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ᴺQ. !rondova adj. “cavernous” (Category: Cave)

ᴺQ. !rondova, adj. “cavernous” (Category: Cave)

A neologism coined by Paul Strack in 2018 specifically for Eldamo, an adjectival form of Q. rondo “*cavern”.


Q. rondo¹ “vaulted or arched roof, vaulted hall”

ᴱQ. asampe(a) adj. “cavernous” (Category: Cave)

A word for “cavernous” in the Qenya Lexicon appearing with variants asampe and asampea (QL/30), and as asampe(a) in the Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa (PME/30). It is an adjectival form of ᴱQ. sampe “cave” (QL/82).

References ✧ PME/30; QL/30




sampe “cave, hollow”
#-a “adjectival suffix”