Q. plural nouns grammar.

Q. plural nouns grammar.

Like most languages, Quenya distinguishes between singular (one) and plural (multiple) nouns. Quenya has two special plural forms, the dual (for pairs) and the partitive plural (for portions of groups = “some”). This entry discusses the general plural, which is used for all the other forms of noun plurality.

Forming the plural: Quenya has two general plural suffixes: -i used after consonantal nouns and -r used after (most) vocalic nouns. Of the two plural noun suffixes, the i-plural is the most ancient:

Plural. The most used sign was ī appearing especially between the stem and other affixes, but also finally in the uninflected or “acc.” pl. form (PE21/56, Primitive Quendian Final Consonants, 1936).
Plurality ... In nouns the most used element was [ī]. This was added to the stem direct, and since it preceded the addition of any other affixes, as those for “case”, it was probably the oldest element (PE21/72, Common Eldarin Noun Structure, early 1950s).
The plural element in nouns is [i] as a suffix [ī]. Plurals formed with this are in Quenya “general” ... (PE17/62, draft of a 1955 letter to David Masson).

In Common Eldarin, the plural suffix was used with all nouns, forming a (long) diphthong when added to vocalic nouns: ✶tekmāi “letters” (PE17/43), ✶lassḗi “leaves” (PE19/106). At some point, though, Quenya adopted the r-plural suffix from verb inflections to use with (most) vocalic nouns:

r (more rarely l) was originally, it seems, employed chiefly in verbs to mark the plural subject, especially when this was unspecified or indeterminate. The invasion of noun-inflexion by r as a (nominative) plural sign is peculiar to Q. and an event that occurs within the period of the oldest records (PE21/73, Common Eldarin Noun Structure, early 1950s).
Thus it was that when the name Banyai of old was changed to Vanyar this was done only because the sound b was changed to v throughout the language (save in certain sequences) - and this change, it is recorded, began among the Vanyar; whereas for the showing of many the new device of r was brought in and used in all words of a certain shape - and this, it is said, was begun among the Noldor (PM/402, footnote in Dangweth Pengolodh, mid 1950s).

In addition to (nouns) and -r (originally just verbs), one final ancient plural marker of note was ✶-m used in a variety of circumstances in Common Eldarin (VT42/26; PE21/72). This suffix did not remain a general plural marker in Quenya, but survived as a secondary plural marker in a few noun cases, notably genitive plural -ron/-ion, ablative plural -llon and locative plural -ssen (see below). This was after the sound change whereby final -m became -n.

Exactly when the switch to the r-plural for nouns took place isn’t clear, but it was probably established by early Classical Quenya (Parmaquesta). Though not explicitly stated above, it is clear from the examples that -r largely took over the pluralizing function in vocalic nouns: Vanyar vs. ancient ✶Banyai, Eldar vs. ancient ✶Eldai. This replacement had one major exception, however: the very large class of Quenya nouns ending in -e, which I call e-nouns.

The sg. quende (not much used) was made in Quenya from Quendi, on the model of other nouns in -e, the majority of which formed their plurals in -i (WJ/361).

Here the ancient diphthong ei became ī as it usually did: “So lassḗi (pl. of lassē “leaf”) > lássei, PQ lassī” (PE19/106). By the time of the Exile (Tarquesta), the long final shortened to . There are numerous examples of e-nouns with i-plurals:

However, this exception itself has some exceptions, which I call er-plurals. In particular, nouns ending in -ie and -le form plurals with -r rather than -i. In case of -ie it is probably because -ii is phonologically problematic. In the case of -le it is probably because the resulting i-plural would look too much like the partitive plural suffix -li:

These are not the only e-nouns that break the rules. A few others show an er-plural for no obvious reason:

There are even some e-nouns that appear with both plural forms: Ingwi (PM/332) vs. Ingwer (PM/340). It is hard to say whether these examples are conceptual vacillations on Tolkien’s part, irregular nouns or represent some dialectical variant. For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I’d treat them as irregular nouns, based on the assumption that most e-nouns use i-plurals and the only ones that regularly use the er-plural are those ending in -ie and -le.

To summarize:

Plurals and noun cases: The noun cases frequently preserve more ancient plural formations. Based on the Plotz Letter, the plural inflections for most vocalic nouns are:

The plural possessive does not appear in Plotz, but can be seen elsewhere in examples like Eldaiva “of the Eldar” (WJ/369). Note how the dative, instrumental and possessive plurals retain the older i-plural suffix, thereby forming diphthongs with the preceding vowel.

The allative, ablative and locative attach the case ending first, and then the plural marker second, and in the case of ablative and locative use the ancient plural marker -n (originally -m), one of the few situations where this marker survives in Quenya. This -n marker also appears in the genitive plural. For the ablative, a variant -llor is sometimes seen as an alternative to -llon: raxellor “*from dangers” (VT44/9).

The e-noun plural inflections are very similar:

The possessive plural for e-nouns does not appear in Tolkien’s later writing, but it does appear in charts from the early 1930s (PE21/47). The form lassíva remains plausible in Tolkien’s later conception of Quenya phonology: *lasseiwā becoming either lassīvā, or becoming lassēvā which then leveled to lassīvā via analogy. Compare this with the attested developments of lasséinen > lassēnen > lassī́nen (PE19/106). The above declensions for e-nouns are nearly the same as the vocalic declensions, except that the case suffix for the dative and genitive is added to i-plural form, and likewise for the instrumental and the possessive cases but with a lengthened í as well.

