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S. #mŷl n. “gull” (Category: Gull, Petrel)

⚠️S. #mŷl, n. “gull” (Category: Gull, Petrel)
S. #maew “gull”

A word for “gull” in the name S. Bar-in-Mŷl “Home of the Gulls” (WJ/379); its singular and plural forms would be the same. It might be derived from *miulē < ᴹ√MIW “whine”, the basis for other “gull” words, since iu became ȳ in Sindarin. I’d recommend using the better attested S. maew “gull” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin.

References ✧ WJ/379


Mŷl plural “gulls” ✧ WJ/379

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