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Q. yermë n. “sexual desire (for marriage and procreation)” (Category: to have Sexual Intercourse)

Q. yermë, n. “sexual desire (for marriage and procreation)” (Category: to have Sexual Intercourse)

A term for “sexual desire” within the context of marriage and procreation, hence used for appropriate sexual desire as opposed to inappropriate lust. Yermë only exists in conjunction with melmë “love” (though melmë could exist without yermë), while sexual desire without love would be [ᴹQ.] maile. Yermë appeared in notes from 1959 (NM/16), and was clearly derived from the root √YER “desire” from the same bundle of notes (NM/20).

Conceptual Development: The form ᴹQ. yére appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√YER “feel sexual desire” and thus may have a similar meaning (EtyAC/YER).

Reference ✧ NM/16 ✧ “sexual desire (for marriage and procreation)”


ᴹQ. yére n. “*sexual desire” (Category: to have Sexual Intercourse)

See Q. yermë for discussion.

Reference ✧ EtyAC/YER ✧ yēre



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√YER > yēre [jēre] ✧ EtyAC/YER