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ᴱQ. auqa adj. “awkward, clumsy (of things), difficult” (Category: Difficult)

A word in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s appearing as ᴱQ. auqa “awkward, clumsy (of things); awkward, difficult”, an adjectival form of ᴱQ. auk “a fool, clumsy fellow” (QL/33).

Neo-Quenya: I would retain ᴺQ. auqua for purposes of Neo-Quenya, but mainly in the sense “awkward, clumsy” applicable to both people and things. For “difficult” I would use hraia and hranga.

Reference ✧ QL/33 ✧ “awkward, clumsy (of things), difficult”


auk “fool, clumsy fellow” ✧ QL/33
#-a “adjectival suffix” ✧ QL/33 (#-a)