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ᴱQ. porokelle n. “chicken” (Category: Chicken (generic))

⚠️ᴱQ. porocellë, n. “chicken” (Category: Chicken (generic))

A word in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “chicken”, apparently a diminutive of ᴱQ. poroke “barn fowl” (QL/75), though what the larger domesticated bard birds might have been isn’t clear. It was followed by an unglossed form ᴱQ. porokoi.

Reference ✧ QL/75 ✧ “chicken”


poroke “barn fowl, hen” ✧ QL/75
#-lla “diminutive” ✧ QL/75 (#-lle)

ᴱQ. porokoi ? “[unglossed]”

See ᴱQ. porokelle for discussion.

Reference ✧ QL/75


poroke “barn fowl, hen” ✧ QL/75