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Q. mírë n. and adj. “jewel, gem, precious thing, treasure; precious” (Category: Gem, Jewel)

Q. mírë, n. and adj. “jewel, gem, precious thing, treasure; precious” (Category: Gem, Jewel)
ᴱQ. sinquë “jewel, gem”
ᴱQ. sinc “mineral, gem, metal”

A word first appearing with the gloss “jewel, precious thing, treasure” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√MIR (Ety/MIR). It appeared regularly in Tolkien’s later writings with the same etymology and glosses like “gem”, “jewel” and “precious thing”, and it was a common element in names. In one place Tolkien said it could also be used as an adjective “precious” (PE17/165).

References ✧ LotR/377; PE17/24, 37, 73, 165; PE19/96; RGEO/58-59; SA/mîr




míri plural “jewels” ✧ LotR/377
míri plural “gems” ✧ PE17/24
mīri plural   ✧ PE17/73
mīri plural “jewels” ✧ RGEO/59
mī́ri plural “jewels” ✧ RGEO/58

Element In



Phonetic Developments

MIR > mírë [mīre] ✧ PE17/37
mīrĭ > míre [mīri] > [mīre] ✧ PE17/165
MIR > mīre [mīre] ✧ PE17/165

ᴹQ. míre n. “jewel, precious thing, treasure” (Category: Gem, Jewel)

See Q. mírë for discussion.

Reference ✧ Ety/MIR ✧ “jewel, precious thing, treasure”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√MIR > míre [mīre] ✧ Ety/MIR