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Q. #calta- v. “to kindle” (Category: to Light, Kindle)

Q. #calta-, v. “to kindle, [ᴹQ.] (cause to) shine, light up, [ᴱQ.] set light to” (Category: to Light, Kindle)
ᴺQ. !calta “picture, photography”

This causative verb meaning “kindle, cause to shine” was based on the root √KAL “light; shine” and had a lengthy history in Tolkien’s Elvish languages. ᴱQ. kalta- “kindle, set light to” first appeared in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√KALA “shine golden” (QL/44), but in The Etymologies of the 1930s ᴹQ. kalta- was only glossed “shine” (Ety/KAL). However in the Quenya Verbal System of the 1940s kaltā́ was given as an example of causative verbs and glossed “cause to shine, light up, or kindle (lamp etc.)” (PE22/114). In Common Eldarin: Verb Structure from the early 1950s (primitive) kalta- was glossed “cause to shine, kindle” (PE22/156). This verb also appeared in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from 1969 as an element in the adjective Q. lacaltaima “not possible to be kindled”.

Reference ✧ PE22/156 ✧ kalta-

Element In


ᴹQ. kalta- v. (ta-causative) “to (cause to) shine, light up, kindle (lamp etc.)” (Category: to Light, Kindle)

See Q. #calta- for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/KAL; PE22/114, 117




kaltane past ✧ PE22/117


Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√KAL > kalta- [kalta-] ✧ Ety/KAL

ᴱQ. kalta- v. “to kindle, set light to” (Category: to Light, Kindle)

See Q. #calta- for discussion.

References ✧ QL/44




kalante past ✧ QL/44; QL/44


Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√KALA > kalta- [galta-] > [kalta-] ✧ QL/44