Plural inflections for consonantal nouns do not appear in the Plotz tables, but are attested elsewhere for several noun cases where they are very similar to the e-nouns, since they also use i-plurals. The main differences are the allative, ablative and (probably) locative cases, where the case suffix is added directly to the i-plural form:

Plural inflections marked with a * are not attested in Tolkien’s later writing from the 1950s and 60s, but similar forms existed in Tolkien’s earlier writings; see Conceptual Development below.

For longer consonantal nouns, the í would normally lengthen in the instrumental and the possessive cases due to prosodic lengthening. In theory this lengthening might not happen for monosyllables or nouns whose stem ends in a consonant clusters, but it seems likely the long í would intrude in those cases via analogy with longer consonantal nouns and e-nouns (or perhaps the primitive long ī would simply be preserved in those circumstances). Thus maybe from singular nat “thing”: natíva, natínen “things’, by means of things”, but nativa, natinen are just as plausible.

Examples of consonantal plural inflections from Tolkien’s later writings include:

The last example uses the alternate ablative plural ending -llor vs. -llon as given in Plotz.

wi-plurals: Nouns ending in -o but with stems ending in -u have some unusual plural forms that end in -wi.

The ancient form of these nouns ended in short ŭ, which became -o in uninflected forms because short final [i], [u] became [e], [o] in the Elvish languages. The ancient plurals of these nouns added the suffix , and this seems to have forced the preceding vowel to become an asyllabic semi-vowel [w]: *orkŭ + ī > *orku̯ī > orqui [orkwi]. These plurals survived in Quenya much like i-plurals in e-nouns, but occasionally appeared beside other plurals derived from different ancient forms, such as orcor “Orcs” from Sindarin-influenced orko (WJ/390).

These irregular plurals do not happen with nouns whose ancient form ended in , such as Ainur plural of Ainu.

Conceptual Development: The use of the suffix -i for the plurals of consonantal nouns dates all the way back to Tolkien’s earliest conception of Qenya from the 1910s, for example tavari or tavarni plural of ᴱQ. tavar “dale sprites” (LT1/66; QL/90). In the 1910s, however, there were two competing plural suffixes for vocalic nouns: -r (PE11/10) and ᴱQ. -li (QL/53). The plural forms Noldoli (LT1/47) and Noldor (LT1/162) both appeared in the Lost Tales, though Noldoli was more common.

In the Qenya Lexicon plurals of vocalic nouns mostly used -r: Eldar (QL/43), Torqeler “Tropics” (QL/94), Valar vs. variant Vali (QL/99). There was also evidence of special i-plurals for e-nouns: arauki plural of arauke “demon” (QL/32).

In the Early Qenya Grammar (EQG) of the 1920s, Tolkien seems to have settled on the paradigm of -li for vocalic nouns and -i for consonantal nouns:


  • Sg. N. kalma, A. kalmat, G. kalman, D. kalmar
  • pl. kalmali, kalmalin, kalmalion, kalmalir.

In a word of this type there is no shift of accent or quantity except in the G. pl. where according to uniform trissyllabic law of Qenya the accentuation is kàlmắlion ...

  • Sg. tantare, ... ondo ...
  • pl. tantarēli, etc.; ondoli, etc.


  • Sg. peltas, peltaksa, peltakso, peltakse
  • pl. peltaksi, peltaksin, peltaksion, peltaksir

Similarly, pilin from stem pilind-; kar from stem kas- (PE14/43-44).

Note how there is no special i-plural for the e-noun tantare. It uses the regular vocalic -li suffix, with prosodic lengthening: tantaréli. The above is from the manuscript version of EQG. The system described in the typescript version of EQG is the same, and Tolkien gave the following set of plural endings (PE14/73):

N. A. G. D.
vocalic -li -lin -lion -lir
consonantal -i -in -ion -ir

In both the manuscript and typescript versions of EQG, Tolkien also described a special set of plural forms for the allative, ablative and locative cases: plural -ntar, -llon (or -llor), -ssen vs. singular -nta, -llo, -sse (PE14/47, 79). Tolkien said these plural forms would use the joining vowel -i- with consonantal nouns (PE14/47), though he didn’t use those exact words. It is interesting to see that the -llon/-llor variants date all the way back to the 1920s.

Tolkien further explored Qenya noun declensions in a series of tables posthumously labeled Qenya Declensions with various versions composed from the 1920s through 1940s (PE16/111-115, PE21/42-54). There is a longer document labeled the Declension of Nouns written in the early 1930s marking the mid-point of this series of conceptual developments (PE21/1-41).

Version 1 (PE16/111): The first version had the same basic declensions as the Early Qenya Grammar, but the only examples it gave were vocalic nouns:

Version 2 (PE16/112): The second version added a plural instrumental case. It also provided examples for both vocalic and consonantal nouns. This is the first set of declensions where Tolkien explicitly defined a special set of rules for e-nouns. The e-nouns could either be declined like other vocalic nouns, or could be declined with the same endings as the consonantal nouns, with the -i replacing the final e. The vocalic-style declensions for e-nouns were in parenthesis, indicating these variants were probably obsolete, and the consonantal-style declensions were preferred.

