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Q. ceura adj. “renewed” (Category: to Restore)

Q. ceura, adj. “renewed” (Category: to Restore)

An adjective for “renewed” in rough notes from the 1960s. Where it first appeared, Tolkien had {keura “renewal” >>} keure “renewed” (VT48/7). Although keure is not a typical adjective form, it seems this change was intentional, since the corresponding Telerin form was T. ciure (VT48/7). However, on a later page Tolkien wrote keura again below Q. kēva “fresh, new, renewed” and adjacent to the Sindarin adjective S. cŷr; on this later page the noun form seems to be Q. keule (VT48/8). Thus it seems to be that ceura “*renewed” was restored. Hat-tip to Luinyelle for this suggestion.

References ✧ VT48/7-8




Element In



Phonetic Developments

keu-rā > keura [keurā] > [keura] ✧ VT48/8