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ᴹ√MIW¹ root. “whine”

ᴹ√MIW¹ root. “whine”

A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “whine”, with derivatives like ᴹQ. maiwe/N. maew “gull” and ᴹQ. miule “whining, mewing” (Ety/MIW). Tolkien’s continued use of Q. maiwë (MC/222) and S. maew (PE17/97) for “gull” indicates the ongoing validity of this root. The word ᴱQ. māwe “gull” appeared under the root ᴱ√MAWA “?cry, bleat” (the “?” is Tolkien’s) in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, along with other derivatives like ᴱQ. maule “crying, weeping” and ᴱQ. moa “sheep” (QL/60), making this early root a likely precursor to ᴹ√MIW.

Reference ✧ Ety/MIW ✧ MIW “whine”


ᴱ√MAWA root. “‽cry, bleat”

See ᴹ√MIW¹ for discussion.

Reference ✧ QL/60 ✧ “‽cry, bleat”
