Ad. bâr ukallaba “the lord fell”

Ad. bâr ukallaba “the lord fell”

An example sentence showing how the normal-case can sometimes be used for the subject of a sentence (SD/429). The subject is bâr “lord” while the verb has the masculine singular pronoun prefix u- “he”. Such a prefix is required when the subject is in the normal case (SD/429). The verb form kallaba is the past tense of kalab- “to fall”. This sentence is contrasted with bârun (u)kallaba in which the subject is in the subjective case.

Reference ✧ SD/429 ✧ bār ukallaba “the lord fell”



bâr “lord” ✧ SD/429 (bār)
kalab- “to fall (down)” 3rd-sg-masc past ✧ SD/429 (ukallaba)