surprises” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️Q. aimenal n. “lark”; see instead:
Q. lirulin “lark”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aimo n. “saint”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. aina adj. “holy, revered, numinous, *divine, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] worshipful”
Q. aina- v. “to hallow, bless, treat as holy”
⚠️ᴱQ. ainar (ainast-) n. “temple [body part]”
Q. ainas (*ainass-) n. “hallow, fane, *shrine, holy place, sanctuary”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Aini n. “holy one, angelic spirit (f.); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] (pagan) goddess”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ainima pron. “any kind of” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
Q. ainima “blessed, holy (of things)”
Q. ainima adj. “blessed, holy (of things)”
ᴺQ. !aino n. “god” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. Aino n. “one of the great Valar”; see instead:
Q. Ainu “holy one, angelic spirit (m.); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] (pagan) god”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ainocimië n. “reverence, piety, godliness” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aitalë “reverence, worship, religion”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ainocimya adj. “reverent, pious” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aitalëa “reverent, worshipful, religious”
ᴺQ. !ainolóra adj. “godless” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !ainolórië n. “godlessness” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !ainomë adv. “anyplace, anywhere”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Ainu n. “holy one, angelic spirit (m.); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] (pagan) god”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aipio n. “cherry”
⚠️ᴺQ. !aiqua pron. “anything, whatever” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT, Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !aima “anything, whatever”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. aiqua adj. “steep, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] tall; high, lofty, sublime; chief”
⚠️ᴱQ. aiquairë n. “fir, pine (tree)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aiqualë n. “steepness, a steep [thing]”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aiquassë n. “precipice”
Q. aiquen pron. “if anybody, whoever, [ᴺQ.] anybody”
⚠️ᴱQ. aiquië n. “highness, height”; see instead:
Q. #tárië “height”
Q., ᴱQ. aira adj. “holy, sanctified, [ᴱQ.] worshipful”
⚠️ᴹQ. aira adj. “red, copper-coloured, ruddy”; see instead:
Q. carnë “red, scarlet”
Q. aira “holy, sanctified, [ᴱQ.] worshipful”
ᴺQ. !airalindë n. “hymn, (lit.) holy song” [created by Damien Bador]
ᴺQ. !airasëa [þ] n. “hyssop” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. airë¹ n. “saint (f.)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. aimo “saint”
Q. airë¹ (airi-) adj. and n. “holy; sanctity, holiness”
⚠️ᴱQ. airë² adj. “old”
Q., ᴹQ. †airë² n. “sea”
Q. airëa adj. “holy (applied to persons)”
⚠️ᴺQ. !airelinna n. “hymn, (lit.) holy song” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !airalindë “hymn, (lit.) holy song”
ᴺQ. !airemma n. “icon, (lit.) holy image” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️ᴹQ. airen n. “sea”; see instead:
Q. †airon “ocean”
ᴺQ. !airilírë n. “hymn” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !airimo n. “priest” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !airimossë n. “priesthood” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. #airita- v. “to hallow”
Q. †airon n. “ocean”
⚠️ᴱQ. ais (aist-) n. “good name”
⚠️Q. aista adj. “*holy”; see instead:
Q. aira “holy, sanctified, [ᴱQ.] worshipful”
⚠️ᴱQ. aista n. “honour, reverence”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aitalë “reverence, worship, religion”
ᴹQ. aista- v. “to dread”
⚠️ᴱQ. aistalë n. “worship”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aitalë “reverence, worship, religion”
⚠️ᴱQ. aistalëa adj. “worshipful”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aitalëa “reverent, worshipful, religious”
⚠️Q. aistana adj. “*blessed”; see instead:
Q. amanya “*blessed”
ᴺQ. !aita-¹ v. “to revere, worship”
ᴺQ. !aita-² v. “to astound, surprise, shock, (orig.) make aghast” [created by Elaran]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aitalë n. “reverence, worship, religion”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aitalëa adj. “reverent, worshipful, religious”
ᴺQ. !aitamo n. “worshiper”
ᴺQ. !aitë adj. “of some sort, of any sort” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !aivë adv. “anyway, anyhow, in any way” [created by Lokyt, Röandil]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. aiwë n. “(small) bird”
⚠️ᴺQ. !aiwestë n. “bird’s nest” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hausta “nest”
Q. aiya interj. “hail; behold, lo”
⚠️ᴹQ. al- v. “to thrive”; see instead:
Q. ala-¹ “to grow (of plants) [intr. and trans.], plant; *to thrive, flourish (of other creatures)”
⚠️Q. (a)lá interj. “yes”; see instead:
Q. “yes, it is so, it is a fact”
Q. “very good, all right, I will, I agree of course, of course I do”
Q. ála particle. “do not”
⚠️ᴹQ. ala n. “day”; see instead:
Q. árë “sunlight, warmth (especially of the sun); *noontide; ⚠️day”
Q., ᴹQ. al(a)-¹ pref. “in-, un-, not; †-less, without”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ala-¹ v. “to grow (of plants) [intr. and trans.], plant; *to thrive, flourish (of other creatures)”
⚠️ᴱQ. ala¹ interj. “behold, look”; see instead:
Q. ela “behold!”
⚠️Q. al(a)-² pref. “well, happily”; see instead:
Q. mai-¹ “excellent, admirable; *well, happily”
Q. ala-² v. “to deny”
⚠️ᴱQ. #ala² n. “wing”; see instead:
Q. ráma “wing; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] arm”
⚠️ᴱQ. ala³ prep. “beyond, after; before”
⚠️Q. alacarna adj. “well-done, well-made”
ᴺQ. !alacénima adj. “invisible” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !alacestaima adj. “unsearchable” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴺQ. !alacestima adj. “unsearchable” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !alacestaima “unsearchable”
ᴹQ. alaco n. “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
ᴺQ. !alafasta adj. “tidy, orderly” [created by Sami Paldanius, VQP]
Q. alahasta adj. “unmarred”
ᴺQ. !alahastaima adj. “incorruptable”
⚠️ᴺQ. !alahastima adj. “incorruptable” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !alahastaima “incorruptable”
Q. alahen (alahend-) adj. “eyeless”
ᴺQ. !alahírima adj. “unfindable, impossible to find” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !alahta- v. “to rush” [created by Parmandil]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^alaica adj. “blunt” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !alairë adj. “unholy” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️Q. alalbë n. “inflorescence”; see instead:
Q. lós “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^alalla- v. “*to keep on growing”
⚠️Q. alalmë n. “inflorescence”; see instead:
Q. lós “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alalmë n. “elm-tree”; see instead:
Q. alvë “elm”
ᴺQ. !alaloitala adj. “unfailing” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴺQ. !alalunga adj. “light, unheavy” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
Q. cólima “bearable, light (of burdens and things comparable, troubles, labors, afflications)”
Q. alalvëa adj. “having many elms”
⚠️ᴹQ. alama n. “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. !alamára adj. “no-good” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. alamen n. “good omen on departure”
ᴺQ. !alamirwa adj. “cheap, not precious, not expensive” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !alamo n. “cultivator, grower” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. alan n. “daytime”; see instead:
ᴹQ. arië “daytime”
ᴺQ. !alanancárima adj. “indestructible” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. alanda adj. “wide, broad” see ᴱQ. landa
Q. alanessë n. “nicotiana, pipeweed, *tobacco”
ᴹQ. alaninquitálima adj. “that cannot be made white (again)”
⚠️ᴱQ. alantya adj. “*shielded, protected”
⚠️ᴹQ. alanwa adj. “fully grown, adult, mature”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^olanwa “fully grown, adult, mature”
⚠️ᴺQ. !alapálima adj. “unshakable” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. quas- “to shake, flap, nod, ⚠️rustle”
ᴺQ. !alapihta adj. “unshrunk” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !alapulúna adj. “unleavened, unfermented” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. alapumba n. “drum”; see instead:
ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
⚠️ᴺQ. !alaquen pron. “nobody, no one” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !alquen “nobody, no one”
Q. alaquenta adj. “well (happily) said”
ᴹQ. (a)larca adj. “swift, rapid”
ᴺQ. !alarya- v. “to be happy or merry, rejoice” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alas (alast-) n. “marble”
Q. alasaila adj. “unwise”
ᴺQ. !alasatya [þ] adj. “common, general, *communal, (lit.) not private” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT, NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. alasca adj. “like marble”; see instead:
ᴺQ. alasta “of marble, marble”
ᴺQ. !alasóvina adj. “unwashed” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q., ᴹQ. alassë n. “happiness, [ᴹQ.] joy, merriment”
ᴺQ. !alassëa adj. “joyful, happy, *merry” [created by ABNW]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alasta adj. “of marble, marble”
ᴺQ. !alasta-¹ v. “to make happy, cheer (up)” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴺQ. !alasta-² v. “to be merry, rejoice” [created by Tamas Ferencz, Helge Fauskanger, VQP]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !alarya- “to be happy or merry, rejoice”
⚠️ᴱQ. alaswa adj. “like marble”; see instead:
ᴺQ. alasta “of marble, marble”
ᴹQ. alat- pref. “large, great in size” see ᴹQ. alta
⚠️Q. alatúlië n. “welcome”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !maitulië “welcome thing, happy arrival”
⚠️Q. alatulya adj. “welcome”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !maitulya “welcome”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alatya- v. “to shield, ward off, ⚠️protect”
ᴺQ. !alavahtaina adj. “undefiled” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !alavéla adj. “different, various [pl.]” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !alavistaima adj. “unchangeable”
⚠️ᴺQ. !alavistima adj. “unchangeable” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !alavistaima “unchangeable”
⚠️ᴱQ. alaxë adj. “like marble”; see instead:
ᴺQ. alasta “of marble, marble”
ᴺQ. !alaxë n. “salmon” [created by Valerie]
⚠️ᴱQ. alayambo interj. “hurrah!”
⚠️Q. alba n. “flower”; see instead:
Q. lótë “flower, single blossom; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] bloom”
Q. albë n. “elm” see Q. alvë
Q. alca- v. “to glitter, *shine out, flash”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alca n. “ray of light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] light of day; shining”
⚠️ᴱQ. -alca suf. “able to”; see instead:
Q. -itë “adjectival ending; [with verbs] capable of doing, generally (and naturally) doing”
⚠️ᴱQ. alcana- v. “to blaze”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !accal- “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly”
⚠️ᴱQ. alcanta- v. “to make shine”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alcar n. “glory, splendour, radiance, brilliance”
⚠️ᴱQ. alcar² n. “shield”; see instead:
Q. #sanda “shield”
⚠️ᴱQ. alcar³ n. “shining, light of day” see ᴱQ. alca
⚠️ᴱQ. alcara adj. “brilliant, bright, shining”; see instead:
Q. alcarin(qua) “glorious, brilliant, [ᴹQ.] radiant”
⚠️ᴹQ. alcárima adj. “impossible to make”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lacárima “not feasible, impossible”
⚠️ᴱQ. alcar(in) n. “temple, shrine”; see instead:
ᴺQ. corda “temple”
Q., ᴹQ. alcarin(qua) adj. “glorious, brilliant, [ᴹQ.] radiant”
ᴺQ. !alcarvalda adj. “honourable” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !alcarya- v. “to glorify” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alda n. “tree, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] branch”
⚠️ᴱQ. aldamo n. “shoulder(s), back” see ᴱQ. almo
⚠️ᴱQ. aldarë n. “wood”; see instead:
Q. töa “wood (as material)”
Q. aldarembina adj. “tree-meshed”
ᴹQ. aldarwa adj. “having trees, tree-grown”
⚠️ᴹQ. Aldarya n. “*Tuesday”; see instead:
Q. Aldúya “*Tuesday, Day of the Two Trees”
⚠️Q. Aldauya n. “*Tuesday, Day of the Two Trees”; see instead:
Q. Aldúya “*Tuesday, Day of the Two Trees”
Q. Aldëa n. “*Tuesday, Tree-day (Númenórean)”
⚠️ᴱQ. aldëa adj. “tree-shadowed”; see instead:
Q. Aldëa “*Tuesday, Tree-day (Númenórean)”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aldeon (aldeond-) n. “avenue (of trees)”
Q. aldinga n. “tree-top”
ᴺQ. !aldomë pron. “nowhere” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
Q. Aldúya n. “*Tuesday, Day of the Two Trees”
Q. aleldarin adj. “unelvish”
⚠️Q. aleldarinwa adj. “unElvish”
Q. alenessë n. “nicotiana, pipeweed” see Q. alanessë
ᴺQ. !alermaitë (alermaiti-) adj. “abstract, non-concrete” [created by Arael]
ᴹQ. alfárima adj. “impossible to pursue”
ᴹQ. #alfírima adj. “immortal”
ᴹQ. Alfírimo n. “Immortal”
Q. alima adj. “fair, good”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -alima suf. “able to be done, -able, -ible”; see instead:
Q. -ima “-able, [ᴹQ.] -ible, able to be done, [ᴱQ.] possible; [with short base vowel] *having a (strong) nature of”
⚠️ᴺQ. !alimya adj. “different, (lit.) not-same” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !alavéla “different, various [pl.]”
⚠️ᴹQ. alistima adj. “unknowable, secret”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^laistima “unknowable, secret”
Q., ᴹQ. alla interj. “welcome, hail”
⚠️ᴱQ. allë ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. allu- v. “to wash”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sov- “to wash, *bathe”
⚠️ᴱQ. allumë n. “washing”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sovallë “washing, bathing, purification”
ᴺQ. !poitië “(act of) cleaning, cleansing”
ᴺQ. !allumë adv. “never”
⚠️ᴱQ. alluva adj. “clean”; see instead:
ᴹQ. poica “clean, pure, [ᴱQ.] tidy”
⚠️Q. alma n. “flower”; see instead:
Q. lótë “flower, single blossom; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] bloom”
⚠️ᴱQ. alma n. “face”; see instead:
Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
⚠️ᴹQ. alma n. “good fortune, weal, wealth, *well-being”; see instead:
Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
ᴺQ. !almaicata- v. “to blunt, make or become less sharp” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴹQ. almarë n. “blessedness, blessings, good fortune, bliss”
ᴹQ. almárëa adj. “blessed”
Q. almë n. “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
⚠️ᴹQ. almië n. “blessedness, blessings, good fortune, bliss”; see instead:
ᴹQ. almarë “blessedness, blessings, good fortune, bliss”
ᴺQ. !almien interj. “cheers, (lit.) to good fortune” [created by Mellonath Daeron, PPQ]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] almo n. “shoulder, ⚠️back”
ᴺQ. !almopocco n. “backpack” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴱQ. alnu- v. “to wash”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sov- “to wash, *bathe”
ᴹQ. alómëa adj. “voiceless”
ᴺQ. !alon (alond-) n. “limestone, (lit.) grow-stone” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !alpa n. “bat [instrument not animal], (lit.) beater” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alqua n. “swan”
⚠️ᴱQ. alquë n. “swan”; see instead:
Q. alqua “swan”
ᴺQ. !alquen pron. “nobody, no one”
⚠️ᴹQ. alquettima adj. “unutterable”; see instead:
Q. úquétima “unspeakable, impossible to say or put into words, unpronounceable”
ᴹQ. alta adj. “large, great in size”
⚠️ᴹQ. alta- v. “to (make) grow”; see instead:
Q. ala-¹ “to grow (of plants) [intr. and trans.], plant; *to thrive, flourish (of other creatures)”
⚠️Q. alta n. “radiance”; see instead:
Q. nalta “radiance, glittering reflection”
ᴹQ. altancanta- v. “to become unfixed”
ᴺQ. !altarnië n. “empire” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alu n. “(dressed) leather”
ᴺQ. !alumo n. “leather-worker” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. alva adj. “?lofty”; see instead:
ᴹQ. alwa “well-grown”
Q. alvë n. “elm”
ᴹQ. alwa adj. “well-grown”
ᴹQ. alwara adj. “useless, *worthless”
Q., ᴹQ. alya adj. “[ᴹQ.] rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed; ⚠️[Q.] fair, good”
Q. alya- v. “to cause to prosper, bless (a work), help one”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #am- pref. “up, [ᴱQ.] upwards”
⚠️Q. ama- pref. “*well, happily”
⚠️ᴱQ. áma n. “mind, heart, thought”; see instead:
Q. indo “(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve; [ᴹQ.] heart”
ᴹQ. ama adv. “up” see ᴹQ. amba
⚠️ᴱQ. ama n. “mother”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ammë “mummy, mother”
Q. †am(a)- pref. “intensive prefix” see Q. an-
ᴺQ. !amacarastië n. “upbuilding” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. amaimi n. “mother”; see instead:
Q. amil(lë) “mother”
⚠️ᴱQ. (a)malda adj. “tender, soft, kind, gentle”; see instead:
ᴺQ. moica “soft, gentle”
ᴹQ. milya “soft, gentle, weak”
⚠️ᴹQ. #amaldumë n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️Q. amaltil n. “*mother finger”; see instead:
Q. lepetas “index finger”
⚠️ᴹQ. aman n. “bond”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nútë “bond, knot”
ᴹQ. vérë “bond, troth, compact, oath”
Q. amanya adj. “*blessed”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] amapta- v. “to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
ᴺQ. !amaquat- v. “to fulfill, (lit.) up fill” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. amarto n. “fate”; see instead:
Q. umbar “fate, doom, curse”
ᴺQ. !amatengw(i)ë n. “supertitle(s)” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴺQ. !amatírë n. “hope” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. estel “hope, trust, *faith”
ᴹQ. amatixë n. “dot or point placed above the line of writing”
⚠️Q. amatúlië n. “blessed arrival”
⚠️Q. amatulya adj. “welcome (of something blessed)”
Q. *amaurë n. “dawn, early day, morning”
Q. †amaurëa adj. “dawn, early day, morning”
ᴺQ. !amavil- v. “to fly up, soar” [created by ABNW]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. amba¹ adv. “up(wards)”
Q. amba² adj. and pron. “more”
ᴺQ. !ambahep- v. “to maintain, (lit.) upkeep” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ. ambal n. “shaped stone, flag [stone]”
⚠️ᴱQ. Ambalar n. “the East”; see instead:
Q. Ambaróna “Eastern (Land)”
ᴺQ. !ambalasar (ambalasarn-) n. “stalagmite, (lit.) up-growing stone” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴹQ. ambalë n. “yellow bird, yellow hammer”
Q. ambalotsë n. “uprising-flower”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. am(ba)penda adj. “uphill, *sloping up; [ᴱQ.] arduous, difficult, tiresome”
Q., ᴹQ. Ambar n. “The World, Earth, (lit.) Habitation, Settlement”
Q., ᴱQ., ᴹQ. ambar (ambart-) n. “fate, doom, [ᴱQ.] lot” see Q. umbar
⚠️ᴱQ. ambar² (ambas-) n. “breast, bosom”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^ambos “breast, *chest”
⚠️ᴱQ. ambarin (ambarind-) n. “lark”; see instead:
Q. lirulin “lark”
Q., ᴹQ. ambarónë n. “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
⚠️ᴱQ. ambarta adj. “fated”; see instead:
ᴹQ. marta¹ “fated, fey; ⚠️fate”
ᴺQ. !ambarya adj. “worldwide, world-wide, international, global” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. ambassë n. “breast-plate, hauberk, byrne, cuirass”
Q. ambë adv. “more”
⚠️ᴱQ. ambë n. “mother”; see instead:
Q. amil(lë) “mother”
Q. ambela adv. “further still beyond, far away beyond”
Q. am(be)na adv. “nearer to”
⚠️ᴱQ. ambi n. “mother”; see instead:
Q. amil(lë) “mother”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ambo n. “hill, rising ground, ⚠️mount”
ᴹQ. ambon n. “upward slope, hill-side”
⚠️Q. ambona n. “hill”; see instead:
Q. ambo “hill, rising ground, ⚠️mount”
⚠️ᴹQ. ambor n. “breast, *chest”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^ambos “breast, *chest”
ᴺQ. !amboraxosta n. “rib cage” [created by Delle]
ᴺQ. !amboremma n. “bust, (lit.) breast-picture” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ambos (ambor-) n. “breast, *chest”
⚠️ᴱQ. ambos (ambost-) n. “breast”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^ambos “breast, *chest”
ᴺQ. !ambostulco n. “bra, (lit.) breast-support” [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
Q. ambuna adj. “hilly”
⚠️ᴱQ. #Ambustar n. “the East”; see instead:
Q. Ambaróna “Eastern (Land)”
ᴺQ. !amë adv. “much” [created by Raccoon]
ᴺQ. !Américárin adj. “American” [created by Robert Reynolds]
⚠️ᴱQ. âmi n. “mother”; see instead:
Q. amil(lë) “mother”
Q. #amilessë n. “mother-name”
Q., ᴹQ. amil(lë) n. “mother”
⚠️ᴱQ. Amillion n. “February”; see instead:
Q. Nénimë “February, *Wet-ness”
ᴺQ. !amilosto n. “metropolis” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. am(il)yë n. “*mummy” see Q. amya
⚠️ᴱQ. amis (amits-) n. “mother”; see instead:
Q. amil(lë) “mother”
ᴹQ. ammalë n. “yellow bird, ‘yellow hammer’” see ᴹQ. ambalë
ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ. ammë n. “mummy, mother”
⚠️ᴱQ. ammi n. “mother”; see instead:
Q. amil(lë) “mother”
Q. amna adv. “nearer to” see Q. am(be)na
ᴺQ. !amna adv. “almost” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. #amorta- v. “to heave”
Q., ᴹQ. ampa n. “hook, [ᴹQ.] crook”
ᴹQ. #ampana- v. “to build”
ᴹQ. ampano n. “building (especially of wood), wooden hall, construction, edifice”
ᴹQ. ampanóta- v. “to build, construct, erect a (large) building”
ᴹQ. ampanotalëa adj. “architectural”
ᴹQ. ampanotastë n. “architecture”
ᴹQ. ampenda adj. “uphill” see ᴹQ. am(ba)penda
ᴹQ. ampendë n. “upward slope”
ᴺQ. !ampícië adv. “less” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !ampollië n. “great effort, struggle” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱQ. am(u)- pref. “up(wards)”; see instead:
Q. #am- “up, [ᴱQ.] upwards”
⚠️ᴱQ. amu adv. “up(wards)”; see instead:
Q. amba¹ “up(wards)”
⚠️ᴱQ. amu- v. “to raise”; see instead:
Q. orta-¹ “to raise, lift (up), (lit.) cause to rise”
⚠️ᴱQ. †amun (amund-) n. “hill”; see instead:
Q. ambo “hill, rising ground, ⚠️mount”
⚠️ᴱQ. amunta adj. “up, risen (of the sun)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !orina “risen”
⚠️ᴱQ. amuntë n. “sun-rise, (lit.) lifting”; see instead:
Q. ambarónë “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
ᴺQ. !amya adj. “much” [created by Raccoon]
Q. amya n. “mummy, (orig.) my mother”
⚠️Q. amya-¹ pref. “excellent, admirable”; see instead:
Q. mai-¹ “excellent, admirable; *well, happily”
⚠️Q. amya-² v. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴺQ. !amyára n. “elder” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !anyára “elder, *senior”
Q. an conj. and adv. “for, but, then, or; moreover, furthermore”
Q., ᴹQ. an- pref. “intensive prefix”
⚠️ᴱQ. an (and-) n. “gift”; see instead:
Q. anna “gift, (orig.) thing handed, brought or sent to a person, *present”
⚠️ᴱQ. #an- pref. “re-”; see instead:
Q. en- “re-, again”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. an(a) prep. “to, towards, to a point near, alongside; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] until”
ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ana- pref. “to, towards”
⚠️ᴱQ. ána n. “crown of head, top”
⚠️Q. ana-² pref. “plu-”; see instead:
Q. na-¹ “plu-”
Q. (a)nacca n. “narrows, defile, pass, cut”
ᴺQ. !Anahristo n. “Antichrist” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !anahtai conj. “although, even though, (lit.) against-that-which” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. anai n. “woman”; see instead:
Q. nís “woman”
⚠️ᴱQ. anaina adj. “womanly”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !iniva “womanly”
ᴺQ. !analelya- v. “to approach” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
ᴹQ. ananta conj. “but yet, and yet”
Q., ᴹQ. Anar (Anár-) n. “Sun”
⚠️ᴱQ. anar (anard-) n. “giver”; see instead:
ᴹQ. anto² “giver (m.)”
⚠️ᴱQ. anarië n. “liberality”
⚠️ᴹQ. anaristya n. “[unglossed]”
ᴹQ. anarórë n. “sunrise”
Q., ᴹQ. Anarya n. “Sunday, (lit.) Sun-day”
ᴺQ. !anasirë n. “tributary” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. anastorna adj. “*extremely hard”
ᴺQ. !anat prep. “against” [created by Ицхак Пензев (Yitzik Penzev)]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] (ana)tarwesta n. “crucifix(ion)”
⚠️ᴱQ. anaucantë ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. anc (anqu-) n. “loop, handle, ring”
Q., ᴹQ. anca n. “jaws; [ᴹQ.] jaw, row of teeth”
⚠️ᴱQ. ancar (ancas-) n. “ear (of men)”; see instead:
Q. hlas “ear”
Q. ancárima adj. “easy, (lit.) very doable”
⚠️ᴱQ. ancasse(a) adj. “lofty, tall, (lit.) up-headed, high-headed”; see instead:
Q. tára¹ “lofty, tall, high”
Q. an(da)- pref. “superlative prefix” see Q. an-
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anda adj. “long, far”
ᴺQ. !andalango n. “giraffe, (lit.) long-neck” [created by Dírheron]
⚠️ᴱQ. anda-lepta adj. “long-fingered”
ᴹQ. andalúmë adv. “for a long while”
Q. #andamacil n. “long sword”
ᴺQ. !andamba- v. “to smite” [created by Valerie]
ᴹQ. andamunda n. “elephant”
Q. andanéya adv. “long ago, once upon a time”
ᴺQ. !andanyarro n. “weasel, ferret, mink, stoat, polecat, (lit.) long-rat” [created by Dírheron]
⚠️ᴱQ. anda-ráma adj. “long-arm(ed); long-wing(ed)”
ᴺQ. !andarestë n. “long-suffering, patience” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺQ. !andarma- v. “to crash” [created by Arael, NotD]
Q., ᴹQ. andatehta n. “long-mark”
ᴹQ. andatelco n. “long stem, long leg”
ᴺQ. !andatya- v. “to plummet, drop swiftly” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ. andavë adv. “long, at great length”
⚠️ᴺQ. !andavië n. “struggle, strong effort” [created by Luinyelle]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ampollië “great effort, struggle”
ᴺQ. !andë n. “length” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. ande(a) (andi-) adj. “long (of space)”; see instead:
Q. anda “long, far”
⚠️ᴱQ. andesilquë adj. “long-haired, long-tressed”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ando n. “gate, [great] door; †entrances, approaches”
⚠️ᴹQ. -ando suf. “agent (male)”; see instead:
Q. -ndo “(masculine) agent”
ᴹQ. ando² adv. “long”
ᴹQ. andólama n. “long consonant”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. andon (andond-) n. “great gate, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] door, gate”
ᴺQ. !andorië n. “landing (place), dock” [created by Parmandil, Arael]
ᴺQ. !andormen n. “landing pad, landing strip” [created by Orondil]
ᴺQ. !andorya- v. “to land, dock” [created by Parmandil, Arael]
ᴺQ. !andosan (andosamb-) [þ] n. “vestibule, (lit.) gate room” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. andra adj. “long”; see instead:
Q. anda “long, far”
Q. andú- pref. “going down, setting (of sun), west”
ᴹQ. andul n. “long pole”
Q. andúna adj. “western”
Q., ᴹQ. andúnë n. “sunset, evening, (orig.) going down; west”
Q. andúta- v. “to lower” see Q. núta-
Q. andúya- v. “to descend” see Q. núya-
⚠️Q. anel n. “daughter”; see instead:
Q. seldë “daughter; [ᴹQ.] child [f.], *girl”
Q. anessë n. “given (or added) name, nickname, surname”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anga n. “iron”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. angaina adj. “of iron”
⚠️ᴱQ. angaisin(i)ë n. “torment”; see instead:
Q. nwalmë “torment”
⚠️ᴱQ. angaitya- v. “to torment”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nwalya- “to pain, torment”
Q. angal n. “mirror, *reflective surface”
ᴺQ. !angamendar (angamendár-) n. “train station, (lit.) iron way-stop” [created by Arael, NotD]
ᴺQ. !angaraxa n. “train” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !angatië n. “railway line, railroad track, (lit.) iron-road” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴱQ. angayanda adj. “miserable”
⚠️ᴱQ. angayassë n. “misery”
ᴹQ. ango (angu-) n. “snake, dragon, *serpent”
ᴹQ. angulócë n. “dragon”
ᴺQ. !angulóceluntë n. “dragon boat” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. angwë ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴺQ. !angwenda n. “chain” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. limil “chain”
⚠️ᴱQ. anî n. “woman”; see instead:
Q. nís “woman”
Q., ᴹQ. anna n. “gift, (orig.) thing handed, brought or sent to a person, *present”
ᴹQ. an(ner) adv. “at hand”
ᴺQ. !annún adv. “at least” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. áno n. “gift”; see instead:
Q. anna “gift, (orig.) thing handed, brought or sent to a person, *present”
⚠️Q. anon n. “son”; see instead:
Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
ᴺQ. !anqua adj. and adv. “opposite, against” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q., ᴹQ. anqualë n. “*death agony” see Q. unqualë
ᴺQ. !anquantaina adj. “complete, thoroughly filled” [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]
⚠️ᴱQ. anqua(r) n. “ear”; see instead:
Q. hlas “ear”
⚠️ᴱQ. anquin n. “bunch”
ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anta n. “[ᴹQ.] face, *front of the head, [ᴱQ.] cheek; ⚠️[Q.] jaw”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anta- v. “to give, present; †to add to”
ᴺQ. !antac- v. “to apply” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ. antaro n. “high mountain, peak, *(lit.) great height”
ᴹQ. antë n. “giver (f.)”
ᴺQ. !antelwa adj. “later, (lit.) very late”
⚠️Q. antil n. “*middle finger”; see instead:
Q. lependë “middle finger”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anto n. “mouth [as a thing for eating]; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] jaw”
ᴹQ. anto² n. “giver (m.)”
⚠️ᴺQ. !antolatta n. “bridle, (lit.) mouth-strap” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !pérappa “bridle, (lit.) lip-rope”
Q. #antorya- v. “to strengthen [of sound]”
Q. antoryamë n. “strengthening”
⚠️ᴱQ. #antulu- v. “to return”; see instead:
Q. #entul- “to come again, *return”
⚠️ᴱQ. anu n. “a male, man”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hanu “male, man (of Men or Elves), male animal”
⚠️ᴱQ. anuon n. “monk”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hanustar “monk”
⚠️ᴱQ. anúrë n. “manliness, masculinity”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hanúrë “manliness, masculinity”
⚠️ᴱQ. anusta n. “monastery”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hanusta “monastery”
⚠️ᴱQ. anustar n. “monk”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hanustar “monk”
⚠️ᴱQ. anúva adj. “doughty”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hanúva “doughty, *manly”
⚠️ᴱQ. anúvië n. “manhood, doughtyness”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hanúvië “manhood, doughtyness”
⚠️ᴱQ. anuvoitë adj. “male, masculine”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hanuvoitë “*masculine”
Q. anwa n. “gift” see Q. anna
⚠️ᴱQ. anwa adj. “high up, place high”; see instead:
ᴹQ. anwa “true, real, actual”
⚠️ᴹQ. anwa adj. “true, real, actual”; see instead:
Q. nanwa¹ “existing, actual (true), *real; ⚠️[️ᴱQ.] being”
⚠️ᴺQ. !anwavë adv. “surely, certainly” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. naitië “indeed, truly, *really”
⚠️ᴱQ. anwë ? “[unglossed]”
Q. anya- v. “to reach, arrive at, go to; *to manage, succeed (at something) + infinitive”
ᴺQ. !anyaitië n. “range, reach, distance of capability” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !anyára adj. “elder, *senior” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
