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Q. moia- v. “to labour, be afflicted” (Category: to Work, Toil)

Q. moia-, v. “to be afflicted, *be laboured; ⚠️to labour” (Category: to Work, Toil)

A verb in notes from the 1950s derived from primitive ✶mōjă based on the root √ “labour, be afflicted”, and so presumably of similar meaning. It was followed by note stating “but ?better √mol” (VT43/31).

Conceptual Development: In notes on “large & small” words from the late 1960s Tolkien had mol- “labour” derived from √MBOL, but the section where it appeared was deleted (PE17/115). Going backwards, The Etymologies of the 1930s had ᴹQ. móta- “labour, toil” under the root ᴹ√ (Ety/MŌ).

Neo-Quenya: I would ignore the late change of the root √ >> √M(B)OL since Tolkien seems not to have embraced it. I would assume moia- and [ᴹQ.] móta- were passive and active verbs, respectively meaning “be afflicted, *be laboured” and “labour, toil”.

Reference ✧ VT43/31 ✧ “labour, be afflicted”


Element In


Phonetic Developments

mōjă > moia- [mōja-] > [moija-] > [moia-] ✧ VT43/31

Q. mol- v. “to labour” (Category: to Work, Toil)

See Q. moia- for discussion.

Reference ✧ PE17/115 ✧ “labour”

Element In


Phonetic Developments

?√MBOL > mol- [mbol-] > [mol-] ✧ PE17/115

ᴹQ. móta- v. “to labour, toil” (Category: to Work, Toil)

See Q. moia- for discussion.

Reference ✧ Ety/MŌ ✧ “labour, toil”


Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√ > móta- [mōta-] ✧ Ety/MŌ