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ᴹ√LUG¹ root. “be heavy”

ᴹ√LUG¹ root. “be heavy”

A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “be heavy”, with the derived adjectives ᴹQ. lunga and N. lhong of the same meaning (Ety/LUG¹). Given the appearance of G. lung “heavy; grave, serious” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, I think the idea for this root dates back to this period, though the related verb G. luntha- “balance, weigh” indicates the Early-period root may have been *ᴱ√LUŊU instead (GL/55). Tolkien’s continued used of Q. lungu- and S. -lung for “heavy” in his later writings indicates its ongoing validity (S/185; PE17/162; VT47/19).

References ✧ Ety/LUG¹, MAP; PE22/102



*ᴱ√LUŊU root.

See ᴹ√LUG¹ for discussion.