Q. #ap- v. “to touch one, concern, affect”
Q. apa¹ prep. “after (of time)”
Q. apa² prep. “touching, against, on (above but touching)” see Q.
Q. apa³ conj. “but”
Q. #apacen n. “foresight, *(lit.) after-sight”
ᴺQ. !apacendo n. “seer, prophet” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. #apacenya adj. “of foresight”
⚠️ᴺQ. !apacíta- v. “to assume, make premature judgements” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nóquista- “to assume, make premature judgements”
⚠️ᴱQ. apaica adj. “conquering”
⚠️ᴱQ. apaira adj. “conquering” see ᴱQ. apaica
⚠️ᴱQ. apairë n. “victory, conquest, reduction”; see instead:
ᴹQ. túrë “mastery, victory”
⚠️ᴱQ. apaitya- v. “to conquer”; see instead:
Q. tur- “to master, conquer, dominate, win; [ᴹQ.] to control, govern, *rule; ⚠️to wield; [ᴱQ.] can, to be able”
⚠️ᴺQ. !apalúmë n. “future, (lit.) after-time” [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴹQ. tulurya “future, coming”
ᴺQ. !apanaina- v. “to regret, (lit.) after-lament” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] apanta- v. “to open, reveal, show, display”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] apantië n. “display, *revealing, ⚠️revelation”
ᴺQ. !apaquet- v. “to forebode, foretell, predict” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !apárilë n. “afternoon” [created by Raccoon]
Q. (apa)ruivë n. “wild fire, fire as conflagration”
Q. appa- v. “to touch”
ᴺQ. !appalë n. “sense of touch, sensation, feeling [physical]”
⚠️ᴹQ. apsa- v. “to go away”; see instead:
Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
⚠️ᴱQ. apsa n. “hole, opening”; see instead:
ᴹQ. assa¹ “hole, perforation, opening, mouth”
ᴹQ. apsa¹ n. “meat, cooked food”
⚠️ᴹQ. apsa² n. “juice”; see instead:
ᴹQ. sáva “juice”
ᴹQ. apsa¹ “meat, cooked food”
Q. #apsen- v. “to remit, release, forgive”
Q. apta- v. “to refuse, deny, say nay”
⚠️ᴱQ. apta- v. “to open”; see instead:
Q. latya- “to open anything (so as to allow entry)”
Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
⚠️ᴺQ. !aptaina adj. “cooked, broiled” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
ᴺQ. maxa- “to cook”
⚠️ᴱQ. aptë (*apti-) adj. “open”; see instead:
Q. láta “open (not closed)”
ᴺQ. !apterya- v. “to repair, fix” [created by Shihali]
ᴺQ. !AQ v. “P.S., postscriptum, abbreviation of an quetta” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. #aqua- v. “to seize”; see instead:
Q. raf- “[ᴹQ.] to snatch, seize; ⚠️to wave, brandish”
ᴹQ. mapa- “to grasp, seize, [ᴱQ.] take; ⚠️to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
Q. aqua adv. “fully, completely, altogether, wholly”
Q. aquapahtië n. “privacy, *(lit.) full-closedness”
⚠️Q. aquet- v. “to answer”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hanquet- “to answer, *respond”
⚠️ᴱQ. aqui adj. “a brace, a couple of, both”; see instead:
Q. yúyo “both”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ar conj. “and; ⚠️[ᴱQ., ᴹQ.] but”
Q., ᴹQ. ar- pref. “by-, beside, near; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] outside”
⚠️ᴱQ. #-(a)r suf. “masculine/agental suffix”; see instead:
Q. #-r(o) “agental suffix”
⚠️ᴱQ. ar¹ (arn-) n. “child”
⚠️ᴱQ. ar² (as-) prep. “to, against, next, on (wall)”; see instead:
Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
Q. “touching, against, on (above but touching); as regards, concerning, [ᴹQ.] about”
Q. ar “and; ⚠️[ᴱQ., ᴹQ.] but”
Q., ᴹQ. ar(a) prep. “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
Q. ar(a)- pref. “noble, high”
⚠️ᴹQ. ára n. “dawn, day”; see instead:
Q. ambarónë “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
⚠️ᴱQ. ára n. “dry sand, grit”; see instead:
ᴹQ. litsë “sand”
⚠️ᴱQ. arac n. “shingle, piles of stones”; see instead:
Q. sarnië “shingle, pebble bank”
⚠️ᴱQ. aractë n. “(stony) beach”; see instead:
Q. sarnië “shingle, pebble bank”
ᴺQ. !aralussë n. “aorist, (lit.) beside-tense” [created by Luinyelle, Orondil, Röandil]
ᴺQ. !aramallë n. “side-street” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q., ᴹQ. aran n. “king”
⚠️ᴹQ. aran² (arn-) n. “child”; see instead:
Q. hína “child”
ᴹQ. aranaitë adj. “*kingly, royal”
Q. arandil n. “king’s friend, royalist”
Q. arandur n. “minister, steward, (lit.) king’s servant”
Q. aranel n. “princess”
Q. #aranië n. “kingdom”
⚠️ᴹQ. araníë n. “kingship”; see instead:
Q. aranus(së) “kingship”
ᴺQ. !aranisquë n. “frankincense” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !aranta- v. “to turn over, (lit.) give by” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !arantyalmë n. “chess, (lit.) king-game” [created by Lucas Novak, PPQ]
Q. aranus(së) n. “kingship”
Q. aranya adj. “*royal”
⚠️ᴹQ. (a)ranya adj. “free”; see instead:
Q. ráva “free, unfettered, uncontrolled, lawless”
Q. ranya “erratic wandering; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] free”
⚠️ᴹQ. aranyallë n. “*kingdom”; see instead:
Q. #aranië “kingdom”
⚠️ᴺQ. !arassë n. “deer, hart, stag” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !arasso “hart, stag, (male) deer”
ᴺQ. !arasso n. “hart, stag, (male) deer” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴹQ. arat (arac-) n. “weed”
Q. arata adj. “high, noble, exalted, lofty”
⚠️ᴹQ. áratencelë n. “writing of A, (lit.) daywriting”
ᴺQ. !arátië n. “nobility” [created by Parmandil]
Q. aráto n. “champion, eminent man, noble, lord, ⚠️king”
⚠️ᴱQ. (a)rauca adj. “swift, rushing”; see instead:
ᴹQ. (a)larca “swift, rapid”
⚠️ᴱQ. (a)raucë n. “demon, fiend”; see instead:
Q. rauco “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
Q. arauco n. “demon” see Q. rauco
ᴹQ. arca adj. “narrow”
Q. arca- v. “*to petition, ⚠️pray”
Q. #arcandë n. “*petition”
Q. #arcanwa n. “*throne” see Q. tarhanwa
⚠️ᴺQ. !arcöa n. “palace, (lit.) noble-house” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
ᴺQ. túrion “palace”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^arcólima adj. “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. arda n. “region, realm, particular land or region; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] place, spot”
ᴺQ. !ardahyalma n. “[planetary] crust” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^arë adv. “beside, along, near”
Q., ᴹQ. árë (ári-) n. “sunlight, warmth (especially of the sun); *noontide; ⚠️day”
⚠️ᴱQ. are- pref. “intensive”; see instead:
Q. ar(i)- “superlative prefix; ⚠️good; [ᴱQ.] intensive”
ᴹQ. -(á)rë suf. “general action verbal suffix”
⚠️ᴱQ. arë² adv. “very, intensive”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lai “very”
ᴺQ. !arëa adj. “close, nearby” [created by Orondil, Arael]
⚠️ᴱQ. arëan (arëand-) n. “wilderness, deserted place”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ravanda “wilderness”
ᴺQ. !arëassë n. “proximity, vicinity, nearness” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. árë nuquerna n. “árë-reversed”
Q., ᴱQ. ar(i)- pref. “superlative prefix; ⚠️good; [ᴱQ.] intensive”
ᴹQ. arië n. “daytime”
Q. arimaitë adj. “[most] skillful, *gifted”
ᴹQ. arin n. “morning”
⚠️ᴱQ. arin n. “hearth”; see instead:
Q. ruimen “fireplace, hearth”
⚠️ᴺQ. !árinqua adj. “sunny, (lit.) sunlight-full” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. calina “light, bright, sunny, (lit.) illumined”
ᴺQ. !arinwat n. “breakfast, (lit.) morning-meal” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT, Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ. arinya adj. “morning, early”
⚠️ᴱQ. arinya adj. “fireside”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ruimenya “fireside, by the fire”
ᴹQ. arinya “morning, early”
⚠️ᴱQ. aris (arits-) n. “daughter, maid”
⚠️ᴱQ. arm- v. “to gather, collect”; see instead:
Q. hosta- “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
Q. arma n. “ray of sunlight”
⚠️ᴱQ. arma n. “flock of sheep”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lamnarë “flock, *herd”
Q. arma “ray of sunlight”
ᴹQ. armar coll. “goods”
Q. armaro n. “*neighbor”
ᴺQ. !armen- v. “to accompany” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. arnë n. “child” see ᴱQ. ar¹
ᴺQ. !aromundo n. “auroch, kine of Araw” [created by Parmandil, Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !arosto n. “suburb(s), suburbia, outskirts (of city, town)” [created by Eruanwa, Shihali]
Q. arpo n. “seizer, thief”
⚠️ᴱQ. arqua adj. “arid, parched, dry”; see instead:
ᴹQ. parca “dry; ⚠️thirsty”
ᴹQ. fauca “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
Q. arquen n. “noble, knight”
ᴺQ. !arquenië n. “nobility” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. arquilis n. “desert”; see instead:
ᴹQ. erumë “desert”
⚠️Q. arra adj. “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. !arrongo adv. “right away, promptly, very soon” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. arta prep. “across, athwart”; see instead:
Q. lanna “athwart, (to a point) beyond, *across”
ᴹQ. arta n. “fort, fortress”
Q. arta¹ adv. “etcetera”
Q. arta² adj. “high, noble, exalted, lofty” see Q. arata
⚠️ᴱQ. artan (artam-) n. “hammer”; see instead:
ᴹQ. namba “hammer”
ᴺQ. !artanwa n. “award” [created by Raccoon, NotD]
ᴺQ. !artapano n. “chessboard” [created by Tamas Ferencz, PPQ]
⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquet- v. “to converse, debate” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lanquet- “to converse, debate, *discuss”
ᴹQ. costa- “to quarrel, [ᴱQ.] debate, dispute, *argue”
⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquetië n. “conversation” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lanquetta “conversation, debate, interchange of words”
⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquetta n. “debate, discussion” [created by Robert Reynolds]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lanquetta “conversation, debate, interchange of words”
Q. artarindo n. “bystander; supporter” see Q. astarindo
ᴺQ. !artatúrë n. “government” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴹQ. artuilë n. “dayspring, early morn”; see instead:
Q. ambarónë “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
⚠️ᴱQ. aru adv. “in addition, as well, besides”; see instead:
Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
ᴹQ. arwa adj. and suf. “possessing, having, in control of”
⚠️ᴱQ. arwa n. “field”; see instead:
Q. resta “sown field, tilled ground, acre; *fair”
Q. -arya suf. “*inceptive”
⚠️ᴹQ. arya n. “day (twelve hours)”; see instead:
Q. aurë “day (as opposed to night), daylight, morning; ⚠️sunlight, [ᴱQ.] sunshine, gold light, warmth”
Q. arya adj. “excelling, *better, *best [with definite article + genitive]; [ᴺQ.] *prefer [with dative]”
Q. arya- v. “to excel”
ᴺQ. !aryata- v. “to improve” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !aryë adv. “also, as well, besides, too” [created by Elaran]
ᴹQ. aryon n. “heir”
ᴺQ. !aryonië n. “inheritance” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. aryúlima adj. “equal, equivalent”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^arcólima “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able”
⚠️Q. #as prep. “with”; see instead:
Q. #ó “with”
⚠️ᴱQ. as (ass-) n. “bone”; see instead:
Q. axo¹ “bone”
Q. as(a)- [þ] pref. “easily”
Q. asa- [þ] v. “to be willing, agree”
⚠️ᴺQ. !asa [þ] n. “guest” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nasal “guest”
ᴺQ. !asahanyë [þ] adv. “understandably, of course, (lit.) easily understood” [created by Tamas Ferencz, Paul Strack]
Q. asalastë [þ] adj. “easily heard”
⚠️ᴺQ. !asalsambë [þ] n. “guest-room” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nasal “guest”
ᴺQ. !asamahtë [þ] adj. “simple, (lit.) easily handled” [created by Sami Paldanius, 1000W]
Q. asambar(o) n. “*neighbor” see Q. armaro
⚠️ᴱQ. asampe(a) adj. “cavernous”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !rondova “cavernous”
⚠️Q. asanótë [þ] adj. “*easily counted”
Q. asar [þ] n. “fixed time, festival”
Q. asar(o) [þ] n. “doctor, leech”
Q. asarta [þ] n. “doctor, leech”
ᴺQ. !ascara adj. “violent, rushing, impetuous” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !ascarë [þ] adj. “easily done” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !ascárima [þ] adj. “easy [to do]” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ. #ascat- v. “to rend, break asunder”
Q. ascenë [þ] adj. “visible, easily seen” see Q. ascénima
ᴺQ. !ascénië [þ] adv. “obviously, *(lit.) easily seen” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. ascénima [þ] adj. “visible, easily seen”
ᴺQ. !ásë [þ] n. “aid, benefit” [created by Elaran]
Q., ᴹQ. asëa [þ] n. “healing herb, ⚠️athelas”
⚠️ᴹQ. asëa aranaitë [þ] n. “*kingsfoil”; see instead:
Q. asëa aranion “kingsfoil, asëa of the Kings”
Q. asëa aranion [þ] n. “kingsfoil, asëa of the Kings”
⚠️ᴱQ. asesta- v. “to liken, compare, make like, model on, assimilate, imitate”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !véta- “to compare, liken”
ᴺQ. !ovëanta- “to imitate, make like”
ᴺQ. !sesta- “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)”
⚠️ᴱQ. asesta n. “similarity”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !vélamë “similarity”
⚠️ᴱQ. asestainë n. “assimilation, imitation”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ovëantainë “imitation”
⚠️ᴱQ. asestë n. “similarity”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !vélamë “similarity”
Q. asië [þ] n. “ease, comfort”
ᴺQ. !Asiya n. “Asia” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !asquétima [þ] adj. “easy to say” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ. assa¹ n. “hole, perforation, opening, mouth”
⚠️ᴹQ. assa² pron. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴹQ. assë pron. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. assëa adj. “bony”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !axula “bony”
⚠️ᴹQ. asso pron. “[unglossed]”
Q. asta n. “month; division, part (esp. one of other equal parts)”
Q. asta- v. “to heat, bake (by exposure to sun)”
ᴺQ. !astai conj. “whereas, (lit.) beside-that-which” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺQ. !astaincë n. “particle” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !astal n. “valour” [created by David Salo, PPQ]
ᴺQ. [Q.] astalda adj. “*valiant; ⚠️strong”
ᴺQ. !astamo n. “member” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. astar n. “faith, loyalty”
Q. astarindo n. “bystander; supporter”
Q. astarmo n. “bystander; witness”
ᴹQ. asto¹ n. “dust”
⚠️ᴹQ. #asto² (astu-) n. “bone”; see instead:
Q. axo¹ “bone”
⚠️ᴹQ. astula adj. “bony”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !axula “bony”
⚠️ᴱQ. astuvu- v. “to begin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !yesta- “to begin, *start”
Q. asumo [þ] n. “friend at need, friend with shared interests, colleague”
⚠️ᴱQ. aswa adj. “of bone”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !axula “bony”
Q. asya- [þ] v. “to ease, assist, comfort”
ᴺQ. !asyar [þ] n. “assistant” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !at- v. “to catch, capture” [created by Fiona Jallings]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. at(a)- pref. “double, [repeat a] second time; [ᴱQ.] bi-, twi-; [ᴹQ.] back, again, re-”
ᴹQ. ata adv. “again, *(lit.) a second time”
⚠️ᴺQ. !atacar- v. “to revenge, (lit.) back-make” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !paireta- “to avenge, take vengance”
⚠️ᴺQ. !atacarmë n. “vengeance, reaction” [created by Ales Bican, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ahtarië “reaction; ⚠️vengeance”
ᴺQ. !pairë “vengeance, revenge”
Q. ataformaitë adj. “ambidextrous”
ᴺQ. !atahenta- v. “to revise, (lit.) re-examine” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. atalantë n. “collapse, downfall”
Q. atalantëa adj. “ruinous, downfallen”
ᴹQ. atalta- v. “to collapse, fall in, fall down, slip down in ruin”
⚠️ᴹQ. ataltarë n. “collapse”; see instead:
Q. atalantë “collapse, downfall”
Q. atamaitë adj. “two-handed”
ᴺQ. !atamenta- v. “to transmit” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !atamentië n. “transmission” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. atamir n. “heirloom”
Q., ᴹQ. Atan n. “Man, (lit.) the Second (People)”
ᴺQ. !atannahtar n. “man-slayer” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴺQ. !atanta- v. “to give back” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nananta- “to give back, *return [something]”
ᴺQ. !atapengëa adj. “bilabial (of consonants)” [created by Orondil]
Q. ataquanta- v. “*to refill, fill a second time, double fill”
ᴹQ. ataquë n. “construction, building”
ᴺQ. !ataquer n. “bike, bicycle” [created by Orondil]
⚠️Q. ataquetië n. “saying again, repetition”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. atar¹ n. “father”
Q. atar² prep. “*for”
⚠️Q. atartil n. “thumb [nursery rhymes]”; see instead:
Q. nápo “thumb, (lit.) picker”
⚠️ᴺQ. !atartur n. “patriarch, (lit.) master-father” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nossetur “patriarch, family head”
Q. (a)taryo n. “daddy” see Q. atya¹
Q. atatya adj. “double”
⚠️ᴱQ. atempa n. “(strong) dislike”; see instead:
ᴺQ. tevië “hatred, dislike”
ᴺQ. !atesta- v. “to mention” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴹQ. #atintila- v. “*to sparkle” see ᴹQ. #tintila-
⚠️ᴺQ. !atomë n. “atom” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
Q. #únehta “*atom”
⚠️ᴺQ. !atomëa adj. “atomic” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
Q. #únehta “*atom”
ᴹQ. atsa¹ n. “claw, catch, hook”
⚠️ᴹQ. atsa² n. “tassel, fryse, fringe”; see instead:
ᴹQ. fas “fringe, [ᴱQ.] tassel; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] border”
ᴺQ. !atsinta- v. “to recognize” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. att(a)- pref. “bi-, twi-” see ᴱQ. at-
Q., ᴹQ. atta num. card. “two”
⚠️ᴱQ. atta¹ n. “father (child’s word)”; see instead:
Q. atto “daddy, father (familiar/family)”
⚠️ᴱQ. atta² pron. “they (emphatic); 3rd sg. neut. pronoun”
⚠️ᴱQ. atta³ prep. “above”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !orsa “upper, above”
⚠️ᴱQ. †attahwi n. “parents”; see instead:
Q. #nostar “*ancestor, forbearer; ⚠️parent, begetter”
⚠️ᴱQ. attala- v. “?double”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tatya- “to double, repeat”
⚠️ᴱQ. attalaitë adj. “biped”; see instead:
Q. #attalya “biped, *(lit.) two-footed”
⚠️ᴱQ. attalin n. “biped”; see instead:
Q. #attalya “biped, *(lit.) two-footed”
Q. #attalya n. and adj. “biped, *(lit.) two-footed”
Q. attëa num. ord. “second”
ᴺQ. !attië n. “group of two, couple, pair” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !attindo n. “doubt, (lit.) two mind” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. atto n. “daddy, father (familiar/family)”
⚠️ᴱQ. attu n. “father”; see instead:
Q. atto “daddy, father (familiar/family)”
⚠️ᴹQ. attul- v. “to come back, return”; see instead:
Q. #entul- “to come again, *return”
ᴹQ. atwa adj. “double”
⚠️ᴱQ. atwen num. card. “twenty”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !yuquain “twenty”
Q. atya¹ n. “daddy, (my) father”
Q. #atya² num. ord. “second” see Q. †tatya
ᴺQ. !atyenárë n. “anniversary” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
Q. atyo n. “*daddy” see Q. atya¹
Q. †aþa- v. “to be willing, agree” see Q. asa-
Q. †aþa adv. “I agree of course, of course I do” see Q.
Q. †aþumo n. “friend at need, friend with shared interests, colleague” see Q. asumo
Q. au- pref. “away (from)”
ᴹQ. au- pref. “without” see ᴹQ. ava-
Q., ᴱQ. au¹ adv. “away, off, not here (of position)”
Q. au² adv. “if only”
⚠️ᴱQ. auc n. “fool, clumsy fellow”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aut “fool, clumsy fellow”
ᴺQ. !auca adj. “foolish” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. aucainë ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. !aucelië n. “sewer, (lit.) away-flowing” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !aucië n. “foolishness” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. #aucir- v. “to cut off (and get rid of or lose a portion)”
ᴺQ. !aucol- v. “to remove, (lit.) bear away” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !auhanta n. “refuse, trash, garbage, (lit.) thing thrown away” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ. aulë n. “invention”
⚠️ᴱQ. aulë (auli-) adj. “shaggy”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !fassëa “shaggy, tangled [hair]”
ᴹQ. aulë “invention”
ᴺQ. !aulerya- v. “to rid, free somebody of something” [created by Arael, NotD]
⚠️ᴱQ. aulo n. “cloud”; see instead:
Q. fanya “(white) cloud, white and shining [thing]; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] sky; white”
⚠️ᴺQ. !auma n. “machine” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^indya “device, machine, engine”
ᴺQ. !aumanca- v. “to sell, (lit.) trade away” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !aumapando n. “abductor, (lit.) away-seizer” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !aumenta- v. “to dismiss, divorce, (lit.) away-send” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !aumentalë n. “dismissal, divorce” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. aunotë(a) adj. “not counted, uncounted” see Q. únotë(a)
ᴺQ. !aupenya adj. “complete, without lack” [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]
⚠️ᴺQ. !aupsar- v. “to wipe away” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !öapsar- “to wipe away”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] auqua adj. “awkward, clumsy ⚠️(of things), difficult”
ᴺQ. !auquer- v. “to reject, (lit.) turn away” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. aura n. “possession, thing owned”
Q., ᴱQ. aurë n. “day (as opposed to night), daylight, morning; ⚠️sunlight, [ᴱQ.] sunshine, gold light, warmth”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aurëa adj. “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
ᴺQ. !aurehen (aurehend-) n. “dandelion, (lit.) day-eye” [created by Parmandil]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aurië n. “wealth [in possessions], property”
⚠️ᴱQ. aurin adj. “warm”; see instead:
Q. lauca “[ᴹQ.] warm”
⚠️ᴱQ. aurinca adj. “sunny”; see instead:
ᴺQ. aurëa “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
Q. calina “light, bright, sunny, (lit.) illumined”
⚠️ᴱQ. aurindë n. “summer, pleasant warmth”; see instead:
Q. lairë “summer”
⚠️ᴱQ. auriquilëa adj. “golden, sunlit”; see instead:
Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
ᴺQ. aurëa “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
⚠️ᴱQ. auro n. “sun”; see instead:
Q. Anar “Sun”
⚠️ᴱQ. aurquila adj. “golden, sunlit”; see instead:
Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
ᴺQ. aurëa “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
Q. ausa [þ] n. “dim shape, spectral or vague apparition”
ᴺQ. !ausatië adv. “especially, (lit.) setting aside” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. ausi- pref. “well”; see instead:
Q. mai-¹ “excellent, admirable; *well, happily”
⚠️ᴱQ. ausië n. “wealth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^aurië “wealth [in possessions], property”
⚠️ᴱQ. austa n. “(high) summer”; see instead:
Q. lairë “summer”
⚠️ᴱQ. austalendë n. “mid-summer’s day”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aut (auc-) n. “fool, clumsy fellow” [created by Damien Bador]
⚠️Q. auta adv. “ago”; see instead:
Q. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
Q., ᴹQ. auta-¹ v. “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
ᴹQ. auta-² v. “to invent, originate, devise”
Q. auta-² v. “to possess, own, keep” see Q. öa-
ᴺQ. !autaila adj. “going away, passing away”
⚠️ᴺQ. !autamar (autamard-) n. “museum, (lit.) hall of the past” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !vanwiémar “museum, (lit.) hall of the past”
Q. autas (*autass-) n. “a former occur[rence]”
⚠️ᴱQ. autë¹ n. “goods, property, wealth, money”; see instead:
ᴹQ. armar “goods”
ᴺQ. ^aurië “wealth [in possessions], property”
Q. telpë “silver; [ᴱQ.] money”
⚠️ᴱQ. autë² (ausi-) adj. “rich”; see instead:
Q. alya “[ᴹQ.] rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed; ⚠️[Q.] fair, good”
ᴹQ. herenya “fortunate, wealthy, blessed, rich”
ᴺQ. !autulya- v. “to deport, (lit.) bring away” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !autulyalë n. “deportation” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️Q. auvanëa adj. “without beauty”; see instead:
Q. úvanë(a) “without beauty”
ᴹQ. au(vë) adv. “might (have), would (have)”
Q. auvië n. “possession (abstract), *the act of possessing”
ᴹQ. ava- pref. “without”
Q. áva particle. “don’t, negative imperative”
⚠️ᴱQ. #ava- v. “to depart”; see instead:
Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
Q. ava-¹ v. “to refuse, forbid”
Q., ᴹQ. #ava¹ adv. and adj. “[ᴹQ.] outside, beyond; outer, exterior”
Q. ava-² pref. “negation (refusing or forbidden)”
Q. ava² interj. “strong or curt refusal” see Q.
⚠️Q. ava-³ v. “to depart, go away, disappear, be lost”; see instead:
Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
ᴹQ. avahaira adj. “*far beyond, very remote”
ᴹQ. (a)vaháya adv. “*far away” see ᴹQ. vahai(y)a
⚠️Q. avalatya- v. “to close, shut”; see instead:
Q. holya- “to shut, close”
Q. avalda [w] adj. “move[d], stirred, excited”
Q. avalerya- v. “to restrain, to deprive of liberty”
⚠️ᴱQ. avalta- v. “to strip, despoil, denude”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !helta- “to strip, bare, peel; to despoil, denude”
ᴺQ. !avamarwa adj. “homeless” [created by Greta Rudolph, Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !avamat- v. “to fast, (lit.) refuse to eat” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. avandë interj. “get hence!”; see instead:
Q. heca “be gone!, stand aside!”
ᴺQ. !avanev- v. “to avoid, (lit.) refuse to face” [created by Sami Paldanius]
Q. avanir n. “unwill”
⚠️ᴹQ. avanótë adj. “without number, numberless”; see instead:
Q. únótima “numberless, innumerable, countless, difficult/impossible to count”
⚠️ᴺQ. !avanut- v. “to untie” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !únut- “to untie”
⚠️ᴱQ. avanwa adj. “going, passing, nearly gone”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !autaila “going away, passing away”
Q. avanwa “refused, forbidden, banned”
Q. avanwa adj. “refused, forbidden, banned”
Q. avanyárima adj. “unspeakable, what one must not tell, not to be told or related”
⚠️ᴹQ. avaquet- v. “to refuse, forbid”; see instead:
Q. váquet- “to refuse, forbid, prohibit; (lit.) to say no, to say ‘I will not or do not’”
Q. avaquétima adj. “not to be said, that must not be said”
⚠️ᴱQ. avarna adj. “very rich”; see instead:
Q. alya “[ᴹQ.] rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed; ⚠️[Q.] fair, good”
ᴺQ. !avarta- v. “to abandon” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !avatup- v. “to uncover, expose” [created by Arael, NotD]
Q. #avatyar- v. “*to forgive, (lit.) do away with”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] avëalta- v. “to resemble closely”
⚠️ᴱQ. avesta¹ n. “opening, beginning, overture”; see instead:
Q. yesta “beginning, *start”
⚠️ᴱQ. avesta² n. “summer”; see instead:
Q. lairë “summer”
⚠️ᴱQ. Avestalis (Avestaliss-) n. “January”; see instead:
Q. Narvinyë “January, *New-fire”
⚠️ᴱQ. avíca adj. “very much alike”; see instead:
Q. véla “*alike, having a likeness or similarity”
Q. †awalda adj. see Q. avalda
⚠️ᴹQ. axa n. “ravine, narrow path; edge”; see instead:
Q. (a)nacca “narrows, defile, pass, cut”
Q. címa “edge of a cutting weapon/tool”
⚠️ᴱQ. axa¹ n. “waterfall”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lantasírë “waterfall, (lit.) falling river”
⚠️ᴱQ. axa² adj. “of bone”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !axula “bony”
Q. axan n. “commandment, [divine] law or rule”
ᴺQ. !axanwë n. “logic, (orig.) law of thought” [created by Arael]
ᴺQ. !axanwëa adj. “logical” [created by Arael]
Q. axë n. “neck [vertebrae], *(upper) spine; rock ridge”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] axë (axi-) n. “steel”
ᴺQ. !axendë n. “marrow” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] axína adj. “(of) steel, *like steel”
Q. axo¹ n. “bone”
⚠️Q. axo² n. “neck”; see instead:
Q. axë “neck [vertebrae], *(upper) spine; rock ridge”
ᴺQ. !axosta n. “skeleton” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺQ. !axula adj. “bony”
Q. áya n. “awe”
⚠️ᴱQ. áyë interj. “hail”; see instead:
Q. aiya “hail; behold, lo”
⚠️ᴱQ. n. “jaw”; see instead:
Q. anca “jaws; [ᴹQ.] jaw, row of teeth”
⚠️ᴱQ. n. “deed, act, fact”; see instead:
Q. carda “deed, *action”
ᴹQ. enna¹ “fact”
Q. ca prep. “behind, at back of place” see Q. #ca(ta)
⚠️ᴱQ. ca ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. ca- pref. “cause”
⚠️ᴱQ. cabu n. “bunch, tuft” see ᴱQ. cart
⚠️ᴱQ. caca- v. “to laugh”; see instead:
Q. lala- “to laugh”
ᴺQ. !cacanna- v. “to announce repeatedly, herald, propagate, advertise” [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
ᴺQ. !cacannalë n. “advertisement” [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
⚠️ᴺQ. !cacar- v. “to continue, *keep on doing” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴹQ. cacarra- “to keep on doing, *continue”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cacarpa- v. “to chatter” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lalamma- “to chatter, babble”
ᴹQ. cacarra- v. “to keep on doing, *continue”
ᴺQ. !cacátu- v. “to design, shape or fashion slowly” [created by Sami Paldanius, 1000W]
ᴺQ. !cacáva n. “cocoa” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴱQ. cacil n. “chuckle”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lalil “chuckle”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cahta n. “cause, motive, reason”
⚠️ᴱQ. cai num. card. “ten; (lit.) all fingers”; see instead:
Q. quain “ten”
⚠️ᴱQ. caicta- v. “to strangle”
ᴹQ. caila adj. “lying in bed, *abed, ⚠️bedridden; sickness”
⚠️ᴱQ. cailë n. “lip”; see instead:
Q. #pempë “lip”
⚠️ᴱQ. cailen n. “throat, gullet”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hlunco “pharynx, gullet”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. caima n. “bed, [ᴱQ.] couch”
⚠️ᴱQ. caima- v. “to lie quiet”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ser- “to rest, repose; to stay, tarry, stop, be for a while, at the moment”
ᴺQ. ^quilda- “to stay quiet, be quiet, ⚠️rest”
⚠️ᴱQ. caimasambë n. “bed-chamber”; see instead:
ᴹQ. caimasan “bedchamber”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. caimasan (caimasamb-) [þ] n. “bedchamber”
ᴹQ. caimassë n. “sickness, (lit.) lying in bed”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. caimassëa adj. “bedridden, sick, [ᴱQ.] confined to bed, a-bed”
⚠️ᴱQ. caimë n. “dwelling, home”; see instead:
Q. már “home, dwelling, habitation; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] house; earth”
ᴺQ. !caimen n. “horizontal direction” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !caimenya adj. “horizontal” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️Q. caina num. ord. “tenth”; see instead:
Q. quainëa “tenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. caina¹ adj. “done, actual, real”; see instead:
Q. nanwa¹ “existing, actual (true), *real; ⚠️[️ᴱQ.] being”
Q. carina “done, [ᴹQ.] made, [ᴱQ.] finished”
⚠️ᴱQ. caina² adj. “whole”
⚠️ᴱQ. cainella n. “fortnight”; see instead:
Q. enquië “Elvish week of six days”
ᴺQ. otsola “(seven-day) week”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cainen num. card. “ten”; see instead:
Q. quëan “ten”
⚠️ᴱQ. cainendan n. “fortnight”; see instead:
Q. enquië “Elvish week of six days”
ᴺQ. otsola “(seven-day) week”
⚠️ᴱQ. caino n. “whole”
⚠️ᴱQ. ‽cainu- v. “to wed”; see instead:
ᴹQ. vesta-¹ “to wed, *marry”
ᴺQ. !cainu- v. “to lie down, *bend down; [with locative] to endure, suffer (from)”
ᴺQ. !caira adj. “eager [to do]” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️Q. cairë ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️Q. caista fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
⚠️Q. caistanótië n. “decimal system”; see instead:
Q. maquanotië “decimal system”
Q., ᴹQ. caita-¹ v. “to lie (down)”
Q., ᴱQ. caita-² v. “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
⚠️ᴱQ. caitoilë n. “rest”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sérë “peace, [ᴹQ.] rest, repose”
⚠️ᴱQ. caivo n. “corpse”; see instead:
Q. loico “corpse, dead body”
⚠️ᴱQ. caiya num. ord. “tenth”; see instead:
Q. quainëa “tenth”
Q., ᴱQ. #cal- v. “to shine”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cala n. “light; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] daytime (sunlight), 12 hours”
⚠️ᴱQ. #cala² n. “morning”; see instead:
ᴹQ. arin “morning”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calaina adj. “serene”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calainë n. “serenity, ⚠️serene”
Q. calambar adj. “*light-fated”
ᴺQ. !calampa n. “spoon” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. calar n. “lamp”
⚠️ᴱQ. calar n. “lettuce”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^caras “lettuce”
⚠️ᴹQ. calarin(a) adj. “*brilliant”; see instead:
Q. alcarin(qua) “glorious, brilliant, [ᴹQ.] radiant”
Q. calarus (calarust-) n. “polished copper”
ᴺQ. !calarwa adj. “optical” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calas (calass-) n. “brass”
⚠️ᴱQ. calasca adj. “brazen”; see instead:
ᴺQ. calassina “brazen, *made of brass”
⚠️ᴱQ. calassë n. “brilliance, clarity”; see instead:
Q. alcar “glory, splendour, radiance, brilliance”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calassina adj. “brazen, *made of brass”
ᴺQ. !calatengwë n. “photograph, (lit.) light-writing” [created by ABNW]
Q. calca n. “glass”
⚠️ᴱQ. calca n. “sickle”; see instead:
Q. circa “sickle”
ᴺQ. !calcata- v. “to glaze”
⚠️ᴱQ. calcë (calci-) adj. “brilliant”; see instead:
Q. alcarin(qua) “glorious, brilliant, [ᴹQ.] radiant”
ᴺQ. !calcëa adj. “glassy, of glass”
⚠️Q. cálë n. “light”; see instead:
Q. cala “light; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] daytime (sunlight), 12 hours”
⚠️ᴱQ. calë n. “day”
⚠️ᴱQ. cálë n. “morning”; see instead:
ᴹQ. arin “morning”
⚠️ᴱQ. calenda adj. “of the day, opposite to night; daily”; see instead:
Q. ilaurëa “*daily”
⚠️ᴱQ. calendë n. “festival, a special day”; see instead:
Q. asar “fixed time, festival”
ᴹQ. meren(dë) “feast, festival”
Q., ᴹQ. calima adj. “bright, luminous”
⚠️ᴱQ. calimbarië adj. “barbarity”
⚠️ᴱQ. calimbo n. “a savage, uncivilized man, barbarian; monster, giant, troll, goblin”
Q., ᴹQ. calina adj. “light, bright, sunny, (lit.) illumined”
⚠️ᴱQ. calla n. “helmet”; see instead:
Q. castol(o) “helmet”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] callë n. “fair weather, clear sky, blue sky”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calleva adj. “fair (weather or complexion)”
⚠️ᴱQ. callevoitë adj. “fair (weather or complexion)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. calleva “fair (weather or complexion)”
ᴺQ. !callië n. “heroism” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴹQ. callo n. “noble man, hero”
⚠️ᴱQ. callo adv. and prep. “off, from off, from on top of, from on”
ᴺQ. !callovëa adj. “heroic, hero-like” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴱQ. cal(l)u- v. “to illuminate, to light up”; see instead:
ᴹQ. calya- “to illuminate”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. calma n. “lamp, (device for shining) light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] candle; (day)light”
⚠️ᴱQ. calmar (calmarn-) n. “child of light”
Q. calmatan n. “lampwright”
ᴺQ. !calmatarma n. “lampstand” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q., ᴹQ. calmatéma n. “k-series”
⚠️ᴱQ. calon (calong-) n. “(large) bell”; see instead:
Q. nyellë “[ᴹQ.] bell, ⚠️[Q.] small bell”
⚠️ᴱQ. calonga n. “large bell”; see instead:
Q. nyellë “[ᴹQ.] bell, ⚠️[Q.] small bell”
⚠️ᴱQ. calongalan (calongaland-) n. “ringing or jangling of (large) bells”
⚠️ᴱQ. calongalë n. “ringing or jangling of (large) bells” see ᴱQ. calongalan
⚠️ᴱQ. calonya- v. “to ring, peal”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. calpa n. “water-vessel, bucket”
ᴹQ. calpa- v. “to draw water, scoop out, bale out”
⚠️ᴺQ. !calta n. “picture, photography” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. emma “picture, *image”
Q. #calta- “to kindle, [ᴹQ.] (cause to) shine, light up, [ᴱQ.] set light to”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #calta- v. “to kindle, [ᴹQ.] (cause to) shine, light up, [ᴱQ.] set light to”
⚠️ᴹQ. caltua ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. calumë n. “an (artificial) light”; see instead:
Q. calma “lamp, (device for shining) light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] candle; (day)light”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. calumet (calumett-) n. “lamp”; see instead:
Q. calma “lamp, (device for shining) light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] candle; (day)light”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^calwa adj. “lurid”
⚠️ᴱQ. calwa adj. “fair, beautiful”; see instead:
Q. vanya “fair, beautiful, unmarred; ⚠️fair-haired (yellow to golden); [ᴱQ.] good (not evil), holy”
ᴹQ. calya- v. “to illuminate”
⚠️Q. #cam- v. “to receive”; see instead:
Q. #cav- “to receive, *accept, ⚠️require, cost”
⚠️ᴱQ. cama- v. “to lie down; (c. loc.) to endure, suffer”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cainu- “to lie down, *bend down; [with locative] to endure, suffer (from)”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cáma n. “guilt, responsibility”
ᴺQ. !camaitë (camaiti-) adj. “suitable, fitting” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !cámalóra adj. “innocent” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. camanta- v. “to make eat, give to eat”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !matya- “to feed”
⚠️ᴱQ. camáta- v. “to make eat, give to eat”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !matya- “to feed”
ᴺQ. !cámayanca n. “guilt-offering” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. camba n. “(cupped) hand, hollow of the hand”
⚠️ᴱQ. camba n. “bed”; see instead:
ᴹQ. caima “bed, [ᴱQ.] couch”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. #cambë n. “(hollow of) hand”; see instead:
Q. camba “(cupped) hand, hollow of the hand”
ᴺQ. !cambië n. “profit, gain, intake, income” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
⚠️ᴱQ. cambo n. “cellar, cave, vault”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^sampo “*cellar, vault; ⚠️cave, hollow”
⚠️ᴱQ. camillo n. “large poppy”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lórelot “poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”
⚠️ᴱQ. camilot n. “red clover”
ᴺQ. !camma n. “receptacle” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. camo n. “ram”
⚠️ᴹQ. camparu n. “?flea”; see instead:
ᴺQ. campo “flea”
⚠️ᴱQ. campilossë n. “wild-rose”
⚠️ᴱQ. campin n. “hips, (wild-rose) berries”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] campo n. “flea”
⚠️ᴺQ. !camtanë n. “adaptation” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
camta- “to (make) fit, suit, accomodate, adapt”
⚠️ᴱQ. camu- v. “to lay down, bend down, reduce”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cainu- “to lie down, *bend down; [with locative] to endure, suffer (from)”
ᴺQ. !camya- v. “to contain, hold” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
ᴺQ. !can- v. “to claim, demand (when applied to things)” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. can adv. “four times”
ᴺQ. !cána adv. “backward” [created by Shihali]
Q. cana prep. “behind, at back of place” see Q. #ca(ta)
⚠️ᴱQ. cana adj. “young”; see instead:
Q. vinya “young, new”
ᴹQ. nessa “young”
⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquain num. card. “forty” [created by EruannoVG]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !canquain “forty”
⚠️ᴺQ. *canaquë num. card. “*fourteen”; see instead:
ᴺQ. *canquë “*fourteen”
⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquëa num. ord. “fourteenth” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !canquëa “fourteenth”
⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquëan num. card. “forty” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !canquain “forty”
Q. ca(na)sta fraction. “one fourth, *quarter”
⚠️ᴱQ. cancaiya num. ord. “fourteenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !canquëa “fourteenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. cancalë n. “laughter”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lalië “laughter, laughing”
⚠️ᴱQ. cancale-malina n. “daffodil, (lit.) yellow laughter”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lalië-malina “daffodil, (lit.) yellow laughter”
⚠️ᴱQ. cancëa num. card. “fourteen”; see instead:
ᴺQ. *canquë “*fourteen”
⚠️ᴱQ. cancëanya num. ord. “fourteenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !canquëa “fourteenth”
⚠️ᴹQ. #canda n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. canda- v. “to blaze”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^urta- “to burn”
ᴺQ. !accal- “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] candóla n. “crown of head”
⚠️ᴱQ. candóra n. “bright dawn, red sky in morning”; see instead:
Q. ambarónë “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
⚠️ᴹQ. cánë n. “valour”; see instead:
ᴹQ. verië “boldness, *daring”
ᴺQ. !astal “valour”
⚠️ᴱQ. #canga- v. “to weave, spin”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lanya- “to weave”
⚠️ᴱQ. cangalë n. “web”; see instead:
Q. ungwë “spider’s web; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] spider; [ᴹQ.] gloom”
⚠️ᴱQ. cangaris (cangarist-) n. “spider”; see instead:
ᴹQ. liantë “spider, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] tendril, vine”
⚠️ᴱQ. cangawinda n. “cobweb”; see instead:
ᴹQ. línë “cobweb; [ᴱQ.] cotton, ⚠️thread”
ᴺQ. !canguru n. “kangaroo” [created by Dírheron]
Q., ᴹQ. cáno n. “commander, chief(tain), ruler, governor; †crier, herald”
ᴺQ. !canquain num. card. “forty” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] *canquë num. card. “*fourteen”
ᴺQ. !canquëa num. ord. “fourteenth” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️Q. cansat fraction. “one fourth”; see instead:
Q. ca(na)sta “one fourth, *quarter”
⚠️Q. canta- v. “?”; see instead:
Q. canta² “shape, framework, [ᴹQ.] frame; shaped”
⚠️ᴹQ. canta- v. “to shape”; see instead:
Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. canta¹ num. card. “four”
Q., ᴹQ. canta² n. “shape, framework, [ᴹQ.] frame; shaped”
⚠️ᴱQ. can(ta)cainen num. card. “forty”
⚠️ᴱQ. cantala- v. “?to harp”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nanda- “to harp”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cantallumë adv. “four times”
ᴺQ. !cantalya adj. and n. “four-legged, quadruped, (lit.) four-footed” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. cantasto fraction. “quarter, one fourth”; see instead:
Q. ca(na)sta “one fourth, *quarter”
⚠️ᴱQ. cantast(y)a fraction. “quarter, one fourth”
⚠️ᴱQ. cantë n. “edge”; see instead:
Q. címa “edge of a cutting weapon/tool”
Q. cantëa num. ord. “fourth”
ᴹQ. cantëa adj. “shapely”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cantelë n. “music; [ᴱQ.] harping; repetition”; see instead:
Q. lindalë “music”
ᴹQ. nandelë “harping, *repetition”
ᴺQ. !cantemma n. “shaped image, sculpture” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. #cantië n. “pattern”
ᴺQ. !cantil (cantild-) n. “quadrangle, *quadrilateral, rectangle, square” [created by Petri Tikka]
⚠️Q. cantil n. “fourth finger”; see instead:
Q. lepecan “fourth finger”
ᴺQ. !cantilya adj. “quadrangular” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
⚠️ᴱQ. cantl n. “(large) harp”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nandë “harp”
ᴺQ. !canton (cantond-) n. “soapstone, (lit.) sculpted rock” [created by Valerie]
⚠️ᴱQ. cantóra num. card. “*four million”
⚠️ᴱQ. cantórë num. card. “quadrillion”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canu n. “lead [metal]”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canuina adj. “of lead”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canuva adj. “leaden”
⚠️ᴱQ. canwa¹ adj. “lurid”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^calwa “lurid”
Q. canwa¹ n. “announcement, order”
⚠️Q. #canwa² n. “face”; see instead:
Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
⚠️ᴱQ. canwa² adj. “dark red”; see instead:
Q. carnë “red, scarlet”
⚠️ᴺQ. !canwacimië n. “obedience” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !canwahimië “obedience”
⚠️ᴺQ. !canwacimya adj. “obedient” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !canwahimya “obedient”
ᴺQ. !canwahimië n. “obedience”
ᴺQ. !canwahimya adj. “obedient”
⚠️ᴱQ. canya num. ord. “fourth”; see instead:
Q. cantëa “fourth”
Q. canya- v. “?to command”
⚠️ᴹQ. canya adj. “bold; wise”; see instead:
ᴹQ. verya “bold, *brave”
ᴺQ. astalda “*valiant; ⚠️strong”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cap- v. “to leap, [ᴱQ.] jump”
ᴺQ. !capaitë adj. “leaping, bounding” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱQ. capalima adj. “bounding, leaping”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !capaitë “leaping, bounding”
⚠️ᴱQ. capalinda n. “spring of water”; see instead:
Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] capanda n. “jump”
ᴹQ. capsa n. “case, vessel, *container”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. capta- v. “to make spring, scatter; [ᴱQ.] to startle, ⚠️leap”
⚠️ᴱQ. capta-² v. “to leap”; see instead:
ᴺQ. capta- “to make spring, scatter; [ᴱQ.] to startle, ⚠️leap”
ᴹQ. cap- “to leap, [ᴱQ.] jump”
⚠️ᴺQ. !car n. “act, an action” [created by Helge Fauskanger, VQP]; see instead:
Q. carda “deed, *action”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. car- v. “to do, make, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] build”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cár (cas-) n. “head”; see instead:
Q. cas “head, [ᴱQ.] top, ⚠️summit”
ᴹQ. car¹ (card-) n. “building, house”
⚠️ᴹQ. car² (card-) n. “deed”; see instead:
Q. carda “deed, *action”
⚠️Q. cára n. “head”; see instead:
Q. cas “head, [ᴱQ.] top, ⚠️summit”
Q., ᴹQ. caraitë (caraiti-) adj. “active, busy; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] able to make, handy, crafty, craftsmanlike, skilled”
Q. caraitië n. “activity, business”
ᴺQ. !cáralannë n. “bandana, kerchief, (lit.) head-cloth” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴹQ. caramaitë adj. “able to make, handy, crafty, craftsmanlike, skilled” see ᴹQ. caraitë
ᴹQ. caranya- v. “to make red, redden”
⚠️ᴱQ. carapë n. “cloak, outer garment”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^caras (caras-) n. “lettuce” [created by Paul Strack]
Q. carassë n. “built fort or dwelling surrounded by bulwarks”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^carasta n. “making, manufacture, construction”
Q. carasta- v. “to build, construct”
ᴺQ. !carastanyarro n. “beaver, (lit.) build-rat” [created by Dírheron]
⚠️ᴹQ. carastë n. “making, manufacture, construction”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^carasta “making, manufacture, construction”
Q., ᴹQ. #caraxë n. “[ᴹQ.] jagged hedge of spikes, [ᴱQ.] row of spikes or teeth”
⚠️ᴺQ. !caraxo n. “skull, *(lit.) head-bone” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !corpë “skull”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. carca n. “fang, [ᴹQ.] tooth, [ᴱQ.] tusk; ⚠️[Q.] rock”
⚠️ᴱQ. #carca- v. “to snarl”; see instead:
Q. yarra- “to growl, snarl”
ᴹQ. carcanë n. “row of teeth”
⚠️ᴱQ. carcanel n. “fang”; see instead:
Q. carca “fang, [ᴹQ.] tooth, [ᴱQ.] tusk; ⚠️[Q.] rock”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcapolca n. “boar, *(lit.) tusk-pig”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcara adj. “toothed”
ᴺQ. !carcaran n. “crocodile, (lit.) toothed-beam” [created by Delle]
⚠️ᴱQ. carcaras (carcarass-) n. “row of spikes or teeth”; see instead:
Q. #caraxë “[ᴹQ.] jagged hedge of spikes, [ᴱQ.] row of spikes or teeth”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcasarma [þ] n. “large saw”
⚠️ᴱQ. carcassë n. “row of spikes or teeth”; see instead:
Q. #caraxë “[ᴹQ.] jagged hedge of spikes, [ᴱQ.] row of spikes or teeth”
⚠️ᴱQ. carco (carcu-) n. “alimentary canel”
Q. carda n. “deed, *action”
⚠️ᴱQ. carda- v. “to admire, have affection or respect for”
Q. -carë suf. “action, doing, making”
Q., ᴹQ. carië n. “doing, making”
ᴺQ. !cariendë n. “production, process of manufacture” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q., ᴹQ. cárima adj. “feasible, possible (to do), able to be done, [ᴹQ.] able to be made”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. carina adj. “done, [ᴹQ.] made, [ᴱQ.] finished”
⚠️ᴹQ. carino- v. “to get finished/made”
ᴺQ. !cariquetta n. “verb” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
⚠️ᴱQ. carma n. “shape, fashion; act, deed”; see instead:
Q. canta² “shape, framework, [ᴹQ.] frame; shaped”
Q. carda “deed, *action”
⚠️Q. carma¹ n. “helm”; see instead:
Q. castol(o) “helmet”
Q. carma² n. “tool, implement, means, weapon”
⚠️Q. carma³ n. “deed”; see instead:
Q. carda “deed, *action”
⚠️ᴱQ. carmalin(da) n. “russet, orange-red”; see instead:
Q. *varnë “brown, russet; [ᴹQ.] swart, dark brown”
ᴺQ. !carmatan (carmatam-) n. “toolsmith” [created by Orondil]
Q. carmë n. “production, making; structure; ⚠️art”
ᴺQ. !carmen (carmend-) n. “recipe” [created by Orondil, NotD]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. carnë (carni-) adj. “red, scarlet”
⚠️ᴱQ. carnëambar n. and adj. “robin, (lit.) red-breast”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
⚠️ᴱQ. carnëambara adj. “*red-breasted”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^carniambos n. “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
⚠️ᴱQ. caro n. “deed, act, action”; see instead:
Q. -carë “action, doing, making”
⚠️ᴹQ. cáro n. “doer, actor, agent”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tyaro “doer, actor, agent”
⚠️ᴱQ. caron n. “crow”
⚠️ᴱQ. carp- v. “to pluck”
⚠️Q. carpa n. “(entire) mouth; phonetic system”; see instead:
Q. náva² “*mouth (including tongue, lips and teeth), speech apparatus”
Q. lambelë “phonetics”
⚠️Q. carpa- v. “to talk, speak, use tongue”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^pahta- “to speak, talk (intransitive)”
⚠️ᴱQ. carpalë n. “a plucking, tugging, wrenching; deceiving, tricking”
⚠️ᴱQ. carpalima adj. “tricky, clever, willy”; see instead:
Q. finca¹ “clever (in petty ways), *tricky”
⚠️ᴹQ. carpalimaitë n. “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. !carpalos [þ] n. “tulip, (lit.) hat-flower” [created by Valerie]
⚠️ᴱQ. carpan n. “hank (of wool etc.)”
