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Q. *vistë [w] n. “change” (Category: to Change)

Q. *vistë [w], n. “change” (Category: to Change)
ᴱQ. varta “change”
Q. wirnë “change”

This word is unattested, but there is indirect evidence for it as an element of walwistë “change of mind” (PE17/189). This word likely contains the archaic form †wistë from before the change of w- to v-. Its modern form would be *vistë. If you accept inwist- as the stem form of inwis “change of mind”, it likely contains †wistë as well.

There is another attested word wirne with the gloss “change” (PE17/191), but I think it is likelier to be the archaic form of the strong-past tense of the verb virya- instead of a noun.

Reference ✧ PE17/189 ✧ #wiste “change”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

WIS > #wiste [wiste] > [βiste] > [viste] ✧ PE17/189