Noun Class N. A. D. G. Inst.
vocalic¹ -lin -li -lir -lion -línen
consonantal -in -i -ir -ion -ínen

¹ e-nouns typically inflected like consonantal nouns, replacing the final e with the suffix.

Version 3 (PE16/113-115): The third version added the allative, ablative, locative, comitative and adverbial cases. The plural allative, ablative, locative declensions were now added to the plural suffixes -i/-li. The adverbial case had previously appeared in EQG but without a distinct plural form. The comitative case was entirely new.

Noun Class N. A. D. G. Inst. All. Abl. Loc. Com. Adv.
vocalic¹ -lin -li -lir -lion -línen -linta(n) -lillon -lissen -linko -lindon
consonantal -in -i -ir -ion -ínen -inta(n) -illon -issen -inko -indon

¹ e-nouns typically inflected like consonantal nouns, replacing the final e with the suffix.

Version 4 (PE21/1-41): The fourth version added possessive and partitive cases, but removed the comitative case. This version also added a large number of noun classes, but plural forms were still mostly based on the same three categories: vocalic, e-noun and consonantal. Of these, only the vocalic instrumental declension changed from version 3 in normal declensions. The version also described an archaic set of “short plurals” for vocalic nouns, based on more ancient i-plurals. This is the earliest clear evidence that the i-plural was the older of the two plural forms.

Noun Class N. A. D. G. Inst. All. Abl. Loc. Adv. Pos. Part.
vocalic¹ -lin -li -lir -lion -inen -lintan -lillon -lissen -lindon -linwa -ika
(short) -in -i -er/-ir³ -ion -inen -ntan -llon -ssen - - -ika
consonantal -in -i -ir -ion -ínen -intan -illon -issen -indon -inwa -íka

¹ e-nouns typically inflected like consonantal nouns, replacing the final e with the suffix.
³ With -e replacing the final vowel for a-nouns.

Version 5a (PE21/42-45): Version 5a restored the comitative. It only gave declensions for a-nouns and e-nouns, but presumably consonantal nouns still used the same suffixes as the e-nouns. The allative changed from -(l)intan to -(l)inden and the possessive from -(l)inwa to -(l)íva but otherwise the long form declensions mostly remained the same as version 4. In the (still archaic) short vocalic forms Tolkien reintroduced the r-plural for the first time since the Qenya Lexicon:

Noun Class N. A. D. G. Inst. All. Abl. Loc. Com. Adv. Pos. Part.
vocalic -lin -li -lir -lion -inen -linden -lillon -lissen -líle -lindon -líva -líka
(short) -r -r -(i)re(n) -ron -inen -nden -llon -ssen -ile -ndon -iva -ika
e-noun² -in -i -ir -ion -ínen -inden -illon -issen -íle -indon -íva -ka

² With -i replacing the final vowel for e-nouns.

Version 5b (PE21/46-49): Version 5b still had no consonantal examples. The long vocalic plurals are more or less unchanged from the previous version, and the short form changed only in the accusative.

Noun Class N. A. D. G. Inst. All. Abl. Loc. Com. Adv. Pos. Part.
vocalic -lin -li -lir -lion -línen -linde(n) -lillo(n) -lisse(n) - -lindon -líva -líka
(short) -r/-in -e/-i³ -ire(n) -ron -inen -nden -llon -ssen -l/-ile -ndon -iva -ika
e-noun² -in -i -íre(n) -ion -ínen -inden -illon -issen -íle -indon -íva -íka

² With -i replacing the final vowel for e-nouns.
³ With -e replacing the final vowel for a-nouns.

Version 5c (PE21/50-52): Version 5c was just a list of suffixes, allowing it to cover more noun classes in a smaller space. It also had more variations as a result, not all of which are reflected below. The long and short vocalic declensions remained mostly the same, but some of the short vocalic inflections appeared in e-nouns. As a result, this is the first (only?) version where e-noun suffixes were distinct from both the vocalic nouns and the consonantal nouns. In this version, the e-nouns had OQ [Old Quenya] variants of the allative, ablative and locative plurals where -nden, -llon, -ssen were added directly to the stem (lassessen) rather than the plural (lassissen). This OQ pattern became the normal pattern in later declensions.

Noun Class N. A. D. G. Inst. All. Abl. Loc. Com. Adv. Pos. Part.
vocalic -lin -li -lir -lion -línen -linden -lillon -lissen -líle -lindon -líva -líka
(short) -r -e/-i³ -(i)re(n) -ron -inen -nden -llon -ssen -l/-ile - -iva -ika
e-noun² -i/-r -i/-r -íre(n) -ion -ínen -inden -illon -issen -íle -indon -íva -íka
consonantal -in -i -ir/íre -ion -ínen -(i)nden -(i)llon -(i)ssen - - -íva -

² With -i replacing the final vowel for e-nouns.
³ With -e replacing the final vowel for a-nouns.

