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[ᴱ]^ᴺ√KANU root. “*lead (metal)”

[ᴱ]^ᴺ√KANU root. “*lead (metal)”
ᴱ√NULU “‽”
See ᴱ√KANA for discussion.


ᴱ√KANA root. “*lead (metal)”

A root in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s whose derivatives all began with kanu- and had to do with metallic lead (QL/44). The root √KAN had various other meanings in Tolkien’s later writing, but I think it is possible to theorize the existence of a Neo-Eldarin root ᴺ√KANU “lead (metal)” in order to retain these early words.

References ✧ LT1A/Tilkal; QL/44

