S. Nîn-in-Eilph loc. “Swanfleet, Waterlands of the Swans”

S. Nîn-in-Eilph, loc. “Swanfleet, Waterlands of the Swans”

Sindarin name of Swanfleet, translated “Waterlands of the Swans” (UT/265, VT42/7), a combination of the plural of nen “water”, the plural definite article in and the plural of alph “swan”.

References ✧ NM/378; UT/265; UTI; VT42/7



nen “water; lake, pool; (lesser) river” plural ✧ NM/378 (Nîn)
“the” plural ✧ NM/378 (in)
alph “swan” plural ✧ NM/378 (Eilph); VT42/7