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ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nen (neng-) n. “nostril” (Category: Nose)

ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nen (neng-), n. “nostril” (Category: Nose)
See ᴺQ. nen for discussion.


ᴱQ. nen² (neng-) n. “nostril” (Category: Nose)

A word appearing as ᴱQ. nen “nostril” in several documents from the 1920s (PE14/72; PE15/75; PE16/113). Its plural form nengi made it clear its stem was neng- (PE14/72; PE16/112). Its (Early Qenya) dual nenqi was also “usually used of the nose or both nostrils of one person” (PE15/75).

Conceptual Development: In the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, the word for “nostril” was ᴱQ. sūma under the early root ᴱ√SUHYU “breath, exhale”, where its dual sunwi “nostrils” could also be used as “nose” (QL/86). The word súma “nostril” was mentioned in the contemporaneous Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa along with its dual sunwi (PME/86). Under the same early root, Tolkien had ᴱQ. súne as a more ordinary word for “nose”, specifically a nose of a human (QL/86; PME/86). ᴱQ. súne “nose” survived in the documents from the 1920s (PE14/76; PE15/75; PE16/136), but “nostril” became ᴱQ. nen (neng-) as noted above.

See the entry on ᴹQ. nengwe for a discussion of later “nose” words from the 1930s.

Neo-Quenya: Since ᴹ√NEÑ-WI was the base for the word ᴹQ. nengwe “nose” in The Etymologies of the 1930s (Ety/NEÑ-WI), ᴺQ. nen (neng-) “nostril” might remain viable for purposes of Neo-Quenya as a derivative of the shorter form of this root: ᴹ√NEÑ. However, in later Quenya grammar its dual would most likely become *nengu, and I would use the dual only for “(pair of) nostrils” and not “nose”.

References ✧ PE14/52, 72, 76; PE15/75; PE16/112-115





nengullo ablative ✧ PE16/113
nenga accusative ✧ PE16/112; PE16/113
nengi accusative plural ✧ PE16/112
nendya adjectival ✧ PE16/113
nengwa adjectival ✧ PE16/113
nengíte adjectival ✧ PE16/113
nen(ga)ta allative ✧ PE16/113
nengito comitative ✧ PE16/113
nengitus comitative dual ✧ PE16/114
nengutto comitative dual ✧ PE16/114
nenginto comitative plural ✧ PE16/115
nende dative ✧ PE16/113
nengar dative ✧ PE16/113
nengare dative ✧ PE16/113
nengen dative ✧ PE16/112
nengur dative dual ✧ PE16/114
nengir dative plural ✧ PE16/112
nengut dual ✧ PE16/114
nenqi dual ✧ PE14/52; PE14/76; PE15/75
nengo genitive ✧ PE15/75; PE16/112; PE16/113
nengu genitive dual ✧ PE16/114
nengion genitive plural ✧ PE16/112; PE16/115
nendyen instrumental; short-instrumental ✧ PE16/113
nengimen instrumental ✧ PE16/112; PE16/113
nenginen instrumental ✧ PE16/112
nengínen instrumental plural ✧ PE16/112
nengisse locative ✧ PE16/113
nen nominative ✧ PE16/112; PE16/113
nengunt nominative dual ✧ PE16/114
nengin nominative plural ✧ PE16/112; PE16/115
nengita partitive ✧ PE16/112
nengutta partitive dual ✧ PE16/114
nengi plural ✧ PE14/72; PE14/76; PE16/112; PE16/115
nendon similative ✧ PE16/113
nengaron similative ✧ PE16/113


ᴱQ. súma n. “nostril” (Category: Nose)

See ᴺQ. nen for discussion.

References ✧ PME/86; QL/86




sunwi dual “nostrils” ✧ PME/86; QL/86


Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√SUHU > sūma [suxmā] > [suxma] > [suɣma] > [sūma] ✧ QL/86