Version 6 (PE21/53-54): The sixth version lost the partitive, possessive and (plural) adverbial cases, and labeled the accusative simply as the “base” form to which it was identical (in this and earlier versions). This version only had vocalic examples. The long vocalic variants with -li vanished, and the r-plurals became the normal pattern for vocalic nouns. The e-nouns retained a distinct set of declensions, and for the first time since their split from vocalic nouns shared the same declensions for the allative, ablative and locative. Many of these plural declensions are identical to those found in Plotz, excluding only the dative and allative cases, as well as the change in the partitive from a noun case to the partitive plural form.

Noun Class N. A. D. G. Inst. All. Abl. Loc. Com.
vocalic -r -i -ino -ron -inen -ntar -llon -ssen -iko
e-noun² -i -íno -ion -ínen -ntar -llon -ssen -íko

² With -i replacing the final vowel for e-nouns.

Putting all of the above into one big chart with “Version 0” for the Early Qenya Grammar and LQ for the Late Quenya paradigm from the Plotz letter:

V Noun Class N. A. D. G. Inst. All. Abl. Loc. Com. Adv. Pos. Part.
0 vocalic -lin -li -lir -lion -inen -ntar -llor -ssen - - - -
0 consonantal -in -i -ir -ion - - - - - - - -
1 vocalic -lin -li -lir -lion - - - - - - - -
2 vocalic¹ -lin -li -lir -lion -línen - - - - - - -
2 consonantal -in -i -ir -ion -ínen - - - - - - -
3 vocalic¹ -lin -li -lir -lion -línen -linta(n) -lillon -lissen -linko -lindon - -
3 consonantal -in -i -ir -ion -ínen -inta(n) -illon -issen -inko -indon - -
4 vocalic¹ -lin -li -lir -lion -inen -lintan -lillon -lissen - -lindon -linwa -ika
4 (short) -in -i -er/-ir³ -ion -inen -ntan -llon -ssen - - - -ika
4 consonantal -in -i -ir -ion -ínen -intan -illon -issen - -indon -inwa -íka
5a vocalic -lin -li -lir -lion -inen -linden -lillon -lissen -líle -lindon -líva -líka
5a (short) -r -r -(i)re(n) -ron -inen -nden -llon -ssen -ile -ndon -iva -ika
5a e-noun² -in -i -ir -ion -ínen -inden -illon -issen -íle -indon -íva -ka
5b vocalic -lin -li -lir -lion -línen -linde(n) -lillo(n) -lisse(n) - -lindon -líva -líka
5b (short) -r/-in -e/-i³ -ire(n) -ron -inen -nden -llon -ssen -l/-ile -ndon -iva -ika
5b e-noun² -in -i -íre(n) -ion -ínen -inden -illon -issen -íle -indon -íva -íka
5c vocalic -lin -li -lir -lion -línen -linden -lillon -lissen -líle -lindon -líva -líka
5c (short) -r -e/-i³ -(i)re(n) -ron -inen -nden -llon -ssen -l/-ile - -iva -ika
5c e-noun² -i/-r -i/-r -íre(n) -ion -ínen -(i)nden -(i)llon -(i)ssen -íle -indon -íva -íka
5c consonantal -in -i -ir/íre -ion -ínen -inden -illon -issen - - -íva -
6 vocalic -r -i -ino -ron -inen -ntar -llon -ssen -iko - - -
6 e-noun² -i -íno -ion -ínen -ntar -llon -ssen -íko - - -
LQ vocalic -r -i -in -ron -inen -nnar -llon -ssen - - - -
LQ e-noun² -i -in -ion -ínen -nnar -llon -ssen - - - -

¹ e-nouns typically inflected like consonantal nouns, replacing the final e with the suffix.
² With -i replacing the final vowel for e-nouns.
³ With -e replacing the final vowel for a-nouns.

Thus in version 5a the r-plurals were introduced as variant (archaic) short plurals of vocalic nouns, and as of version 6 they were firmly established as the normal plural for vocalic nouns (excluding e-nouns). Such r-plurals were the norm in The Etymologies from the 1930s. In the contemporaneous Silmarillion drafts, forms like Noldoli were phased out in favor of Noldor. Tolkien seems to have stuck to these basic patterns thereafter.

Neo-Quenya: There is broad consensus on plural forms among Neo-Quenya authors, even the unattested consonantal plural forms. The only area of ambiguity is whether or not the possessive plural should be -íva or -iva for e-nouns and consonantal nouns. I favor -íva based on historical phonology and attested forms from the late 1920s and early 1930s. Of the major Neo-Quenya courses, only Thorsten Renk advocated for -iva (QLE/33).

