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G. log- v. “to curl (intr.), bend (intr.), wind (twine round anything), twine” (Category: to Bend)

⚠️G. log-, v. “to curl (intr.), bend (intr.), wind (twine round anything), twine” (Category: to Bend)
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
ᴺS. !log- “to haul, drag”

A verb glossed {“curl (tr.), braid hair, tie” >>} “curl (intr.), bend (intr.), wind (twine round anything), twine” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/54), clearly based on the early root ᴱ√LOKO “twine, twist, curl” (QL/55). Tolkien probably decided this verb was intransitive while introducing G. loctha- “curl (tr.), bend, wind, twine, tie knot, tangle” immediately below it.

Neo-Sindarin: I adapt G. loctha- as ᴺS. loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine” to better fit Sindarin phonology, and I would use it both transitively and intransitively, because I prefer to use ᴺS. log- to mean “haul, drag, pull, draw”.

References ✧ GL/54




lonci past ✧ GL/54

Element In
