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S. ego interj. “be off!” (Category: to Depart, Go Away)

S. ego, interj. “be off!” (Category: to Depart, Go Away)

A Sindarin interjection meaning “be off!”, derived from an ancient imperative form ✶hek(e) ā of the root √HEK “aside, apart, separate”, equivalent to Q. heca of the same meaning (WJ/364-365).

Conceptual Development: The Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s had the imperative G. hai³ “go! hence, begone, away”, with a longer variant G. haiva “hence! begone, be off” which could also be used an adverb “away, hence, off” (GL/47). These Gnomish forms seem to be based on an unattested early root *ᴱ√HAYA, precursor to 1930s ᴹ√KHAY “far” (Ety/KHAY).

Reference ✧ WJ/365 ✧ ego! “be off!”



Phonetic Developments

HEK > hek(e) ā > ego! [ɣekā-] > [ekā-] > [ekǭ-] > [ekau-] > [egau-] > [ego-] ✧ WJ/365

G. hai³ interj. “go!, hence, begone, away” (Category: to Depart, Go Away)

See S. ego for discussion.

Reference ✧ GL/47 ✧ “go!, hence, begone, away”

Element In


G. haiva interj. and adv. “hence!, begone, be off; (as av.) away, hence, off” (Category: to Depart, Go Away)

See S. ego for discussion.

References ✧ GL/21, 47




hai³ “go!, hence, begone, away” ✧ GL/47
“away, off” soft-mutation ✧ GL/47 (#va)