Examples (plural)
Ainur “spirits” [← Ainu] ✧ Let/284
Ainur ← Ainu ✧ MRI/Ainur
ainur “Holy Ones” ← ainu ✧ PE17/149
Ainur [← Ainu] ✧ PMI/Ainur
Ainur “Holy Ones” [← Ainu] ✧ S/15
Ainur [← Ainu] ✧ SA/aina
Ainur “Holy Ones” ← Ainu ✧ SI/Ainur
Ainur ← Ainu ✧ WJI/Ainur
aldar “trees” [← alda] ✧ CPT/1296
aldar “trees” [← alda] ✧ CPT/1298
aldar “trees” [← alda] ✧ UT/167
amilessi “mother-names” [← #amilessë] ✧ MR/217
amilessi “mother-names” [← #amilessë] ✧ MR/470
Anessi “given (or added) names” [← anessë] ✧ MR/216
anessi ← anessë ✧ MR/470
arani “kings” [← aran] ✧ WJ/369
arani “kings” [← aran] ✧ WJ/369
asari [← asar] ✧ VT39/31
?asartar [← asarta] ✧ PE22/166
astar “months” [← asta] ✧ LotR/1108
Atani [← Atan] ✧ LotR/1034
Atani “Fathers of Men” [← Atan] ✧ LotR/1128
Atani [← Atan] ✧ LotRI/Atani
Atani [← Atan] ✧ LotRI/Edain
Atani [← Atan] ✧ LRI/Atani
Atani “Western Men, Fathers of Men” [← Atan] ✧ MR/7
Atani “Men” [← Atan] ✧ MRI/Atani
atani ← Atan ✧ PE17/18
atani “the Second, Second Kindred” ← Atan ✧ PE17/136
Atani “Father of Men” [← Atan] ✧ PE18/78
Atani [← Atan] ✧ PM/54
Atanni [← Atan] ✧ PM/54
Atani ← atan ✧ PM/324
Atani [← Atan] ✧ PMI/Atani
Atanni [← Atan] ✧ PMI/Atani
Atani “the Second People” [← Atan] ✧ S/103
Atani [← Atan] ✧ SA/atar
Atani “the Second People, Men” ← Atan ✧ SI/Atani
Atani [← Atan] ✧ UTI/Atani
Atani [← Atan] ✧ UTI/Edain
Atani “Men” [← Atan] ✧ WJ/219
Atani “Second Folk” [← Atan] ✧ WJ/386
Atan ← Atani (plural) ✧ WJ/386
Atani “Men; the Second, those coming next” ← Atan ✧ WJ/403
Atani “Second, Men” ← Atan ✧ WJI/Atani
Atani [← Atan] ✧ WRI/Atani
axani ← axan ✧ VT39/26
axani “rules, laws” [← axan] ✧ VT39/30
aksi ← akse ✧ PE17/92
axor “bones” ← axo ✧ MC/222
Kantar “Shapes” [← canta²] ✧ PE17/175
cantar “shapes” [← canta²] ✧ PE18/84
karkar “rocks” [← carca] ✧ MC/222
casāri ← †kazār ✧ PE17/45
casari ← casar ✧ PE17/45
Kasari/Kasāri ← Kasar ✧ WJ/388
Kasari ← Kasar ✧ WJI/Kasari
Kasari [← Casar] ✧ WJI/Khazâd
kelvar “animals” [← #celva] ✧ NM/271
kelvar [← #celva] ✧ S/45
kelvar “animals, living things that move” [← #celva] ✧ SI/kelvar
kelvar “animals, all living things that move” [← #celva] ✧ WJ/341
kelvar “animals” [← #celva] ✧ WJI/kelvar
certar “runes” [← certa] ✧ Let/223
Certar “runes” [← certa] ✧ LotR/1117
Certar [← certa] ✧ LotRI/Certar
Certar [← certa] ✧ PE17/122
certar [← certa] ✧ PE22/149
certar [← certa] ✧ PE22/150
cirtar [← certa] ✧ PE22/150
certar “letters of the Sindarin alphabet” ← certa ✧ WJ/396
certar ← certa ✧ WJI/Cirth
kilmessi “self-names” [← #cilmessë] ✧ PM/339
kirinki [← #cirincë] ✧ NM/337
kirinki [← #cirincë] ✧ UT/169
kirinki [← #cirincë] ✧ UTI/kirinki
ciryar ← cirya ✧ Plotz/1
kirya:queni ← kirya:quen ✧ WJ/407
koar “bodies” [← cöa] ✧ PE17/175
koar “bodies” [← cöa] ✧ PE17/177
coimendi [← coimen] ✧ NM/85
Coimendi “life-years” ← coimen ✧ NM/120
#colindor “bearers” [← #colindo] ✧ LotR/953
kuimar “creatures” [← #cuima] ✧ PE22/153
kuimar [← #cuima] ✧ PE22/155
cuivar “animals” [← #cuiva] ✧ NM/274
ëalar “spirits” ← ëala ✧ MR/165
ëalar ← ëala ✧ MR/470
ekelli “urchins, hedgehogs” [← ecellë] ✧ NM/336
éli ← †él ✧ WJ/362
Eldar “High Elves” [← Elda] ✧ Let/198
Eldar “West-elves” [← Elda] ✧ LotR/1127
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ LotR/1137
Eldar “High Elves” [← Elda] ✧ LotRI/Eldar
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ LRI/Edhil
Eldar ← Elda ✧ MRI/Eldar
