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ᴺQ. !hexan (hexamb-) n. “toilet, lavatory” (Category: to Void Excrement; Dung, Excrement)

ᴺQ. !hexan (hexamb-), n. “toilet, lavatory” [created by Tamas Ferencz] (Category: to Void Excrement; Dung, Excrement)

A neologism coined by Tamas Ferencz for “toilet”, a combination of √HEK used for things cast out (as in hecil “outcast”) and [ᴹQ.] sambe “room”. This must have been a very late compound, after the initial th of sambe became s. Tamas previously coined another word ᴺQ. satyasambë “privy, lavatory” in the VinQuettaParma Wiki (VQP) using the initial element satya “private”, but I prefer hexan.


Q. heca “be gone!, stand aside!”
ᴹQ. sambe “room, chamber”

ᴺQ. !satyasambë [þ] n. “privy, lavatory” (Category: to Void Excrement; Dung, Excrement)

See ᴺQ. !hexan for discussion.


Q. satya “private, separate, not common, excluded”
ᴹQ. sambe “room, chamber”