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ᴺQ. !árinqua adj. “sunny, (lit.) sunlight-full” (Category: Sun)

⚠️ᴺQ. !árinqua, adj. “sunny, (lit.) sunlight-full” [created by ABNW] (Category: Sun)
Q. calina “light, bright, sunny, (lit.) illumined”

A neologism for “sunny”, more literally “sunlight-full”, appearing in Ales Bican’s New Words (ABNW) from the early 2000’s. It is a combination of árë “sunlight” and the suffix -inqua “-ful”. However, we now have attested Q. calina of similar meaning, which is probably preferable.


Q. árë “sunlight, warmth (especially of the sun); day”
Q. -inqua “-ful, complete”