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ᴱQ. qilin adj. “adorned, bright-coloured, embroidered” (Category: Adornment (personal))

An adjective appearing as ᴱQ. qilin “adorned, bright-coloured, embroidered” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√QILI¹ (QL/77).

Neo-Quenya: I retain the Neo-Root ᴺ√KWIL mostly in the sense “colour/color” for purposes of Neo-Eldarin. However, I think the original sense of ᴺQ. quilin might have been “bright-coloured, *embellished”, and from there the senses “adorned” could have developed under the influence of ᴺQ. quiltassë “embroidery”. Therefore, I’d retain this word for purposes of Neo-Quenya with a slightly different origin, but would use ᴺQ. quilinoitë for the more specific sense “[em]broidered”.

Reference ✧ QL/77 ✧ “adorned, bright-coloured, embroidered”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√QILI¹ > qilin [kʷilin] ✧ QL/77