Q. verbs grammar.

Q. verbs grammar.

Verbs in Quenya serve much the same function as they do in other languages, indicating the action of a phrase. Quenya verbs are inflected for tense, number and person, but the “person” inflections come mostly in the form of pronominal subject suffixes and object suffixes, which are discussed under pronouns. Other details of verbal conjugation are discussed in the following entries under verbs.

One quick item worth covering here: if the subject of a phrase is not a pronominal subject suffix, then the verb must be declined to agree in number with the subject, using the suffix -r (plural) or -t (dual). Thus alda tarne “a tree stood”, aldar tarner “trees stood”, aldu tarnet “two trees stood”. This topic is addressed in more detail in the entry on verb inflections.


verb classes
verb tenses
verb inflections
compound tenses
verbal nouns and adjectives
verbal moods

ᴹQ. verbs grammar.


verb classes
verb tenses
verb inflections
compound tenses “future-past”
verbal nouns and adjectives
verbal moods

ᴱQ. verbs grammar.

References ✧ PE14/56; PE16/128


verb tenses
verb inflections