⚠️ᴺQ. !carpando n. “orator” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !pahtando “orator”
⚠️Q. carpassë n. “mouth-system; full organized language, including system, vocabulary, metre, etc.”; see instead:
Q. lambelë “phonetics”
ᴺQ. !carpë n. “hat” [created by Verilme]
⚠️ᴱQ. carpi- v. “to pluck” see ᴱQ. carp-
⚠️ᴺQ. !carpo n. “frog” [created by Eddin Najetovic, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. quácë “frog”
ᴺQ. !carranta n. “strategy, (lit.) action-course” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. carrëa n. “tressure, *headdress”
⚠️ᴱQ. cart (*carp-) n. “bunch, tuft”
⚠️Q. #carva n. “*womb”; see instead:
Q. #móna “*womb”
⚠️ᴱQ. carwalin n. “russet”; see instead:
Q. *varnë “brown, russet; [ᴹQ.] swart, dark brown”
Q. #-carya suf. “-doing”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cas (car-) n. “head, [ᴱQ.] top, ⚠️summit”
⚠️ᴹQ. cas³ (caps-) n. “case, vessel”; see instead:
ᴹQ. capsa “case, vessel, *container”
Q. cas “head, [ᴱQ.] top, ⚠️summit”
Q. Casar n. “Dwarf”
⚠️ᴱQ. casien (casiend-) n. “helmet”; see instead:
Q. castol(o) “helmet”
⚠️ᴱQ. casientulë adj. “with helm on”
⚠️ᴱQ. casondo- v. “to make sit, set”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sesta- “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)”
⚠️ᴱQ. casóro- v. “to make sit, set”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sesta- “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)”
⚠️ᴱQ. casquar(in) n. “helmet”
⚠️ᴹQ. cassa n. “helmet”; see instead:
Q. castol(o) “helmet”
⚠️ᴱQ. cassë prep. “above”
⚠️Q. cast fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. casta n. “cause, motive, ultimate reason”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^cahta “cause, motive, reason”
Q. cas(ta) “to(wards) the top, upwards”
Q., ᴹQ. cas(ta) adv. “to(wards) the top, upwards”
ᴺQ. !castëa adj. “top (with added sense of prominent, chief)” [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
⚠️ᴱQ. castëa adj. “of the head; head-, capital, chief”
Q. castol(o) n. “helmet”
ᴺQ. !castor n. “beaver” [created by Dírheron]
Q. cat- v. “to shape, fashion”
Q., ᴹQ. #ca(ta) prep. “behind, at back of place; [ᴹQ.] after”
ᴺQ. !catamen n. “background, milieu” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
ᴺQ. !catassa n. “anus, arsehole, (lit.) behind-hole” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. catë (cati-) n. “gleam, ray”; see instead:
ᴹQ. alca “ray of light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] light of day; shining”
⚠️ᴱQ. catinca n. “candle”; see instead:
Q. lícuma “taper, candle”
⚠️ᴱQ. catl n. “chuckle”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lalil “chuckle”
ᴹQ. cato adv. “afterwards”
ᴺQ. !catta n. “back” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱQ. cauca adj. “crooked, bent, bowed, humped”; see instead:
Q. raica “crooked, [ᴹQ.] bent, wrong”
Q. numba “bent, humped”
⚠️ᴱQ. cauco (caucu-) n. “humpback”
Q. cauma n. “protection, shelter, shield”
⚠️ᴱQ. caunë n. “grave”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^sapta “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave”
⚠️ᴱQ. caurë n. “timidity, fear”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !numbë “timidity”
⚠️ᴱQ. caurëa adj. “timid”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !numbëa “timid”
⚠️ᴱQ. caurenoina adj. “timid”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !numbëa “timid”
⚠️ᴱQ. cauta- v. “to bend”; see instead:
Q. cúna- “to bend”
Q. #cav- v. “to receive, *accept, ⚠️require, cost”
⚠️ᴱQ. cav- v. “to dig”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sap- “to dig”
⚠️ᴹQ. #cav- v. “to be able”; see instead:
Q. pol- “can, to be able to”
Q. #cav- “to receive, *accept, ⚠️require, cost”
⚠️ᴱQ. cava- v. “to dig”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sap- “to dig”
ᴺQ. !cávima adj. “acceptable”
⚠️ᴱQ. cawa- v. “to bow, make obeisance”; see instead:
ᴹQ. cuv- “to bow [the body]”
⚠️ᴱQ. cay- v. “to lie”; see instead:
Q. caita-¹ “to lie (down)”
⚠️ᴱQ. caya- v. “to lie”; see instead:
Q. caita-¹ “to lie (down)”
Q. †-cca suf. “your (dual)”
Q. †-ccë suf. “you (dual)”
ᴹQ. ce pron. “you (sg)”
Q. cé¹ adv. “may (be)”
⚠️ᴱQ. ce¹ pron. “you; 2nd sg. pronoun”
⚠️Q. cé² conj. “if”; see instead:
Q. qui “if”
⚠️ᴱQ. ce² pron. “that by you” see ᴱQ. tyë¹
Q. cëa n. “*hedge”
⚠️ᴱQ. cëa num. card. “ten”; see instead:
Q. cëa(n) “ten”
⚠️ᴱQ. cëacai(li) num. card. “hundred (when not multiplied)” see ᴱQ. cecainen
⚠️ᴱQ. cëallumë adv. “*ten times”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !quëallumë “ten times”
⚠️Q. cëa(n) num. card. “ten”; see instead:
Q. quëan “ten”
⚠️ᴱQ. cëanya num. ord. “tenth”; see instead:
Q. quainëa “tenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. cëatto fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. cëa tuxa num. card. “one hundred ten”
⚠️ᴱQ. cëatya¹ num. ord. “tenth”; see instead:
Q. quainëa “tenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. cëatya² fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. cecainen num. card. “hundred (when not multiplied)”
ᴺQ. !cecenna- v. “to visit” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cecet n. “pheasant”
⚠️ᴱQ. cecta n. “jet, spring”; see instead:
Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
Q. celussë “freshet, water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring”
⚠️ᴱQ. cectecet (cectecett-) n. “clucking”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^cehtecet “clucking”
⚠️ᴱQ. cectelë n. “fountain”; see instead:
ᴹQ. celurë “fountain”
⚠️ᴱQ. †cectelu- v. “to bubble up”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ehtelu- “to well, bubble up”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cehtecet n. “clucking”
ᴺQ. [Q.] céla adv. “maybe not”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] celeta n. “trickle”
Q. celima adj. “fluent, *able to flow freely”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cellóra adj. “blind, sightless” [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]; see instead:
ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
⚠️ᴱQ. cellumë adv. “*ten times”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !quëallumë “ten times”
ᴹQ. celma n. “channel”
⚠️ᴱQ. celta- v. “to draw water”; see instead:
ᴹQ. calpa- “to draw water, scoop out, bale out”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^celu n. “source, origin” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. celu- v. “to (begin to) flow, spring forth (of water)”
⚠️ᴹQ. celulindë (celulindi-) n. “spring”; see instead:
Q. celussë “freshet, water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring”
ᴺQ. !celumar n. “origin (esp. of people/languages), [German] urheimat, (lit.) source-home” [created by Valerie]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. celumë n. “flow(ing), stream, flood (tide); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] fountain, spring”
Q. celundë n. “welling forth”
ᴹQ. celurë n. “fountain”
⚠️ᴱQ. celusindi n. “river (near its source)”
Q. celussë n. “freshet, water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^celusta n. “outflow”
⚠️ᴹQ. celustë n. “outflow”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^celusta “outflow”
ᴹQ. celut n. “rivulet”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^celuva adj. “original”
Q. #celva n. “animal, living thing that moves”
ᴺQ. !celvacir n. “butcher” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !celvamatta n. “animal food”
ᴺQ. !celvamatya adj. “carnivorous, (lit.) animal-eating” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !celvatarwa n. “zoo, (lit.) life-garden” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !celvavëa adj. “animal-like” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !celvë n. “hind, deer, doe” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov, Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴺQ. !celwë n. “spring, source” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^celu “source, origin”
⚠️ᴹQ. celya- v. “to rain; (lit.) to send running down”; see instead:
Q. #ul- “to rain”
ᴺQ. !cemellet (cemellept-) n. “asparagus, (lit.) earth-finger” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cemen n. “the earth; earth, [ᴹQ.] soil”
ᴺQ. !cemendur n. “farmer” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !cemenquasië [þ] n. “earthquake”
⚠️ᴱQ. cemi n. “earth, soil, land”; see instead:
Q. cemen “the earth; earth, [ᴹQ.] soil”
ᴺQ. !cemië n. “chemistry” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !cemievëa adj. “chemical” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴺQ. !cemma n. “picture, (lit.) something seen” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. emma “picture, *image”
ᴹQ. cemna adj. “of earth, earthen”
ᴹQ. cemnaro n. “potter”
ᴺQ. !cemnassë n. “earthenware, pottery” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !cemorva n. “potato, (lit.) earth-apple” [created by Yitzik]
⚠️ᴺQ. !cempalië n. “earthquake” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cemenquasië “earthquake”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cén (cem-) n. “soil, earth”; see instead:
Q. cemen “the earth; earth, [ᴹQ.] soil”
Q. #cen n. “sight, *sense of sight”
Q., ᴹQ. cen- v. “to see, behold, look, *perceive”
Q. cenai conj. “if it be that”
Q. cenasit adv. “if it be so, may be, perhaps” see Q. cenasta
Q. cenasta adv. “if it be so, may be, perhaps”
Q. #cenda n. “inspection, reading”
Q. cenda- v. “to watch (intensively), observe (for some time); to read”
⚠️Q. cendë n. “point”; see instead:
Q. tillë “tip, point; [within compounds] finger, toe; [ᴱQ.] eyelash”
Q. cendelë n. “face, *visage”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cénë n. “sight” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
Q. #cen “sight, *sense of sight”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cénelóra n. “blind” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cenenca adj. “blind, sightless” [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]; see instead:
ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
Q., ᴹQ. cénima adj. “visible, [ᴹQ.] able to be seen”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ceniril(lë) n. “mirror” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. cilintilla “looking-glass, *mirror”
Q. cenítë adj. “seeing, *able to see”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cennassë n. “pottery, ceramic vessel” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
⚠️ᴱQ. cenqua adj. “sharp (of points)”; see instead:
Q. maica¹ “sharp, piercing”
⚠️ᴱQ. cent n. “a sharp point”; see instead:
Q. tildë “fine sharp point, [ᴹQ.] spike; (mountain) horn, [ᴱQ.] tip, peak”
Q. centa n. “enquiry, *essay”
⚠️ᴺQ. !centánië n. “ceramics, pottery-craft” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
⚠️ᴹQ. centano n. “potter”; see instead:
ᴹQ. cemnaro “potter”
⚠️Q. cenwa n. “?reading”; see instead:
Q. #cenda “inspection, reading”
⚠️ᴱQ. ceny- v. “to prick”; see instead:
ᴹQ. erca- “to prick”
ᴺQ. [Q.] cenya adj. “*seeing”
⚠️ᴹQ. cenya- v. “to see”; see instead:
Q. cen- “to see, behold, look, *perceive”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cenya- v. “to study” [created by Eddin Najetovic, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nolya- “to study, ⚠️learn”
Q. henta- “to eye, examine, read, scan”
⚠️ᴱQ. cenyeva adj. “sharp (of points)”; see instead:
Q. maica¹ “sharp, piercing”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cer- v. “reap” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cirihta- “to reap, harvest”
⚠️ᴱQ. cerë n. “earthenware; earthen jar”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
⚠️ᴱQ. cere- v. “to turn”; see instead:
Q. quer- “to turn, *revolve”
⚠️ᴱQ. ceres (cerest-) n. “earthenware”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
⚠️ᴱQ. ceresca adj. “of earthenware”; see instead:
ᴹQ. cemna “of earth, earthen”
⚠️ᴱQ. ceresto n. “potter”; see instead:
ᴹQ. cemnaro “potter”
⚠️ᴱQ. cerexa adj. “of earthenware”; see instead:
ᴹQ. cemna “of earth, earthen”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cerihtando n. “reaper” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cirihtor “reaper”
Q., ᴹQ. Cermië n. “July”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cermië n. “harvest” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. yávië “autumn, harvest [time or act]”
Q. certa n. “rune”
Q. ces- [þ] v. “to search, examine (in order to find something)”
ᴺQ. !cesië [þ] n. “search”
⚠️Q. cesta-¹ v. “to seek, search for”; see instead:
Q. cesta-² “to ask”
Q. ces- “to search, examine (in order to find something)”
Q., ᴹQ. cesta-² v. “to ask”
⚠️ᴱQ. cesto fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. cestya fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
ᴺQ. !cesula [þ] adj. “inquisitive, curious” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. cesya- [þ] v. “to cause interest, interest (oneself), (lit.) to cause one to enquire”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cesyalima [þ] adj. “interesting” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cesyarëa “interesting”
ᴺQ. !cesyarë [þ] n. “interest” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !cesyarëa [þ] adj. “interesting” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !céta- v. “to offer, propose, suggest; (lit.) to make an opportunity” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. céto pron. “you (emphatic); 2nd sg. pronoun”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cetta- v. “to witness” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !vetta- “to witness”
⚠️ᴱQ. cetya adj. “*your; 2nd sg. possessive emphatic”
Q. ceu adj. “fresh, new,” see Q. céva
Q. ceula adj. “?alive (of vegetable)”
Q. ceulë n. “*renewal”
Q. ceura adj. “renewed”
Q. ceuran (*ceurán-) n. “new-moon”
Q. ceuranar (ceuranár-) n. “new sun after solstice”
Q. ceurë adj. “renewed” see Q. ceura
Q. ceuta- v. “to renew, refresh”
Q. céva adj. “fresh, new, ⚠️renewed”
⚠️ᴹQ. chus- v. “to come up, emerge”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ef- “to emerge (especially from water)”
⚠️ᴱQ. ci particle. “may; particle of uncertainty”
⚠️ᴱQ. cië n. “path”; see instead:
Q. tië “path, road, way, line, [ᴹQ.] course, direction, [ᴱQ.] route”
ᴺQ. !cil- v. “to choose, select” [created by Common]
⚠️ᴱQ. cíla n. “edge, rim”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hríma “edge, hem, border”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilapi n. “robin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilapinc n. “robin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilapitya- v. “to chirp”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilc- v. “to gather, reap”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cirihta- “to reap, harvest”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cílëa adj. “edged” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !címëa “edged”
⚠️ᴱQ. cili- v. “to see, heed”; see instead:
Q. cen- “to see, behold, look, *perceive”
Q. cilin n. “glass [transluscent or reflective]”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilin n. “bell”; see instead:
Q. nyellë “[ᴹQ.] bell, ⚠️[Q.] small bell”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilincë v. “small bell”; see instead:
Q. indyel “small bell”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilincelë n. “jingling of (small) bells”
Q. cilintilla n. “looking-glass, *mirror”
Q. cilintír n. “looking-glass” see Q. cilintilla
⚠️ᴱQ. cilintl v. “small bell”; see instead:
Q. indyel “small bell”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilintya- v. “to ring, tinkle”
Q. cilinyul (*cilinyulm-) n. “drinking-vessel (made of glass)”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilma n. “lip”; see instead:
Q. #pempë “lip”
Q. cilmë n. “choice, choosing, *selection”
⚠️ᴱQ. cilmë n. “lip”; see instead:
Q. #pempë “lip”
Q. #cilmessë n. “self-name”
ᴺQ. !cilometer n. “kilometer” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. cilt n. “tuck”
ᴺQ. !cilta- v. “to divide, separate” [created by ABNW, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. #cilti- v. “to jerk, tuck”; see instead:
ᴹQ. rihta- “to jerk, give quick twist or move, twitch, *wrench”
ᴺQ. !ciltië n. “division, separation” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. cilya n. “cleft, pass between hills, gorge; chasm”; see instead:
Q. cirya² “cleft, pass”
⚠️ᴹQ. cim- v. “to find; [ᴱQ.] to heed”; see instead:
Q. hir- “to find”
Q. tir- “to watch (over), guard, heed; to look (at), gaze, observe; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to keep, preserve”
⚠️ᴱQ. cim- v. “to heed”
Q. címa n. “edge of a cutting weapon/tool”
Q. cimba n. “edge, brink”
ᴺQ. !cimba- v. “to care” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !címëa adj. “edged”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ciminqua adj. “attentive, heedful” [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]; see instead:
Q. tirítë “watchful, vigilant”
ᴺQ. !Cimrinórin n. “Welsh” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. †cinca- v. “to hang (intr.)”; see instead:
Q. *linga- “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
⚠️ᴱQ. cincata- v. “to hang (tr.)”; see instead:
Q. *linga- “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
⚠️ᴱQ. cinda n. “splinter”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^cirda “splinter, wood shaving”
⚠️Q. cinta adj. “small”; see instead:
Q. níca “little, small”
Q., ᴱQ. #cir- v. “to cut, [ᴱQ.] cleave; *to separate from”
Q., ᴹQ. circa n. “sickle”
⚠️ᴱQ. circis n. “cleft, crack”; see instead:
ᴹQ. cirissë “slash, gash”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cirda n. “splinter, wood shaving”
ᴺQ. !cirihta- v. “to reap, harvest” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !cirihtor n. “reaper”
Q. #cirincë n. “scarlet-plumed species of bird”
⚠️ᴱQ. ciris (cirist-) n. “cleft, crack”; see instead:
Q. cirya² “cleft, pass”
ᴹQ. cirissë “slash, gash”
ᴹQ. cirissë n. “slash, gash”
Q. #cirma n. “knife”
Q. cirmacin (cirmacim-) n. “knife-edge”
⚠️ᴱQ. cirmë n. “cleft, gully”; see instead:
ᴹQ. yáwë “ravine, cleft, gully”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cirya¹ n. “(sharp-prowed) ship, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] boat; [Q.] swift gliding”
Q. cirya² n. “cleft, pass”
ᴹQ. ciryahto n. “shipwright, *[subordinate] ship-crafter”
Q. ciryamo n. “mariner”
ᴺQ. !ciryampa n. “anchor, (lit.) boat-hook” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. ciryando n. “sailor”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ciryapanda n. “haven, (lit.) ship-enclosure” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. londë “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] road (in sea), fairway, entrance to harbour; gulf”
Q. ciryaquen n. “shipman, sailor”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ciryassëa adj. “*ship-board, on-board, [ᴱQ.] what is on board ship”
ᴺQ. !ciryasta n. “fleet (of ships)” [created by Raccoon]
ᴹQ. ciryasta- v. “to sail [a ship], *make a ship go”
ᴺQ. !(cirya)talan n. “deck (of a ship), main deck” [created by Parmandil]
Q. ciryatan (*ciryatam-) n. “shipbuilder, shipwright”
⚠️ᴱQ. cisin adj. “cleft”; see instead:
ᴹQ. sanca “cleft, split”
⚠️Q. cíta- v. “to suppose”; see instead:
Q. quista- “to suppose”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] citya- v. “to tickle”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cityalë n. “tickling”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cityalëa adj. “ticklish, susceptible, sensitive”
⚠️ᴱQ. cityasta n. “tickling”; see instead:
ᴺQ. cityalë “tickling”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. ciuca n. “*thigh”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tiuco “thigh”
⚠️ᴱQ. ciw- v. “*to germinate, impregnate”
⚠️ᴱQ. ‽-co suf. “reflexive suffix”; see instead:
Q. -xë¹ “reflexive verbal inflection”
Q. cöa n. “house; outhouse, shed, hut, booth; building used for a dwelling or other purposes; †body”
Q. cöacalina n. “light of the house, indwelling spirit”
ᴺQ. !cöacolindo n. “snail, (lit.) house-bearer” [created by Lokyt]
ᴺQ. !cöantur n. “householder, master of the house” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. coi n. “life”; see instead:
Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
Q. coirë “stirring, early spring; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] life”
⚠️ᴱQ. coilë n. “life”; see instead:
Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
Q. coirë “stirring, early spring; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] life”
ᴺQ. !coilemma n. “fossil, biological artifact/relic” [created by Röandil]
Q. coimas (*coimass-) n. “life-bread, lembas”
Q. coimen (coimend-) n. “life-year”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. coina adj. “alive, ⚠️living”
ᴺQ. !coingolmë n. “biology” [created by Paul Strack]
Q., ᴹQ. coirë n. “stirring, early spring; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] life”
⚠️ᴱQ. coirë n. “life”; see instead:
Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
Q. coirë “stirring, early spring; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] life”
Q., ᴱQ. coirëa adj. “living, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] lively, alive”
⚠️ᴱQ. coiresta- v. “to spend one’s life”
⚠️ᴱQ. coisimatl n. “animal food”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !celvamatta “animal food”
⚠️ᴱQ. coisimatwa adj. “carnivorous”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !celvamatya “carnivorous, (lit.) animal-eating”
⚠️ᴱQ. coisiva adj. “animal, bodily”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hröava “corporeal, bodily”
Q., ᴹQ. #coita- v. “[ᴹQ.] to live, be alive, have life”
⚠️ᴱQ. coitë (coisi-) n. “living thing, being, animal”; see instead:
Q. #celva “animal, living thing that moves”
⚠️ᴱQ. coito n. “*life”; see instead:
Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
Q. coirë “stirring, early spring; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] life”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] coiva adj. “lively, ⚠️living; awake”
⚠️Q. coivë n. “life”; see instead:
Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
ᴺQ. !coivenqua adj. “lively, vibrant, vivacious, (lit.) full of life” [created by Röandil]
Q., ᴱQ. coivië n. “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
Q. #col- v. “to bear, *carry, wear”
⚠️Q. #colba n. “*womb”; see instead:
Q. #móna “*womb”
⚠️Q. colbamarië n. “gestation, *(lit.) womb-residence”; see instead:
Q. colbanavië “gestation, *(lit.) womb-being”
Q. colbanavië n. “gestation, *(lit.) womb-being”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colca n. “box”
ᴺQ. !colcallë n. “phylactery, (lit.) little box” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólë n. “passivity, endurance, patience; a passive individual”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólema n. “patience, endurance; hardship”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólemaina adj. “patient”
⚠️ᴱQ. cólemainë n. “patience”; see instead:
ᴺQ. cólë “passivity, endurance, patience; a passive individual”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cóleva adj. “passive”
⚠️ᴱQ. coli- v. “to prick”; see instead:
ᴹQ. erca- “to prick”
Q. cólima adj. “bearable, light (of burdens and things comparable, troubles, labors, afflications)”
⚠️ᴱQ. colimen n. “prick”
Q. #colindo n. “bearer”
Q. colla adj. “borne, worn; ⚠️vestment, cloak”
Q. collo n. “cloak”
ᴺQ. !colma n. “stretcher” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. colma n. “ring (?on finger)”; see instead:
Q. #corma “ring”
⚠️ᴱQ. colman n. “peak, summit”; see instead:
ᴹQ. aicassë “mountain peak”
⚠️ᴱQ. colmë n. “point, tip”; see instead:
Q. tillë “tip, point; [within compounds] finger, toe; [ᴱQ.] eyelash”
⚠️ᴱQ. colmecta adj. “pointed”; see instead:
Q. *mixa “sharp-pointed”
Q. cólo n. “burden”
Q. coloitë (coloiti-) adj. “capable of bearing, tolerant (of), enduring”
Q. coloitië n. “endurance, staunchness, fortitude”
ᴺQ. !colonda adj. “burdened, weighed down, sad”
⚠️ᴱQ. colosildë n. “long thin point”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ecco “spine, thorn, point”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colosta n. “cucumber”
ᴺQ. !colta- v. “to lade, burden, weigh down”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colucë n. “strainer”
⚠️ᴱQ. columë n. “body”; see instead:
Q. hröa “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
⚠️ᴱQ. colwa adj. “narrow, thin”; see instead:
Q. náha “narrow, *thin”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cóma n. “*ball”; see instead:
ᴹQ. coron “globe, ball”
ᴹQ. pamba “ball”
Q. combë n. “gathering, assembly, assemblage, collection” see Q. (o)combë
⚠️ᴺQ. !combemen n. “museum” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !vanwiémar “museum, (lit.) hall of the past”
ᴺQ. !comë (comi-) n. “group” [created by Arael]
ᴺQ. !cómë n. “file” [created by Yitzik]
⚠️ᴱQ. cómëa adj. “globe-shaped, round”; see instead:
ᴹQ. corna “round, globed”
Q. comya- v. “to collect”
⚠️ᴱQ. condassë n. “dragon’s lair”
⚠️Q. condo n. “lord”; see instead:
Q. cundo “lord, guardian, [ᴹQ.] prince”
⚠️ᴱQ. condo n. “dragon”; see instead:
Q. urulócë “fire-serpent, fire-drake, [ᴹQ.] fire-dragon”
⚠️ᴱQ. condor n. “warrior”; see instead:
Q. ohtar “warrior”
⚠️ᴱQ. condorië n. “martial ardour”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ohtarië “martial ardour”
⚠️Q. conta- v. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. conta- v. “to roll up, roll, pack”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^corta- “to roll (up), pack”
⚠️ᴱQ. cópa n. “harbour, haven, bay”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hópa “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
⚠️ᴱQ. cópas n. “haven”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hópa “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
⚠️ᴱQ. cor (cos-) n. “war”; see instead:
Q. ohta “war”
Q. coranar (coranár-) n. “(solar) year, (lit.) sun-round”
ᴹQ. corco n. “crow”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] corda n. “temple”
ᴺQ. !cordamo n. “cleric” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cordon n. “idol”
⚠️ᴱQ. corima adj. “round”; see instead:
ᴹQ. corna “round, globed”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. corin n. “circular enclosure, [ᴱQ.] great circular hedge”
Q. #corma n. “ring”
⚠️ᴱQ. corma n. “cake, lump”; see instead:
Q. masta “bread, cake, loaf, *baked good”
Q. #corma “ring”
⚠️ᴱQ. cormasta n. “loaf”; see instead:
ᴺQ. mastacornë “[bread] loaf”
ᴹQ. corna adj. “round, globed”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cornë n. “loaf”
⚠️ᴺQ. !coro prep. “around” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !os “around, about, ⚠️round”
ᴹQ. coromindo n. “cupola, dome”
Q. coron (corn-) n. “mound; [ᴹQ.] globe, ball”
ᴹQ. coron (corn-) n. “globe, ball”
⚠️ᴺQ. !coropë n. “skull” [created by Damien Bador]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !corpë “skull”
ᴺQ. !corpë n. “skull” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^corta- v. “to roll (up), pack”
ᴺQ. !cortangwa n. “button, (lit.) circle-fastener” [created by Parmandil]
Q. #corto n. “circle”
⚠️ᴱQ. cos (cost-) n. “quarrel, dispute, the matter disputed, legal action”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^costë “quarrel, dispute; legal action”
⚠️ᴱQ. cosar (cosard-) n. “soldier”; see instead:
ᴹQ. mahtar “warrior, [ᴱQ.] soldier”
⚠️ᴱQ. cosima adj. “debatable”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^costaima “debatable”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. costa- v. “to quarrel, [ᴱQ.] debate, dispute, *argue”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^costaima adj. “debatable”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^costë n. “quarrel, dispute; legal action” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !costula adj. “quarrelsome, belligerent” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. cotë (cotsi-) n. “nut”
⚠️ᴱQ. cotsia adj. “nutty”
⚠️ᴱQ. cotsivoitë adj. “nut-bearing, nutty”
Q. #cotto n. “*enemy”
⚠️ᴱQ. cottulë n. “hazel”
⚠️ᴱQ. cotulwë n. “hazel” see ᴱQ. cottulë
ᴹQ. cotumo n. “enemy”
ᴺQ. !cotwë n. “struggle, wrestling” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴹQ. cotya adj. “hostile”
⚠️ᴱQ. -cto suf. “reflexive”; see instead:
Q. -xë¹ “reflexive verbal inflection”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. n. “bow; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] crescent moon”
⚠️ᴱQ. cu pron. “dual 1(b)”
ᴹQ. cucua n. “dove”
ᴹQ. cucumba- v. “to nod repeatedly, (lit.) keep on bowing”
ᴺQ. !cucuollë n. “turtledove” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. cuilë n. “life, being alive”; see instead:
Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
ᴺQ. !cuilórë n. “day-dream, (lit.) awake-dream”
ᴺQ. !cuilórëa adj. “absent-minded, (lit.) day-dreamy”
⚠️Q. #cuima n. “creature, animal”; see instead:
Q. #celva “animal, living thing that moves”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cuimacir n. “butcher” [created by Orondil]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !celvacir “butcher”
⚠️ᴹQ. cuina adj. “alive”; see instead:
ᴺQ. coina “alive, ⚠️living”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cuina- v. “to live, be alive” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. #coita- “[ᴹQ.] to live, be alive, have life”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cuingolmë n. “biology” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !coingolmë “biology”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cuiru- v. “to stir (to wakefullness)” [created by Röandil, Arael]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !eccuinu- “to awake, wake up”
ᴺQ. [Q.] cuita- v. “to waken, rouse; ⚠️to live”
ᴺQ. !cuitar n. “alarm, device to waken somebody” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️Q. #cuiva n. “animal”; see instead:
Q. #celva “animal, living thing that moves”
ᴺQ. !cuiva adj. “awake”
⚠️ᴺQ. !cuiva- v. “to awake” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
ᴺQ. cuita- “to waken, rouse; ⚠️to live”
Q., ᴹQ. cuivë n. “awakening” see Q. cuivië¹
ᴹQ. cuivëa adj. “wakening”
Q., ᴹQ. cuivië¹ n. “awakening”
⚠️Q. cuivië² n. “life”; see instead:
Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
ᴹQ. culda adj. “flame-coloured, golden-red”
ᴹQ. culina adj. “flame-coloured, golden-red”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cullingwë n. “goldfish”
ᴹQ. †cullo n. “red gold”
⚠️ᴱQ. culmarin (culmarind-) n. “orange”; see instead:
ᴹQ. culuma “orange [fruit]”
⚠️ᴱQ. culmarinda adj. “orange-coloured”; see instead:
ᴹQ. culuina “orange (coloured); ⚠️of gold, golden”
ᴺQ. !culmírë n. “sardius, carneol [carnelian], (lit.) orange-jewel” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. culo n. “flame”; see instead:
Q. runya “fiery red”
⚠️ᴱQ. culp- v. “to contain”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. culu n. “gold (metal)”; see instead:
Q. malta “gold (metal), gold as material”
⚠️ᴱQ. culuin (culuind-) n. “goldfish”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^cullingwë “goldfish”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. culuina adj. “orange (coloured); ⚠️of gold, golden”
⚠️ᴱQ. cululta adj. “of gold”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !maltaina “of gold”
ᴹQ. culuma n. “orange [fruit]”
Q. culumalda n. “laburnum, *(lit.) orange-tree”
⚠️ᴱQ. culurin n. “orange; piece of gold”; see instead:
ᴹQ. culuma “orange [fruit]”
⚠️ᴱQ. culurinda adj. “orange-coloured”; see instead:
ᴹQ. culuina “orange (coloured); ⚠️of gold, golden”
⚠️ᴱQ. culusta n. “gold coin”
⚠️ᴱQ. culuva adj. “of gold”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !maltaina “of gold”
⚠️ᴱQ. culuvoitë (culuvoisi-) adj. “golden”; see instead:
Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
⚠️ᴱQ. culuxa adj. “golden”; see instead:
Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
ᴺQ. !culvelyávë n. “pumpkin” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴱQ. #cum- v. “to pile up”; see instead:
Q. hosta- “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
⚠️Q. cúma n. “[unglossed]”
ᴹQ. cúma n. “void”
ᴹQ. #cumba adj. “*bellied”
⚠️ᴱQ. cumba adj. “burdened, laden”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !colonda “burdened, weighed down, sad”
ᴹQ. #cumba “*bellied”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cumbë n. “mound, heap, [ᴱQ.] pile; load, burden”; see instead:
Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
ᴺQ. !cumbo n. “belly” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. cúmë n. “pile, heap; load, burden”; see instead:
Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
Q. cólo “burden”
ᴹQ. cumna adj. “empty”
⚠️ᴱQ. cumpo n. “pile”; see instead:
Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
ᴹQ. tumpo “hump, lump”
ᴺQ. !cumya- v. “to empty” [created by Orondil, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
Q. cúna adj. “bent, curved”
Q. cúna- v. “to bend”
Q., ᴹQ. cundo (cundu-) n. “lord, guardian, [ᴹQ.] prince”
ᴹQ. cunduina adj. “of princes, princely”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cúnë n. “crescent, arch, ⚠️bow”
ᴺQ. !cungandë n. “violin, (lit.) bow-harp” [created by Elaran]
⚠️Q. cunta- v. “to rule” see Q. cunya-
⚠️ᴱQ. cunta adj. “full”; see instead:
Q. quanta “full, filled; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] whole, all”
ᴺQ. [Q.] cunya- v. “to rule, *govern, reign over”
⚠️ᴱQ. cuo n. “a pain”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nwalma “pain”
ᴺQ. !cupta n. “deception, lie” [created by Shihali]
ᴺQ. !cupta- v. “to deceive, lie” [created by Shihali]
⚠️ᴱQ. cupta- v. “to hump up, look lumpy”
ᴺQ. !cuptalë n. “deception, deceit”
ᴺQ. !cuptamo n. “liar, deceiver”
⚠️ᴱQ. cuptulo n. “camel”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ulumpë “camel”
⚠️ᴱQ. curdu n. “sin, wickedness, evil”; see instead:
Q. #úcarë “*sin, debt, trespass”
Q. ulco “evil”
Q. curo (curu-) n. “skillful (?device)”
Q., ᴱQ. curu n. “skill; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] magic, wizardry”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] curuni n. “witch, *sorceress, female magician (not necessarily evil)”
⚠️ᴱQ. curuvar (curuvard-) n. “wizard”; see instead:
ᴹQ. sairon “wizard”
ᴺQ. !curwa adj. “cunning, skillful” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ. curwë n. “[ᴹQ.] craft, [Q.] skill of the hand, technical skill and invention”
ᴺQ. !curwesta n. “technology” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴺQ. !curya adj. “potent, powerful, strong (as function of craft or cunning)” [created by Röandil]; see instead:
ᴺQ. turwa “powerful [in a general sense]”
⚠️ᴱQ. cut (cupt-) n. “lump, ball”; see instead:
Q. luppo “clumsy piece or lump”
Q. #cuv- v. “to conceal, *hide”
ᴹQ. cuv- v. “to bow [the body]”
Q. cúvima adj. “concealable”
⚠️ᴹQ. cúvima adj. “flexible”; see instead:
ᴹQ. cúvula “flexible, pliant”
Q. #cuvo n. “hider”
Q. cuvoitë (cuvoiti-) adj. “hiding, secretive; treacherous”
ᴹQ. cúvula adj. “flexible, pliant”
⚠️Q. #cyermë n. “prayer”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hyamië “prayer”
⚠️Q. cyúca n. “*thigh”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tiuco “thigh”
Q. -da suf. “product of an action”
⚠️ᴱQ. dië n. “yesterday”; see instead:
Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
⚠️ᴱQ. dienda n. “day before yesterday, (lit.) yesterday’s yesterday”; see instead:
Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
⚠️ᴱQ. diéra adj. “yesterday’s; (mostly in sense) bygone, over, passed”; see instead:
Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
Q. vanwa “gone, lost, departed, vanished, past, over, no longer to be had, passed away, dead, [ᴹQ.] gone for good; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] on the road”
ᴹQ. -dil suf. “-friend” see ᴹQ. -(n)dil
Q. -dil suf. “-friend, -lover” see Q. -(n)dil
ᴹQ. -dildo suf. “-friend” see ᴹQ. -(n)dil
Q. †-duinë suf. “(large) river” see Q. -(n)duinë
ᴹQ. -dur suf. “*servant” see ᴹQ. -(n)dur
Q. -dur suf. “-servant” see Q. -(n)dur
Q. -e suf. “plural of adjectives”
⚠️Q. e pron. “one, (neuter) it; [ᴹQ.] he, she”; see instead:
Q. mo “one, anyone, someone, somebody”
Q. ma¹ “something, a thing; ⚠️anything”
ᴹQ. e pron. “he, she, it”
ᴹQ. é interj. “indeed”
⚠️ᴱQ. e-¹ pref. “that by you”; see instead:
Q. ta¹ “that, there, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] it”
⚠️ᴱQ. e-² v. “to be”; see instead:
Q. ëa- “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
⚠️ᴱQ. #-ëa suf. “adjectival suffix” see ᴱQ. #-a
⚠️ᴱQ. ëa interj. “a cry of pain or woe”; see instead:
Q. ai¹ “ah, alas”
Q. ëa- “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
Q., ᴹQ. n. “Creation, the (Material) Universe, Cosmos, †World; it is, let it be, [ᴹQ.] all that is”
Q., ᴹQ. ëa- v. “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
Q. -ëa¹ suf. “continuative present”
Q. -ëa² suf. “ordinal suffix”
⚠️Q. ëala n. “spirit (not incarnate), being”; see instead:
Q. fairë “spirit (disembodied), phantom; †radiance”
ᴺQ. !ëandë n. “surprise, feeling of surprise” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. ëant ? “[unglossed]”
Q., ᴹQ. ëar n. “sea, great sea, [ᴹQ.] open sea; ⚠️water”
⚠️ᴱQ. ëa(r) n. “(young) eagle”; see instead:
Q. ëar “sea, great sea, [ᴹQ.] open sea; ⚠️water”
Q. soron “eagle”
⚠️ᴹQ. ëarë n. “(open) sea”; see instead:
Q. ëar “sea, great sea, [ᴹQ.] open sea; ⚠️water”
ᴺQ. !ëarel n. “starfish, (lit.) sea-star” [created by Delle]
⚠️ᴱQ. ëaren (ëarend-) n. “eyrie, (young) eagle”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sornion “eyrie”
Q. soron “eagle”
Q., ᴹQ. ëaren n. “ocean, great sea”
Q. ëarendur n. “(professional) mariner”
Q., ᴹQ. Eärenya n. “Sea-day, *Thursday”
ᴺQ. !ëarina adj. “of the sea” [created by ABNW]
Q. eäron n. “ocean, great sea” see Q. ëaren
ᴺQ. !ëarra (ëarráv-) n. “seal, sea lion” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !ëarsil n. “pearl, (lit.) sea-sheen” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴹQ. ëaruilë n. “seaweed”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ëassar (ëassarn-) n. “pearl, (lit.) sea-pebble/stone” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ëarsil “pearl, (lit.) sea-sheen”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ëasta n. “existence, being”
⚠️ᴹQ. ëastë n. “being, essence”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^ëasta “existence, being”
Q. nassë “nature, true-being, *essence; ⚠️person, individual; material”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ëavëa adj. “universal, natural” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ilúvëa “universal”
ᴺQ. !nassëa² “natural”
Q. ec- v. “to have a chance of; may, can”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ecar conj. “or” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. hya¹ “or”
ᴺQ. !ecca n. “hole, *lair” [created by Helge Fauskanger]
ᴺQ. !eccahta n. “hawthorn, (lit.) thorn-hedge” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴹQ. eccaira adj. “?out-far”
⚠️ᴱQ. eccala n. “tomorrow morning”; see instead:
ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
ᴺQ. !eccalda n. “cactus, (lit.) spine tree” [created by Orondil]
ᴺQ. !eccan- v. “to proclaim, assert, (lit.) forth-call out” [created by Röandil, Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴺQ. !eccat- v. “to fashion, make” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
⚠️ᴱQ. eccë (ecci-) n. “thorn”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ecco “spine, thorn, point”