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ PE17/114
Eldar “Elves as a kind of people or all the Elves concerned” [← Elda] ✧ PE17/135
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE17/139
Eldar “Elves, the Elves, all Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE21/73
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE21/77
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE23/133
Eldar “the Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE23/134
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ PM/29
Eldar ← Elda ✧ PMI/Eldar
Eldar “High Elves” [← Elda] ✧ RC/217
Eldar ← Elda ✧ RC/780
Eldar “People of the Stars” [← Elda] ✧ S/49
Eldar “People of the Stars” [← Elda] ✧ S/49
Eldar ← Elda ✧ SA/êl
Eldar “People of the Stars” [← Elda] ✧ SI/Eldar
Eldar “High Elves” [← Elda] ✧ SI/High Elves
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ TII/Eldar
Elda(r) [← Elda] ✧ UTI/Eldanna
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ UTI/Eldar
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ VT49/8
Eldar “Elves, the Elves, All Elves” [← Elda] ✧ VT49/8
Eldar ← Elda ✧ WJ/362
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ WJ/373
Eldar ← Elda ✧ WJ/374
Eldar ← Elda ✧ WJI/Eldar
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ WRI/Eldar
eleni “stars” [← elen] ✧ LotR/377
eleni ← elen ✧ PE17/12
eleni ← elen ✧ PE17/24
eldi ← elen ✧ PE17/25
eleni “stars” [← elen] ✧ PE17/56
eleni “stars” ← elen ✧ PE17/67
eldi ← elen ✧ PE17/67
eleni “stars” [← elen] ✧ PE17/91
eleni ← elen ✧ PE17/127
eleni ← elen ✧ PE17/151
eldi [← elen] ✧ PE17/151
eleni “stars” [← elen] ✧ PE23/133
eleni “stars” ← elen ✧ PE23/133
élenì “stars” [← elen] ✧ RGEO/58
eleni “stars” [← elen] ✧ RGEO/59
eleni ← elen ✧ RGEO/65
eleni “stars” ← elen ✧ VT49/45
eleni ← elen ✧ WJ/362
eldi ← elen ✧ WJ/362
equessi ← eques ✧ WJ/392
Equessi “Sayings” [← eques] ✧ WJ/398
Equeri [← eques] ✧ WJ/419
hróni [← hrón] ✧ MR/233
hróni ← hrón ✧ MR/471
essi “names” [← essë¹] ✧ MR/216
essi ← essë ✧ MR/470
essi “names” [← essë¹] ✧ PM/339
essi “given names” [← essë¹] ✧ UT/266
essi “names” [← essë¹] ✧ UTI/epessë
fairi “phantoms” ← fairë ✧ MC/221
fairi ← fairë ✧ MC/222
fanar “veils” [← fana] ✧ PE17/174
fanar [← fana] ✧ PE17/174
fanar “raiment” ← fana ✧ PE17/175
fanar ← fana ✧ PE17/176
fanar [← fana] ✧ PE17/176
fanar “physical raiment” [← fana] ✧ PE17/179
fanar ← fana ✧ RGEO/66
#fangar “beards” [← #fanga] ✧ PM/321
fanyar “clouds” [← fanya] ✧ LotR/377
fanyar “(white) clouds” ← fanya ✧ PE17/36
fanyar “(shining) clouds, clouds” [← fanya] ✧ PE17/69
fanyar [← fanya] ✧ PE17/76
fányar “clouds” [← fanya] ✧ RGEO/58
fanyar “(white) clouds” [← fanya] ✧ RGEO/59
fëar ← fëa ✧ MR/218
fëar [← fëa] ✧ MR/361
fëar “spirits” [← fëa] ✧ MR/404
fëar ← fëa ✧ MR/470
fëar [← fëa] ✧ NM/14
fëar “spirits” [← fëa] ✧ NM/84
fëar ← fëa ✧ PE17/124
hīn(i) [← hína] ✧ PE17/157
Híni “children” [← hína] ✧ PE21/83
híni “children” [← hína] ✧ SA/híni
Híni “Children” [← hína] ✧ SI/Children of Ilúvatar
sēni “children” [← #sén] ✧ MR/423
hloni “sounds” [← hlón(a)] ✧ WJ/394
hröar ← hröa ✧ MR/219
hröar [← hröa] ✧ MR/304
hröar ← hröa ✧ MR/470
hröar [← hröa] ✧ NM/14
hröar “bodies” [← hröa] ✧ NM/83
hrondor ← hrondo ✧ MR/219
hrondor [← hrondo] ✧ MR/233
hrondor ← hrondo ✧ MR/471
indemmar “mind-pictures” [← indemma] ✧ PE17/176
indemmar “mind-pictures” [← indemma] ✧ PE17/179
indemmar [← indemma] ✧ PE17/179
