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NAY² root. “have opportunity, chance or permission; be allowed by circumstance [or] way of the world”

⚠️NAY² root. “have opportunity, chance or permission; be allowed by circumstance [or] way of the world”
NAY¹ “cause bitter grief or pain, [ᴹ√] lament”

A root appearing in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from 1969 as √NAYA “have opportunity, chance or permission; be allowed by circumstance [or] way of the world” giving a new etymology for Q. nai “it may be”.

Neo-Eldarin: For purposes of Neo-Eldarin, I would ignore this root since it conflicts with the much better established √NAY¹ “grief, pain”, and would stick with the well established etymology of Q. nai “maybe, be it that” = Q. ná- + Q. i.

Reference ✧ PE22/151 ✧ NAYA “have opportunity, chance or permission; be allowed by circumstance [or] way of the world”