Q. ecces- [þ] v. “to find out, bring out by examining or eyeing[?]”
⚠️ᴱQ. eccia adj. “thorny”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^eccoia “thorny”
ᴹQ. ecco n. “spine, thorn, point”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^eccoia adj. “thorny”
ᴹQ. (ec)coiru- v. “to come to life”
⚠️ᴹQ. eccoita- v. “to awake”; see instead:
ᴺQ. cuita- “to waken, rouse; ⚠️to live”
ᴺQ. !eccol- v. “to export” [created by Orondil]
ᴺQ. !eccuinu- v. “to awake, wake up”
Q. ecellë n. “urchin, hedgehog”
ᴺQ. !ecesta n. “opportunity, chance” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. ecet n. “short stabbing sword”
⚠️ᴱQ. ectala n. “tomorrow morning”; see instead:
ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
⚠️ᴱQ. ectaquilta n. “swordbelt”; see instead:
ᴱQ. ^macilquilta “swordbelt”
⚠️ᴱQ. ectar¹ (ectard-) n. “swordsman”; see instead:
Q. macar “swordsman; †forger”
ᴹQ. ehtyar “spearman”
⚠️ᴱQ. ectar² n. “hawthorn, thorn”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !eccahta “hawthorn, (lit.) thorn-hedge”
⚠️ᴱQ. ectë (exi-) n. “sword”; see instead:
Q. macil “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
Q. ecet “short stabbing sword”
⚠️ᴱQ. ectelë n. “fountain”; see instead:
Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
ᴹQ. celurë “fountain”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ef- v. “to emerge (especially from water)”
Q. effírië n. “death” see Q. fírië
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ehta- v. “to stab”
⚠️ᴱQ. ehta¹ n. “thorn”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ecco “spine, thorn, point”
⚠️ᴱQ. ehta² n. “sword-point”; see instead:
Q. macil “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
Q. ecet “short stabbing sword”
⚠️ᴱQ. ehtar (ehtard-) n. “swordsman, warrior; sword”; see instead:
Q. macar “swordsman; †forger”
Q. macil “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
ᴹQ. ehtyar “spearman”
⚠️ᴱQ. ehtaráma adj. “having a wing like a sword”
ᴹQ. ehtë (*ehti-) n. “spear”
Q., ᴹQ. ehtelë n. “spring, issue of water”
ᴹQ. ehtelu- v. “to well, bubble up”
ᴺQ. !ehten n. “outlook, sight, view, spectacle” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. ehtil n. “spring, fount, source”; see instead:
Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
ᴺQ. !ehtipolca n. “porcupine, (lit.) spike-pig” [created by Dírheron]
ᴹQ. ehtyar n. “spearman”
Q., ᴹQ. †él n. “star”
⚠️ᴱQ. el adj. and adv. “one”; see instead:
Q. er “one, alone; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] only, a single”
⚠️ᴹQ. -el suf. “friend”
Q. ela interj. “behold!”
ᴺQ. !elanar n. “pimpernel, (lit.) sun-star” [created by Parmandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. elben n. “heart”; see instead:
Q. hón “heart (physical organ)”
⚠️ᴱQ. elc n. “spear”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ehtë “spear”
⚠️ᴱQ. -elca suf. “able to”; see instead:
Q. -itë “adjectival ending; [with verbs] capable of doing, generally (and naturally) doing”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Elda n. “Elf, (lit.) one of the Star-folk”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^eldafindë n. “maidenhair fern, (lit.) elf tress”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Eldalië n. “People of the Eldar, Elven-folk, [ᴹQ.] Elf-folk”
⚠️ᴱQ. eldanyanda n. “*fairy tale”
⚠️ᴱQ. eldaquet n. “language of the Eldar”; see instead:
Q. Eldarin “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
⚠️ᴱQ. eldaquetsë adv. “in the language of the Eldar”; see instead:
Q. Eldarin “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Eldarin adj. and n. “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
⚠️ᴱQ. Eldarissa n. “Language of the Eldar”; see instead:
Q. Eldarin “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
⚠️ᴱQ. eldarissë adv. “in the language of the Eldar”; see instead:
Q. Eldarin “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
⚠️ᴱQ. eldasilquë n. “maidenhair fern, (lit.) elf tress”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^eldafindë “maidenhair fern, (lit.) elf tress”
ᴺQ. !eldë pron. “you (plural emphatic)”
⚠️ᴱQ. #ele- v. “to drive; to come”; see instead:
Q. nir- “to press, urge, thrust, force (in a given direction); *to impose [with allative]”
Q. tul- “to come, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] move (intr.); to bring, carry, fetch; to produce, bear fruit”
ᴹQ. élë n. “star-ray, beam, flashing of [?starry] light”
ᴺQ. !elecetomacnetëa adj. “electromagnetic” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q., ᴹQ. elen n. “star”
⚠️ᴹQ. elena n. “star”; see instead:
Q. elen “star”
ᴺQ. !elengolmë n. “astronomy” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !elenitsë n. “firefly, (lit.) star-fly” [created by Delle]
ᴺQ. !elenta- n. “to impress, (lit.) make marvel” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !elentaula adj. “impressive” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ. Elenya n. “Saturday, *Star-day”
Q. elenya adj. “adjective referring to the stars, *of the stars, stellar”
ᴺQ. !elhísë [þ] n. “nebula, star cloud” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺQ. !élicombë n. “galaxy, collection of stars” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ. ella pron. “of you, for you”
ᴹQ. ellë pron. “2nd pl emphatic”
⚠️ᴹQ. ellen n. “star”; see instead:
Q. elen “star”
ᴹQ. -ello suf. “ablative element” see ᴹQ. *-llo
ᴹQ. ellöa n. “next year”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ellumë adv. “once, one time”
ᴺQ. !elma n. “wonder, miracle”
ᴺQ. !elma- v. “to marvel at, admire”
⚠️Q. ?elmë pron. “we (emphatic inclusive), *we (emphatic exclusive)”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] elmenda n. “wonder, wonderment”
ᴺQ. !elmendëa adj. “wonderful” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️Q. ?elp- v. “to anoint”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !liv- “to anoint”
⚠️ᴱQ. elt n. “spear”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ehtë “spear”
⚠️ᴱQ. elta- v. “to drive”; see instead:
Q. nir- “to press, urge, thrust, force (in a given direction); *to impose [with allative]”
Q. tul- “to come, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] move (intr.); to bring, carry, fetch; to produce, bear fruit”
⚠️ᴱQ. elta n. “a thrust”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nista “thrust, push, shove”
⚠️ᴱQ. elte- v. “to thrust in, drive [in]”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ter- “to pierce”
Q. elvë pron. “we (emphatic inclusive)”
Q. elvëa adj. “starlike”
⚠️ᴱQ. elwen n. “heart”; see instead:
Q. hón “heart (physical organ)”
Q. elyë pron. “thou (emphatic polite)”
ᴺQ. !em- v. “to depict, portray” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴹQ. éma ? “[unglossed]” see ᴹQ. engwa²
⚠️ᴱQ. emattë ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. !emba- v. “to paint, draw (something)” [created by Arael]
ᴺQ. !embë n. “painting, drawing” [created by Arael]
ᴺQ. !(e)mecima adj. “accurate, always aiming at the mark” [created by Arael, NotD]
Q. emel n. “love [abstract]”
Q. #emer- v. “?to herd (sheep)”
ᴺQ. !emerro n. “shepherd, herdsman” [created by Damien Bador]
Q. emerwen n. “shepherdess”
⚠️Q. #emil n. “mother”; see instead:
Q. amil(lë) “mother”
ᴺQ. !emino n. “character (in a story)” [created by Sami Paldanius]
Q. emma n. “picture, *image”
ᴺQ. !emmata- v. “to draw/create (a picture); to photograph” [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
Q. emmë¹ pron. “we (emphatic exclusive), *we (dual emphatic exclusive)”
⚠️Q. emmë² n. “mummy, mother (familiar/family)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ammë “mummy, mother”
ᴺQ. !emnotosta n. “framerate, FPS (frames per second)” [created by Orondil]
ᴺQ. !empatyellë n. “advancement, progress” [created by Orondil]
⚠️Q. empollië adv. “*harder”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ampollië “great effort, struggle”
Q. emya n. “mummy, (orig.) my mother” see Q. amya
Q., ᴹQ. en adv. “(then) soon, [ᴹQ.] in that (future) case; there, yonder; look yon(der); ⚠️far away; that, [ᴱQ.] that by you; thereupon”
Q. en- pref. “re-, again”
⚠️ᴱQ. en- v. “to be called”; see instead:
ᴹQ. esta-¹ “to name”
⚠️Q. en(a) adv. “still”; see instead:
Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
Q. tenta “still, yet [past], *up until then”
⚠️ᴱQ. ena pron. “that by you”; see instead:
Q. ta¹ “that, there, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] it”
⚠️Q. éna ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] enar n. “tomorrow”
Q. -enca suf. “without, -less”
⚠️ᴱQ. encë pron. “that by you (emphatic)”; see instead:
Q. ta¹ “that, there, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] it”
⚠️ᴹQ. encë n. “spear point”; see instead:
Q. nehtë¹ “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
⚠️ᴱQ. encen adv. “then”; see instead:
Q. “then”
Q. enda n. “heart; centre, *interior”
⚠️ᴱQ. enda adj. “by name, named, called”; see instead:
ᴹQ. estaina “named, *called”
⚠️Q. endaquet- v. “to answer”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hanquet- “to answer, *respond”
Q. enquet- “to repeat, say again”
ᴺQ. !endaurë n. “noon, (lit.) mid-day” [created by Damien Bador]
Q., ᴹQ. endë n. “centre, middle; [ᴹQ.] core”
⚠️ᴱQ. endë num. card. “six”; see instead:
Q. enquë “six”
Q. #endëa adj. “middle”
ᴺQ. !endemat (endematt-) n. “lunch, (lit.) mid-meal” [created by Orondil]
ᴹQ. ender n. “bridegroom, *groom”
ᴺQ. !Endëranda n. “Middle-Ages” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. endl n. “plain, vale”; see instead:
Q. nan(do) “(wide) valley, vale; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] water-mead, watered plain; [ᴱQ.] woodland”
⚠️ᴱQ. enë interj. “look (at what you have)!”; see instead:
Q. ela “behold!”
⚠️ᴱQ. eneccainen num. card. “sixty”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !enquain “sixty”
⚠️ᴱQ. eneccaiya num. ord. “sixteenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !enenquëa “sixteenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. en(ec)cëa num. card. “sixteen”; see instead:
Q. enenquë “sixteen”
⚠️ᴱQ. enecto fraction. “one sixth”; see instead:
Q. enquesta “one sixth”
⚠️ᴱQ. enectya adj. “one sixth”; see instead:
Q. enquesta “one sixth”
Q. enel prep. “in the middle, between”
⚠️Q. eneldë n. “*middle finger”; see instead:
Q. lependë “middle finger”
⚠️Q. enellë n. “*middle finger”; see instead:
Q. lependë “middle finger”
Q. enelmo n. “go-between, intervener, intermediary, mediator”
⚠️ᴺQ. !enenquain num. card. “sixty” [created by EruannoVG]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !enquain “sixty”
Q. enenquë num. card. “sixteen”
ᴺQ. !enenquëa num. ord. “sixteenth”
⚠️ᴺQ. !enenquëan num. card. “sixty” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !enquain “sixty”
ᴺQ. !eneques n. “rumor, (lit.) re-saying” [created by ABNW]
ᴺQ. !ener(a) adv. “on, onward, further” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️Q. enestil n. “*middle finger”; see instead:
Q. lependë “middle finger”
ᴺQ. !enet- adj. “spare, extra, more than needed” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !enetya adj. “spare, extra, more than needed” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. enetya num. ord. “sixth”; see instead:
Q. enquëa “sixth”
⚠️ᴱQ. enexë num. card. “six”; see instead:
Q. enquë “six”
ᴹQ. enga prep. “save, *except”
⚠️ᴱQ. enga n. “mead”; see instead:
ᴺQ. nesselë “pasture, mead[ow]; pasturage”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. engë adv. “ago, in the past, [ᴹQ.] once (in past), †it was”; see instead:
Q. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
⚠️ᴱQ. enget n. “a hap”; see instead:
Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
⚠️ᴱQ. engetor n. “fate, hap, luck”; see instead:
Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
Q., ᴹQ. #engwa adj. “sickly”
⚠️ᴹQ. engwa² ? “[unglossed]”
Q. engwë n. “thing [that exists]”
⚠️ᴱQ. enna adj. “by name, named, called”; see instead:
ᴹQ. estaina “named, *called”
ᴹQ. enna¹ n. “fact”
⚠️ᴹQ. enna² adj. “first”; see instead:
Q. minya “first; eminent, prominent”
ᴹQ. ennë n. “thought, purpose”
⚠️ᴹQ. ennië n. “person (female), *being (female)”; see instead:
Q. námo¹ “person, somebody (unnamed)”
⚠️ᴹQ. enno n. “person, *being”; see instead:
Q. námo¹ “person, somebody (unnamed)”
⚠️ᴱQ. (en)no adv. “*then, next” see ᴱQ. no¹
ᴺQ. !ennóna adj. “born again” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !Ennosta n. “Renaissance” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴺQ. !enontië n. “rebirth, resurrection” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !enortalë “resurrection”
ᴺQ. !enortalë n. “resurrection” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !enquain num. card. “sixty” [created by EruannoVG]
Q. enquanta- v. “to refill”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. enquë num. card. “six”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquë¹ prep. “without”; see instead:
Q. ú¹ “without, destitute of”
Q. enquë “six”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquë² (enqui-) n. “plane, level”; see instead:
ᴺQ. palo “plane (surface), the flat, *level, flatness; ⚠️plain”
Q. enquë “six”
Q. enquëa num. ord. “sixth”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] enquellumë adv. “six times”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquendóra num. card. “*six million”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquendórë num. card. “*sextillion”
Q. enquesta fraction. “one sixth”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquesto fraction. “one sixth”; see instead:
Q. enquesta “one sixth”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquest(y)a adj. “one sixth”; see instead:
Q. enquesta “one sixth”
Q. enquet- v. “to repeat, say again”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquetto fraction. “one sixth”; see instead:
Q. enquesta “one sixth”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquetya adj. “one sixth”; see instead:
Q. enquesta “one sixth”
⚠️ᴱQ. enqui pron. “this (emphatic)”; see instead:
Q. si¹ “this”
Q. enquië n. “Elvish week of six days”
⚠️ᴱQ. enquin adv. “*now”; see instead:
Q. “now”
ᴹQ. ensi pron. see ᴹQ. entë
⚠️ᴱQ. ent n. “notion, plan, idea”; see instead:
Q. tenna³ “thought, notion, idea”
ᴹQ. intya “guess, supposition, idea, notion”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. enta adj. “another, one more; [ᴹQ.] that yonder, then (fut.); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] that there (emphatic)”
⚠️Q. entan n. “tomorrow”; see instead:
ᴺQ. enar “tomorrow”
⚠️ᴱQ. entan adv. “then”; see instead:
Q. “then”
⚠️ᴹQ. entë pron. “[unglossed]”
Q. entë¹ adv. “moreover, further(more), what is more; *next (of time or in a sequence)”
⚠️Q. entë² n. “centre”; see instead:
Q. endë “centre, middle; [ᴹQ.] core”
⚠️ᴱQ. ento adv. “next”; see instead:
Q. entë¹ “moreover, further(more), what is more; *next (of time or in a sequence)”
⚠️ᴹQ. ento pron. “[unglossed]”
ᴹQ. entu pron. see ᴹQ. ento
Q. #entul- v. “to come again, *return”
Q. entulessë n. “return”
⚠️Q. entya adj. “central, middle”; see instead:
ᴹQ. enya “*central, ⚠️middle”
⚠️ᴱQ. Enu n. “God Almighty, Almighty Creator”; see instead:
Q. Eru “The One, God”
Q. #envinyata- v. “to renew, heal, *restore”
⚠️ᴱQ. enwa n. “tomorrow”; see instead:
ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
ᴹQ. enwa “existent, real, true; fact”
⚠️ᴹQ. enwa adj. and n. “existent, real, true; fact”; see instead:
Q. nanwa¹ “existing, actual (true), *real; ⚠️[️ᴱQ.] being”
Q. naitë “true”
ᴹQ. enna¹ “fact”
⚠️ᴺQ. !enwacuvindo n. “liar, cheater” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cuptamo “liar, deceiver”
⚠️ᴺQ. !enwavë adv. “actually” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nanwavë “truly, actually”
⚠️ᴱQ. en(wë) (emb-) n. “name”; see instead:
Q. essë¹ “name”
Q. enwina adj. “old”
Q. †enya adv. “then soon” see Q. en
ᴹQ. enya adj. “*central, ⚠️middle”
⚠️ᴱQ. enya n. “device (method, trick), machine, engine”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^indya “device, machine, engine”
Q. #enyal- v. “to recall, *remember”
ᴺQ. !enyálëa adj. “memorial” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. #enyalië n. “memory, (lit.) recalling”
ᴹQ. enyárë adv. “in that day”
⚠️ᴱQ. enyarin n. “device, escutcheon, blazon”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^indyarin “device, escutcheon, blazon”
⚠️ᴱQ. enye- v. “to think out, plan, devise”; see instead:
ᴹQ. auta-² “to invent, originate, devise”
Q. †eo pron. “person, somebody (unnamed)”
Q. epë prep. “after (of time), following; before (in all relations but time)”
ᴺQ. !epeharmo n. “president” [created by Robert Reynolds]
⚠️ᴺQ. !epello adv. “already” [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
ᴺQ. !epemat (epematt-) n. “dessert, (lit.) after-meal” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !epemma n. “example” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. epessë n. “after-name”
Q. ep(e)ta conj. “following that, thereupon, thence, whereupon” see Q. epetai
Q. epetai conj. “consequently, thereupon, thence, whereupon, (lit.) following which (fact)”
ᴺQ. !epta- v. “to offer, place at somebody’s disposal, (lit.) to [make be in] front” [created by Ellanto]
Q. equë v. “say, says, said”
Q. eques (equess-) n. “saying, (current or proverbial) dictum, quotation from someone’s uttered words, *quote, statement”
ᴺQ. !equi conj. “even if, even though, (lit.) indeed-if” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. er adj. and adv. “one, alone; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] only, a single”
⚠️ᴱQ. #er- v. “to remain”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lemya- “to remain, tarry”
⚠️ᴱQ. er² adv. and conj. “only, but, still”; see instead:
Q. er “one, alone; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] only, a single”
Q. mal “but”
Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
ᴹQ. erca n. “prickle, spine”
ᴹQ. erca- v. “to prick”
ᴹQ. ercassë n. “holly”
⚠️ᴹQ. ercë n. “holly”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ercassë “holly”
⚠️ᴹQ. Ercoirë n. “February, *First-stirring”; see instead:
Q. Nénimë “February, *Wet-ness”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] erda adj. “solitary, deserted”
Q. erdë n. “singularity”
ᴹQ. erdë¹ n. “seed, germ”
⚠️ᴹQ. erdë² n. “repose”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sérë “peace, [ᴹQ.] rest, repose”
ᴺQ. !erdevainë n. “seed pod, peapod”
ᴹQ. érë n. “existing, existence”
⚠️ᴱQ. ere-¹ pref. “out”; see instead:
Q. #et(e)- “[ᴹQ.] forth, out”
⚠️ᴱQ. ere-² v. “to go”; see instead:
Q. men- “to go, proceed, move (in some direction); to come [when moving to a destination], arrive [+ locative]”
⚠️ᴹQ. ereáma ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. erefainu n. “release”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !leryalë “release”
⚠️ᴱQ. ere(n) n. “iron, steel”; see instead:
Q. anga “iron”
Q. tornanga “iron hard; hard-iron, *steel”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #eressë n. “[ᴹQ.] solitude; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] alone, by oneself, singly, only; once”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. eressëa adj. “lonely”
ᴺQ. !eretildo n. “unicorn” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
⚠️ᴱQ. erevainu n. “release”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !leryalë “release”
ᴺQ. !erië n. “oneness” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. erinqua adj. “single, alone”
ᴺQ. !eritë adj. “singular”
⚠️ᴹQ. Erlairë n. “June, *First-summer”; see instead:
Q. Nárië “June, *Fire-ness”
Q. erma n. “(physical) matter”
ᴺQ. !ermaitë (ermaiti-) adj. “concrete, material” [created by Arael]
ᴺQ. !ermangolmë n. “study of matter, physics, [possibly also] chemistry” [created by Ambardil]
ᴺQ. !ernóna adj. “only-born, only-begotten” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. Erquellë n. “September, *First-autumn”; see instead:
Q. Yavannië “September, *Yavanna-ness”
⚠️ᴹQ. Errívë n. “November, *First-winter”; see instead:
Q. Hísimë “November, *Misty-one”
ᴺQ. !erta- v. “to unite” [created by David Salo, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !ertië n. “union” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴹQ. Ertuilë n. “April, *First-spring”; see instead:
Q. Víressë “April, *Freshness”
Q., ᴹQ. Eru n. “The One, God”
⚠️ᴱQ. eru¹ adv. “outward”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^esta “outwards”
⚠️ᴱQ. eru² adv. “once”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ellumë “once, one time”
⚠️ᴱQ. erumaitë adj. “one handed”
ᴹQ. erumë n. “desert”
⚠️ᴱQ. erúmëa adj. “outer, outermost”; see instead:
Q. #ava¹ “[ᴹQ.] outside, beyond; outer, exterior”
⚠️ᴱQ. erus(ta) adj. and n. “outside”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ettë¹ “outside”
ᴺQ. !Erutercáno n. “prophet, (lit.) God-herald” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. Eruva adj. “divine”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. erya adj. “single, sole, only”
⚠️ᴹQ. es pron. and adv. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
Q. enta “another, one more; [ᴹQ.] that yonder, then (fut.); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] that there (emphatic)”
⚠️ᴱQ. es- pref. “*out”; see instead:
Q. #et(e)- “[ᴹQ.] forth, out”
⚠️ᴱQ. esca n. “spear, spike”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ehtë “spear”
⚠️ᴹQ. escë n. “rustle, noise of leaves”
⚠️ᴱQ. (es)sa pron. “*that (there)” see ᴱQ. sa
⚠️ᴺQ. !essámalë n. “agreement, (lit.) one-mindedness” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sáquetië “agreement”
⚠️ᴺQ. !essar- v. “to recross” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. lahta- “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
Q., ᴹQ. essë¹ n. “name”
Q. essë² pron. “he, *she, it (emphatic)” see Q. issë
⚠️ᴹQ. essë² n. “beginning”; see instead:
Q. yesta “beginning, *start”
⚠️ᴹQ. essë³ n. “place”; see instead:
Q. #nómë “place”
⚠️ᴹQ. essëa¹ adj. “?primary”; see instead:
Q. minya “first; eminent, prominent”
⚠️ᴹQ. essëa² adj. “in place, local”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nómëa “local”
⚠️ᴱQ. est adj. “outwards”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^esta “outwards”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^esta adv. “outwards”
⚠️ᴱQ. esta- v. “to send”; see instead:
Q. menta-¹ “to send, cause to go (in a desired direction)”
ᴹQ. esta-¹ “to name”
ᴹQ. -esta suf. “*close grouping” see ᴹQ. -sta¹
⚠️ᴹQ. esta adj. “first”; see instead:
Q. minya “first; eminent, prominent”
ᴹQ. esta-¹ v. “to name”
⚠️ᴹQ. esta-² v. “to place, set, plant”; see instead:
Q. caita-² “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
⚠️ᴹQ. esta-³ v. “to precede”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nópata- “to precede, (lit.) to walk before”
ᴹQ. estaina adj. “named, *called”
Q. estat- v. “to distribute (in even portions), *partition”
ᴺQ. !estatië n. “portion, share”
ᴺQ. !estatina adj. “divided, shared, distributed”
Q. estel n. “hope, trust, *faith”
ᴺQ. !estelenca adj. “hopeless, despairing, desperate”
ᴺQ. !estelya- v. “to hope” [created by Fayanzār]
Q. *estirnë n. “brow”
Q. esto pron. “they (dual emphatic)”
ᴺQ. !estolië n. “camp” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q., ᴹQ. et prep. “out (of)”
ᴺQ. !etanta- v. “to publish, (lit.) out-give” [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
Q., ᴹQ. #et(e)- pref. “[ᴹQ.] forth, out”
ᴺQ. !etehat- v. “to throw out” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. etelehta- v. “*to deliver”
ᴺQ. !etelehto n. “deliverer” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !etelelya- v. “to go into exile, go out” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ, NQNT]
⚠️ᴺQ. !etelenda adj. “exiled” [created by Boris Shapiro, Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. #etya “exiled”
⚠️ᴺQ. !etelerro n. “exile” [created by Boris Shapiro, Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. #etya “exiled”
ᴺQ. !etelesta- v. “to measure (out)” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !etemen- v. “to go out, go forth” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !etementa- v. “to banish, send out, (lit.) out-send” [created by ABNW]
Q. eteminya adj. “prominent”
⚠️ᴺQ. !etepanya- v. “to put out” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
Q. caita-² “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
ᴺQ. !etequet- v. “to confess, speak out” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !eterahta- v. “to reach out” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. eterúna- v. “*to deliver”
⚠️ᴺQ. !etetulië n. “outcome” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !virda “outcome, result”
ᴺQ. !etevatta- v. “to trample out” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. ethenta- v. “to read aloud”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] etil n. “ivy”
⚠️ᴱQ. etl n. “ivy”; see instead:
ᴺQ. etil “ivy”
Q. †etsat- v. “to distribute in even portions” see Q. estat-
ᴺQ. !etsatië adv. “especially” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ. etsë n. “outside, exterior”
ᴺQ. !etsen- v. “to let loose, release, forget” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !etserca- v. “to bleed out, exsanguinate” [created by Valerie]
ᴹQ. etsir n. “mouth of a river, *(lit.) outflow”
ᴺQ. !etsonga- v. “to blurt out, (lit.) mouth out [something]” [created by Arael]
Q. etsurya- [þ] v. “to go out, *blow out”
Q. etta conj. “*therefore, (lit.) out of that”
⚠️ᴱQ. etta n. “cousin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. rendo “male cousin, kinsman, *relative”
ᴺQ. ressë “female cousin, kinsman, *relative”
ᴹQ. etta pron. “his”
ᴺQ. !ettalan n. “balcony” [created by Verilme]
⚠️ᴱQ. et(t)amínë n. “today”; see instead:
Q. síra “*today, this day”
⚠️ᴱQ. ettani n. “female cousin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ressë “female cousin, kinsman, *relative”
ᴺQ. !ettanië n. “spectacle, (lit.) showing forth” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. ettanu n. “male cousin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. rendo “male cousin, kinsman, *relative”
⚠️ᴱQ. ettarendi n. “cousinship”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^rendë “kinship, kin, kindred, clan”
⚠️ᴱQ. ettaréndo n. “female cousin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. rendo “male cousin, kinsman, *relative”
⚠️ᴱQ. ettaréro n. “female cousin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. rendo “male cousin, kinsman, *relative”
⚠️ᴱQ. ettaressë n. “female cousin”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ressë “female cousin, kinsman, *relative”
⚠️ᴱQ. ettaresta n. “cousinship”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^rendë “kinship, kin, kindred, clan”
ᴺQ. !ettë pron. “they (two)”
ᴹQ. ettë¹ adj. and adv. “outside”
⚠️ᴹQ. ettë² pron. “he (emphatic)”; see instead:
Q. issë “he, *she, it (emphatic)”
ᴺQ. !ettë “they (two)”
⚠️ᴱQ. ettelë n. “family, kindred (in the wide sense)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !orendë “(nuclear) family”
Q. nos(së) “kindred, family, [ᴹQ.] clan, ‘house’, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] folk, kin, people”
ᴹQ. ettelë “outer lands, foreign parts”
ᴹQ. ettelë n. “outer lands, foreign parts”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ettelë n. “outer fence, encircling fence” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴹQ. ettelë “outer lands, foreign parts”
ᴹQ. ettelëa adj. “foreign”
ᴺQ. !ettemo n. “foreigner”
ᴺQ. !ettir- v. “to watch out, spy on” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !ettirno n. “spy” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !ettuc- v. “to draw out” [created by ABNW]
⚠️ᴱQ. ettui n. “tomorrow night”; see instead:
ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
ᴹQ. #ettul- v. “*to come forth, come out, issue”
ᴺQ. !etulya- v. “to pour forth, pour out” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q., ᴹQ. #etya adj. “exiled”
⚠️ᴱQ. etya adj. “other (of two)”; see instead:
Q. hyana “other”
ᴺQ. !etyanetië n. “hypocrisy” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. etyo n. “other (of two)”; see instead:
Q. hyë “other person, him (the other)”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] eulë n. “lamb”
⚠️ᴱQ. eulitsë n. “*little lamb”; see instead:
ᴺQ. eulë “lamb”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^evandil n. “[Christian] missionary”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] evandilyon n. “gospel”
⚠️ᴱQ. evandl n. “Christian missionary”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^evandil “[Christian] missionary”
ᴹQ. évëa adj. “future”
⚠️Q. exa adj. “other”; see instead:
Q. hyana “other”
ᴺQ. !exanen adv. “otherwise, in an other way” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️Q. exë n. “the other”; see instead:
Q. hyë “other person, him (the other)”
⚠️ᴱQ. exiquilta n. “swordbelt”; see instead:
ᴱQ. ^macilquilta “swordbelt”
Q. ezel(la) adj. “green” see Van. ezel(la)
⚠️ᴱQ. fa- pref. “his; 3rd sg. masc. possessive” see ᴱQ. hwa-
⚠️Q. †fá¹ n. “*ray of light, flame”; see instead:
ᴹQ. alca “ray of light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] light of day; shining”
⚠️Q. fá² n. “breath, puff of breath”; see instead:
Q. föa “breath, puff of breath”
ᴹQ. fafarra- v. “*to keep on hunting”
Q. fai adv. “*before of time”
ᴹQ. faica adj. “contemptible, mean”
⚠️ᴱQ. faica¹ adj. “free”; see instead:
Q. lerina “free (of things)”
⚠️ᴱQ. faica² adj. “bad, worthless, useless”; see instead:
Q. urra “bad”
Q. úmara “bad, ill-used, evil, sinister”
ᴹQ. alwara “useless, *worthless”
ᴹQ. faica “contemptible, mean”
⚠️ᴱQ. faicar n. “destroyer, slayer; bane”; see instead:
Q. #nehtar “slayer”
Q. faila adj. “fair-minded, just, generous”
ᴺQ. !failanta adj. “justified” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !failassë n. “justice, fair-mindedness” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !failata- v. “to justify” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !failatië n. “justification” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ. faina- v. “to emit light”
⚠️ᴱQ. faino n. “freeman”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !léramo “freeman”
⚠️ᴱQ. fainu- v. “to release”; see instead:
Q. lerya- “to release, set free, let go”
⚠️ᴱQ. fairë (fairi-) adj. “free”; see instead:
Q. léra “free (of persons)”
Q., ᴹQ. fairë n. “spirit (disembodied), phantom; †radiance”
⚠️ᴹQ. fairë² n. “natural death (as act)”; see instead:
Q. fírië “death (of Men), *natural death”
⚠️ᴱQ. fairië n. “freedom”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lérië “freedom”
ᴺQ. !falampa n. “whip” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !falarië n. “splashing, splash”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^falarya- v. “to splash, ⚠️foam”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. falassë n. “(wave-beaten) shore, seashore, line of surf; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] beach”
ᴺQ. !falassëa adj. “coastal” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q., ᴱQ. falasta- v. “to foam, surge, [ᴱQ.] make a sound like surf”
⚠️ᴱQ. fal(a)toisi n. “meadow, grassland”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !salquenor “grassland, meadow”
⚠️ᴱQ. falca¹ adj. “naked, bare”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
⚠️ᴱQ. falca² adj. “bad”; see instead:
Q. urra “bad”
Q. úmara “bad, ill-used, evil, sinister”
ᴹQ. alwara “useless, *worthless”
ᴹQ. faica “contemptible, mean”
⚠️ᴱQ. falcasse(a) adj. “bald”; see instead:
Q. parnë “bald, bare, ⚠️naked”
⚠️ᴱQ. faldi adj. “free, open, wide”; see instead:
Q. latina “free (of movement), not encumbered with obstacles, [ᴹQ.] open, cleared (of land)”
⚠️ᴱQ. falin adj. “bare, nude, fallow, wild (of land)”; see instead:
Q. parnë “bald, bare, ⚠️naked”
ᴹQ. fallë n. “foam”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. falma n. “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
⚠️ᴱQ. falmar n. “wave (as it breaks), foamcrest”; see instead:
Q. falma “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
ᴺQ. !falmaril n. “aquamarine, (lit.) wave-crystal” [created by Valerie]
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. falmar(in) (falmarind-) n. “sea-spirit, nymph, [ᴱQ.] sea-fay (male), spirit of the sea foam”
⚠️ᴱQ. falmo n. “foam”; see instead:
Q. falma “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
ᴹQ. fallë “foam”
ᴺQ. !falpa- v. “to flog” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. falqua n. “(mountain) pass, ravine, cliff, cleft”; see instead:
Q. cirya² “cleft, pass”
ᴹQ. yáwë “ravine, cleft, gully”
ᴺQ. aico “cliff”
⚠️ᴱQ. falquan n. “large sword”; see instead:
Q. #andamacil “long sword”
⚠️ᴱQ. falquë n. “cleft, ravine”; see instead:
Q. cirya² “cleft, pass”
ᴹQ. yáwë “ravine, cleft, gully”
ᴺQ. aico “cliff”
ᴺQ. !falwa adj. “turquoise, (lit.) pale surf colour” [created by Valerie]
⚠️ᴱQ. famba n. “belly, fat body”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cumbo “belly”
⚠️ᴱQ. fambo n. “fat man”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
⚠️ᴱQ. fan (fand-) n. “dog”; see instead:
ᴹQ. huan “hound, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dog”
Q. fana n. “raiment, veil; (bright) shape or figure; bodily form of an angelic spirit”
Q., ᴹQ. fána adj. “white; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] cloud”
⚠️ᴱQ. fandelu n. “monster”; see instead:
Q. úvanimo “monster, corrupt or evil creature”
⚠️ᴱQ. fandelúva adj. “monstrous”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ulunda “monstrous”
⚠️ᴱQ. fandelúvië n. “monstrosity, immoderation, violence, barbarity, grossness”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ulundië “monstrosity”
ᴹQ. ormë “haste, violence, wrath, rushing”
⚠️ᴱQ. fandelwa adj. “monstrous”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ulunda “monstrous”
⚠️ᴱQ. fando n. “portent, omen”; see instead:
Q. órë “heart (inner mind), *conscience; warning, caution, (pre)monition”
⚠️ᴱQ. fandor (fandos-) n. “monster”; see instead:
Q. úvanimo “monster, corrupt or evil creature”
⚠️ᴱQ. fandos (fandoss-) n. “monster”; see instead:
Q. úvanimo “monster, corrupt or evil creature”
Q. fánë adj. “white” see Q. fána
Q., ᴹQ. #fanga n. “beard”
⚠️ᴱQ. fangë n. “beard”; see instead:
Q. #fanga “beard”
ᴺQ. !fanorcarnë n. “sardonyx” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. fanórë n. “day-dream”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cuilórë “day-dream, (lit.) awake-dream”
⚠️ᴱQ. fanórëa adj. “absent-minded”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cuilórëa “absent-minded, (lit.) day-dreamy”
⚠️ᴱQ. fanóriva adj. “absent-minded”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cuilórëa “absent-minded, (lit.) day-dreamy”
⚠️ᴱQ. fansa n. “swoon”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lortalë “swoon, faint, dizziness”
Q. fanta- v. “to veil, cloak, mantle; [ᴺQ.] to muffle”
⚠️ᴱQ. fanta- v. “to fall asleep, go dazed, swoon”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lorta- “to faint, swoon, become dazed”
ᴺQ. !loru- “to fall asleep”
ᴺQ. [Q.] fantercenya adj. “perspicacious, penetrating of sight or understanding”
⚠️ᴱQ. fantl n. “vision, dream, hazy notion, imaginary idea”; see instead:
Q. olor “dream, vision”
Q. tenna³ “thought, notion, idea”
Q. ?fanto n. “whale”
⚠️ᴱQ. fantor (*fantos-) n. “monster”; see instead:
Q. úvanimo “monster, corrupt or evil creature”
Q. fanwa n. “veil, screen”
⚠️ᴱQ. fanwë n. “dream”; see instead:
Q. olor “dream, vision”
Q. fanwë n. “vapour, steam”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. fanya n. “(white) cloud, white and shining [thing]; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] sky; white”
Q. fanyarë n. “the skies (not heaven or firmament), the upper airs and clouds”
Q., ᴹQ. fara- v. “to hunt”
⚠️ᴹQ. fára n. “beach, shore”; see instead:
Q. hresta “beach, shore”
Q. falassë “(wave-beaten) shore, seashore, line of surf; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] beach”
⚠️ᴱQ. fara n. “fur, fell”
Q., ᴹQ. faralë n. “hunting”
ᴺQ. !Faranconórë n. “France” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^farasta n. “hunting, the chase”
⚠️ᴹQ. farastë n. “hunting, the chase”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^farasta “hunting, the chase”
ᴹQ. farastëa adj. “of the chase (that it is proper to hunt), *of prey”
ᴹQ. fárë n. “sufficiency, plenitude, all that is wanted” see ᴹQ. farmë
ᴹQ. fárëa adj. “enough, sufficient”
ᴹQ. faren adv. “enough”
ᴹQ. farina adj. “fugitive, hunted”
ᴺQ. !farinë n. “vermin” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴹQ. farino n. “hunted man, outlaw, fugitive”
ᴹQ. farma n. “?carpet”
ᴹQ. farmë n. “sufficiency, plenitude, all that is wanted”
ᴹQ. farna n. “quarry, prey”
Q. farnë (farni-) n. “ash, rowan; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] foliage”
⚠️ᴹQ. farnë n. “foliage”; see instead:
Q. farnë “ash, rowan; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] foliage”
Q. olass(i)ë “foliage, collection of leaves”
ᴺQ. !farta- v. “to sate, satisfy” [created by Arael]
ᴹQ. farya- v. “to suffice”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. fas (fass-) n. “fringe, [ᴱQ.] tassel; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] border”
⚠️ᴱQ. fascalan n. “bath”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^súnë “bath, small pool”
⚠️ᴱQ. fásë n. “gulf, gap”; see instead:
ᴹQ. yáwë “ravine, cleft, gully”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^fassalë n. “(tasseled) fringe”
ᴹQ. fassë n. “tangled hair, shaggy lock”
ᴺQ. !fassëa adj. “shaggy, tangled [hair]” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^fassitë adj. “tasseled”
ᴹQ. fasta adj. “pleased”
ᴹQ. fasta-¹ v. “to tangle”
ᴹQ. fasta-² v. “to please”
⚠️ᴱQ. fatsalë n. “(tasseled) fringe”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^fassalë “(tasseled) fringe”
⚠️ᴱQ. fatsë n. “tassel”; see instead:
ᴹQ. atsa² “tassel, fryse, fringe”
⚠️ᴱQ. fatsevoitë adj. “tasseled”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^fassitë “tasseled”
⚠️ᴱQ. fauca adj. “fat, large”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
ᴹQ. fauca adj. “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
⚠️ᴱQ. fausta n. “*smell”; see instead:
ᴹQ. olmë “odour”
⚠️ᴱQ. fausta- v. “to get smell of”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nusta- “to smell [something]”
⚠️ᴱQ. faustima adj. “*odorous, able to be smelled”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nustaima “odorous, (lit.) able to be smelled”
⚠️ᴱQ. fauta- v. “to snow”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hris- “to snow”
⚠️ᴱQ. fáwë n. “snow”; see instead:
Q. lossë¹ “snow, fallen snow; snow-white, snowy”
⚠️ᴱQ. n. “last hour, last breath, (act of) death”; see instead:
Q. fírië “death (of Men), *natural death”
Q. fëa n. “(indwelling or incarnate) spirit, soul”
Q. fëafelmë n. “*spirit-impulse”
⚠️ᴹQ. fëalócë n. “spark-dragon”; see instead:
Q. föalócë “*breath-dragon”
⚠️ᴱQ. fel adv. “worse, worst”
ᴺQ. !fel- v. “to feel (emotions)”
⚠️Q. felca adj. “[unglossed]”
⚠️Q. felco n. “cave, mine, underground dwelling”; see instead:
Q. felya “mine, boring, tunnel, ⚠️underground dwelling; [ᴹQ.] cave”
⚠️ᴱQ. felda adj. “worse, worst”
Q. felehta- v. “*to excavate, tunnel, mine”
Q. felmë n. “*emotion, impulse”
ᴺQ. !felminqua adj. “passionate, full of feeling” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
⚠️ᴱQ. felu n. “bad magic”; see instead:
Q. núlë “black arts, sorcery”
⚠️ᴱQ. felusi n. “witch”; see instead:
ᴺQ. curuni “witch, *sorceress, female magician (not necessarily evil)”
ᴺQ. !núlemo “(evil) sorceror, black magician”
Q., ᴹQ. felya n. “mine, boring, tunnel, ⚠️underground dwelling; [ᴹQ.] cave”
⚠️ᴱQ. fen (feng-) n. “reed”; see instead:
ᴹQ. liscë “reed, [ᴱQ.] sedge”
ᴹQ. fenda n. “threshold”
ᴺQ. !fendassë n. “doorway, gateway” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
Q. fendë n. “door”
⚠️ᴱQ. #feng- v. “to cut”; see instead:
Q. #cir- “to cut, [ᴱQ.] cleave; *to separate from”
⚠️ᴱQ. feng n. “serpent”; see instead:
Q. hlócë “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
⚠️Q. fenna n. “door”; see instead:
Q. fendë “door”
ᴺQ. !fennatir n. “door-watcher” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. feno (fenu-) n. “venom, poison”; see instead:
Q. hloima “poison, poisonous substance”
⚠️ᴱQ. fenqua adj. “keen, cutting”; see instead:
Q. maica¹ “sharp, piercing”
⚠️ᴱQ. fent n. “serpent, dragon”; see instead:
Q. hlócë “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
⚠️ᴱQ. fenumë n. “dragon”; see instead:
Q. urulócë “fire-serpent, fire-drake, [ᴹQ.] fire-dragon”
ᴹQ. feren (fern-) n. “beech-tree”
Q. férima adj. “ready to hand, (quickly) available”
ᴹQ. ferinya adj. “beechen”
ᴹQ. ferna n. “mast, beechnuts”
ᴹQ. fernë n. “beech-tree” see ᴹQ. feren
ᴺQ. !ferya adj. “quick, ready, prompt” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
Q. ferya- v. “to make ready (promptly), *prepare”
ᴺQ. !feuna adj. “abhorred, aghast” [created by Matt Dinse, VQP]