indor “hearts” [← indo] ✧ NM/239
inwisti “changes of ‘mind-mood’” [← inwis] ✧ MR/216
inwisti [← inwis] ✧ MR/229
inwisti “mind-mood” [← inwis] ✧ MR/471
inwissi ← inwis ✧ PE17/191
lamni/lamani ← laman ✧ WJ/416
lambeteñgwi “consonants” [← #lambetengwë] ✧ VT39/16
larmar “raiment” [← #larma] ✧ PE17/175
lassi “leaves” [← lassë] ✧ Let/382
lassi “leaves” [← lassë] ✧ LotR/377
lassi ← lasse ✧ PE17/62
lassi [← lassë] ✧ PE17/76
lassī [← lassë] ✧ PE19/106
lassī ← lasse ✧ Plotz/11
lássi “leaves” [← lassë] ✧ RGEO/58
lassi “leaves” [← lassë] ✧ RGEO/58
leperi “fingers” [← leper] ✧ VT47/3
Leperi “fingers” [← leper] ✧ VT47/4
leperi ← leper ✧ VT47/10
leperi ← leper ✧ VT47/24
leperi ← leper ✧ VT48/5
lepetassi ← lepetas ✧ VT47/11
lingwi “fish” [← #lingwë] ✧ NM/336
loar “years” [← löa] ✧ CPT/1296
loar “years” [← löa] ✧ CPT/1296
loär “years” [← löa] ✧ CPT/1298
löar [← löa] ✧ MR/426
löar ← löa ✧ MR/471
löar ← löa ✧ NM/6
loär “sun-years” [← löa] ✧ NM/84
lómelindi “dusk-singers, nightingales” [← lómelindë] ✧ MR/172
lómelindi “dusk-singers, nightingales” [← lómelindë] ✧ MR/471
lómelindi [← lómelindë] ✧ S/55
lómelindi [← lómelindë] ✧ SA/lin²
lómelindi [← lómelindë] ✧ SA/lómë
lómelindi “dusk-singers, nightingales” [← lómelindë] ✧ SI/lómelindi
lōni ← lōn ✧ PE17/137
lōni ← lōn ✧ PE17/137
lōni ← lōn ✧ VT48/28
lōni ← lōn ✧ VT48/28
lopoldi “rabbits” [← #lopoldë] ✧ NM/335
lotti ← lotte ✧ PE17/160
lumbor “clouds” [← lumbo] ✧ MC/222
már ←  ✧ PE17/161
**mai “hands” ←  ✧ VT47/6
**már “hands” ←  ✧ VT47/6
mahalmar “thrones” [← mahalma] ✧ UT/305
Maiar [← Maia] ✧ LRI/Maiar
Maiar [← Maia] ✧ LT1I/Maiar
Maiar “The Beautiful” [← Maia] ✧ MR/49
Maiar “The Beautiful” [← Maia] ✧ MR/57
Maiar “The Beautiful” ← Maia ✧ MRI/Maiar
máyar [← Maia] ✧ PE17/124
Maiar [← Maia] ✧ PE17/163
Maiar [← Maia] ✧ PE17/174
Maiar [← Maia] ✧ PE17/175
Máyar [← Maia] ✧ PM/363
Máyar [← Maia] ✧ PM/364
Maiar [← Maia] ✧ PMI/Maiar
Maiar ← Maia ✧ SI/Maiar
Maiar ← Maia ✧ UTI/Maiar
Maiar ← Maia ✧ WJI/Maiar
maiwi “gulls” [← maiwë] ✧ MC/222
malinorni [← malinornë] ✧ NM/333
malinorni [← malinornë] ✧ PE17/80
malinorni ← malinornë ✧ UT/168
malinorni ← malinornë ✧ UTI/mallorn
mardi ← mar ✧ PE17/64
mardi ← mar ✧ PE17/64
martamni [← martan] ✧ PE17/107
meldor “lovers, friends” [← #meldo] ✧ WJ/412
meletheldi “love-sisters” [← #meletheldë] ✧ NM/20
melotorni “love-brothers” [← #melotorno] ✧ NM/20
Mirröanwi “incarnate” [← #mirröanwë] ✧ MR/315
Mirröanwi “Incarnates” [← #mirröanwë] ✧ MR/350
nassi “materials” [← nassë] ✧ NM/250
naukor ← nauko ✧ PE17/45
naukondi ← naukon ✧ PE17/45
ñáva-tengwi “consonants” [← #náva-tengwë] ✧ VT39/8
pávatengwi “consonants” [← #pávatengwë] ✧ VT39/19
nendili “beasts that live in the water” [← #nendil] ✧ NM/336
neri “men” ← nér ✧ MR/213
neri [← nér] ✧ MR/226
neri ← nér ✧ MR/229
néri ← nér ✧ MR/471
nissi “women” ← nís ✧ MR/213
nissi [← nís] ✧ MR/226
nissi ← nís ✧ MR/229
nissi ← nís ✧ MR/471
nísi “*women” [← nís] ✧ VT43/31
#Noiri “tombs” [← #noirë] ✧ UT/166
nostari “parents” [← #nostar] ✧ Let/448
nostari [← #nostar] ✧ LotR/981
nostari “begetters” [← #nostar] ✧ PE17/111
nostari [← #nostar] ✧ SD/73
nótessi “numerals” [← #notessë] ✧ VT47/3
Notessi “numerals” [← #notessë] ✧ VT47/4
nútilli “under-points” ← nútil ✧ VT47/10
nyarnar “long epic tales” ← #nyarna ✧ PE17/163
ohloni ← ohlon ✧ VT39/9
Ólamar “consonants” [← #ólama] ✧ PE18/82
olmendi [← olmen] ✧ NM/84
Olmendi “growth-years” ← olmen ✧ NM/120
olori ← olos ✧ UT/396
olvar “plants” [← #olva] ✧ NM/270
olvar [← #olva] ✧ S/45
olvar “growing things with roots in the earth” [← #olva] ✧ SI/olvar
olvar “living things that grow in the earth” [← #olva] ✧ WJI/olvar
Ómar “Vowels” [← óma] ✧ PE18/83
Ómandi “Vowels” [← óman] ✧ PE18/83
ómatehtar “vowel-signs” [← #ómatehta] ✧ WJ/396
óma-tengwi “vowels” [← #óma-tengwë] ✧ VT39/8
ómateñgwi “vowels” [← #óma-tengwë] ✧ VT39/16
ondor “rocks” [← ondo] ✧ MC/222
onnar “children” [← onna] ✧ PM/391
Orkor [← orco] ✧ MR/74
Orkor [← orco] ✧ MR/194
Orkor “Orcs” [← orco] ✧ MRI/Orcs
Orkor [← orco] ✧ WJ/12
orkor ← orko ✧ WJ/390
orqui ← orko ✧ WJ/390
Orqui ← Orko ✧ WJI/Orc(s)
Orkor ← Orko ✧ WJI/Orc(s)
oromandi [← #oroman] ✧ PE16/96
oromandi “mountain dweller” [← #oroman] ✧ PE16/96
oromardi “lofty halls” [← oromar] ✧ LotR/377
oromardi [← oromar] ✧ PE17/63
oromardi “high-mansions” [← oromar] ✧ PE17/64
óromárdi “lofty halls” [← oromar] ✧ RGEO/58
oro-mardi “high-halls” [← oromar] ✧ RGEO/58
ortilli “up-points” ← ortil ✧ VT47/10
ostimi “blends” [← #ostimë] ✧ VT39/9
palantíri “that which looks far away” [← palantír] ✧ LotR/597
palantíri ← Palantír ✧ LotRI/Palantír
Palantíri [← palantír] ✧ LRI/Palantíri
Palantíri [← palantír] ✧ MRI/Palantíri
palantíri ← palantír ✧ PE17/86
palantíri ← pálan-tìr ✧ PE17/86
palantíri [← palantír] ✧ PM/186
Palantíri [← palantír] ✧ PMI/Gwahaedir
Palantíri ← Palantir ✧ PMI/Palantir
Palantíri “Those that watch from afar” [← palantír] ✧ S/292
palantíri [← palantír] ✧ SA/palan
palantíri [← palantír] ✧ SA/tir
Palantíri “Those that watch from afar” [← palantír] ✧ SI/Palantíri
Palantíri “Seeing Stones” [← palantír] ✧ SI/Seeing Stones
palantíri ← palantír ✧ UTI/palantíri
patakar “consonants” [← #pataca] ✧ VT39/8
pempi “lips” [← #pempë] ✧ PE17/126
péti [← #pempë] ✧ VT47/35
Quendi “Elves” [← Quendë] ✧ Let/176
Quendi “speakers” [← Quendë] ✧ LotR/1137
Quendi “Elves” [← Quendë] ✧ LotRI/Quendi
Quendi [← Quendë] ✧ LT2I/Quendi
Quendi [← Quendë] ✧ MRI/Quendi
Quendi ← Quende ✧ PE17/137
Quendi [← Quendë] ✧ PE17/152
Quendi “Elves” [← Quendë] ✧ PE18/71
Quendi “Elves” [← Quendë] ✧ PE19/93
Quendi [← Quendë] ✧ PM/29
Quendi “Elves” [← Quendë] ✧ PMI/Quendi
Quendi “Those that speak with voices” [← Quendë] ✧ S/49
Quendi [← Quendë] ✧ SA/quen
Quendi “Those that speak with voices” [← Quendë] ✧ SI/Quendi
Quendi [← Quendë] ✧ SMI/Quendi
Quendi “Elves” [← Quendë] ✧ UTI/Quendi
Quendi ← quende ✧ WJ/361
Quendi “Elves” ← Quende ✧ WJ/372
Quendi [← Quendë] ✧ WJ/375
Quendi “speakers” [← Quendë] ✧ WJ/391
Quendi [← Quendë] ✧ WJI/Pendi
Quendi “Elves” ← Quende ✧ WJI/Quendi
quettar “words” [← quetta] ✧ WJ/391
rámar “wings” [← ráma] ✧ LotR/377
rámar “wings” [← ráma] ✧ MC/222
rámar ← rāma ✧ PE17/63
rā́mar “wings” [← ráma] ✧ RGEO/58
rāmar “wings” [← ráma] ✧ RGEO/58
rámandi ← ráman(d-) ✧ PE23/142
rangar “full paces” ← ranga ✧ UT/285
rokkor “horses” [← rocco] ✧ PE21/78
rokkor “horses” [← rocco] ✧ PE22/166
lucandor “*debtors, those who trespasses” [← #lucindo] ✧ VT43/20
lucindor “*debtors, those who trespasses” [← #lucindo] ✧ VT43/20
rohtar “*debts, trespasses” [← #rohta] ✧ VT43/19
luhtar “*debts, trespasses” [← #luhta] ✧ VT43/19
rusqui ← rusko ✧ VT41/10
sámar “minds” ← sáma ✧ VT39/23
sarati ← sarat ✧ WJ/396
Sindeldi “Grey-elves” ← Sindel ✧ WJ/384
Sindeldi “Grey-elves” [← Sindel] ✧ WJ/410
Sindeldi “Sindar” ← Sindel ✧ WJI/Sindel
solmar “chambers” [← solma²] ