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ᴺQ. !úlévima adj. “paralyzed, ⚠️lame” (Category: Lame)

ᴺQ. !úlévima, adj. “paralyzed, ⚠️lame” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT] (Category: Lame)

A neologism for “paralyzed” coined by Helge Fauskanger in his Neo-Quenya New Testament (NQNT), a combination of ú- “not”, [ᴺQ.] lev- “move” and the suffix -ima “-able”, hence “*not able to move”. Fauskanger sometimes used this word for “lame” as well, but I’d use lalevítë for “lame” instead.


Q. ú- “no, not, un-, in-; hard, difficult, bad, uneasy; hardly, with difficulty, ‘badly’”
lev- “to move (intr.)”