ᴹQ. feuya- v. “to feel disgust at, abhor”
Q. fifíru- v. “to slowly fade away”
⚠️ᴹQ. filet (filec-) n. “cobweb”; see instead:
ᴹQ. línë “cobweb; [ᴱQ.] cotton, ⚠️thread”
ᴺQ. !filiculumpë n. “ostrich, (lit.) sparrow-camel” [created by Dírheron]
⚠️ᴱQ. filima adj. “fine, thin”; see instead:
Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
⚠️ᴱQ. filimpë n. “fern” see ᴱQ. filquë
Q., ᴹQ. filincë n. “finch”
⚠️ᴱQ. filinquë n. “fern” see ᴱQ. filquë
ᴹQ. filit (filic-) n. “small bird, sparrow”
ᴺQ. !fillannë n. “sack-cloth” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. filma n. “fine hair, line”; see instead:
Q. finë “(single) hair, filament”
ᴹQ. tëa “straight line, ⚠️road”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] filquë n. “fern”
⚠️ᴱQ. filumë adj. “gossamer”
⚠️ᴱQ. filumin adj. “gossamer” see ᴱQ. filumë
⚠️ᴱQ. filwa adj. “fine, thin”; see instead:
Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
Q. #fimbë (fimbi-) adj. “slender, *thin”
Q. finca¹ adj. “clever (in petty ways), *tricky”
⚠️Q. finca² n. “[unglossed]”
Q. finda¹ adj. “having hair, -haired”
Q. finda² adj. “fine and delicately made”
Q., ᴹQ. findë n. “hair (especially of the head); tress or plait of hair, [ᴹQ.] braid of hair”
⚠️ᴱQ. findë n. “cunning” see ᴱQ. finië
Q. findelë n. “tress, lock [of hair]”
Q. findessë n. “head of hair, person’s hair as a whole”
⚠️ᴱQ. findil n. “tress”; see instead:
Q. findelë “tress, lock [of hair]”
⚠️Q. findilë n. “head of hair”; see instead:
Q. findessë “head of hair, person’s hair as a whole”
Q. findelë “tress, lock [of hair]”
ᴺQ. !findimaitar n. “barber, hairdresser” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. findl n. “lock of hair, tress”; see instead:
Q. findelë “tress, lock [of hair]”
ᴺQ. !findori n. “barley” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. finë n. “larch”
Q. finë (fini-) n. “(single) hair, filament”
Q. fínë n. “dexterity”
ᴺQ. !finëa adj. “downy, hairy [specifically fine, light hair]”
Q. fínëa adj. “dexterous”
⚠️ᴱQ. fingil n. “narrows, straits, gulf”; see instead:
Q. (a)nacca “narrows, defile, pass, cut”
⚠️ᴱQ. fingwa adj. “narrow”; see instead:
Q. náha “narrow, *thin”
ᴹQ. arca “narrow”
⚠️ᴱQ. fingwë ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] finië n. “cunning”
⚠️ᴱQ. fint n. “a trick, notion”; see instead:
Q. #fintalë “trick”
Q. finta- v. “to make, finish off, decorate a thing with delicate work; to show skill”
Q. #fintalë n. “trick”
ᴺQ. !fintemótalë n. “industry, (lit.) making toil” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q., ᴱQ. finwa adj. “dexterous, clever; fine, delicate; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] acute, sagacious”
Q. finya adj. “clever”
Q. finya- v. “to do/make a thing (with fine work)”
ᴺQ. !finyalë n. “cleverness”
ᴹQ. fion (fiond-) n. “hawk, ⚠️haste”
⚠️ᴱQ. fion (fiond-) n. “son”; see instead:
Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
Q., ᴹQ. fir- v. “to die, fade, †expire, breathe forth”
ᴹQ. firë n. “mortal man”
Q. fírië n. “death (of Men), *natural death”
⚠️ᴹQ. Fírien n. “Winter”; see instead:
Q. hrívë “winter”
Q., ᴹQ. fírima adj. “mortal, *(lit.) able to die”
ᴹQ. fírimárë n. “mortality, the state of being mortal”
ᴹQ. firin adj. “dead (by natural cause)”
⚠️ᴱQ. firin¹ n. “ray of sun”; see instead:
Q. arma “ray of sunlight”
ᴹQ. firin “dead (by natural cause)”
⚠️ᴱQ. firin² n. “necklace”; see instead:
ᴺQ. firinga “necklace, carcanet”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] firinga n. “necklace, carcanet”
⚠️ᴺQ. !firta- v. “to kill” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !qualta- “to kill, murder”
Q., ᴹQ. firya adj. “[ᴹQ.] human; [Q.] mortal”
ᴺQ. !fisica n. “physics” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. interj. “nay, no”
Q. föa n. “breath, puff of breath”
⚠️ᴱQ. föa n. “hoard, treasure”; see instead:
Q. haura² “hoard, store”
Q. föa “breath, puff of breath”
Q., ᴱQ. föalócë n. “*breath-dragon”
⚠️ᴱQ. foina adj. “hidden, secret”; see instead:
ᴹQ. muina “hidden, secret”
ᴹQ. nulla “dark, dusky, obscure; hidden, secret”
ᴺQ. !Foinicer n. “Phoenicians” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. fólë n. “stealth, a secret, secrecy”; see instead:
ᴹQ. muilë “secrecy”
⚠️ᴱQ. fólima adj. “secretive”; see instead:
Q. cuvoitë “hiding, secretive; treacherous”
Q. for- pref. “right-hand, north”
ᴺQ. !Foralcar n. “aurora, (lit.) northern radiance” [created by Röandil]
Q. forma n. “right-hand”
Q., ᴹQ. #formaitë adj. “righthanded, ⚠️dexterous”
Q., ᴹQ. formen n. “north, [ᴹQ.] right-hand [direction]”
ᴹQ. formenya adj. “northern”
Q. forna adj. “northern”
ᴺQ. !fornúmen n. and adj. “northwest” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !fornúna adj. “northwestern” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. !forrómen n. and adj. “northeast” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !forróna adj. “northeastern” [created by Röandil]
ᴹQ. fortë (forti-) adj. “right or north”
ᴹQ. forya adj. “right (hand), dexter”
⚠️ᴱQ. fui n. “night”; see instead:
Q. huinë “gloom, (unrelieved) darkness, deep shadow, ⚠️night shade; dark (as a substance)”
ᴹQ. †fuinë n. “deep shadow” see ᴹQ. huinë
⚠️ᴱQ. fuiva adj. “*murky” see ᴱQ. huiva
⚠️ᴱQ. fuiyáru n. “deadly nightshade”
⚠️ᴱQ. fum- v. “to sleep”; see instead:
ᴹQ. #lor- “to sleep, [ᴱQ.] slumber”
⚠️ᴱQ. fúmë n. “(deep) sleep”; see instead:
Q. lórë “[ᴹQ.] slumber, *sleep; [Q.] dream”
⚠️ᴱQ. fumella n. “(red) poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lórelot “poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”
⚠️ᴱQ. fúmelot n. “poppy”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lórelot “poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”
⚠️ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] fundu- v. “to thunder” [created by Damien Bador]; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hundu- “to thunder”
⚠️ᴱQ. furin adj. “hidden, concealed”; see instead:
ᴹQ. muina “hidden, secret”
⚠️ᴱQ. furu n. “lie”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cupta “deception, lie”
⚠️ᴱQ. fustúma adj. “*able to be smelled”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nustaima “odorous, (lit.) able to be smelled”
⚠️ᴱQ. ha pron. “it; 3rd sg. neut. pronoun”
ᴹQ. ha pron. “it, subjective abstract particle”
⚠️ᴱQ. ha- pref. “*its; 3rd sg. neut. possessive”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hac- v. “to squat”
Q. #hac- v. “to yawn”
Q. hácala adj. “yawning”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hacca n. “the hams, buttocks”
Q. hahta n. “fence, hedge”
⚠️ᴹQ. hahta n. “heap, pile, (piled) mound”; see instead:
Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
Q. hahta “fence, hedge”
Q. haila adj. “far beyond”
ᴺQ. !hailë n. “removal, distancing” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
ᴹQ. haimë n. “habit”
ᴺQ. !haimëa adj. “habitual, ⚠️cultural” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !haimelë n. “culture” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !haimelëa adj. “cultural”
ᴹQ. haira adj. “remote, far”
ᴺQ. !hairië n. “distance, (lit.) farness” [created by ABNW]
ᴺQ. !haita- v. “to remove, (lit.) make distant” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
ᴹQ. haiya adv. “far off, far away”
Q. hala n. “cast shadow, *shade”
ᴹQ. hala n. “(small) fish”
ᴹQ. halatir(no) (halatirn-) n. “kingsfisher, (lit.) fish-watcher”
⚠️ᴱQ. halcin adj. “frozen”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !helina “frozen”
⚠️Q., ᴱQ., ᴹQ. halda adj. “tall; [ᴱQ.] wide, broad”; see instead:
Q. halla “tall”
ᴹQ. halda¹ adj. “veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady”
⚠️ᴱQ. halis (haliss-) n. “rush”; see instead:
ᴹQ. alaco “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
⚠️ᴱQ. haliscë n. “rush”; see instead:
ᴹQ. alaco “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
Q., ᴹQ. halla adj. “tall”
⚠️ᴹQ. halla² adj. “naked”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
⚠️ᴹQ. halma n. “skin, fell”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helma “skin, fell, *hide”
⚠️ᴱQ. #halmë n. “drawing”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !tucië “drawing, pulling”
⚠️ᴱQ. haloisi n. “the sea (in storm)”; see instead:
Q. raumo “(noise of a) storm”
Q. váya “ocean, [stormy] sea”
⚠️ᴱQ. haloitë adj. “leaping”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !capaitë “leaping, bounding”
⚠️ᴱQ. halta- v. “to leap”; see instead:
ᴹQ. cap- “to leap, [ᴱQ.] jump”
ᴹQ. halya- v. “to veil, conceal, screen from light”
⚠️ᴹQ. ham- v. “to sit (down), be situated in ”; see instead:
Q. har- “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
⚠️Q. #ham- v. “to judge”; see instead:
Q. nam- “to judge, *think (have as an opinion)”
⚠️ᴱQ. hamba adj. “on the ground”
⚠️ᴱQ. hambanoitë adj. “on the ground”
⚠️ᴹQ. hamma n. “chair”; see instead:
Q. hanwa “seat, *chair”
Q. hamna n. “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
Q. hampa adj. “restrained, delayed, kept”
⚠️ᴱQ. hampa- v. “to hop”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lapa- “to hop”
ᴺQ. !hampë n. “clothing, garment” [created by Ales Bican, PPQ]
⚠️ᴹQ. hamu- v. “to sit down, take a seat”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^haru- “to sit down, take a seat”
Q. han prep. “beyond”
Q. han- pref. “*back as an answer or return by another agent”
⚠️ᴱQ. han (hamb-) n. “ground, earth”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hún “earth, *ground”
ᴹQ. hana n. “post”
⚠️ᴹQ. hanaco n. “giant”; see instead:
ᴹQ. norsa “giant”
ᴹQ. handa¹ adj. “understanding, intelligent”
⚠️ᴹQ. handa² n. “chair”; see instead:
Q. hanwa “seat, *chair”
ᴹQ. handassë n. “intelligence”
ᴹQ. handë n. “knowledge, understanding”
ᴹQ. handelë n. “intellect”
ᴺQ. !handelóra adj. “witless” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !hando n. “big brother, ‘big bro’ (intimate)” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴹQ. hando n. “agent (male)”; see instead:
Q. -ndo “(masculine) agent”
Q. hanno n. “brother (diminutive)”
Q. háno n. “brother”
Q. hanquenta n. “answer, *response”
ᴺQ. !hanquet- v. “to answer, *respond” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. hant adv. “down, to the ground”; see instead:
ᴹQ. taltë “down, at the bottom”
⚠️ᴱQ. hanta n. “a blow with an axe”
ᴺQ. !hanta- v. “to thank, give thanks”
Q. #hantalë n. “thanksgiving”
ᴹQ. hanu n. “male, man (of Men or Elves), male animal”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúrë n. “manliness, masculinity”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanusta n. “monastery”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanustar n. “monk”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúva adj. “doughty, *manly”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúvië n. “manhood, doughtyness”
ᴹQ. hanuvoitë adj. “*masculine”
Q. hanwa n. “seat, *chair”
ᴹQ. hanwa adj. “male”
ᴹQ. hanya- v. “to understand, know about, be skilled in dealing with”
ᴺQ. !hap-¹ v. “to bind, restrain; ⚠️to retain, keep, detain” [created by Paul Strack; NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴺQ. !hap-² v. “to clothe, enfold” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴹQ. vaita- “to enfold, [ᴱQ.] wrap”
ᴺQ. vaimata- “to [en]robe, *clothe; to get dressed, put on clothing”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hapta- v. “to eject, ejaculate”
ᴺQ. !hapya- v. “to delay, retain, keep (temporarily)” [created by Paul Strack]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. har- v. “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
⚠️ᴹQ. haran n. “king, chieftain, lord or king of a specified region”; see instead:
Q. aran “king”
⚠️ᴱQ. hara(nda) n. “flesh-meat”; see instead:
Q. hrávë “flesh”
ᴹQ. apsa¹ “meat, cooked food”
⚠️ᴱQ. haranwa adj. “fleshly, carnal”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hrávëa “fleshly, carnal”
Q. haranyë n. “century (100 years)”
⚠️ᴹQ. harda n. “realm”; see instead:
Q. arda “region, realm, particular land or region; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] place, spot”
⚠️ᴱQ. har(ë) adv. “near”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^arë “beside, along, near”
⚠️ᴱQ. hari- v. “to hate”; see instead:
ᴺQ. tev- “to hate, dislike”
⚠️ᴱQ. hari n. “blood”; see instead:
Q. sercë “blood”
Q. †χarina adj. “marred”
Q. *harina adj. “marred” see Q. †χarina
ᴺQ. !harivë adv. “closely, nearly” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q., ᴹQ. harma n. “treasure, [ᴹQ.] treasured thing”
⚠️ᴹQ. harma² n. “wolf, hound”
⚠️ᴹQ. harmen n. “south”; see instead:
Q. hyarmen “south, (lit.) left-hand direction”
ᴹQ. harna- v. “to wound”
ᴹQ. harna¹ adj. “wounded”
⚠️ᴹQ. harna² n. “helmet”; see instead:
Q. castol(o) “helmet”
ᴺQ. !harnalassë n. “schadenfreude, malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune, (lit.) wound-joy” [created by Dírheron]
ᴺQ. !harnalë n. “harm, damage” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺQ. !harno n. “possessor” [created by ABNW]
⚠️ᴹQ. haro n. “hawk”; see instead:
ᴹQ. fion “hawk, ⚠️haste”
⚠️Q. háro ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴹQ. harpa n. “helmet”; see instead:
Q. castol(o) “helmet”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] haru n. “grandfather”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^haru- v. “to sit down, take a seat”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] haruni n. “grandmother”
ᴹQ. harwë¹ n. “treasure, treasury”
ᴹQ. harwë² n. “wound”
Q., ᴹQ. #harya- v. “to have, *hold, [ᴹQ.] possess”
⚠️ᴹQ. haryon n. “prince (heir)”; see instead:
Q. cundo “lord, guardian, [ᴹQ.] prince”
ᴹQ. aryon “heir”
Q. hasa- [þ] v. “to treat (medically), (help to) cure; to treat kindly, make easy”
ᴺQ. !hasaino [þ] n. “patient, (lit.) medically treated one” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !hasarë [þ] n. “medicine” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !hasarëa [þ] adj. “medical” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !hasiendë [þ] n. “therapy, a process of treating medically” [created by Arael, NotD]
ᴺQ. !hassë (hass-) n. “little brother, ‘lil bro’ (intimate)” [created by Röandil]
Q. #hasta- v. “to mar”
Q. hastaina adj. “marred”
ᴺQ. !hastalë n. “corruption” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !hastima adj. “corruptible” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴺQ. !haswa [þ] n. “medicine” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hasarë “medicine”
ᴹQ. hat (haht-) n. “ridge, comb, crest”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. hat- v. “[ᴱQ.] to hurl, fling, *throw”
ᴹQ. hat-¹ v. “to break asunder”
Q. hatal n. “spear, *javelin”
ᴺQ. !hatar n. “thrower (of spears and darts)” [created by Quentandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. hatsë n. “headlong movement”; see instead:
ᴹQ. alaco “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
⚠️ᴱQ. hatsëa adj. “rushing, rapid”; see instead:
ᴹQ. (a)larca “swift, rapid”
ᴺQ. !hatta n. “missile” [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
⚠️ᴱQ. haura adj. “old, aged, ancient”
⚠️Q. haura¹ adj. “huge”; see instead:
Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
Q. haura² n. “hoard, store”
ᴺQ. !hauro n. “wardrobe, cupboard, piece of furniture used for storing” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !hausta n. “nest” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ. hauta- v. “to cease, take a rest, stop”
⚠️ᴱQ. (h)áva adj. “*its; 3rd sg. neut. possessive emphatic”
Q. háva n. “[unleavened] bread (collective)”
Q. havar n. “a loaf or cake of [unleavened] bread”
ᴺQ. !havarcë n. “cookie” [created by Raccoon, NotD]
ᴹQ. háya adv. “far off, far away” see ᴹQ. haiya
⚠️ᴺQ. !hayassë n. “distance” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hairië “distance, (lit.) farness”
⚠️Q. pron. “other person, him (the other)”; see instead:
Q. hyë “other person, him (the other)”
ᴹQ. he pron. “they”
⚠️ᴱQ. hëa pron. “it (emphatic); 3rd sg. neut. pronoun”
Q. heca interj. “be gone!, stand aside!”
Q. hecil n. “one lost or forsaken by friends, waif, outcast, outlaw”
Q. hecilë n. “one lost or forsaken by friends, waif, outcast, outlaw (f.)”
Q. hecilo n. “one lost or forsaken by friends, waif, outcast, outlaw (m.)”
ᴺQ. !hecima adj. “special (negative)” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !heconna n. “child born out of wedlock, bastard” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. hehta- v. “to put aside, leave out, exclude, abandon, forsake”
ᴺQ. !hehtar n. “renegade” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hel- v. “to freeze (of water)”
⚠️Q. hela conj. “*other than”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. helca adj. “icy, ice-cold”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. helcë n. “ice”
ᴺQ. !helcehtyar n. “narwhal, (lit.) ice-spearman” [created by Valerie]
ᴹQ. helcelimbë n. “*icicle, (lit.) ice-drop”
ᴺQ. !helcelmë n. “glacier; (lit.) frozen flow” [created by Röandil]
ᴹQ. helda¹ adj. “naked, stripped bare”
⚠️ᴹQ. helda² adj. “friendly, having love (for)”; see instead:
Q. melda “beloved, dear, [ᴹQ.] sweet”
ᴺQ. !heldassë n. “nakedness” [created by ABNW]
⚠️ᴹQ. heldë n. “friend”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nildë “friend (f.)”
⚠️ᴹQ. heldo n. “friend”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nildo “friend [m.]”
⚠️ᴹQ. helen (helem-) n. “icicle”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helcelimbë “*icicle, (lit.) ice-drop”
ᴺQ. !helet (helets-) n. “fur, fur-coat” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !helexë n. “hail” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^helillos [þ] n. “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster”
⚠️ᴱQ. heliloctë n. “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^helillos “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helin n. “pansy”
ᴺQ. !helina adj. “frozen”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinillë n. “violet [flower]”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinillëa n. “*violet [colour]”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinquila n. “mauve”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinwa n. “of pansies; (of colour) a blue-violet”
ᴺQ. !helissar n. “amethyst” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ. hellë¹ n. “sky”
⚠️ᴹQ. hellë² n. “frost”; see instead:
Q. nixë “frost; ⚠️ice-flake or snow-flake”
ᴹQ. hellë¹ “sky”
ᴺQ. !Hellenórë n. “Greece, Greek people” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴹQ. helma n. “skin, fell, *hide”
⚠️ᴹQ. helmë n. “friendship”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nilmë “friendship”
⚠️ᴹQ. helmo n. “friend”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nilmo “friend”
ᴺQ. !helmolpë n. “wine-skin, (lit.) skin-bottle” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !helmunquë n. “wrinkle, (lit.) skin-hollow” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. helor n. “frost”; see instead:
Q. nixë “frost; ⚠️ice-flake or snow-flake”
ᴺQ. !helquir (helquirm-) n. “ice cream” [created by Christopher Gilson]
ᴺQ. !helta- v. “to strip, bare, peel; to despoil, denude” [created by Damien Bador, Psalms]
ᴹQ. helwa adj. “(pale) blue”
ᴹQ. helyanwë n. “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge, *sky-joining”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hempa n. “cord”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #hen (hend-) n. “eye”
ᴺQ. !henca adj. “rare (as opposite of dense)” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !hencalcat n. “eye-glasses, spectacles” [created by Yitzik, VQP]
ᴺQ. !hencúnë n. “eyebrow, (lit.) eye-arch” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️Q. hendas ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hendelë n. “window” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. lattin “window”
ᴺQ. !hendelúpëa cecet n. “peafowl, (lit.) eye-plumed pheasant” [created by Dírheron]
Q. hendumaica adj. “sharp-eye[d]”
⚠️ᴺQ. !henet (henets-) n. “window” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. lattin “window”
⚠️Q. henfanwa n. “eye-screen, veil upon eyes”
⚠️ᴱQ. heno (henu-) n. “venom, poison”; see instead:
Q. hloima “poison, poisonous substance”
Q. henta- v. “to eye, examine, read, scan”
Q. hententa- v. “to spot with eye”
Q. hentië n. “reading”
ᴺQ. !hentópa n. “eyelid” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ. henulca adj. “*evil-eyed”
⚠️ᴱQ. henuva adj. “venomous, poisonous”; see instead:
Q. hloirëa “venomous, *poisonous”
ᴺQ. !hep- v. “to keep” [created by Ales Bican, ABNW]
⚠️ᴱQ. hepe- v. “to bind”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hap-¹ “to bind, restrain; ⚠️to retain, keep, detain”
ᴺQ. !hep- “to keep”
Q. hequa prep. and adv. “leaving aside, not counting, excluding, except”
Q. hér n. “lord” see Q. heru
ᴹQ. héra adj. “chief, principal, *main”
ᴺQ. !héramat (héramatt-) n. “main course, (lit.) chief meal” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴺQ. !herca conj. “or” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. hya¹ “or”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hérë n. “lordship”
ᴹQ. heren n. “fortune, (lit.) governance”
Q. heren n. “order, *association”
⚠️ᴱQ. herendo n. “brother”; see instead:
Q. háno “brother”
ᴹQ. herenya adj. “fortunate, wealthy, blessed, rich”
⚠️ᴱQ. heréro n. “brother”; see instead:
Q. háno “brother”
⚠️ᴱQ. heressë n. “sister”; see instead:
Q. nésa “sister”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #heri n. “lady”
Q. hérincë n. “*little lady”
⚠️ᴱQ. heritsë n. “an Inwe”; see instead:
Q. heru “lord, master”
⚠️ᴱQ. herivesti n. “wife”; see instead:
Q. veri “wife”
ᴺQ. !hérosto n. “capital city” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. heru n. “lord, master”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] heru- v. “to lord it over, be master of, own, [ᴱQ.] rule”
ᴺQ. !herulatsë n. “estate, domain” [created by Arael, NotD]
⚠️ᴱQ. heruni n. “lady”; see instead:
Q. #heri “lady”
⚠️ᴱQ. heruvesto n. “husband, (lit.) lord husband”; see instead:
Q. veru “husband”
⚠️ᴺQ. !herwa adj. “lordly” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
Q. arata “high, noble, exalted, lofty”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hes (hest-) n. “*sibling”
⚠️ᴱQ. hesin n. “winter”; see instead:
Q. hrívë “winter”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hessa adj. “withered, ⚠️dead”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hesta- v. “to wither”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hesta(lë) n. “the nearest consanguinity”
⚠️ᴱQ. hestalë n. “the nearest consanguinity” see ᴱQ. hesta
⚠️ᴱQ. hestaner n. “brother”; see instead:
Q. háno “brother”
⚠️ᴱQ. hestani n. “sister”; see instead:
Q. nésa “sister”
⚠️ᴱQ. hestanoina adj. “bearing the nearest consanguinity”
⚠️ᴱQ. hestanoini n. “sister”; see instead:
Q. nésa “sister”
⚠️ᴱQ. hestanoinu n. “brother”; see instead:
Q. háno “brother”
⚠️ᴱQ. hestanu n. “brother”; see instead:
Q. háno “brother”
⚠️ᴱQ. hestaquin n. “sister”; see instead:
Q. nésa “sister”
ᴹQ. hesto n. “captain”
⚠️ᴱQ. hetl n. “bond”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nútë “bond, knot”
Q. naxa¹ “bond, fetter”
ᴺQ. !hexan (hexamb-) n. “toilet, lavatory” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. hi pron. “she; 3rd sg. fem. pronoun”
⚠️Q. adv. “here”; see instead:
Q. sís “here”
⚠️ᴱQ. hië pron. “she (emphatic); 3rd sg. fem. pronoun”
⚠️ᴱQ. hilc- v. “to freeze”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hel- “to freeze (of water)”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #hildë (hildi-) n. “heir, follower; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] child”
ᴺQ. !hilië n. “following (act of)” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !hilista n. “following (situation), succession, continuation” [created by Arael]
ᴺQ. !hilistas adv. “in turn” [created by Arael]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hilmë¹ n. “offspring, *descendant”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hilmë² n. “following (act of)” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hilië “following (act of)”
⚠️ᴱQ. hilmi coll. “family, offspring”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hilmë¹ “offspring, *descendant”
⚠️ᴱQ. hilmië n. “offspring”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hilmë¹ “offspring, *descendant”
⚠️ᴱQ. hilmo n. “son”; see instead:
Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
⚠️ᴱQ. hilu n. “son”; see instead:
Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
ᴹQ. hilya- v. “to follow”
ᴺQ. !hilyalë n. “succession, dynasty” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
ᴹQ. him- v. “to adhere”
ᴺQ. !híma adj. “sticky, viscous”
ᴹQ. himba adj. “adhering, sticking”
ᴺQ. !hímë n. “beer” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ., ᴹQ. !himítë (himíti-) adj. “clinging, sticking, (lit.) able to stick on; persistent, chronic”
ᴺQ. !himítië n. “compliance” [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
⚠️ᴺQ. !himta- v. “to make stick, attach” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴹQ. himya- “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by”
ᴹQ. himya- v. “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by”
ᴺQ. !himyalë n. “connection” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. hína n. “child”
⚠️Q. hindë n. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
Q. hína “child”
⚠️Q. hindo n. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
Q. hína “child”
⚠️ᴱQ. hingwë ? “[unglossed]”
ᴹQ. hinna adv. “still”
ᴺQ. !hinta- v. “to adopt” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️Q. hintil n. “baby (finger)”; see instead:
Q. vinimo “baby, little-one”
⚠️Q. hinyë n. “baby”; see instead:
Q. vinimo “baby, little-one”
⚠️ᴱQ. hir (hird-) n. “inwards, interior, inside, heart”; see instead:
Q. enda “heart; centre, *interior”
Q., ᴹQ. hir- v. “to find”
ᴺQ. !hirdë n. “entrails, bowels” [created by Paul Strack]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #hísë (hísi-) [þ] n. “mist, [ᴹQ.] fog, [ᴱQ.] haze; ⚠️dusk; bleared”
ᴺQ. !hísëa adj. “misty”
Q. hísië [þ] n. “mist, mistiness”
Q. hísilanya [þ] n. “mist thread, grey elvish rope”
Q., ᴹQ. Hísimë [þ] n. “November, *Misty-one”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hisquë n. “smog” [created by Orondil, Röandil]; see instead:
ᴺQ. quonda “choking smog, smoke”
⚠️ᴱQ. #hista- v. “to fade”; see instead:
Q. fifíru- “to slowly fade away”
⚠️ᴱQ. histë n. and adj. “dusk” see ᴱQ. hísë
⚠️ᴱQ. histe- v. “to hiss”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !surya- “to hiss”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hiswa [þ] adj. “grey [of weather], *foggy, overcast; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dim, fading”
ᴹQ. hiswë [þ] n. “fog”
ᴺQ. !hiuma n. “hint, clue”
ᴹQ. hiuta- v. “to hint”
⚠️ᴱQ. (h)íva adj. “*her; 3rd sg. fem. possessive emphatic”
ᴺQ. !hlaimar (hlaimard-) n. “hospital” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlaiwa adj. “sickly, sick, ill”
ᴺQ. !hlapil n. “flag” [created by Valerie]
ᴺQ. !hlappo n. “dress, (lit.) flying cloth” [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
Q. hlapu- v. “to blow, fly or stream in the wind”
Q. #hlar- v. “to hear”
ᴺQ. !hlaraitë adj. “able to hear”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hlárelóra adj. “deaf, (lit.) hearing-less” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lahlaraitë “deaf, (lit.) unable to hear”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hlárerya n. “hearing (ability)” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hlarië “hearing”
ᴺQ. !hlarië n. “hearing”
ᴺQ. !hlarindo n. “hearer” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !hlarma n. “earpiece, receiver” [created by Orondil]
Q. hlas (hlar-) n. “ear”
⚠️ᴹQ. hlasta- v. “to hear”; see instead:
Q. #hlar- “to hear”
ᴹQ. hlic- v. “to creep, *sneak”
ᴺQ. !hlimba n. “sled” [created by Arael, Luinyelle]
Q. hlimbë adj. “sliding, gliding, slippery, sleek”
ᴺQ. !hlimbon n. “sleigh” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !hlintë (hlinty-) adj. “fluff, down, soft stuff” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlit- v. “to speed swiftly, race, dash, hurtle” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlívë n. “sickness, *disease”
ᴺQ. [Q.] hlöa n. “flood, fenland”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hlócë (hlóci-) n. “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
Q. hloima n. “poison, poisonous substance”
Q. hloirë n. “venom, poison, poisonousness”
Q. hloirëa adj. “venomous, *poisonous”
Q. hloita- v. “to poison, envenom, fill with poison”
Q. hlón(a) (hlon-) n. “noise, sound; *phone (in linguistics), speech sound”
Q. hlonaitë adj. “phonetic” see Q. hlonitë
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hlonda- v. “to boom, bang, make (loud) noise” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hlondë n. “loud noise”
ᴺQ. !hlónemma n. “phoneme” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. hlonitë adj. “phonetic”
ᴺQ. !hluc- v. “to swallow” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !hlunco (hluncu-) n. “pharynx, gullet” [created by Paul Strack, Ygrain]
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlussa- v. “to whisper”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlussë n. “whispering sound, *whisper”
Q. hlúvo (hlúvu-) adj. “greasy, fat”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] n. “owl”
Q. hó- pref. “away, from, from among”
⚠️ᴹQ. n. “shout”; see instead:
ᴺQ. hollë “shout”
Q. n. “hound (or ?heart)”
⚠️ᴹQ. ho prep. “from”; see instead:
Q. o “from”
Q. höa adj. “big, large”
ᴺQ. !höahan (höahán-) n. “big brother (informal/familiar)” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. !höanet (höanéþ-) n. “big sister (informal/familiar)” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. !höassë n. “size” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !hócilmë n. “example, outtake, selection, representative item” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. #hócir- v. “to cut off (so as to have or use a required portion)”
⚠️ᴱQ. hohyë n. “fluff”
⚠️ᴱQ. hoiyë n. “foam”
⚠️ᴱQ. holálë n. see ᴱQ. hulálë
⚠️Q. holdë n. “[unglossed]”
Q. holla adj. “?shut”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. hollë n. “shout”
ᴺQ. !hollo n. “cock, cockerel, rooster” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi, VQP]
Q. holma adj. “?shut” see Q. holla
ᴹQ. holmë n. “odour, *scent, smell [not necessarily bad]”
Q., ᴹQ. holmo adv. “sincerely, heartily; *(lit.) from the heart”
⚠️Q. holta- v. “to shut, close”; see instead:
Q. holya- “to shut, close”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^holtu- v. “to call out, *shout” [created by Damien Bador]
⚠️ᴱQ. holtȯ- v. “to call out”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^holtu- “to call out, *shout”
⚠️ᴱQ. holwë n. “stench”; see instead:
ᴹQ. olmë “odour”
Q. holya- v. “to shut, close”
ᴺQ. !holyë n. “hen” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi, VQP]
ᴺQ. !homanca- v. “to buy” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hón (hom-) n. “heart (physical organ)”
⚠️ᴱQ. #hon¹ (hond-) n. “stone, rock”; see instead:
Q. ondo “stone (as a material), (large mass of) rock”
⚠️ᴱQ. hón(a) n. “bone”; see instead:
Q. axo¹ “bone”
Q. #honda adj. “hearted”
ᴺQ. !hondacil n. “belladonna, (lit.) heartsbane” [created by Valerie]
⚠️ᴱQ. hondë n. “heart”; see instead:
Q. hón “heart (physical organ)”
⚠️ᴱQ. hondo n. “heart”; see instead:
Q. hón “heart (physical organ)”
⚠️ᴹQ. #hondo adj. “*hearted”; see instead:
Q. #honda “hearted”
Q. hondo n. “(seat of the) deepest feelings”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hont n. “sneeze”
ᴹQ. hont adv. “inwards”
ᴺQ. !hontompa n. “heartbeat” [created by Luinyelle, Röandil]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hontossë n. “loud sneeze”
ᴹQ. hópa n. “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
ᴹQ. hopassë n. “harbourage”
ᴹQ. hora- v. “to wait for”
⚠️ᴱQ. hórë (hóri-) n. “pine, stone pine”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
ᴹQ. hórë n. “impulse”
ᴹQ. hórëa adj. “impulsive”
ᴺQ. !horina adj. “driven under compulsion, impelled” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱQ. horinel (horinell-) n. “pine-needle”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sononel “pine-needle”
ᴺQ. !hórista n. “citation, quotation, (lit.) something cut out” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
⚠️ᴱQ. horma n. “horde, host”; see instead:
Q. rimbë “host, great number, [ᴹQ.] crowd”
ᴹQ. hormë n. “urgency”
ᴺQ. !horna¹ adj. “uneven, rough; rude” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴺQ. !horna² adj. “driven under compulsion, impelled” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !horina “driven under compulsion, impelled”
ᴺQ. !hornië n. “roughness; rudeness” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴹQ. horro interj. “ugh, alas!, ow!” see ᴹQ. orro¹
ᴹQ. horta- v. “to send flying, speed, urge”
ᴹQ. hortalë n. “speeding, urging”
ᴹQ. horya- v. “to have an impulse, be compelled to do something, set vigorously out to do”
ᴹQ. †hos (host-) n. “crowd, assembly” see ᴹQ. hosto
⚠️ᴱQ. hos(së) (host-) n. “folk, people, tribe”; see instead:
Q. nos(së) “kindred, family, [ᴹQ.] clan, ‘house’, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] folk, kin, people”
⚠️ᴱQ. hossë¹ n. “army, band, troop”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hotsë “army, band, troop”
⚠️ᴱQ. hossë² n. “wall and moat” see ᴱQ. ossa
⚠️ᴱQ. hos(t) (host-) n. “dwelling, hamlet”; see instead:
ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
ᴹQ. hosta n. “large number”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hosta- v. “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
⚠️ᴱQ. hosta¹ n. “walled tower”; see instead:
Q. osto “fortress, stronghold, strong place; [ᴹQ.] city, town with wall round”
⚠️ᴱQ. hosta² n. “folk”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hosto “crowd, assembly”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hostaitë adj. “able to gather”
⚠️ᴱQ. hostalca adj. “able to gather”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hostaitë “able to gather”
⚠️ᴱQ. hostar¹ n. “tribe”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hosto “crowd, assembly”
⚠️ᴱQ. hostar² n. “walled tower”; see instead:
Q. osto “fortress, stronghold, strong place; [ᴹQ.] city, town with wall round”
ᴹQ. hosto n. “crowd, assembly”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hótocië n. “tax” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !tungwë “tax”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hototyossë n. “a cough and a sneeze”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hotsë n. “army, band, troop”
Q. hótul- v. “to come away (to leave a place and go to another)”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hotya- v. “to sneeze”
⚠️ᴱQ. #hotyo- v. “to sneeze”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hotya- “to sneeze”
Q. hrá prep. “*for, on behalf of” see Q. rá²
Q. hrai- pref. “hard, *difficult”
Q. hrai adj. “awkward, difficult, stiff” see Q. hrai(a)¹
Q. hrai(a)¹ adj. “difficult, awkward, ⚠️stiff”
⚠️Q. hrai(a)² adj. “easy”; see instead:
Q. hrai(a)¹ “difficult, awkward, ⚠️stiff”
Q. hraicenë adj. “scarcely visible, hard to see” see Q. hraicénima
Q. hraicénima adj. “scarcely visible, hard to see”
⚠️Q. hrainotë adj. “*hard to count”
ᴺQ. !hraitasta n. “detail” [created by Robert Reynolds]
ᴺQ. !hrambundo n. “bison, gaur, wisent, buffalo (lit. wild ox)” [created by Orondil]
Q. hranga adj. “awkward, difficult, stiff, hard”
Q. hranga- v. “to thwart”
ᴺQ. !hrangwë n. “problem, difficulty” [created by Tamas Ferencz, 1000W]
Q. hráva adj. “wild, savage, [ᴹQ.] untamed”
Q. hravan n. “wild beast”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hravanda n. “wilderness”
Q. hrávë n. “flesh”
ᴺQ. !hrávëa adj. “fleshly, carnal”
Q. hresta n. “beach, shore”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hríma n. “edge, hem, border”
ᴺQ. [Q.] ^hris- v. “to snow”
Q. hrissë n. “fall of snow”
Q. hristil n. “snow (?peak)”
ᴺQ. !Hristondur n. “Christian, (lit.) Servant of Christ” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️Q. hrisya- [þ] v. “to snow (impersonal)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hris- “to snow”
ᴺQ. !hritya- v. “to achieve, accomplish” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ. hrívë n. “winter”
⚠️Q. †#hriz- v. “to snow”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hris- “to snow”
Q. hró- pref. “east” see Q. ro-
Q. hröa n. “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
Q. hröafelmë n. “*body-impulse”
ᴺQ. !hröaloica n. “cripple” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. hröangolmë n. “lore of the body and arts of healing”
ᴺQ. !hröava adj. “corporeal, bodily”
⚠️Q. hróme(n) n. “east”; see instead:
Q. rómen “east, uprising, sunrise”
⚠️Q. hrón n. “matter, substance, flesh; body”; see instead:
Q. hröa “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
Q. erma “(physical) matter”
Q., ᴹQ. (h)róna adj. “eastern, east”
⚠️Q. hrondo n. “(physical) body, corporeal form”; see instead:
Q. hröa “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
Q. hróta n. “dwelling underground, artificial cave or rockhewn hall”
⚠️Q. hróva¹ adj. “dark, dark brown (of hair)”; see instead:
Q. nolya “dark-haired, *brown-haired”
⚠️Q. hróva² adj. “savage, wild”; see instead:
Q. hráva “wild, savage, [ᴹQ.] untamed”
Q. hru- pref. “evil-”
Q. hrúcarë n. “evil-doing”
ᴺQ. !hrúcen n. “envy, (lit.) evil-sight” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !hrúfinta- v. “to cheat” [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
ᴺQ. !hruhirdië n. “dysentery” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴺQ. !hrundav- v. “to condemn” [created by Arael, NotD]; see instead:
*√NAM “judge”
Q. hruo n. “*wickedness”
ᴺQ. !hrupuhta- v. “to fornicate” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !hrupuhtië n. “fornication” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !hrupuhto n. “fornicator” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. hrú(y)a adj. “evil, wicked”
⚠️ᴱQ. hu pron. “he; 3rd sg. masc. pronoun”
ᴺQ. !hu- v. “to bark, bay” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️Q. n. “hound (or ?heart)”; see instead:
ᴹQ. huo “dog”
⚠️ᴹQ. hu n. “howl”; see instead:
Q. nwámë “wolvish howling”
⚠️ᴱQ. hualquë num. card. “eighteen”
⚠️ᴱQ. hualquenya num. ord. “eighteenth” see ᴱQ. hualtya
⚠️ᴱQ. hualquetya num. ord. “eighteenth” see ᴱQ. hualtya
⚠️ᴱQ. hualtya num. ord. “eighteenth”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. huan (hún-) n. “hound, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dog”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huar n. “wild dog, jackal”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huarda n. “pack (of dogs, wolves)”
⚠️ᴱQ. hucaiya num. ord. “nineteenth”; see instead:
Q. !neterquëa “nineteenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. húcëa num. card. “nineteen”; see instead:
Q. neterquë “nineteen”
⚠️ᴱQ. huë num. card. “nine”; see instead:
Q. nertë “nine”
⚠️ᴱQ. huecainen num. card. “ninety”
⚠️ᴱQ. huesto fraction. “one ninth”; see instead:
Q. ne(re)sta “one ninth”
⚠️ᴱQ. huest(y)a adj. “one ninth”; see instead:
Q. ne(re)sta “one ninth”
⚠️ᴱQ. huetto fraction. “one ninth”; see instead:
Q. ne(re)sta “one ninth”
⚠️ᴱQ. huetya adj. “one ninth”; see instead:
Q. ne(re)sta “one ninth”
⚠️ᴱQ. hui n. “dark, murk, fog; night, evening”; see instead:
Q. huinë “gloom, (unrelieved) darkness, deep shadow, ⚠️night shade; dark (as a substance)”
Q., ᴹQ. huinë n. “gloom, (unrelieved) darkness, deep shadow, ⚠️night shade; dark (as a substance)”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] huiva adj. “murky, *(nearly) lightless”
⚠️ᴱQ. hulálë n. “babble, chatter, conversation”
⚠️ᴱQ. hulin adj. “naked”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
⚠️ᴱQ. hulqua adj. “naked”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
⚠️ᴱQ. hum- v. “*to sleep”; see instead:
ᴹQ. #lor- “to sleep, [ᴱQ.] slumber”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] húmë num. card. “thousand; †great number”
⚠️ᴺQ. !húmeter n. “kilometre, km” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cilometer “kilometer”
⚠️ᴱQ. humetya num. ord. “*thousandth”
ᴹQ. †humpë adv. “in the middle”
ᴹQ. hún (hun-) n. “earth, *ground”
Q. húna adj. “cursed, accursed”
⚠️ᴹQ. húna- v. “to howl”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nauna- “to howl”
⚠️ᴱQ. hunda adj. “low, lowly”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tumna “lowlying, low; deep, [ᴱQ.] profound; ⚠️dark, hidden”
ᴺQ. !hundo n. “thunder” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hundu- v. “to thunder” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^húni n. “bitch, *female dog”
⚠️ᴱQ. hunto n. “elephant”; see instead:
ᴹQ. andamunda “elephant”
ᴹQ. huo n. “dog”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huolë n. “litter (of pups, cubs, etc.)”
⚠️ᴱQ. hur- v. “to speed”; see instead:
ᴹQ. horta- “to send flying, speed, urge”
⚠️ᴱQ. hurin adj. “hidden, concealed”; see instead:
ᴹQ. muina “hidden, secret”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hurindo n. “liar” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cuptamo “liar, deceiver”
⚠️ᴱQ. húro n. “storm”; see instead:
Q. raumo “(noise of a) storm”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hurulë n. “deception” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cuptalë “deception, deceit”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hurumo n. “imposter” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cupta- “to deceive, lie”
⚠️ᴱQ. hus- v. “to burn (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^urta- “to burn”
Q. húta- v. “to curse”
⚠️ᴱQ. húta- v. “to whoop”; see instead:
Q. húta- “to curse”
⚠️ᴱQ. hútatyosta n. “whooping cough”
⚠️ᴱQ. (h)úva adj. “*his; 3rd sg. masc. possessive emphatic”
⚠️ᴱQ. húya num. ord. “ninth”; see instead:
Q. nertëa “ninth”
⚠️ᴱQ. húyo pron. “he (emphatic); 3rd sg. masc. pronoun”
Q. hwá n. “violent wind” see Q. hwarwa
⚠️ᴱQ. hwa- pref. “his; 3rd sg. masc. possessive”
ᴹQ. hwan (hwand-) n. “sponge, fungus”
ᴺQ. !hwandasar (hwandasarn-) n. “pumice, (lit.) sponge-stone” [created by Arael]
ᴹQ. hwarin adj. “crooked”
ᴹQ. hwarma n. “crossbar”
ᴺQ. !hwarrissë n. “blizzard, (lit.) blowing fall of snow” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. hwarwa n. “violent wind”
ᴺQ. !hwat- v. “to spill” [created by Raccoon]
Q. hwermë n. “gesture-code”
Q., ᴹQ. hwesta n. “breeze; [ᴹQ.] breath, puff of air”
ᴹQ. hwesta- v. “to puff”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hwestalauca n. “vapour” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
Q. fanwë “vapour, steam”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hwestalaucata- v. “to vapourize” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
Q. fanwë “vapour, steam”
Q. hwesta sindarinwa [hwesta þindarinwa] n. “Grey-elven hw”
ᴺQ. !hwinda adj. “mad, crazy” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ. hwindë n. “eddy, whirlpool”
Q. hwindë n. “birch”
ᴺQ. !hwínë n. “giddiness, faintness” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️ᴺQ. !hwinima adj. “confusing” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hwintaila “confusing”
ᴺQ. !hwinquetë n. “confused talk, nonsense” [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
ᴺQ. !hwinta- v. “to mix, stir; to confuse” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
ᴺQ. !hwintaila adj. “confusing”
ᴺQ. !hwinwaiwa n. “whirlwind” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
ᴹQ. hwinya- v. “to swirl, eddy, gyrate”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyá adv. “here by us”; see instead:
Q. sís “here”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyá- v. “to stand”; see instead:
Q. #tar-² “to stand”
Q. hya¹ conj. “or”
⚠️ᴱQ. hya¹ pron. “this by us”; see instead:
Q. si¹ “this”
⚠️ᴱQ. hya-¹ pref. “*her; 3rd sg. fem. possessive”
Q. hya² pron. “other thing”
⚠️ᴱQ. hya² prep. “by”; see instead:
Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
⚠️ᴱQ. hya-² pref. “*their; 3rd pl. fem. possessive” see ᴱQ. sia-
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyal- v. “to ring, resound”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyalin n. “paper”
ᴺQ. !hyallë adv. “otherwise, another way, differently” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴹQ. hyalma n. “conch, shell, horn of Ulmo”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyalmë n. “loud ringing noise”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyalta- v. “to strike, make ring; [with dative] make a phone call to, ring”
Q. #hyam- v. “*to pray”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hyámen n. “front” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !pentë “front”
ᴺQ. !hyamië n. “prayer” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyan- v. “to injure”
Q. hyana adj. “other”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyanda n. “harm, damage”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. hyanda n. “pressed mass, crowd, [ᴹQ.] throng”; see instead:
Q. #hyando “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyanda- v. “to mow, cleave”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hyar- “to cleave; [ᴱQ.] to plough”
ᴺQ. ^salca- “to mow, scythe, mow down”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyanda¹ n. “blade, share”; see instead:
Q. #hyando “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
Q., ᴹQ. #hyando n. “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. †hyanna adj. “compact, [ᴹQ.] compressed”; see instead:
Q. #hyando “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
Q. hyarna¹ “southern”
Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
ᴺQ. !hyano adv. “rather” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱQ. hyanta ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. !hyanwë n. “difference” [created by Arael]
⚠️ᴱQ. hyapa n. “shoe”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hyapat “shoe”
ᴺQ. !hyapallë n. “slipper, (lit.) little shoe” [created by Luinyelle, Valerie, NotD]
ᴹQ. hyapat n. “shoe”
ᴺQ. !hyaqui conj. “or else, otherwise” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyar n. “plough”
Q. hyar- pref. “left-hand, south”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hyar- v. “to cleave; [ᴱQ.] to plough”
ᴺQ. !Hyaralcar n. “aurora, (lit.) southern radiance” [created by Röandil]
⚠️Q. hyárë n. “*today, this day”; see instead:
Q. síra “*today, this day”
ᴺQ. !hyarehtë n. “halberd” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. hyarma n. “plough”; see instead:
ᴺQ. hyar “plough”
Q. hyarma “left hand”
Q. hyarma n. “left hand”
ᴹQ. hyarmaitë adj. “left-handed”
Q., ᴹQ. hyarmen n. “south, (lit.) left-hand direction”
ᴹQ. hyarmenya adj. “southern”
Q. hyarna¹ adj. “southern”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. hyarna² adj. “compact, [ᴹQ.] compressed”; see instead:
Q. #hyando “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
Q. hyarna¹ “southern”
Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
ᴺQ. !hyarnúmen n. “southwest” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. !hyarnúna adj. “southwestern” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. !hyarrómen n. “southeast” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. !hyarróna adj. “southeastern” [created by Röandil]
ᴹQ. hyarya adj. “left (hand)”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyassë n. “rushing noise, *rustling”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyasta- v. “to rush, rustle”
⚠️ᴺQ. !hyasta-² v. “to hack through” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴹQ. hyar- “to cleave; [ᴱQ.] to plough”
ᴺQ. hyasta- “to rush, rustle”
ᴹQ. hyatsë n. “cleft, gash”
⚠️Q. †hyázë n. “*this day”; see instead:
Q. síra “*today, this day”
Q. hyë pron. “other person, him (the other)”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyecca n. “jerk”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyehta- v. “to jerk”; see instead:
ᴹQ. rihta- “to jerk, give quick twist or move, twitch, *wrench”
⚠️ᴹQ. hyellë n. “glass”; see instead:
Q. calca “glass”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyellë n. “pebble”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sarnincë “pebble”
⚠️ᴹQ. hyelma ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴺQ. [Q.] ^hyermë n. “prayer” [created by Damien Bador]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hyamië “prayer”
ᴹQ. hyóla n. “trump, *trumpet”
ᴺQ. !hyólamo n. “trumpeter” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴺQ. !hyulma n. “coal” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ur(u)ma “coal, charcoal”
⚠️ᴱQ. hyúnë adj. “deep blue”; see instead:
Q. luinë “blue”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyuxo n. “hiccup”
⚠️ᴱQ. i- pref. “she; 3rd sg. fem. pronoun” see ᴱQ. hi
ᴺQ. !í- pref. “e-, a prefix for electronic things like e-book” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴹQ. í conj. “when, whenever” see ᴹQ. íqua
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -i¹ suf. “general plural for nouns”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. article. “the”
Q. -i² suf. “simplest aorist infinitive”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. pron. “who, what, which, that”
⚠️ᴹQ. ia adv. “ever”; see instead:
Q. oi(o) “ever, everlastingly; an endless period, *aeon”
⚠️ᴹQ. ialë n. “everlasting age”; see instead:
ᴹQ. oirë “everlasting age”
ᴺQ. !iasintë n. “hyacinth” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. -ica suf. “partitive”
⚠️ᴱQ. icë (ici-) adj. “this”; see instead:
Q. si¹ “this”
⚠️ᴱQ. ici interj. “look! (what I have)”; see instead:
Q. ela “behold!”
ᴺQ. !icítë adj. “cute” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. icto pron. “reflexive 3rd sg.” see ᴱQ. ixo
⚠️ᴱQ. ie adv. “ago, †long ago”; see instead:
Q. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ië¹ suf. “abstract noun, adverb”
Q., ᴹQ. -ië² suf. “gerund suffix, -ing”
Q., ᴹQ. -ië³ suf. “perfect suffix”
⚠️ᴹQ. -ië⁴ suf. “stative suffix”; see instead:
Q. ëa- “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
Q., ᴹQ. -iel suf. “-daughter; feminine suffix”
⚠️ᴹQ. -iel² suf. “-friend”; see instead:
Q. -(n)dil “-friend, -lover; devotion, disinterested love”
Q. -iel “-daughter; feminine suffix”
⚠️ᴱQ. ielúmë adv. “long ago”; see instead:
Q. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
Q., ᴹQ. -ien¹ suf. “feminine ending; ⚠️feminine patronymic, -daughter”
Q., ᴹQ. #-ien² suf. “-land”
Q. ier prep. “*as”
⚠️ᴱQ. -il suf. “*(feminine) patronymic”; see instead:
Q. -iel “-daughter; feminine suffix”
Q. #il- pref. “every, *all”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. il- pref. “no, not”; see instead:
Q. #il- “every, *all”
Q. al(a)-¹ “in-, un-, not; †-less, without”
Q. -(i)la suf. “active participle”
Q. ilaurëa adj. “*daily”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilc- v. “to seem”; see instead:
Q. nem-² “[ᴹQ.] to seem, appear”
Q. ilca- v. “to gleam (white)”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilca adj. “reflexive 3rd sg. pl. adj.”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilcala n. “*nighttime, darkness”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilcarna adj. “unfinished”; see instead:
Q. lacarina “undone, *unfinished, incomplete”
ᴺQ. !ilcaxo n. “ivory, (lit.) gleam bone” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️Q. ilcë pron. “you (plural emphatic)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !eldë “you (plural emphatic)”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilcë n. “appearance”; see instead:
Q. nemesta “appearance, seeming”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilco pron. “reflexive 3rd sg. pl.”
Q. -ilco suf. “you (dual)”
⚠️ᴱQ. -ilda suf. “augmentative” see ᴱQ. -lda
ᴺQ. !ildomë pron. “everywhere” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴹQ. ilduma n. “heaven”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilë n. “honey”; see instead:
Q. lís “honey, *sugar, sweetener”
⚠️ᴱQ. ílë n. “star”; see instead:
Q. nillë¹ “silver glint; Valinorian imagines [images of real stars]”
⚠️ᴹQ. ilfirin adj. “immortal”; see instead:
ᴹQ. #alfírima “immortal”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ilimba adj. “milky”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ilin (ilim-) n. “milk”
⚠️ᴹQ. ilin (*ilind-) adj. “pale blue”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helwa “(pale) blue”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ilinomë n. “everywhere” [created by Paul Strack]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ildomë “everywhere”
⚠️ᴱQ. il(l)aica adj. “blunt”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^alaica “blunt”
ᴺQ. !illangiéla adv. “nevertheless, (lit.) all-having-been-bypassed” [created by Arael, NotD]
⚠️ᴱQ. illë (illi-) n. “throng, crowd”; see instead:
Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
Q. illi n. “all”
⚠️ᴱQ. illia adj. “in multitudes”; see instead:
Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
ᴺQ. !illië n. “public” [created by Delle, NotD]
Q. -(i)llo suf. “you (dual)” see Q. -ilco
ᴺQ. !illöa(va) adj. and adv. “annual, yearly, per annum (year as item)” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. il(l)oitë adj. “withered, dead”; see instead:
ᴺQ. hessa “withered, ⚠️dead”
ᴺQ. !illómëa adj. “nightly”
Q. illumë adv. “*always”
ᴹQ. illumë conj. “when, whenever” see ᴹQ. íquallumë
⚠️ᴱQ. ilma n. “air”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilma¹ n. “oil”; see instead:
ᴺQ. millo “oil”
⚠️ᴱQ. -ilqua suf. “-ly or -like”
ᴹQ. ilqua n. “everything, all”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilqua adj. “oily, smooth, glossy”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !milla “oily”
Q. ilquárëa adj. “general”
Q. ilquen pron. “everybody, *everyone”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilsa n. “(mystic name of) silver”; see instead:
Q. telpë “silver; [ᴱQ.] money”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilt n. “dig, stab”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilt- v. “to thrust home, come in”
ᴺQ. !iltana- v. “to prove, demonstrate”
⚠️ᴱQ. iltanca adj. “unsteady”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ilu n. “everything, all, the whole; [ᴹQ.] universe, ⚠️world; [ᴱQ.] ether”
ᴺQ. !iluasta n. “omnipresence”
Q. ilucara adj. “omnificent”
⚠️ᴱQ. iluin(do) (iluind-) n. “dwelling beyond the stars for the blessed”
Q. iluisa adj. “omniscient”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilumar (ilumas-) n. “dwelling beyond the stars for the blessed”
⚠️ᴱQ. iluquinga n. “rainbow”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helyanwë “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge, *sky-joining”
Q. ilúvala adj. “omnipotent”
Q., ᴹQ. ilúvë n. “the whole, the all, allness; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] universe, world; Heaven”
ᴺQ. !ilúvëa adj. “universal” [created by Paul Strack]
Q. ilvan(y)a adj. “perfect”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilwë n. “sky, heavens”; see instead:
Q. menel “the heavens, firmament, sky”
⚠️ᴱQ. ilweran(ta) n. “bridge of heaven, rainbow”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helyanwë “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge, *sky-joining”
Q., ᴹQ. ilya adj. “every, each, all (of a particular group of things), [ᴹQ.] the whole”
⚠️Q. ilyarëa adj. “*daily”; see instead:
Q. ilaurëa “*daily”
Q. ilyë adj. “all” see Q. ilya
Q. im- pref. “same, self”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ima suf. “-able, [ᴹQ.] -ible, able to be done, [ᴱQ.] possible; [with short base vowel] *having a (strong) nature of”
Q. imba pron. “same, self-same” see Q. imma
ᴺQ. !imbacindë n. “harlot” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !imbalandë n. “equality” [created by Arael, NotD]
ᴺQ. !imbalatëa adj. “conceited, (lit.) self-proud” [created by Arael]
⚠️Q. Imbar n. “Habitation”; see instead:
Q. Ambar “The World, Earth, (lit.) Habitation, Settlement”
⚠️ᴱQ. imbë n. “hive”
Q., ᴹQ. imbë¹ prep. and adv. “between, among; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] in(wards)”
Q., ᴹQ. imbë² n. “deep valley, (wide) ravine, [ᴹQ.] glen, dell, (lit.) tween-land”
ᴺQ. !imbenatsë n. “internet” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴺQ. !imberaima n. “internet” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !imbenatsë “internet”
Q. imbilat n. “*deep valley”
⚠️ᴱQ. imbilë n. “swarm, flock”; see instead:
Q. umba “swarm”
ᴺQ. lamnarë “flock, *herd”
⚠️ᴱQ. imbilinc n. “sparrow”; see instead:
ᴹQ. filit “small bird, sparrow”
⚠️Q., ᴱQ. imi prep. “in, [ᴱQ.] inside”; see instead:
Q. mi “in, [ᴹQ.] within”
Q. imíca prep. “among”
⚠️ᴱQ. iminqua adj. “exactly alike, identical”; see instead:
Q. imya “same, identical, self-same”
⚠️ᴺQ. !imirë n. “crystal” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
⚠️ᴺQ. !imirin adj. “of crystal” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
ᴺQ. !(i)missë n. “inside” [created by Ellanto]
Q. imlë pron. “yourself (polite)”
Q. imli pron. “*yourself (polite)” see Q. imlë
Q. imma pron. “same, self-same, same thing”
Q. immë¹ pron. “ourselves (exclusive)”
⚠️Q. immë² pron. “ourselves (dual, emphatic)”
⚠️Q. immë³ pron. “?the same person”; see instead:
Q. immo “same one (person), self”
ᴺQ. !immenwa n. “automobile” [created by Tamas Ferencz, Robert Reynolds]
Q. immo pron. “same one (person), self”
ᴺQ. !immolaitië n. “self-praise” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !immoquanta adj. “full of him/herself, egotistic, narcissistic” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !immotuntië n. “conscience, (lit.) self-perceiving” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !immoturië n. “self-control” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. †imnë pron. “myself” see Q. imni
ᴺQ. !imnetyala adj. “hypocritical, (lit.) self-adorning” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !imnetyalë n. “hypocrisy, (lit.) self-adornment” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !imnetyando n. “hypocrite” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. imni pron. “myself”
ᴺQ. !impanwenen n. “respectively, (lit.) by same arrangement” [created by Luinyelle, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
Q. imya adj. “same, identical, self-same”
ᴺQ. !imyalë n. “sameness”
⚠️Q., ᴱQ. in article. “the”; see instead:
Q. “the”
⚠️ᴹQ. in pron. “that”; see instead:
Q. “who, what, which, that”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ina suf. “adjective suffix; passive participle”
ᴹQ. inca n. “idea”
Q. incánu n. “mind master”
Q. incánussë n. “mind mastership”
Q., ᴱQ. #-incë suf. “diminutive ending”
Q. incë pron. “*you (dual emphatic)” see Q. inquë
Q. indë pron. “yourselves”
Q. indemma n. “mind-picture (of apparition in dream)”
Q. indil n. “lily, other large single flower”
Q., ᴹQ. indis (indiss-) n. “[ᴹQ.] bride; ⚠️[Q.] wife”
Q., ᴹQ. indo n. “(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve; [ᴹQ.] heart”
⚠️ᴱQ. indo n. “house”; see instead:
Q. mar(da) “dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, a thing or place dwelt in, ⚠️home; [ᴱQ.] world”
Q. indo “(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve; [ᴹQ.] heart”
⚠️ᴱQ. indoitë adj. “indoors, at home, homely, domestic”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !mardaitë “homely, domestic”
ᴺQ. maryë “at home, *indoors”
⚠️ᴱQ. indolis n. “domicile”
Q. indómë n. “settled character; will of Eru”
⚠️ᴱQ. indor n. “master of house”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cöantur “householder, master of the house”
ᴺQ. !indosatië n. “resolution” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. indositsina adj. “domestic(ated)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !mardaitë “homely, domestic”
Q. indu- v. “to will, do on purpose”
Q. induinen n. “purpose”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^indya n. “device, machine, engine”
ᴹQ. indyalmë n. “clamour”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^indyarin n. “device, escutcheon, blazon”
Q. indyel n. “small bell”
ᴹQ. indyo n. “grandchild, descendant, grandson, *granddaughter”
⚠️ᴱQ. #-inë suf. “noun suffix”
⚠️ᴱQ. ínë adv. “to-day”; see instead:
Q. síra “*today, this day”
⚠️ᴱQ. -íne(a) suf. “diminutive”; see instead:
Q. #-incë “diminutive ending”
⚠️ᴱQ. -inen suf. “of, out of; partitive suffix”
Q., ᴹQ. inga n. “top, highest point, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] first”
Q. ingaran n. “high-king”
ᴺQ. !ingëa adj. “top” [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
Q., ᴹQ. ingolë n. “lore, science, philosophy; [ᴹQ.] deep lore, magic”
Q. ingolmo n. “loremaster, wizard, one with very great knowledge, *scientist”
Q. ingor n. “summit of a mountain”
⚠️ᴱQ. ingwë (ingwi-) n. “fish”; see instead:
Q. #lingwë “fish”
⚠️ᴱQ. ingwil(in) (ingwiling-) n. “eel”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lingwileuca “eel”
ᴺQ. !inimë n. “femininity, womanliness” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴹQ. inimeitë adj. “*feminine”
ᴺQ. !iniva adj. “womanly”
⚠️ᴱQ. inqua adj. “same”; see instead:
Q. imya “same, identical, self-same”
Q., ᴹQ. -inqua suf. “-ful, complete”
⚠️ᴱQ. inquavíca adj. “exactly alike, identical”; see instead:
Q. imya “same, identical, self-same”
Q. inquë pron. “thou-and-I (emphatic)”
Q. -inquë suf. “thou-and-I (dual)” see Q. -nquë
⚠️ᴱQ. inquilë n. “sameness”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !imyalë “sameness”
Q. insa pron. “itself”
⚠️Q. #insangarë n. “*temptation”; see instead:
Q. úsahtië “inducement to do wrong, *temptation”
Q. insë pron. “himself, herself”
⚠️Q. insil n. “flower, lily”; see instead:
Q. indil “lily, other large single flower”
⚠️ᴱQ. int adv. “inwards”; see instead:
Q. mitta “[ᴹQ.] inwards, into, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] in; [Q.] between”
⚠️ᴱQ. inta- v. “to go (indefinite), fare, proceed”
Q. intë¹ pron. “themselves”
Q. intë² pron. “they (emphatic)”
ᴹQ. intin pron. “they”
ᴺQ. !intu pron. “themselves (dual)” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ. intya n. “guess, supposition, idea, notion”
⚠️ᴱQ. intya ? “[unglossed]”
ᴹQ. intya- v. “to guess, suppose”
ᴺQ. !intyaitë adj. “fantastic, fantasy” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ. intyalë n. “imagination”
Q. intyë pron. “yourself (familiar)”
Q. inwalmë n. “mood of mind”
Q. inwë pron. “ourselves (inclusive)”
⚠️ᴱQ. inwetelumbë n. “mushroom, (lit.) fairy-canopy”; see instead:
ᴺQ. telumbë “mushroom”
⚠️ᴱQ. inwilitsë n. “little fairy”
ᴺQ. !inwirya- v. “to change one’s mind, reconsider” [created by Röandil]
Q. inwis (inwist-) n. “change of mind/mood”
ᴺQ. !inwissar (inwissarn-) n. “opal, (lit.) mood-change stone” [created by Valerie]
ᴺQ. !inwista- v. “to persuade, convince” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. inya adj. “tiny”; see instead:
ᴹQ. titta “tiny, little”
ᴹQ. inya¹ “female”
⚠️ᴱQ. -inya¹ suf. “worthy to be -”
ᴹQ. inya¹ adj. “female”
⚠️ᴱQ. -inya² suf. “diminutive”; see instead:
Q. #-incë “diminutive ending”
⚠️ᴹQ. inya² pron. “*mine” see ᴹQ. ninya
Q. inyë pron. “I (emphatic)”
ᴹQ. inyë pron. “I (emphatic)”
⚠️ᴱQ. inye- v. “to imitate, make like”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ovëanta- “to imitate, make like”
⚠️ᴺQ. !inyenna adv. “have, (lit.) [added] to me” [created by David Kiltz, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. #sam- “to have”
⚠️ᴱQ. io n. “wine”; see instead:
ᴺQ. miru “wine”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ion suf. “-son, masculine patronymic”
⚠️ᴱQ. ion n. “son”; see instead:
Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
Q. ipsin n. “fine thread”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iqu- v. “to beg, ‘pray’ [ask earnestly]”
ᴹQ. íqua conj. “when, whenever”
ᴹQ. íquallumë adv. “when, whenever”
Q. iqui conj. “if” see Q. qui
ᴺQ. !iquindo n. “beggar” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^iquirya- v. “to ask for, request”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iquis (iquist-) n. “requirement”
⚠️ᴱQ. iquista- v. “to ask for, request”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^iquirya- “to ask for, request”
Q. quista- “to suppose”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iquista n. “request; ⚠️if you please, please”
⚠️ᴱQ. iquisya- v. “to ask for, request”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^iquirya- “to ask for, request”
⚠️ᴱQ. ir (ird-) n. “interior, centre, inwards, inner parts”; see instead:
Q. enda “heart; centre, *interior”
ᴺQ. !ir- v. “to shudder” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴹQ. íra adj. “eternal”; see instead:
ᴹQ. oira “eternal”
Q., ᴹQ. #írë n. “desire, [ᴹQ.] longing”
⚠️ᴹQ. írë² conj. “when”; see instead:
Q. “when”
⚠️ᴹQ. írë³ n. “eternal, eternity?”; see instead:
ᴹQ. oirë “everlasting age”
Q., ᴹQ. írima adj. “desirable, lovely”
⚠️ᴱQ. irin n. “town”; see instead:
ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
⚠️ᴱQ. irmin n. “the inhabited world”; see instead:
Q. Ambar “The World, Earth, (lit.) Habitation, Settlement”
⚠️ᴱQ. irt (irty-) n. “peck, pinprick”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^irtë “peck, pinprick”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^irta- v. “to peck, prick”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^irtë (irti-) n. “peck, pinprick”
⚠️ᴱQ. #irty- v. “to peck, prick”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^irta- “to peck, prick”
⚠️ᴱQ. irya n. “wish”
⚠️ᴱQ. is (iss-) n. “light snow”; see instead:
Q. lossë¹ “snow, fallen snow; snow-white, snowy”
⚠️ᴱQ. isca adj. “pale white”; see instead:
Q. ninquë “white; chill, cold; pallid”
⚠️ᴱQ. iscanë n. “pallor”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !ninquelë “pallor”
Q., ᴹQ. Isil [þ] n. “Moon, (lit.) Sheen”
Q. isilmë [þ] n. “moonlight”
Q., ᴹQ. Isilya [þ] n. “*Monday, Moon-day”
Q. isima n. “imagination, mind” see Q. síma
⚠️ᴱQ. isqua adj. “wise”; see instead:
Q. saila “wise”
⚠️ᴱQ. isqualë n. “cleverness”; see instead:
Q. finya “clever”
⚠️ᴱQ. isqualëa adj. “clever”; see instead:
Q. finya “clever”
⚠️ᴱQ. -issa suf. “language”; see instead:
Q. #-rin “-ian, racial-adjective, language”
Q., ᴱQ. -issë suf. “ending in feminine names”
ᴹQ. issë conj. “where”
Q. issë pron. “he, *she, it (emphatic)”
⚠️ᴱQ. issë n. “knowledge, lore”; see instead:
ᴹQ. istya “knowledge”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ista- v. “to know”
⚠️ᴹQ. ista n. “knowledge”; see instead:
ᴹQ. istya “knowledge”
ᴺQ. !istalë n. “information” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. istaléra adj. “*knowledgeable, wise”; see instead:
Q. istima “wise (in sense knowing very much), knowledgeable, very well informed, learned”
ᴹQ. istalima adj. “knowable, ascertainable”
ᴺQ. !istanómë n. “school, academy” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴹQ. istarë n. “knowledge”
Q., ᴹQ. istima adj. “wise (in sense knowing very much), knowledgeable, very well informed, learned”
ᴹQ. istya n. “knowledge”
⚠️ᴺQ. !istyalóra adj. “ignorant” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
Q. laistila “ignorant”
ᴹQ. istyar n. “scholar, learned man, lore-master, wizard”
⚠️ᴱQ. iswa adj. “wise”; see instead:
Q. saila “wise”
Q. -ita suf. “particular infinitive”
Q. ita conj. “that which, what”
Q. ita- v. “to sparkle”
Q. íta¹ n. “flash”
⚠️Q. íta² adv. “very, extremely; (lit.) multiplied, increased”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lai “very”
ᴺQ. !ítacelmë n. “electricity” [created by Orondil, Luinyelle, Valerie]
ᴺQ. !ítacelmëa n. “electrical” [created by Orondil, Luinyelle, Valerie]
ᴺQ. !ítacelmítë n. “electronic” [created by Orondil, Luinyelle, Valerie]
ᴺQ. !Italinórë n. “Italy” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴺQ. !italo conj. “since” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. pan “*since, because”
ᴺQ. !itan conj. “so that, in order to” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️Q. itara adj. “gleaming”
Q. itas adv. “in that case”
Q., ᴹQ. -itë (-iti-) suf. “adjectival ending; [with verbs] capable of doing, generally (and naturally) doing”
⚠️ᴱQ. #-itë suf. “adjective ending”
⚠️Q. ?it(ë) adv. “if”; see instead:
Q. qui “if”
⚠️Q. itila adj. “twinkling, glinting”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^tintilië “sparkling, twinkling”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itis [þ] n. “fly bite; *itch”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itisin [þ] adj. “itching”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itisya- [þ] v. “to itch, irritate”
⚠️ᴱQ. -itsa suf. “diminutive” see ᴱQ. -tsa
⚠️ᴱQ. -itsë (-itsi) suf. “diminutive”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. itsë n. “fly”
⚠️ᴺQ. !ívë n. “to cliff, sheer descent, precipice” [created by Parmandil]; see instead:
ᴺQ. aico “cliff”
⚠️ᴱQ. ixa adj. “reflexive 3rd sg. adj.”
Q. †ixal n. “cast shadow” see Q. hala
⚠️ᴱQ. ixo pron. “reflexive 3rd sg.”
⚠️ᴱQ. iyë adv. “ago”; see instead:
Q. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
Q. -l suf. “you (polite)” see Q. -l(yë)
⚠️ᴱQ. -l¹ suf. “dative suffix”
⚠️ᴱQ. -l² suf. “plural [verb]”
Q. -la suf. “active participle” see Q. -(i)la
Q. la- pref. “not, in-, un-”
Q., ᴹQ. lá- v. “to not be”
⚠️ᴱQ. la prep. “before; than”
⚠️ᴱQ. lá¹ n. “moor, heath, open space”
Q., ᴹQ. lá¹ adv. “no, not”
Q. lá² prep. “beyond, over, across, athwart”
⚠️ᴱQ. lá² n. “day”
⚠️ᴹQ. lá³ interj. “(?please)”; see instead:
Q. mecin “please”
⚠️Q. lá³ interj. “yes”; see instead:
Q. “yes, it is so, it is a fact”
Q. “very good, all right, I will, I agree of course, of course I do”
⚠️ᴱQ. lac (laqu-) n. “snare”; see instead:
Q. remma “snare, *trap”
ᴹQ. neuma “snare, *noose”
Q. lacalima adj. “not possible to be kindled (made to shine)”
⚠️Q. **lacaltaima adj. “not possible to be kindled”; see instead:
Q. lacalima “not possible to be kindled (made to shine)”
Q. lacaraitë adj. “*inactive; ⚠️impossible”
Q. lacarë n. “inaction, (lit.) not-doing”
ᴺQ. [Q.] lacárima adj. “not feasible, impossible”
Q. lacarina adj. “undone, *unfinished, incomplete”
ᴺQ. [Q.] lacenítë adj. “unseeing, blind”
ᴹQ. lah- v. “to kick”
ᴺQ. !lahlaraitë adj. “deaf, (lit.) unable to hear” [created by Paul Strack]
Q., ᴱQ. lahta- v. “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
ᴺQ. !lahtalë n. “passover” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] lai adv. “very”
Q., ᴱQ. laica adj. “green”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. laica adj. “keen, sharp, acute”
Q. laicalassë adj. “green-leaf, green as leaves”
ᴹQ. laicë n. “acuteness, keenness of perception”
⚠️ᴱQ. laicelastëa adj. “sharpsighted”; see instead:
Q. hendumaica “sharp-eye[d]”
ᴺQ. !laicelumir (laicelumír-) n. “malachite (lit.) green-flowing-jewel” [created by Valerie]
⚠️ᴺQ. !laiceta- v. “to sharpen” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !maicata- “to sharpen”
⚠️ᴱQ. lailexë n. “willow”; see instead:
Q. tasar(ë) “willow”
ᴺQ. !lailinquë n. “beryllium, (lit.) fresh-liquid light” [created by Arael]
Q. laima n. “plant”
ᴺQ. !laimamatta n. “vegetable food, (lit.) plant food” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !laimamatya adj. “herbivorous, vegetarian, (lit.) plant-eating”
ᴺQ. !laimaril n. “emerald” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. laimë n. “shadow (cast by an object or form), shade”; see instead:
Q. hala “cast shadow, *shade”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. laiqua adj. “green”; see instead:
Q. laica “green”
⚠️ᴺQ. !laiquaril n. “emerald” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !laimaril “emerald”
⚠️ᴱQ. laiquassë n. “greenness”
Q. laiquë n. “herb”
ᴺQ. !laiquelis (laiqueliss-) n. “rue (plant)” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. laira adj. “shady”; see instead:
ᴹQ. halda¹ “veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady”
⚠️ᴱQ. laira- v. “to wear out, break up”; see instead:
ᴹQ. yerya- “to wear (out), get old”
ᴹQ. nwara- “to gnaw, erode, wear away”
⚠️ᴱQ. lairë n. “meadow”; see instead:
Q. lairë “summer”
Q. lairë n. “summer”
ᴹQ. lairë² n. “poem”
Q. lairelossë n. “summer-snow-white, species of tree in Númenor”
ᴺQ. !lairemírë n. “daisy, (lit.) meadow-jewel *(or summer-jewel)” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !lairemo n. “poet” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !lairesta n. “poetry” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. lairus (lairust-) n. “verdigris”
⚠️ᴱQ. laisi n. “youth, vigour, new life”; see instead:
Q. vínë “youth, *childhood”
⚠️ᴱQ. laisifallë n. “[unglossed]”
Q. laista n. “ignorance, (lit.) not-knowing”
Q. laistëa adj. “ignorant” see Q. laistila
Q. laistila adj. “ignorant”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^laistima adj. “unknowable, secret”
Q., ᴹQ. laita- v. “to praise, bless”
Q. #laitalë n. “praise”
ᴺQ. !laitë adj. “false” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴹQ. laitë n. “colour”; see instead:
ᴺQ. quilë “colour, color, hue”
ᴺQ. !laitelë n. “falsehood” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !laitië n. “praising, honour” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !laitima adj. “honourable, praiseworthy” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !laitita- v. “to falsify” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱQ. laito n. “youth, vigour, new life”; see instead:
Q. vínë “youth, *childhood”
⚠️ᴱQ. laivar n. “ocean”
ᴹQ. laivë n. “ointment”
ᴺQ. !laivelyávë n. “(water)melon” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴹQ. laiwa adj. “sickly, sick, ill”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlaiwa “sickly, sick, ill”
⚠️ᴱQ. laiwa adj. “pale”
ᴹQ. lala adv. “no, not” see ᴹQ. lá¹
⚠️ᴹQ. lala- v. “to deny”; see instead:
Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
Q. láquet- “to deny (fact or accusation); (lit.) to say ‘it is not’”
Q. lala- “to laugh”
Q. lala- v. “to laugh”
⚠️ᴱQ. lala- v. “to chatter, babble”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lalamma- “to chatter, babble”
Q. lala- “to laugh”
ᴺQ. !lalamma- v. “to chatter, babble” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !lalammamo n. “babbler” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !lalammië n. “babble”
⚠️ᴱQ. lalar (lalard-) n. “babbler”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lalammamo “babbler”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lalasta n. “laughter” [created by Robert Reynolds]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lalië “laughter, laughing”
ᴺQ. !lalda n. “laugh”
ᴺQ. !lalevítë adj. “lame” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !lalië n. “laughter, laughing” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lalië-malina n. “daffodil, (lit.) yellow laughter”
ᴺQ. !lalil n. “chuckle”
⚠️ᴱQ. lalla- v. “to chatter, babble”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lalamma- “to chatter, babble”
Q. lala- “to laugh”
⚠️ᴱQ. ‽lallë (lalli-) n. “pebble”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !sarnincë “pebble”
⚠️ᴹQ. lalmë n. “elm-tree”; see instead:
Q. alvë “elm”
ᴺQ. !lalta- v. “to make laugh” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. lalta- v. “to smooth out; stroke”; see instead:
Q. pasta- “to smooth, iron”
Q. mahta- “to handle, wield, use, make use of; to manage, deal with, treat, control; [ᴹQ.] to wield a weapon, fight; to stroke, feel”
⚠️ᴱQ. lalta n. “dance”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^liltë “dance”
ᴺQ. !laltaula adj. “funny, (lit.) apt to make laugh” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ. láma n. “sound; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] ringing sound, echo”
⚠️ᴱQ. lama n. “animal, beast; head of cattle or sheep”; see instead:
Q. laman “animal, [ᴹQ.] tame beast”
Q., ᴹQ. laman (lamn-) n. “animal, [ᴹQ.] tame beast”
⚠️ᴱQ. lamandar n. “herdsman, shepherd”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !emerro “shepherd, herdsman”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lamanwa adj. “animal-like, beastly, stupid”
⚠️ᴱQ. lámarin n. “flock”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lamnarë “flock, *herd”
Q. lamatë n. “fasting, a fast”
Q. lámatyávë n. “*sound-taste”
Q., ᴹQ. lamba n. “(physical) tongue”
⚠️ᴹQ. lamba² n. “hammer”; see instead:
ᴹQ. namba “hammer”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lambë n. “language, tongue, dialect”
ᴺQ. !lambelanga n. “translation” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !lambelanga- v. “to translate (generally, between languages)” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️Q. lambelë n. “phonetics”; see instead:
Q. hlonitë “phonetic”
ᴺQ. !lambengolmë n. “linguistics” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
Q. #lambetengwë n. “consonant”
Q. lambina adj. “of tongue, spoken with tongue”
Q. lamélima adj. “unlovable”
ᴹQ. lámina adj. “echoing”
⚠️ᴱQ. laminya adj. “animal-like, beastly, stupid”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lamanwa “animal-like, beastly, stupid”
⚠️ᴹQ. lamma n. “sound”; see instead:
Q. láma “sound; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] ringing sound, echo”
Q. lamma- v. “?to echo”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lamnarë n. “flock, *herd” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. lampa- v. “to beat, hit”; see instead:
ᴹQ. palpa- “to beat, batter; *to clap, applaud (with palms)”
ᴹQ. lamya- v. “to sound”
Q. lan conj. “*while”
ᴺQ. !lana adj. and pron. “no, not any, not (a); none” [created by Röandil]
ᴹQ. lanat n. “weft, *woof”
Q. lanca n. “sharp edge (not of tools), sudden end”
ᴺQ. !lancanta- v. “to transform, turn into (trans.)” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴹQ. lanco n. “throat”; see instead:
Q. lango “neck, [ᴹQ.] throat; [Q.] passages [that are] narrower parts of a structure serving to join larger parts, *corridor”
ᴺQ. !hlunco “pharynx, gullet”
ᴺQ. !lancöa n. “tent, (lit.) cloth shelter” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. landa n. “boundary”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. landa¹ adj. “wide, [ᴱQ.] broad”
ᴹQ. landa² n. “plain”
Q. lanë (lani-) n. “hem”
ᴺQ. !lanéya adv. “recently, not long ago” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️Q. langa- v. “to cross, go over, pass over”; see instead:
Q. lahta- “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
Q. langa n. “thing that crosses, ferry, ford, crossway, bridge, ⚠️cross-bar”
ᴺQ. !langandë n. “stringed instrument with a neck (lute, guitar, etc.)” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
Q. langë adv. “surpassingly, superlatively, extremely”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lango n. “neck, [ᴹQ.] throat; [Q.] passages [that are] narrower parts of a structure serving to join larger parts, *corridor”
ᴹQ. lango¹ n. “broad sword; prow of a ship”
ᴺQ. !langwes- [þ] v. “to communicate, (lit.) report across” [created by Arael]
ᴹQ. lanna n. “plain” see ᴹQ. landa²
Q. lanna adv. and prep. “athwart, (to a point) beyond, *across”
ᴹQ. lannë n. “tissue, cloth”
Q. lanotoitë (lanotoiti-) adj. “innumerable”
⚠️ᴱQ. lanqu- v. “to get by lot or luck, find”
⚠️ᴱQ. lanqua n. “piece of fortune, lot, luck, happen, hap”; see instead:
Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
ᴺQ. !lanquet- v. “to converse, debate, *discuss” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !lanquetta n. “conversation, debate, interchange of words” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !lanquinga n. “crossbow” [created by Orondil]
ᴺQ. !lanquit- v. “to darn a knitted garment, (lit.) cross/over-knit” [created by Röandil]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lanta n. and adj. “fall; falling, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] fallen”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lanta- v. “to fall; [ᴱQ.] to drop”
Q. lantalca n. “boundary post or mark”
ᴺQ. !lantanna n. “banner, standard” [created by Orondil]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lantanwa adj. “*fallen”
ᴺQ. !lantasírë n. “waterfall, (lit.) falling river” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
Q. #lantë n. “fall”
Q. lanwa adj. “within bounds, limited, finite, (well-)defined”
ᴹQ. lanwa n. “loom”
⚠️Q. lanwë n. “ebb-tide”; see instead:
Q. nanwë “ebb, lowtide”
Q. #lanya n. “thread, warp”
ᴹQ. lanya- v. “to weave”
Q. lanya-¹ v. “to bound, enclose, separate from, mark the limit of”
Q. lanya-² v. “to cross” see Q. lahta-
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lap- v. “to wrap, swathe, wind”
ᴺQ. !lapa- v. “to hop” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
ᴺQ. !laparotsë n. “sleeve, trouser leg, (lit.) wrap-tube” [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
⚠️ᴱQ. lapatl n. “leveret”
⚠️ᴱQ. lapattë (lapatsi-) n. “rabbit”; see instead:
Q. #lopoldë “rabbit”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lapil n. “swathe, flowing cloth”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lappa n. “loose-end, end of rope, hem of robe”
ᴹQ. lapsa- v. “to lick (frequentative)”
⚠️ᴹQ. lapsa n. “licking up (food or drink), gluttonous eating”; see instead:
ᴺQ. laptë “gluttonous eating, [ᴹQ.] †licking up (food or drink)”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lapsarwa adj. “pregnant, (lit.) baby-having” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lapselunga “pregnant, (lit.) baby-heavy”
ᴹQ. lapsë n. “babe”
ᴺQ. !lapselunga adj. “pregnant, (lit.) baby-heavy” [created by ABNW]
⚠️ᴱQ. lapta- v. “?to relax, loosen”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lehta- “to loose, slacken”
ᴺQ. [Q.] laptë n. “gluttonous eating, [ᴹQ.] †licking up (food or drink)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lapumba n. “drum”; see instead:
ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
⚠️ᴱQ. laqua- v. “to catch, seize, snare”; see instead:
Q. raf- “[ᴹQ.] to snatch, seize; ⚠️to wave, brandish”
Q. #rem- “to snare, *entangle, trap”
ᴹQ. mapa- “to grasp, seize, [ᴱQ.] take; ⚠️to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
Q., ᴹQ. láquet- v. “to deny (fact or accusation); (lit.) to say ‘it is not’”
Q. laqui conj. “unless”
⚠️ᴹQ. lár n. “ear”; see instead:
Q. hlas “ear”
ᴹQ. lar n. “fat, richness, ⚠️riches”
⚠️ᴱQ. lar n. “region, place”; see instead:
Q. yondë “region, any fairly extensive region with well-marked natural bounds”
Q. lár n. “league; †stop, pause”
⚠️ᴹQ. lár- v. “to happen”
ᴺQ. !lára- v. “to flatten, level” [created by ABNW]
ᴹQ. lára¹ adj. “flat”
⚠️ᴹQ. lára² n. “grave”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^sapta “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave”
ᴹQ. larca adj. “swift, rapid” see ᴹQ. (a)larca
ᴹQ. lárëa adj. “fat, rich”
ᴹQ. larma n. “fat [as a substance], ⚠️(?pig-)fat, flesh”
Q. #larma n. “raiment”
⚠️ᴱQ. larma n. “area, space, room”; see instead:
ᴹQ. sambë “room, chamber”
ᴺQ. !latsë “area, space, room”
Q. #larma “raiment”
ᴹQ. larma “fat [as a substance], ⚠️(?pig-)fat, flesh”
⚠️ᴱQ. larmavoitë adj. “roomy, spacious”; see instead:
Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
⚠️ᴱQ. larmëa adj. “roomy, spacious”; see instead:
Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
ᴺQ. !larmëa adj. “fatty, fleshy”
Q. larmo n. “listener (spy or scout)”
ᴺQ. !larnelta n. “mile; *(lit.) league third” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴺQ. !larta- v. “to wait, stay, remain, last, endure” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. har- “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
Q. termar- “to stand, *endure, last, (lit.) through-abide”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laru n. “grease, ⚠️fat”
⚠️ᴱQ. larucë adj. “fat, rich”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lárëa “fat, rich”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] larúva adj. “greasy”
⚠️ᴱQ. las (lax-) n. “[unglossed]”
Q. las adv. “it is/was not so”
⚠️Q. lasir conj. “rather the reverse”; see instead:
Q. úsië “on the contrary”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lassë n. “leaf; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] petal”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lassëa adj. “with leaves, leafy”
ᴹQ. lassecanta adj. “leaf-shaped”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lasselanta n. “(late) autumn, (lit.) leaf-fall; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] October”
Q. lassewinta n. “leaf fall, autumn, *(lit.) leaf blowing”
ᴹQ. lasta n. “listening, hearing”
⚠️ᴱQ. lasta n. “sight”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lasta “listening, hearing”
Q. #cen “sight, *sense of sight”
Q., ᴹQ. lasta- v. “to listen; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to hear”
⚠️ᴱQ. lastalaicë adj. “sharpsighted”; see instead:
Q. hendumaica “sharp-eye[d]”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lat (latt-) n. “flap, small hinged door, lid”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lat- v. “to be extended, stretch, [ᴱQ.] spread, extend; [ᴹQ.] to be situated (of an area), lie (of lands or regions)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lata- v. “to be able to (used of opportunity, permission)”; see instead:
Q. ec- “to have a chance of; may, can”
Q. láta adj. “open (not closed)”
ᴺQ. !látacar (látacard-) n. “pub, public house, (lit.) open-house” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !latanca adj. “unsure, insecure” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. látië n. “openness”
ᴺQ. !latil n. “key” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. latimbë n. “glen”; see instead:
Q. imbilat “*deep valley”
Q., ᴹQ. latina adj. “free (of movement), not encumbered with obstacles, [ᴹQ.] open, cleared (of land)”
ᴺQ. !latsë n. “area, space, room” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. latsina adj. “level, smooth”; see instead:
Q. latina “free (of movement), not encumbered with obstacles, [ᴹQ.] open, cleared (of land)”
ᴺQ. palwa “even, level, flat”
Q. pasta “smooth(ed), sleek, glabrous”
⚠️ᴱQ. ‽latta n. “year”; see instead:
Q. yén “Elvish long year (144 solar years)”
Q. löa “(seasonal) year, (lit.) (time of) growth, blooming”
ᴹQ. latta¹ n. “hole, pit”
ᴹQ. latta² n. “strap”
ᴺQ. !lattasta n. “harness, (lit.) collection of straps” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !latter- v. “to darn a sewn garment, (lit.) cross/over-sew” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lattin n. “window”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lattinsámo [þ] n. “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier” [created by Luinyelle]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lattinsan “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier”
ᴺQ. !lattinsan (lattinsam-) [þ] n. “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱQ. lattulis n. “window” see ᴱQ. lattin
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] latúcen n. “tin [metal]”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] latucenda adj. “of tin”
⚠️ᴱQ. latwa adj. “smooth, glossy”; see instead:
Q. pasta “smooth(ed), sleek, glabrous”
Q. latya n. “opening”
Q. latya- v. “to open anything (so as to allow entry)”
Q., ᴹQ. lauca adj. “[ᴹQ.] warm”
ᴺQ. !laucata- v. “to heat up, warm” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. laucë (lauci-) n. “vegetable, plant (species)”; see instead:
Q. quëa “vegetable”
Q. laima “plant”
ᴺQ. !laucehtelë n. “hot spring” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. laucien (lauciend-) n. “vegetable or kitchen garden”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !quëatarwa “vegetable or kitchen garden”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulë n. “mode of life, *lifestyle”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulema adj. “inhabiting”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulemo n. “inhabitant”
⚠️ᴱQ. laulemuinë n. “people of the neighborhood, population”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulesta n. “livelihood”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulesta- v. “to lead a life, gain a living”
ᴹQ. lau(më) adv. “no, no indeed not, on the contrary”
⚠️ᴱQ. laumë¹ n. “storm, overcast sky”; see instead:
Q. raumo “(noise of a) storm”
⚠️ᴱQ. laumë² n. “life”; see instead:
ᴺQ. laulë “mode of life, *lifestyle”
⚠️ᴱQ. laumëa adj. “dark, stormy”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laupë n. “tunic, shirt”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. laurë n. “gold (light or colour)”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. laurëa adj. “golden (of hue)”
Q. laurië n. and adv. “goldenness; like gold”
⚠️ᴱQ. laurina adj. “golden”; see instead:
Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
Q. laurinquë n. “yellow-flowered tree”
⚠️ᴱQ. lausimatl n. “vegetable food”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !laimamatta “vegetable food, (lit.) plant food”
⚠️ᴱQ. lausimatwa adj. “vegetarian”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !laimamatya “herbivorous, vegetarian, (lit.) plant-eating”
⚠️ᴱQ. lausiva adj. “living (of plants)”; see instead:
Q. ceula “?alive (of vegetable)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lausta-¹ v. “to lead a life, gain a living” see ᴱQ. laulesta-
⚠️ᴱQ. lausta-² v. “to roar, rush [making a rushing sound]”
⚠️ᴱQ. laustë n. “life, mode of life”; see instead:
ᴺQ. laulë “mode of life, *lifestyle”
⚠️ᴱQ. lausto adv. “*noisily”
ᴹQ. lauta- v. “to abound”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lauta- v. “to warm” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !laucata- “to heat up, warm”
ᴹQ. lauta- “to abound”
⚠️ᴱQ. lautë (lausi-) n. “living thing, (esp.) vegetable”; see instead:
Q. quëa “vegetable”
Q. laima “plant”
⚠️ᴹQ. lau(w)ë ? “[unglossed]”
Q. lauya- v. “to flourish (green), grow”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lav- v. “to lick”
ᴹQ. lav-² v. “to yield, allow, grant”
Q., ᴹQ. lávar n. “(golden) blossom”
ᴹQ. lavaralda n. “tree with long green leaves with golden undersides and pale flowers with a yellow flush”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lávë n. “permission” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴹQ. némë “leave, *permission”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lávëar n. “glutton”
ᴺQ. !lávehentar n. “ticket inspector, (lit.) permission examiner” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴺQ. !lavéla adj. “different, dissimilar” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !alavéla “different, various [pl.]”
ᴺQ. !lávima adj. “permissible” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. láwacélë ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. laxa n. “tress”; see instead:
ᴹQ. loxë “hair [in general]”
⚠️ᴱQ. -lda suf. “augmentative”
Q. -lda¹ suf. “your (plural)”
⚠️Q. -lda² suf. “your (dual)”; see instead:
Q. -sta³ “your (dual)”
⚠️Q. -lda³ suf. “a comparative suffix”
Q. -ldë¹ suf. “you (plural)”
Q. -ldë² suf. “feminine agent”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -lë suf. “abstract noun, ⚠️adverb”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. le pron. “you (plural)”
⚠️ᴱQ. n. “a sward, glade”; see instead:
ᴺQ. palis “sward, green, lawn”
Q. lé¹ “way, method, manner”
⚠️ᴱQ. *lé- v. “to come, be sent, approach”; see instead:
Q. tul- “to come, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] move (intr.); to bring, carry, fetch; to produce, bear fruit”
Q. lé¹ n. “way, method, manner”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lé² prep. “with, [ᴹQ.] by, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] with (accompaniment)”; see instead:
Q. #ó “with”
⚠️ᴱQ. lëa- pref. “*your; 2nd pl. possessive”
⚠️ᴱQ. lëa adj. “smooth, slippery”; see instead:
Q. pasta “smooth(ed), sleek, glabrous”
⚠️ᴱQ. lecte- v. “to join together, dovetail, fit in, splice”
⚠️ᴱQ. lehe- v. “to ride”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lehta- “to loose, slacken”
Q. norta- “to ride, [lit.] make run (specially used of riding horses or other animals)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lehesta n. “ride, riding, raid”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nortasta “ride”
Q. lehta adj. “free, released”
ᴹQ. lehta- v. “to loose, slacken”
⚠️ᴱQ. lehta- v. “to ride, move (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lehta- “to loose, slacken”
Q. norta- “to ride, [lit.] make run (specially used of riding horses or other animals)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lehtasta n. “ride”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nortasta “ride”
⚠️ᴱQ. lelco pron. “you (emphatic); 2nd pl. pronoun”
⚠️Q. lélë n. “will”; see instead:
Q. níra “will (as a potential or faculty), individual will (in potential)”
ᴺQ. !lelelya- v. “to go on travelling, keep travelling” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. #lelta- v. “to send, *(lit.) cause to go”
⚠️Q. ?leluya adj. “thick (of a single thing)”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
⚠️ᴱQ. lelya adj. “*your; 2nd pl. possessive emphatic”
Q. lelya adj. “delicate, beautiful and fine, slender, lovely”
Q. lelya-¹ v. “to travel, go, proceed (in any direction)”
Q. lelya-² v. “to appear (of beautiful things); to attract, enchant (with dative)”
⚠️Q. lelya-³ v. “?thick, thicken & congeal”; see instead:
ᴺQ. nelya- “to thicken, congeal”
⚠️Q. lelya-⁴ v. “to will with conscious purpose, immediate or remote”; see instead:
Q. indu- “to will, do on purpose”
ᴺQ. !lelyalávë n. “ticket, (lit.) travel-permission” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴺQ. !lemba adj. “sad” [created by Terry Dock, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴹQ. nairëa “sorrowful, *sad”
ᴹQ. lemba “left behind”
ᴹQ. lemba adj. “left behind”
⚠️Q. lemen num. card. “five”; see instead:
Q. lempë “five”
⚠️Q. †lemenya num. ord. “fifth”; see instead:
Q. †lepenya “fifth”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemin num. card. “five; (lit.) half the fingers”; see instead:
Q. lempë “five”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemincainen num. card. “fifty; twenty three”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemincaiya num. ord. “fifteenth”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lepenquëa “fifteenth”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemincëa num. card. “fifteen”; see instead:
Q. lepenquë “*fifteen”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemindëa adj. “quintuple”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lempellumë “five times”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemindóra num. card. “*five million”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lependórë “quintillion”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemindórë num. card. “*quintillion”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lependórë “quintillion”
⚠️ᴱQ. leminto fraction. “one fifth”; see instead:
Q. lepesta “one fifth”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemintya fraction. “one fifth”; see instead:
Q. lepesta “one fifth”
⚠️ᴱQ. leminya num. ord. “fifth”; see instead:
Q. lempëa “fifth”
ᴺQ. !lemma n. “artifact, relic, residue” [created by Valerie]
ᴺQ. !lemmë n. “remnant(s), remains, remainders” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴹQ. lemnar n. “(Valarin five-day) week”; see instead:
Q. enquië “Elvish week of six days”
ᴺQ. otsola “(seven-day) week”
⚠️Q. lemnë num. card. “five”; see instead:
Q. lempë “five”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lempë num. card. “five”
⚠️ᴱQ. lempë¹ num. card. “ten”; see instead:
Q. quain “ten”
⚠️ᴱQ. lempë² n. “crook, hook”; see instead:
Q. ampa “hook, [ᴹQ.] crook”
⚠️ᴱQ. lempë³ fraction. “one half”; see instead:
Q. peresta “one half”
Q. lempëa num. ord. “fifth”
⚠️ᴱQ. lempëa¹ adj. “decimal”; see instead:
Q. maquanotië “decimal system”
⚠️ᴱQ. lempëa² adj. “half”; see instead:
Q. peresta “one half”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lempellumë adv. “five times”
⚠️ᴱQ. lempessëa adj. “tenfold”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !quëallumë “ten times”
ᴹQ. lemya- v. “to remain, tarry”
⚠️ᴱQ. lemya adj. “half”; see instead:
Q. peresta “one half”
⚠️ᴱQ. lenc (lenqu-) n. “limb”
⚠️ᴹQ. lenca- v. “to loose, slacken”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lehta- “to loose, slacken”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lenca adj. “slow, ⚠️dull, stiff; left (hand)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lencëa num. card. “fifteen”; see instead:
Q. lepenquë “*fifteen”
Q. lenda n. “journey, *travel, trip”
⚠️Q. lenda- v. “to go free”; see instead:
Q. lelya-¹ “to travel, go, proceed (in any direction)”
⚠️ᴹQ. lenda- v. “to linger”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lemya- “to remain, tarry”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lendë n. “journey” [created by Didier Willis, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. lenda “journey, *travel, trip”
ᴺQ. !lendië n. “tourism, *traveling” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. [Q.] lenga- v. “to behave”
ᴺQ. !lengalë n. “behavior” [created by Robert Reynolds, 1000W]
ᴺQ. [Q.] lengë n. “gesture, characteristic look, gesture or trait”
ᴺQ. !lengesta n. “character (of a person), set of characteristic traits” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️Q. lengwë n. “yearning, desire for what is lost or absent”; see instead:
Q. #írë “desire, [ᴹQ.] longing”
⚠️ᴱQ. -léni suf. “long”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. #lenna- v. “to come; [ᴹQ.] to go, depart”; see instead:
Q. tul- “to come, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] move (intr.); to bring, carry, fetch; to produce, bear fruit”
Q. lelya-¹ “to travel, go, proceed (in any direction)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lenquelénu n. “(daddy) long-legs”
⚠️ᴱQ. -lénu suf. “long” see ᴱQ. -léni
⚠️ᴱQ. lenu- v. “to stretch”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lat- “to be extended, stretch, [ᴱQ.] spread, extend; [ᴹQ.] to be situated (of an area), lie (of lands or regions)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lenuva adj. “tight, narrow”; see instead:
ᴹQ. arca “narrow”
⚠️ᴱQ. lenwa adj. “long and thin, straight, narrow”; see instead:
Q. náha “narrow, *thin”
ᴹQ. téra “straight, right, *correct”
Q. lenwë n. “leaving, departure”
Q. lenweta- v. “to go away, migrate, leave one’s abode”
ᴺQ. !lenya pron. “yours (plural)” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. lenya adj. “half”; see instead:
Q. peresta “one half”
⚠️ᴹQ. leo n. “shade, shadow cast by any object”; see instead:
Q. hala “cast shadow, *shade”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lep- v. “to take [with fingers], *pick, pluck”
Q. lepecan (lepecant-) n. “fourth finger”
Q. lependë n. “middle finger”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lependórë num. card. “quintillion”
Q. †lepenel n. “middle finger”
ᴺQ. !lepenquain num. card. “fifty” [created by EruannoVG]
Q. lepenquë num. card. “*fifteen”
ᴺQ. !lepenquëa num. ord. “fifteenth”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lepenquëan num. card. “fifty” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lepenquain “fifty”
Q. lepentë n. “fourth finger”
Q. †lepenya num. ord. “fifth”
Q. leper n. “finger”
Q. lepesta fraction. “one fifth”
Q. lepetas (lepetass-) n. “index finger”
Q. lepetta n. “Gondorian hardwood”
Q. lepinca n. “little finger” see Q. lepincë
Q. lepincë (lepinci-) n. “little finger”
ᴺQ. !leppa n. “thimble” [created by Shihali]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lepsa n. “liver”
⚠️Q. lepsat fraction. “one fifth”; see instead:
Q. lepesta “one fifth”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. lepsë n. “*finger”; see instead:
Q. leper “finger”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lepsilë (lepsily-) n. “tendril”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lepta adj. and n. “fingered; ⚠️thumb, [ᴱQ.] finger”
Q. lepta- v. “to pick (up/out); to finger, feel with the fingertips”
⚠️ᴱQ. lepta¹ adj. “hooked (as a tendril)”; see instead:
ᴹQ. rempa “crooked, hooked”
Q. leptafinya adj. “clever-fingered”
Q. leptas n. “*index finger” see Q. lepetas
Q. leptenta- v. “*to point to, indicate with finger”
⚠️Q. leptollë n. “*thumb”; see instead:
Q. nápo “thumb, (lit.) picker”
⚠️ᴱQ. lequet (lequett-) n. “joint”
Q. léra adj. “free (of persons)”
ᴺQ. !léramo n. “freeman”
ᴺQ. !lerca- v. “to flee” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !lercië n. “flight, fleeing” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️Q. lerembas n. “bread taken on leaving home (for a long journey)”; see instead:
Q. coimas “life-bread, lembas”
⚠️ᴱQ. lerendi n. “brotherhood, association, college”; see instead:
ᴹQ. otornassë “brotherhood, *association”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lerië n. “issue, release, edition” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !leryalë “release”
ᴺQ. !lérië “freedom”
ᴺQ. !lérië n. “freedom”
Q. lerina adj. “free (of things)”
Q. lerta- v. “to be free to do”
Q. lerya- v. “to release, set free, let go”
ᴺQ. !leryalë n. “release”
⚠️ᴱQ. lese- v. “to come together, gather (intr.)”; see instead:
Q. ócom- “to gather, assemble”
⚠️ᴹQ. lesta- v. “to leave”; see instead:
Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
Q. #lesta n. “*girdle”
ᴹQ. #lesta n. “measure”
⚠️ᴱQ. lesta n. “gathering, assembly”; see instead:
Q. (o)combë “gathering, assembly, assemblage, collection, *congregation”
Q. #lesta “*girdle”
⚠️ᴱQ. lesta- v. “to collect (tr.)”; see instead:
Q. hosta- “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
ᴺQ. !lesta- v. “to measure” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. lesto (lestu-) n. “journey”; see instead:
Q. lenda “journey, *travel, trip”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. let (leps-) n. “finger”; see instead:
Q. leper “finger”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] letinwessë n. “constellation”
Q. leuca n. “snake”
⚠️ᴱQ. leucë (leuci-) adj. “sick, ill; pallid, wan”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlaiwa “sickly, sick, ill”
ᴹQ. malwa “fallow, pale, [ᴱQ.] yellowish, *wan”
⚠️ᴱQ. leumë n. “sickness”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlívë “sickness, *disease”
⚠️Q. leuta n. “finger”; see instead:
Q. leper “finger”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lev- v. “to move”
ᴺQ. !levë n. “movement, motion” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !levemma n. “movie, motion picture” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴹQ. #lhit- v. “to speed”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlit- “to speed swiftly, race, dash, hurtle”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -li suf. “partitive plural (suffix); many, some, a lot of”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lia n. “fine thread, spider filament; [ᴱQ.] twine, *wire”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lia- v. “to entwine”
ᴺQ. !lialóra adj. “cordless, wireless” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liantassë n. “vine”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. liantë n. “spider, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] tendril, vine”
⚠️ᴱQ. lia(r) adj. “many”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lina “many”
ᴺQ. !lic- v. “to glide, slip, slide, ⚠️drip” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. licin n. “horn, curled horn”; see instead:
Q. romba “horn, trumpet”
⚠️ᴱQ. licinda- v. “to blow a trumpet”
⚠️ᴱQ. licinda n. “trumpet”; see instead:
Q. romba “horn, trumpet”
⚠️ᴱQ. licindë n. “blowing of horns”; see instead:
Q. róma “[ᴹQ.] loud sound, trumpet-sound, *blare; [Q.] horn”
⚠️ᴱQ. licinnë n. “blowing of horns”; see instead:
Q. róma “[ᴹQ.] loud sound, trumpet-sound, *blare; [Q.] horn”
Q. líco (lícu-) n. “wax”
Q. lícuma n. “taper, candle”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lië n. “people, folk”
ᴺQ. !liëarda n. “republic” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. lielesta n. “folk moot”; see instead:
Q. (o)combë “gathering, assembly, assemblage, collection, *congregation”
ᴺQ. !liëmelehtëa adj. “democratic” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !liendina adj. “popular” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. !lieraxa n. “a bus, coach, (lit.) people wagon” [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
ᴺQ. !lietarwa n. “park, (lit.) people-garden” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !lietúrië n. “democracy” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴹQ. *lihlicca- v. “to sneak about”
ᴺQ. !lihta n. “seal” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !lihta- v. “to seal” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !lihtaina adj. “sealed” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !lihtyellesta n. “escalator, (lit.) gliding staircase” [created by Valerie]
⚠️ᴱQ. lilda adj.; see instead:
Q. amba² “more”
⚠️ᴱQ. lildo(s) adj.; see instead:
Q. ambë “more”
ᴺQ. !lilíva- v. “to (continuously) drip, drip-drop” [created by Röandil]
Q. lillassëa adj. “having many leaves”
ᴺQ. !lillumë adv. “many times, often” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !lilma n. “patch” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. lilómëa adj. “many-shadowed, very dark, full of darkness”
Q. lilótëa adj. “having many flowers”
⚠️ᴹQ. lilótimë adj. “*many-flowered”; see instead:
Q. lilótëa “having many flowers”
⚠️ᴱQ. lilt- v. “to dance”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lilta- “to dance”
⚠️ᴱQ. lilt n. “dance”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^liltë “dance”
ᴹQ. lilta- v. “to dance”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^liltë n. “dance”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liltië n. “dancing, ⚠️dance”
⚠️ᴱQ. lilyen ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. lim- v. “to bind”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hap-¹ “to bind, restrain; ⚠️to retain, keep, detain”
ᴹQ. limba n. “drop”
⚠️ᴱQ. limba adj. “many”; see instead:
ᴹQ. rimba “frequent, numerous”
ᴺQ. !lina “many”
⚠️Q. limbë (limbi-) adj. “quick, swift”; see instead:
Q. linta “swift”
⚠️ᴱQ. limbë n. “a number”; see instead:
Q. rimbë “host, great number, [ᴹQ.] crowd”
⚠️ᴱQ. limbelu adv. “*long”
Q. #limë (limi-) n. “link, *joint”
⚠️ᴱQ. límen n. “thong, band”; see instead:
ᴹQ. latta² “strap”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] limil n. “chain”
ᴺQ. !limivarma n. “chainmail, (lit.) link-armour” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️ᴱQ. limna n. “sheaf”
Q. limpa adj. “frail, slender and drooping”
⚠️ᴱQ. limpalassë n. “much roaring”
⚠️ᴱQ. limpalassëa adj. “much roaring”
⚠️ᴱQ. limpa(pa)lasse(a) adj. “much roaring” see ᴱQ. limpalassëa
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. limpë n. “wine, ⚠️drink of the Valar, [ᴱQ.] drink of the fairies, fairy-drink, elfwine”
⚠️ᴱQ. limpelis n. “*fairy-drink”; see instead:
ᴹQ. limpë “wine, ⚠️drink of the Valar, [ᴱQ.] drink of the fairies, fairy-drink, elfwine”
ᴺQ. !limpevorma n. “wine-press” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !limpunqua adj. “drunken” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !limpunquië n. “drunkenness” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !limya- v. “to link, join” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #li(n)- pref. “many”
⚠️ᴱQ. -lin suf. “noun suffix”; see instead:
Q. #-rin “-ian, racial-adjective, language”
⚠️ᴱQ. lin¹ (lind-) n. “melody, air, tune, musical voice”; see instead:
Q. #lindë “singing, song, musical sound; [ᴹQ.] air, tune”
⚠️ᴱQ. lin² (ling-) n. “snake”; see instead:
Q. leuca “snake”
⚠️ᴹQ. lin-² v. “to sing”; see instead:
Q. #lir- “to sing, [ᴹQ.] chant”
ᴺQ. !lina adj. “many”
ᴺQ. !linca n. “ski” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !linca- v. “to ski” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !lincantëa adj. “diverse, (lit.) many shaped” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !lincantilda adj. “checkered; (lit.) many-squared” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. linda adj. “beautiful (of sound), sweet, melodious; soft, gentle, light, [ᴱQ.] kind; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] fair”
Q. #linda- v. “*to sing, make music”
⚠️ᴱQ. #linda² adj. “singing”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lindëa “singing, ⚠️*musical”
Q., ᴹQ. lindalë n. “music”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lindalëa adj. “melodious, *musical”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #lindë (lindi-) n. “singing, song, musical sound; [ᴹQ.] air, tune”
⚠️ᴹQ. lindë² n. “pool”; see instead:
ᴹQ. linya “pool”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lindëa adj. “singing, ⚠️*musical”
⚠️ᴱQ. lindelë n. “music, song”; see instead:
Q. lindalë “music”
⚠️ᴱQ. lindelëa adj. “melodious”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lindalëa “melodious, *musical”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lindelin n. “melody, tune”
⚠️ᴱQ. lindeloctë n. “laburnum, (lit.) singing cluster”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lindelos “laburnum, (lit.) singing cluster”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lindelos (lindelós-) [þ] n. “laburnum, (lit.) singing cluster” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !lindië n. “euphony” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
Q. lindimaitar n. “composer, musician”
ᴺQ. !lindista n. “music album” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lindo n. “singer, singing bird”
ᴺQ. !lindóra adv. “millions of, many millions” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. lindórëa adj. “singing at dawn (esp. of birds)”
ᴹQ. lindornëa adj. “having many oaks”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. línë n. “cobweb; [ᴱQ.] cotton, ⚠️thread”
⚠️ᴱQ. líneneldora adj. “having many beeches”
Q., ᴹQ. *linga- v. “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. linga-² v. “to twang, [ᴱQ.] hum like the string of a harp, *resonate; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] ring”
Q. lingë n. “musical sound”
Q. lingëa adj. “with a musical sound”
⚠️Q. lingi- v. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
Q. *linga- “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
ᴺQ. !lingil n. “hanger, hook (for clothes)” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴱQ. lingo n. “snake”; see instead:
Q. hlócë “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
Q. #lingwë “fish”
Q., ᴹQ. #lingwë (lingwi-) n. “fish”
⚠️ᴱQ. lingwë n. “snake, worm”; see instead:
Q. hlócë “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
Q. #lingwë “fish”
ᴺQ. !lingwëa adj. “fishlike”
ᴺQ. !lingwileuca n. “eel”
⚠️ᴱQ. lingwilla n. “coil, spire”
ᴹQ. lingwilócë n. “fish-dragon, sea-serpent”
ᴺQ. !lingwimo n. “fisherman” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. lingwin n. “serpent, dragon”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lingwilócë “fish-dragon, sea-serpent”
ᴺQ. !lingwiremnë n. “fishing” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !linima adj. “of many kinds, manifold” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !linipsinwa adj. “complex, complicated, convoluted; (lit.) many-threaded” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !linipsinwië n. “complexity, complication, complicatedness; (lit.) many-threadedness” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !linitë adj. “plural”
⚠️ᴱQ. linquarassëa adj. “[unglossed]”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. linquë (linqui-) adj. “wet, [ᴱQ.] ⚠️flowing; water, stream”
Q. linquë¹ n. “(leaf of a) hyacinth, *grass or grass-like leaf”
Q. linquë² n. and adj. “light-substance; liquid light, *photons”
⚠️ᴱQ. linquëa adj. “watery”
ᴺQ. !linquemir n. “hyacinth [jewel]” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !linquilëa adj. “having many colours” [created by ABNW]
⚠️ᴱQ. lint (linty-) n. “fluff, down, soft stuff”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hlintë “fluff, down, soft stuff”
Q. linta adj. “swift”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] linta- v. “to soothe”
⚠️ᴱQ. -(l)inta suf. “diminutive” see ᴱQ. -(w)intë
⚠️ᴱQ. lintasarindëa adj. “having many willows”
⚠️ᴱQ. linta(ta)sarind(e)a adj. “having many willows” see ᴱQ. lintasarindëa
⚠️ᴱQ. -lintë suf. “diminutive” see ᴱQ. -(w)intë
Q. lintië n. and adv. “swiftness, speed; swiftly, *quickly”
⚠️ᴱQ. lintitinwë adj. “having many stars, many-starred”
⚠️ᴱQ. lintuilinda adj. “many-swallows of autumn”
⚠️ᴱQ. lintuilindórëa adj. “of autumn; when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn”
⚠️ᴱQ. lintu(tu)lussëa adj. “having many poplars” see ᴱQ. lintyulussëa
⚠️ᴱQ. lintutyulussëa adj. “having many poplars” see ᴱQ. lintyulussëa
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lintyulussëa adj. “having many poplars”
ᴺQ. !linvainëa n. “onion, (lit.) many-sheathed” [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
ᴺQ. !linwa n. “musical instrument, device for making music” [created by Delle]
ᴹQ. #linwë n. “short lay”
⚠️ᴺQ. !linwelë n. “poetry” [created by ABNW]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lairesta “poetry”
⚠️ᴺQ. !linya adj. “lean, thin, meagre” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
ᴹQ. linya “pool”
ᴹQ. linya n. “pool”
⚠️ᴱQ. linya- v. “to run or flow smoothly”; see instead:
Q. sirya- “to flow [smoothly]”
ᴹQ. linyenwa adj. “old, having many years”
ᴺQ. !lio adv. “much”
⚠️ᴱQ. lipil n. “a tiny (fay-)glass”; see instead:
Q. cilinyul “drinking-vessel (made of glass)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lipsa n. “*liver”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lepsa “liver”
ᴹQ. lipsa n. “soap”
ᴺQ. !lipsanë n. “lather”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lipta- v. “to drip”
ᴺQ. !liptasar (liptasarn-) n. “dripstone” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. liptë n. “tiny drop”; see instead:
ᴹQ. limba “drop”
⚠️ᴱQ. lipte- v. “to drip”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lipta- “to drip”
⚠️ᴱQ. liquilitl n. “icicle, *(lit.) clear drop”; see instead:
ᴹQ. helcelimbë “*icicle, (lit.) ice-drop”
⚠️ᴱQ. liquilla n. “(clear) pool”; see instead:
ᴹQ. linya “pool”
⚠️ᴱQ. liquilta adj. “pellucid”; see instead:
ᴺQ. liquistëa “transparent, *clear”
⚠️ᴱQ. liquin(a) adj. “wet”; see instead:
ᴹQ. linquë “wet, [ᴱQ.] ⚠️flowing; water, stream”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liquis (liquist-) n. “clarity, transparence, limpidity”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liquistëa adj. “transparent, *clear”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #lir- v. “to sing, [ᴹQ.] chant”
Q. liralë n. “merry singing”
ᴺQ. !lirda n. “stanza, verse, (lit.) a product of singing” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. lírë (líri-) n. “song”
⚠️ᴹQ. liri n. “finch”; see instead:
Q. filincë “finch”
⚠️ᴱQ. lirilla n. “lay, song”; see instead:
ᴹQ. #linwë “short lay”
Q. lírë “song”
⚠️ᴱQ. lirit(ta) n. “poem, lay, written poem”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lairë² “poem”
Q., ᴹQ. liru- v. “to sing (gaily)”
ᴹQ. liruima adj. “able to be sung”
ᴹQ. lirulë n. “merry song”
Q. lirulin n. “lark”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^lirusta n. “singing, chant”
⚠️ᴹQ. lirustë n. “singing, chant”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lirusta “singing, chant”
ᴹQ. lirustëa adj. “fit for singing, to be sung”
⚠️ᴱQ. #-lis suf. “noun suffix”
Q., ᴹQ. lís (liss-) n. “honey, *sugar, sweetener”
⚠️ᴱQ. lis (list-) n. “grace, blessing”; see instead:
Q. lissë² “grace”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. liscë n. “reed, [ᴱQ.] sedge”
ᴺQ. !liscornë n. “any sweet fried bread, doughnut” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴱQ. lisë (lihy-) n. “grease, butter”; see instead:
ᴺQ. laru “grease, ⚠️fat”
⚠️ᴱQ. lísë adj. “sweet”; see instead:
Q. lissë¹ “sweet”
⚠️ᴱQ. líselë n. “sweetness”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lisselë “sweetness”
⚠️ᴱQ. lisiva adj. “greasy”; see instead:
ᴺQ. larúva “greasy”
Q. lissë¹ (lissi-) adj. “sweet”
Q. lissë² n. “grace”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lisselë n. “sweetness”
ᴺQ. !lissimat (lissimatt-) n. “dessert, (lit.) sweet-meal” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !lissimatta n. “sweet, piece of confectionary” [created by Valerie]
ᴺQ. !lissimbas (lissimbass-) n. “(sweet) cake (eaten as dessert)” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !lista- v. “to sweeten, make sweet”
⚠️ᴱQ. listëa adj. “full of grace, blessed”; see instead:
Q. manaitë “*blessed, having grace”
⚠️ᴱQ. listevoitë adj. “full of grace, blessed”; see instead:
Q. manaitë “*blessed, having grace”
⚠️ᴱQ. listya- v. “to bless”; see instead:
Q. manya- “to bless”
ᴺQ. !lita- v. “to multiply” [created by Ránatar]
⚠️ᴱQ. lititinwë adj. “many-starred” see ᴱQ. lintitinwë
⚠️ᴱQ. litl n. “tiny drop”; see instead:
ᴹQ. limba “drop”
⚠️ᴱQ. -litsë (*-litsi) suf. “diminutive” see ᴱQ. -itsë
ᴹQ. litsë n. “sand”
ᴺQ. !litsëa adj. “sandy; granular, gritty” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. !litsëon (litsëond-) n. “sandstone” [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
ᴺQ. !littë n. “ash” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !liv- v. “to anoint” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. lívë n. “sickness”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlívë “sickness, *disease”
Q. liyúmë n. “host”
⚠️ᴱQ. #-lla suf. “diminutive”
Q. -lla¹ suf. “your (plural polite)”
⚠️Q. -lla² suf. “your (dual)”; see instead:
Q. -sta³ “your (dual)”
⚠️ᴱQ. #-llë suf. “diminutive” see ᴱQ. #-lla
Q. -llë¹ suf. “feminine agent”
Q. -llë² suf. “you (plural)”
Q. -llë³ suf. “you (dual polite)” see Q. -stë¹
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -llo suf. “(movement) from, [ᴱQ.] out of, [Q.] ablative suffix”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] -llumë suf. “-times”
Q. -lma¹ suf. “our (exclusive)”
⚠️Q. -lma² suf. “our (inclusive)”; see instead:
Q. -lva “our (inclusive)”
Q. -lma³ suf. “our (inclusive dual)”
Q. -lmë¹ suf. “we (exclusive)”
⚠️Q. -lmë² suf. “we (inclusive)”; see instead:
Q. -lvë “we (inclusive)”
Q. -lmo suf. “we (inclusive dual)” see Q. -ngo
Q., ᴹQ. prep. “(away) from; by agent [of]; [ᴹQ.] ablative element”
⚠️ᴹQ. ló² n. “night, a night”; see instead:
Q. lómë “night, dimness, twilight, dusk, darkness, [ᴹQ.] night-time, shades of night, ⚠️gloom; [ᴱQ.] shadow, cloud”
Q., ᴹQ. löa n. “(seasonal) year, (lit.) (time of) growth, blooming”
⚠️ᴱQ. löa n. “life”; see instead:
Q. löa “(seasonal) year, (lit.) (time of) growth, blooming”
Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
⚠️ᴺQ. !löacasta n. “season, (lit.) year-quarter” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !löasta “season, (lit.) year-part”
Q. löar n. “(golden) blossom” see Q. lávar
ᴺQ. !löasta n. “season, (lit.) year-part” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !loc- v. “to loop, curl, ⚠️bend” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴺQ. !locco n. “ringlet” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]; see instead:
Q. lócë¹ “bight, bend, curl of hair”
Q. lócë¹ n. “bight, bend, curl of hair”
Q. lócë² n. “snake, serpent” see Q. hlócë
Q. locin adj. “bent, *curled”
⚠️ᴱQ. locta- v. “to sprout, bud, put forth leaves or flowers”; see instead:
ᴹQ. tuilu- “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
⚠️ᴱQ. loctë (loxi-) n. “blossom (of flowers), (flower) cluster, bunch”; see instead:
Q. olos¹ “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
Q. loëndë n. “mid-year (Númenórean calendar), *(lit.) year-middle”
Q. loi- pref. “mistaken, mistake in ...”
Q. loica adj. “failing, short, inadequate”
Q. loicarë n. “mistaken action”
Q. loico n. “corpse, dead body”
Q. loicolícuma n. “corpse-candle”
Q. loima n. “mistake”
⚠️ᴱQ. loima adj. “parched, dry”; see instead:
ᴹQ. fauca “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
ᴹQ. parca “dry; ⚠️thirsty”
Q. loima “mistake”
⚠️ᴱQ. loimë n. “thirst”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !soicië “thirst”
⚠️ᴱQ. loimëa adj. “thirsty”; see instead:
Q. soica “thirsty”
ᴹQ. fauca “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
Q. loiparë n. “mistake in writing”
ᴺQ. !loipat- v. “to misstep” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. loiquetë n. “mistake in speech”
⚠️ᴱQ. loirë (loiri-) adj. “thirsty”; see instead:
Q. soica “thirsty”
ᴹQ. fauca “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
⚠️ᴱQ. loista- v. “to refresh”; see instead:
Q. ceuta- “to renew, refresh”
⚠️ᴱQ. loita- v. “to refresh”; see instead:
Q. ceuta- “to renew, refresh”
Q. loita- v. “to miss, fail, fall short of (transitive)”
⚠️ᴱQ. loitë adj. “fresh”; see instead:
ᴹQ. venya “green, yellow-green, fresh”
ᴺQ. !lolóca- v. “to crawl” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
⚠️ᴱQ. lom- v. “to hide, lurk”; see instead:
Q. #nurta- “*to hide”
ᴺQ. !lóma n. “moss” [created by Orondil]
ᴺQ. !lómaril n. “jade” [created by Valarie]
⚠️ᴱQ. lomba adj. “secret”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nulla “dark, dusky, obscure; hidden, secret”
ᴺQ. [Q.] lomba adj. “blind”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lómë n. “night, dimness, twilight, dusk, darkness, [ᴹQ.] night-time, shades of night, ⚠️gloom; [ᴱQ.] shadow, cloud”
Q., ᴱQ. #lómëa adj. “shadowed, gloomy, *dusk-like”
Q., ᴹQ. lómelindë n. “nightingale, (lit.) dusk-singer”
Q. lomentië n. “?away-journey, departure”
⚠️ᴱQ. lómin n. “shade, shadow”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lumbë “gloom, shadow”
⚠️ᴱQ. lómina adj. “shadowy”; see instead:
Q. #lómëa “shadowed, gloomy, *dusk-like”
ᴺQ. !lómivehtë n. “night life” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. lóna n. “(deep) pool, mere, river-feeding well”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lóna adj. “soaked, drenched” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
Q. lóna “(deep) pool, mere, river-feeding well”
⚠️ᴹQ. lóna¹ n. “island, remote land difficult to reach”; see instead:
Q. #lónë “isle, [ᴹQ.] island, remote land difficult to reach”
⚠️ᴹQ. lóna² adj. “dark”; see instead:
Q. lúna “*dark”
⚠️ᴱQ. londa- v. “to boom, bang”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlonda- “to boom, bang, make (loud) noise”
⚠️ᴱQ. londa n. “heart”; see instead:
Q. hón “heart (physical organ)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lon(dë) (lond-) n. “loud noise”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlondë “loud noise”
Q., ᴹQ. londë n. “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] road (in sea), fairway, entrance to harbour; gulf”
Q. #londië n. “harbourage”
Q. lón(ë) n. “deep pool, river-feeding well” see Q. lóna
Q. #lónë n. “isle, [ᴹQ.] island, remote land difficult to reach”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lop- v. “to run (of animals), gallop, *lope”
⚠️ᴱQ. lópa n. “horse, mare”; see instead:
Q. rocco “horse”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lopeta- v. “to amble, ⚠️lop”
⚠️ᴹQ. lopo n. “rabbit”; see instead:
Q. #lopoldë “rabbit”
⚠️ᴱQ. lopo n.; see instead:
Q. rocco “horse”
Q. #lopoldë n. “rabbit”
ᴹQ. lopotun n. “rabbithole” see ᴹQ. lopotundo
ᴹQ. lopotundo (lopotundu-) n. “rabbithole”
⚠️ᴱQ. lopsi n. “mare”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !roccë “mare”
⚠️ᴱQ. loquo- v. “to run (of human beings)”; see instead:
Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #lor- v. “to sleep, [ᴱQ.] slumber”
ᴹQ. -lóra suf. “without, less”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lorda adj. “slumbrous, drowsy, *sleepy”
Q., ᴹQ. lórë n. “[ᴹQ.] slumber, *sleep; [Q.] dream”
ᴺQ. !lórelot n. “poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”
ᴹQ. lorna adj. “asleep”
ᴺQ. !lornata- v. “to put to sleep”
ᴺQ. !lornatála adj. “sleep-inducing” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !lorta- v. “to faint, swoon, become dazed”
ᴺQ. !lortalë n. “swoon, faint, dizziness”
ᴺQ. !loru- v. “to fall asleep” [created by Paul Strack]
Q. lós [þ] n. “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
⚠️ᴱQ. losillë n. “rose”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !merillë “rose”
⚠️ᴱQ. #lossa adj. “white”; see instead:
Q. lossëa “snowy, (snow) white”
Q. lossë¹ n. and adj. “snow, fallen snow; snow-white, snowy”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lossë² n. “[ᴹQ.] (white) blossom, flower, [ᴱQ.] (white) flower; [Q.] inflorescence (of white flowers); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] rose”
Q. lossëa adj. “snowy, (snow) white”
⚠️ᴱQ. lossiattëa ? “[unglossed]”
Q. losta- v. “to bloom, *blossom”
ᴺQ., ᴱQ. !lotarwa n. “[flower] garden”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lótë n. “flower, single blossom; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] bloom”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lótëa adj. “full of blossom, *blooming, flowering”
ᴺQ. !lótelas (lótelass-) n. “petal, (lit.) flower-leaf” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lotella n. “floret”
⚠️ᴱQ. lótequilna adj. “broidered with flowers”
Q., ᴹQ. Lótessë n. “May, *(lit.) Flower-ness”
⚠️ᴱQ. lóto- v. “to bloom”; see instead:
Q. losta- “to bloom, *blossom”
⚠️ᴱQ. lotórë n. “blooming, flowering, best time, flower”
⚠️ᴱQ. lotórëa adj. “flourishing”
Q. lotsë n. “small (single) flower”
Q. lottë n. “small flower” see Q. lotsë
⚠️Q. loxa adj. “brown of hair”; see instead:
Q. nolya “dark-haired, *brown-haired”
ᴹQ. loxë n. “hair [in general]”
⚠️ᴱQ. loxë (loxi-) n. “bunch, cluster”; see instead:
Q. olos¹ “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^loxo n. “mud” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^loxor n. “swamp, bog” [created by Damien Bador]
ᴺQ. !lóya- v. “to leave (from something: a place, a thing)” [created by Arael]
⚠️ᴱQ. loyo- v. “be thirsty (impers.)”; see instead:
Q. soica “thirsty”
⚠️ᴱQ. -lta suf. “?causative”
Q. -lta suf. “theirs”
Q. -ltë suf. “they”
Q. -ltya suf. “theirs” see Q. -lta
ᴹQ. lu- v. “to be heavy, be sad”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. n. “time, occasion; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] 24 hours, day”
⚠️ᴱQ. lu pron. “dual 2”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] luc- v. “to haul, drag, [ᴱQ.] pull (behind)”
Q. #lucando n. “debtor, one who trespasses” see Q. #lucindo
Q. #lucassë n. “*debt, trespass”
ᴹQ. lúcë n. “enchantment”
⚠️ᴱQ. lúcë n. “slime”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^sucul “sticky matter, slime, ⚠️gum”
ᴹQ. lúcë “enchantment”
ᴺQ. !lúcëarwa adj. “enchanting, attractive” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q. #lucië n. “*debt, trespass”
⚠️ᴱQ. lúcima adj. “slimy”
Q. #lucindo n. “*debtor, one who trespasses”
⚠️ᴱQ. lucta n. “period”; see instead:
Q. lúmë¹ “time, period of time, hour”
Q. #luhta “*debt, trespass”
⚠️ᴱQ. lucta- v. “to have time pass”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lúta- “to have time pass”
ᴹQ. luhta- v. “to enchant”
Q. luhta- v. “to bow, *curve”
Q. #luhta n. “*debt, trespass”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] luhtu n. “magic, spell”
ᴺQ. !luhtya- v. “extinguish, *quench” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !luicarnë adj. “purple” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^luilë n. “sapphire, blue stone”
Q. luimë n. “flood, floodwater; flood tide, high tide; ⚠️flooded land”
⚠️ᴱQ. luin adv. “ago”; see instead:
Q. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
⚠️ᴱQ. luina adj. “ago”; see instead:
Q. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
⚠️ᴹQ. luina adj. “pale”
Q. luinë (luini-) adj. “blue”
Q. #luinincë (luininci-) adj. “bluish”
ᴺQ. !luinion (luiniond-) n. “lapis lazuli, (lit.) blue-rock” [created by Orondil, Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !luinyellë n. “bluebell” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Q. luita- v. “to flood, drench, ⚠️inundate”
ᴺQ. !luitë adj. “melancholic, (lit.) habitually being sad” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. lúlë n. “blue stone, sapphire”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^luilë “sapphire, blue stone”
⚠️ᴱQ. lúlëa adj. “sapphirine”
ᴺQ. !(lu)lútië n. “cruise, (lit.) floating/sailing about” [created by Röandil, NotD]
ᴺQ. !lúma n. “clock” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
Q. lumba adj. “gloomy”
ᴹQ. lumba adj. “weary”
ᴹQ. lumbë n. “gloom, shadow”
Q., ᴱQ. lumbo n. “cloud, [ᴱQ.] dark lowering cloud; [Q.] gloom, dark, shade”
Q. lumbulë n. “dark shadow, heavy shadow; deep in shadow”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lúmë¹ n. “time, period of time, hour”
Q. lúmë² n. “darkness”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lúmëa adj. “pertaining to time, temporal”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lúmelissen adv. “sometimes, at times” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
⚠️ᴱQ. lúmen n. “year, period”; see instead:
Q. yén “Elvish long year (144 solar years)”
Q. löa “(seasonal) year, (lit.) (time of) growth, blooming”
ᴹQ. lumenyárë n. “*history”
ᴹQ. lúmequenta n. “history, chronological account”
ᴹQ. lúmequentalë n. “history”
Q., ᴹQ. lúmequentalëa adj. “historical”
⚠️ᴱQ. lúmia adj. “pertaining to time, temporal”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^lúmëa “pertaining to time, temporal”
⚠️ᴹQ. #lúmië n. “annals”; see instead:
Q. yénië “annals”
ᴺQ. !lúmincë n. “minute, moment” [created by Elaran]
ᴹQ. lumna adj. “lying heavy, burdensome, oppressive, ominous”
ᴹQ. lumna- v. “to lie heavy, be heavy”
Q. lú(n) n. “*deep pool” see Q. lóna
Q. lúna adj. “*dark”
Q. lunca n. “heavy transport wain”
⚠️ᴱQ. lundë n. “(lunar) month; (lit.) period”; see instead:
Q. ránasta “lunar month”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lúnë (lúni-) adj. “blue, [ᴱQ.] deep blue”; see instead:
Q. luinë “blue”
⚠️ᴱQ. lúnelinquë adj. “flowing; *blue-water”
⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lunga adj. “heavy; fraught”; see instead:
Q. #lungo “heavy”
⚠️ᴱQ. lunga(na)- v. “to sag, bend (down), hang heavy, lean”
ᴺQ. !lungië n. “heaviness, gravity” [created by NQ-Wiki]
Q., ᴱQ. #lungo (lungu-) adj. “heavy”
⚠️ᴹQ. lungu n. “dragon”; see instead:
Q. hlócë “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
Q. lungumaitë adj. “heavy-handed”
ᴺQ. !lungumë n. “weight, heaviness”
ᴺQ. !lunguntë n. “scales”
⚠️ᴱQ. lungwë ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺQ. !lungwë n. “pound” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !luntala n. “euphony” [created by EruannoVG]
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. luntë n. “boat, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] ship”
ᴺQ. !lunwa n. “fin, (lit.) swim-thing” [created by Arael]
ᴹQ. lúpë n. “plume”
Q., ᴹQ. luppo (luppu-) n. “clumsy piece or lump”
ᴺQ. !lupsë (lupsi-) n. “nugget, (small) chunk, clump, tidbit” [created by Orondil]
Q. luqua n. “heavy transport wain” see Q. lunca
⚠️ᴱQ. lur- v. “?to be dark”; see instead:
ᴹQ. nur- “to grow/be dark”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúrë n. “dark weather, bad weather”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúrëa adj. “overcast, dark [of weather]”
ᴺQ. !lurwë n. “threat” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. lúsina adj. “warm, glowing (of things); affectionate, hearty (of people)”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lauca “warm”
Q. méla “loving, affectionate”
⚠️ᴹQ. lussa- v. “to whisper”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlussa- “to whisper”
⚠️ᴹQ. lussë n. “whispering sound”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^hlussë “whispering sound, *whisper”
ᴺQ. !lussë n. “(verb) tense” [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
ᴹQ. lusta adj. “void, empty”
⚠️ᴱQ. lusta n. “warm water”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^súnë “bath, small pool”
⚠️ᴱQ. lusta- v. “to bathe in warm water”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sov- “to wash, *bathe”
ᴺQ. !lustavë adv. “in vain, emptily”
⚠️ᴺQ. !lustië adv. “in vain, emptily” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !lustavë “in vain, emptily”
ᴺQ. !lustindo n. “ennui” [created by Fëastorno]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lut- v. “to float, sail, *swim, ⚠️flow”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúta- v. “to have time pass”
⚠️ᴱQ. lutl n. “gum, paste, sticky matter”; see instead:
Q. maxo “mire, [ᴹQ.] sticky substance”
ᴺQ. ^suhtë “resin, gum”
⚠️ᴱQ. lúto n. “flood”; see instead:
Q. luimë “flood, floodwater; flood tide, high tide; ⚠️flooded land”
⚠️ᴱQ. lutta- v. “to flow, float”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lut- “to float, sail, *swim, ⚠️flow”
ᴺQ. !luttalan (luttalam-) n. “raft, (lit.) floating platform” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. lutto- v. “to swill, wash”; see instead:
ᴺQ. sov- “to wash, *bathe”
Q. lúva n. “bow (in forming tengwar), bight, bend, curve”
⚠️ᴱQ. lúvin(a) adj. “dark, overcast”; see instead:
ᴺQ. lúrëa “overcast, dark [of weather]”
Q. lúvo (lúvu-) adj. “greasy, fat” see Q. hlúvo
⚠️ᴱQ. luvu- v. “to lower, hang, brood”
⚠️ᴱQ. -luxë suf. “-times”; see instead:
ᴺQ. -llumë “-times”
⚠️ᴱQ. luxima adj. “fleeting, fading, temporary”
⚠️ᴱQ. luxo (luxu-) n. “mud”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^loxo “mud”
⚠️ᴱQ. luxor n. “swamp, bog”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^loxor “swamp, bog”
Q. -lva suf. “our (inclusive)”
Q. -lvë suf. “we (inclusive)”
Q. †-lwa suf. “our (inclusive)” see Q. -lva
Q. †-lwë suf. “we (inclusive)” see Q. -lvë
Q. -lya¹ suf. “your (polite)”
⚠️Q., ᴹQ. -lya² suf. “imperfect participle”; see instead:
Q. -(i)la “active participle”
Q. -l(yë) suf. “you (polite)”
Q. lye pron. “you (polite)”
ᴺQ. !lyenya pron. “yours (polite)” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !lyéta- v. “to address somebody formally using lye” [created by Luinyelle]
Q., ᴹQ. -ma suf. “instrumental”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. n. “hand”
⚠️ᴱQ. ma- pref. “together, in one”; see instead:
Q. o- “together”
Q. ma¹ pron. “something, a thing; ⚠️anything”
⚠️ᴱQ. -ma¹ suf. “a; some, certain” see ᴱQ. -(u)ma
⚠️ᴱQ. ma¹ prep. “*by”; see instead:
Q. lé² “with, [ᴹQ.] by, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] with (accompaniment)”
⚠️ᴱQ. -ma² suf. “passive participle”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ma² adv. “interrogative particle”
⚠️ᴹQ. †má² n. “land, region”; see instead:
Q. yondë “region, any fairly extensive region with well-marked natural bounds”
Q., ᴱQ. mac- v. “to hew (with a sword), *swing (a sword); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to slay; to die”
⚠️ᴱQ. máca adj. “each, every”; see instead:
Q. ilya “every, each, all (of a particular group of things), [ᴹQ.] the whole”
ᴺQ. !maca- v. “to forge” [created by Orondil]
ᴹQ. macal n. “sword” see ᴹQ. macil
Q. macar n. “swordsman; †forger”
⚠️ᴹQ. macar n. “tradesman, *trader, merchant”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^mahar “tradesman, trader, merchant”
ᴺQ. !macca n. “article (for exchange), ware, thing” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
⚠️ᴱQ. macca n. “slaughter”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nahtalë “slaughter”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. macil n. “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
ᴺQ. !macilindil n. “gladiolus, (lit.) sword lily” [created by Delle]
⚠️ᴱQ. macillar (macillard-) n. “swordsman”; see instead:
Q. macar “swordsman; †forger”
⚠️ᴱQ. ^macilquilta n. “swordbelt”
⚠️ᴱQ. macta- v. “to slay, slaughter”; see instead:
Q. nahta-¹ “to slay; ⚠️[Q.] to hurt, injure, wound; [ᴱQ.] slay cruelly”
Q. mahta- “to handle, wield, use, make use of; to manage, deal with, treat, control; [ᴹQ.] to wield a weapon, fight; to stroke, feel”
⚠️ᴱQ. †mactë¹ (maxi-) n. “hand”; see instead:
Q. “hand”
⚠️ᴱQ. mactë² (maxi-) n. “hold, grip, power, possession”; see instead:
ᴺQ. mahtë “hold, grip, *grasp; ⚠️power, possession”
⚠️ᴱQ. mactya- v. “to kill”; see instead:
Q. nahta-¹ “to slay; ⚠️[Q.] to hurt, injure, wound; [ᴱQ.] slay cruelly”
ᴺQ. !máfastië n. “hand-pleasure, writing for pleasure of hand and eye” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
Q. mahalma n. “throne”
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^mahar n. “tradesman, trader, merchant” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !máhis n. “maize, either sweet corn or field corn” [created by VQP]
Q., ᴹQ. mahta- v. “to handle, wield, use, make use of; to manage, deal with, treat, control; [ᴹQ.] to wield a weapon, fight; to stroke, feel”
ᴺQ. !mahtalë n. “fighting, battle” [created by ABNW]
ᴺQ. !mahtando n. “manager” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mahtar n. “warrior, [ᴱQ.] soldier”
ᴺQ. !mahtasta n. “management” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mahtë n. “hold, grip, *grasp; ⚠️power, possession”
⚠️Q. mahtë n. “management”; see instead:
Q. mahtië “management, *handling”
ᴺQ. mahtë “hold, grip, *grasp; ⚠️power, possession”
ᴺQ. !mahtéma n. “tournament, tourney, (lit.) battle-series” [created by Röandil, NotD]
Q. mahtië n. “management, *handling”
⚠️ᴹQ. mahtya ? “[unglossed]”
Q., ᴱQ. mai adv. “well; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] too much”
Q. mai-¹ pref. “excellent, admirable; *well, happily”
⚠️ᴱQ. mai² adv. “if; do?”; see instead:
Q. qui “if”
Q. ma² “interrogative particle”
⚠️Q. mai-² v. “to have, possess”; see instead:
Q. #sam- “to have”
Q. #harya- “to have, *hold, [ᴹQ.] possess”
Q., ᴹQ. Maia n. “(angelic) spirit, the Beautiful”
⚠️ᴱQ. maica adj. “cruel”; see instead:
ᴹQ. naicëa “cruel”
Q. maica¹ “sharp, piercing”
Q. maica¹ adj. “sharp, piercing”
Q. maica² n. “blade of a cutting tool or weapon (especially sword-blade)”
ᴺQ. !maicahausta n. “truce, (lit.) blade-resting” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴺQ. !maicámima adj. “acceptable, (lit.) well-receivable” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !cávima “acceptable”
ᴺQ. !maicarindo n. “benefactor” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !maicata- v. “to sharpen”
ᴺQ. !maicatan (maicatam-) n. “weaponsmith” [created by Orondil]
⚠️ᴺQ. !maicëa adj. “edged” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !címëa “edged”
ᴹQ. mailë n. “lust”
ᴹQ. mailëa adj. “lustful”
ᴺQ. !mailengaitë adj. “well-mannered” [created by Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. mailina adj. “beautiful”
ᴺQ. !mailitya adj. “(greedily) wealthy, avaricious” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. !maimun n. “monkey, ape” [created by Dírheron]
Q. maina n. “thing of excellence, treasure”
ᴺQ. !mainenta- v. “to brag, (lit.) make seem excellent” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. maira adj. “admirable, excellent, precious, splendid, sublime”
⚠️ᴱQ. maira adj. “excessive, strong”; see instead:
Q. maira “admirable, excellent, precious, splendid, sublime”
Q. mairë n. “art, work of high and beautiful art, process of producing an art work”
Q. mairëa adj. “beautiful (of things made by art), *artistic”
Q. mairia adj. “beautiful (of things made by art)” see Q. mairëa
ᴺQ. !mairië n. “excellence, splendor, sublimity, ‘perfection’” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. mairo n. “*horse” see ᴱQ. mairu
⚠️ᴱQ. mairu n. “(horse) mane, flowing hair; charger”
⚠️ᴱQ. maisilanda n. “sycamore”; see instead:
ᴺQ. mapalin “plane tree [Platinus], sycamore, (lit.) hand-flat”
⚠️ᴱQ. maisinto fraction. “one thousandth”
⚠️ᴱQ. maisintya fraction. “one thousandth”
ᴺQ. !maisinwa adj. “well-known, notable, famous” [created by NQ-Wiki]
⚠️ᴱQ. maisinya num. ord. “thousandth”
⚠️ᴱQ. maisitto fraction. “one thousandth” see ᴱQ. maisinto
⚠️ᴱQ. maisitya fraction. “one thousandth” see ᴱQ. maisintya
⚠️ᴱQ. maita adj. “maimed”
Q. maita adj. “hungry”
Q. maita- v. “to make with art, design, compose”
Q. maitalë n. “act of doing [artistic] work”
Q. maitar n. “artist; poet”
ᴹQ. -maitë suf. see ᴹQ. -itë
Q., ᴹQ. maitë (maiti-) adj. “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
⚠️ᴱQ. maitë¹ (maisi-) num. card. “thousand”; see instead:
ᴺQ. húmë “thousand; †great number”
Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
⚠️ᴱQ. maitë² n. “maple”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^mavaina “maple, (lit.) hand-clad”
⚠️ᴱQ. #maitë³ adj. “handed”; see instead:
Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
ᴺQ. !maitië n. “hunger” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !maitilë n. “skill, handicraft; legerdemain, sleight”
ᴺQ. !maitulië n. “welcome thing, happy arrival” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. !maitulya adj. “welcome” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️Q. maitya ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. maivoinë n. “great longing”; see instead:
Q. #írë “desire, [ᴹQ.] longing”
⚠️ᴱQ. maivoita- v. “to long exceedingly after”; see instead:
ᴹQ. milya- “to long for”
Q., ᴹQ. maiwë n. “gull”
Q. Maiya n. “(angelic) spirit” see Q. Maia
⚠️ᴱQ. mal adv. “better, best”; see instead:
Q. arya “excelling, *better, *best [with definite article + genitive]; [ᴺQ.] *prefer [with dative]”
Q. mal conj. “but”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mal- v. “to crush, squeeze; to hurt, pain (cause pain to)”
ᴹQ. mál n. “grit”
⚠️ᴱQ. mala-¹ v. “to hurt, pain”
⚠️ᴱQ. mala-² v. “to be able to (used of capacity, ability)”; see instead:
Q. pol- “can, to be able to”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malaqua adj. “soft, yielding, tender (of meat, substances, etc.)”
⚠️ᴱQ. malasta adj. “tender”; see instead:
ᴺQ. malaqua “soft, yielding, tender (of meat, substances, etc.)”
ᴺQ. !malatsar (malatsarn-) n. “chrysolite” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴹQ. malca adj. “how great”
⚠️ᴱQ. malca adj. “giving pain, hurtful”
⚠️ᴱQ. malcanë n. “torture”; see instead:
ᴹQ. ungwalë “torture”
⚠️ᴱQ. malcasta n. “lordship, province”; see instead:
ᴺQ. hérë “lordship”
⚠️ᴱQ. malcë (malci-) adj. “rich”; see instead:
Q. alya “[ᴹQ.] rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed; ⚠️[Q.] fair, good”
⚠️ᴱQ. malco (malcu-) n. “lord, sir”; see instead:
Q. heru “lord, master”
⚠️ᴱQ. malcor n. “castle”; see instead:
Q. taras “great towering building (fort/city/castle), tower; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] mount, hill”
⚠️ᴱQ. malcuvoitë adj. “lordly, noble”; see instead:
Q. arata “high, noble, exalted, lofty”
ᴺQ. !malda n. “pulp, paste, mash, mush” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malda- v. “to pound, ⚠️crush”
⚠️ᴹQ. malda n. “gold (as metal)”; see instead:
Q. malta “gold (metal), gold as material”
⚠️ᴱQ. malda¹ adj. “better, best”; see instead:
Q. arya “excelling, *better, *best [with definite article + genitive]; [ᴺQ.] *prefer [with dative]”
⚠️Q. malda¹ adj. “yellow, of golden colour”; see instead:
Q. malina “yellow, of golden colour”
⚠️ᴱQ. malda² adj. “tender”; see instead:
ᴺQ. moica “soft, gentle”
ᴹQ. milya “soft, gentle, weak”
ᴺQ. !maldë n. “yolk” [created by Raccoon]
⚠️ᴹQ. maldo n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. maldor n. “agony”; see instead:
Q. unqualë “death agony, torment, [ᴹQ.] agony, death”
Q. maldornë n. “golden/yellow tree” see Q. malinornë
Q. málë n. “good health”
⚠️ᴱQ. málë n. “ability”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !pollië “hard, strongly”
Q. málë “good health”
ᴺQ. !málëa adj. “healthy, healthful” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴱQ. málëa adj. “able”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !polëa “able”
ᴺQ. !málëa “healthy, healthful”
⚠️ᴱQ. malenca adj. “left handed”; see instead:
ᴹQ. hyarmaitë “left-handed”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malicon (malicond-) n. “amber”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malicondëa adj. “of amber”
Q. málimë (málimi-) n. “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. malina adj. “yellow, of golden colour”
⚠️ᴱQ. malin(d) adj. “yellow”; see instead:
Q. malina “yellow, of golden colour”
Q. malinornë n. “mallorn, (lit.) golden/yellow tree”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mallë n. “street, (made or stone) road”
ᴹQ. mallo adv. “whence”
ᴺQ. !malma¹ n. “lemon” [created by Yitzik]
⚠️ᴺQ. !malma² n. “pulp, paste, mash, mush; dough, grume” [created by Röandil]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !malda “pulp, paste, mash, mush”
ᴹQ. maxë¹ “dough”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malo n. “moth”
Q., ᴹQ. málo n. “friend, comrade”
ᴹQ. malo¹ (malu-) n. “pollen, yellow powder”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. malo² (malu-) n. “rust”
⚠️ᴱQ. málos n. “forest”; see instead:
Q. taurë “forest, (great) wood”
⚠️Q. malsa ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱQ. malt n. “sword, broadsword” see ᴱQ. macil
Q., ᴹQ. malta n. “gold (metal), gold as material”
ᴺQ. !maltaina adj. “of gold” [created by Raccoon]
ᴺQ. !maltalos [þ] n. “buttercup (lit.) flower of gold” [created by Parmandil]
⚠️ᴱQ. ‽malu- v. “to devour”; see instead:
Q. mammata- “to gorge (oneself), gobble up, [ᴹQ.] devour; [Q.] (lit.) to go on eating”
ᴺQ. !malumë¹ adv. “when” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺQ. !malumë² adv. “sometimes, at times” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
ᴺQ. !malumë¹ “when”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. malwa adj. “fallow, pale, [ᴱQ.] yellowish, *wan”
Q. máma n. “sheep”
ᴺQ. !mámalin n. “sheepfold” [created by Damien Bador]
⚠️ᴱQ. (m)ambë n. “mother”; see instead:
Q. amil(lë) “mother”
⚠️Q. mamil n. “*mummy”; see instead:
Q. amya “mummy, (orig.) my mother”
Q., ᴹQ. mammata- v. “to gorge (oneself), gobble up, [ᴹQ.] devour; [Q.] (lit.) to go on eating”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. man pron. “who; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] what”
Q., ᴹQ. mana pron. “what; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] who”
Q., ᴹQ. mána n. “blessing, good thing; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] blessed”
⚠️ᴱQ. mána adj. “dead”; see instead:
ᴹQ. qualin “dead, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dying”
Q. mána “blessing, good thing; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] blessed”
ᴺQ. !mánacestië n. “intercession, (lit.) boon-seeking” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Q. manaitë adj. “*blessed, having grace”
ᴺQ. !manan adv. “why” [created by Petri Tikka]
⚠️Q. manaquenta adj. “*blessed”; see instead:
Q. amanya “*blessed”
ᴹQ. manar n. “doom, final end, fate, fortune; final bliss”
⚠️ᴱQ. manca adj. “few”
ᴹQ. manca- v. “to trade”
ᴹQ. mancalë n. “commerce, *trade [as an activity]”
⚠️ᴺQ. !mancamen n. “market, (lit.) trade-place” [created by NQ-Wiki, Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !mancanómë “market, market-place”
ᴺQ. !mancanómë n. “market, market-place” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
ᴺQ. !mancaro n. “tradesman, trader, merchant” [created by Luinyelle, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^manco n. “wares”
⚠️ᴱQ. manda- v. “to dwell, remain”; see instead:
Q. mar- “to abide, be settled or fixed, [ᴱQ.] dwell, live”
ᴺQ. !manda- v. “to imprison” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴹQ. #manda n. “prison, *duress”; see instead:
Q. mando “custody, safe keeping; prison, duress”
ᴺQ. !mandanië n. “struggle, wrestling, (lit.) hand-resistance” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺQ. !mandano n. “prisoner, (lit.) imprisoned-one” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴱQ. mandë adv. “well”; see instead:
Q. mai “well; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] too much”
ᴹQ. mandë n. “doom, final end, fate, fortune; final bliss” see ᴹQ. manar
Q. mando n. “custody, safe keeping; prison, duress”
ᴺQ. !mandontur n. “jailer” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
⚠️ᴹQ. mandos n. “doomsman, judge”
⚠️ᴱQ. mandu n. “hell; abyss”; see instead:
Q. mando “custody, safe keeping; prison, duress”
⚠️ᴹQ. mandu n. “lord”; see instead:
Q. heru “lord, master”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] manë adj. “good (moral, not evil)”
⚠️ᴱQ. mánë n. “spirit of the air”
Q. manen adv. “how”
⚠️ᴱQ. mangë¹ (mangi-) n. “grease”; see instead:
ᴺQ. laru “grease, ⚠️fat”
⚠️ᴱQ. mangë² n. “lack, want, shortage”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !penië “lack, want, shortage”
⚠️ᴺQ. !mangwa n. “article for trading, goods” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]; see instead:
ᴹQ. armar “goods”
ᴹQ. manima adj. “of what kind, of what sort”
⚠️ᴱQ. manimo n. “holy soul”; see instead:
ᴹQ. manu “departed spirit”
Q. fëa “(indwelling or incarnate) spirit, soul”
⚠️Q. manna adj. “*blessed”; see instead:
Q. amanya “*blessed”
ᴹQ. manna adv. “whither”
ᴺQ. !manotë adv. “how many, (lit.) what number”
Q. #manta- v. “to bless”
⚠️ᴱQ. manta adj. “eaten”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !matina “eaten”
Q. #manta- “to bless”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mantal n. “glove”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mantelë n. “gauntlet”
⚠️ᴱQ. mantl n. “glove”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^mantal “glove”
ᴹQ. manu n. “departed spirit”
ᴺQ. !manwa adj. “whose” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴱQ. manwa adj. “ready”; see instead:
Q. férima “ready to hand, (quickly) available”
⚠️ᴱQ. manwa- v. “to prepare”; see instead:
Q. ferya- “to make ready (promptly), *prepare”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] manya n. “butter”
Q. manya- v. “to bless”
⚠️ᴱQ. manya² adj. “good (not evil)”; see instead:
ᴺQ. manë “good (moral, not evil)”
Q. manya- “to bless”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mapa- v. “to grasp, seize, [ᴱQ.] take; ⚠️to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mapalin n. “plane tree [Platinus], sycamore, (lit.) hand-flat”
⚠️ᴱQ. mapta- v. “to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”; see instead:
ᴺQ. amapta- “to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
⚠️ᴱQ. mapta n. “ravishment, seizure, (usually =) rape”; see instead:
ᴺQ. maptalë “seizure; robbery by violence; rape, ravishment, forcible seizure and carrying off”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maptalë n. “seizure; robbery by violence; rape, ravishment, forcible seizure and carrying off”
⚠️ᴱQ. maptale-lehesta n. “(robbing) raid”
⚠️ᴱQ. maptalessë n. “rapine”
⚠️ᴱQ. maqua adj. “handy, skilled (with hands)”; see instead:
Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
Q. maqua “hand-full, group of five (similar) things; hand (colloquial); ⚠️closing or closed [hand] (facing down) for taking”
Q. maqua n. “hand-full, group of five (similar) things; hand (colloquial); ⚠️closing or closed [hand] (facing down) for taking”
⚠️ᴱQ. maqualë n. “legerdemain, sleight”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !maitilë “skill, handicraft; legerdemain, sleight”
⚠️ᴱQ. maqualëa adj. “handy, skilled (with hands)”; see instead:
Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
Q. maquanotië n. “decimal system”
⚠️ᴱQ. maquar n. “jaw”; see instead:
Q. anca “jaws; [ᴹQ.] jaw, row of teeth”
Q. #maquet- v. “*to question, ⚠️ask”
ᴺQ. !maquetta n. “question” [created by Didier Willis, PPQ]
⚠️ᴱQ. maquilë n. “legerdemain, sleight”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !maitilë “skill, handicraft; legerdemain, sleight”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mar- v. “to abide, be settled or fixed, [ᴱQ.] dwell, live”
⚠️ᴱQ. mar- v. “to get ripe, come to ripeness, get ready, grow up, get mellow”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. már (mar-) n. “home, dwelling, habitation; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] house; earth”
⚠️ᴱQ. mar⁴ (mard-) n. “grit, coarse grain or powder”; see instead:
ᴹQ. mál “grit”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mára adj. “good, proper; [ᴹQ.] useful, fit, good (of things), [ᴱQ.] excellent; ⚠️mighty, power, doughty”
⚠️ᴱQ. mára² n. “*world”; see instead:
Q. Ambar “The World, Earth, (lit.) Habitation, Settlement”
⚠️ᴱQ. mara-² v. “to tarry, linger”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lemya- “to remain, tarry”
ᴹQ. masta- “to bake”
ᴺQ. !maraina adj. “native, of home” [created by Luinyelle]
Q. máralë n. “goodness”
ᴹQ. maranwë n. “destiny”
⚠️ᴱQ. marc n. “ripe juice, sap, ooze, moisture”; see instead:
ᴹQ. pirya “juice, syrup, *sap”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] marcirya n. “ark”
Q., ᴱQ. mar(da) (mard-) n. “dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, a thing or place dwelt in, ⚠️home; [ᴱQ.] world”
⚠️ᴱQ. mard(a)- v. “to grind, pulverize”; see instead:
ᴺQ. mul- “to grind, *pulverize”
ᴺQ. !mardaitë adj. “homely, domestic” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴹQ. mar(dar) adv. “homewards”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mardo n. “dweller”
ᴺQ. !márë n. “(moral) good, goodness”
⚠️ᴱQ. maricta n. “wrist”; see instead:
Q. málimë “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
Q. márië adv. and n. “well, happily; goodness, good estate, being well, happiness”
Q. máriën n. “goodness” see Q. márië
ᴹQ. maril n. “crystal, ⚠️glass”
⚠️ᴱQ. marilla n. “pearl”; see instead:
ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
ᴺQ. !ëarsil “pearl, (lit.) sea-sheen”
⚠️ᴱQ. marin n. “(ripe) fruit (of apple type)”
⚠️ᴱQ. marin(a) adj. “ripe, mature”
⚠️ᴱQ. marindë n. “fruit tree” see ᴱQ. marinnë
ᴺQ. !marindo n. “settler” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴱQ. marinnë n. “fruit tree”
⚠️ᴱQ. marma n. “sand”; see instead:
ᴹQ. litsë “sand”
⚠️ᴱQ. marmalë n. “beach”; see instead:
Q. hresta “beach, shore”
⚠️ᴱQ. marqua adj. “oozy, juicy, moist”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !pirina “juicy, oozy”
⚠️ᴹQ. marrë adv. “at home”; see instead:
ᴺQ. maryë “at home, *indoors”
ᴺQ. !marrum- v. “to move = change residence” [created by Delle, Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱQ. mart n. “a piece of luck”; see instead:
Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
Q., ᴱQ. marta- v. “to define, decree, destine; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to happen (impers.), chance”
ᴹQ. marta¹ adj. and n. “fated, fey; ⚠️fate”
⚠️ᴹQ. marta² adv. “home”; see instead:
Q. mar(da) “dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, a thing or place dwelt in, ⚠️home; [ᴱQ.] world”
Q. martaman (martamn-) n. “dwelling-house” see Q. martan
Q. martan (martam-) n. “dwelling-house”
ᴺQ. !martandë n. “decision” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] marto n. “fortune, fate, lot, luck”
Q. marto n. “tower”
⚠️ᴹQ. martya- v. “to destine”; see instead:
Q. marta- “to define, decree, destine; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to happen (impers.), chance”
⚠️ᴱQ. maru n. “pulp”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !malda “pulp, paste, mash, mush”
ᴹQ. marya adj. “pale, fallow, fawn [light yellowish tan colour]”
ᴺQ. !marya- v. “to found, establish, settle (as dwelling)” [created by Röandil]
ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] maryë adv. “at home, *indoors”
⚠️ᴱQ. -mas (-mast-) suf. “-ton, -by”
⚠️ᴱQ. mas- v. “to bake, cook”; see instead:
ᴹQ. masta- “to bake”
⚠️ᴱQ. masca adj. “dusky, misty”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !hísëa “misty”
⚠️ᴱQ. mascë n. “dusk”; see instead:
Q. lómë “night, dimness, twilight, dusk, darkness, [ᴹQ.] night-time, shades of night, ⚠️gloom; [ᴱQ.] shadow, cloud”
⚠️ᴺQ. !masematica [þ] n. “mathematics” [created by NQ-Wiki]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !nótengolmë “mathematics”
Q. #massa n. “bread”
Q. massánië n. “Lady, breadgiver”
⚠️Q. massë¹ n. “bread”; see instead:
Q. #massa “bread”
ᴹQ. massë¹ adv. “where”
Q., ᴹQ. massë² n. “portion, share; capacity, [ᴹQ.] measure; the personal measure or capacity of a man, a talent; [Q.] †handful”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. masta n. “bread, cake, loaf, *baked good”
ᴹQ. masta- v. “to bake”
⚠️ᴱQ. masta- v. “to tarry, linger”; see instead:
ᴹQ. lemya- “to remain, tarry”
ᴹQ. masta- “to bake”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mastacornë n. “[bread] loaf”
ᴺQ. !mastasan (mastasamb-) [þ] n. “kitchen” [created by Didier Willis, PPQ]
⚠️Q., ᴱQ. mastima adj. “edible”; see instead:
Q. mátima “edible”
⚠️ᴱQ. masto n. “village”; see instead:
ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
⚠️ᴱQ. maswa adj. “soft, cooked, ripe”
ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mat (matt-) n. “meal, [ᴱQ.] meal time; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] food”
Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mat- v. “to eat”
Q. mátengwië n. “language of the hands”
ᴹQ. #matië n. “eating”
Q. mátima adj. “edible”
ᴺQ. !matimar (matimard-) n. “restaurant, (lit.) eating hall” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
ᴺQ. !matina adj. “eaten”
⚠️ᴱQ. matl n. “food”; see instead:
Q. matta “food”
⚠️ᴱQ. matsa adj. “good to eat, nice”
⚠️ᴱQ. #matsilë n. “bear”; see instead:
ᴹQ. morco “bear”
⚠️ᴱQ. matso n. “food”; see instead:
Q. matta “food”
Q. matta n. “food”
⚠️ᴹQ. mattima adj. “edible”; see instead:
Q. mátima “edible”
⚠️ᴱQ. matu n. “the mouth (inside)”; see instead:
Q. songa “mouth (interior cavity behind the teeth containing the tongue)”
⚠️ᴱQ. #-matwa suf. “*-eating”; see instead:
Q. #-matya “-eating”
Q. #-matya suf. “-eating”
ᴺQ. !matya- v. “to feed” [created by Damien Bador]
⚠️ᴱQ. maulë n. “crying, weeping”; see instead:
ᴹQ. miulë “whining, mewing”
ᴺQ. !maura- v. “to need, require” [created by Elaran]
ᴹQ. maurë n. “need”
ᴹQ. mausta n. “compulsion”
ᴹQ. mauya- v. “to compel”
⚠️ᴱQ. mauya- v. “to cry”; see instead:
ᴺQ. ^miuya- “to cry, whine”
ᴹQ. mauya- “to compel”
⚠️ᴺQ. !mava adv. “whose” [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]; see instead:
ᴺQ. !manwa “whose”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mavaina n. “maple, (lit.) hand-clad”
⚠️ᴱQ. mavar(do) n. “shepherd”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !emerro “shepherd, herdsman”
⚠️ᴱQ. mavoisi n. “chestnut”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !olmos “chestnut tree, *chestnut”
⚠️ᴱQ. mavoitë (mavoisi-) adj. “having hands”; see instead:
Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
⚠️ᴱQ. máwar n. “*shepherd”; see instead:
ᴺQ. !emerro “shepherd, herdsman”
⚠️ᴱQ. máwë (máwi-) n. “gull, seamew”; see instead:
Q. maiwë “gull”
ᴹQ. maxa adj. “soft, pliant”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maxa- v. “to cook”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maxar n. “cook”
ᴺQ. !maxarma n. “software” [created by NQ-Wiki]
ᴺQ. !maxata- v. “to knead” [created by Petri Tikka, Eddin Najetovic, PPQ]
⚠️Q. maxë n. “handiness”; see instead:
Q. massë² “portion, share; capacity, [ᴹQ.] measure; the personal measure or capacity of a man, a talent; [Q.] †handful”
ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^maxë n. “sale”
⚠️ᴱQ. maxë n. “net”; see instead:
Q. raima “net”
ᴹQ. maxë¹ n. “dough”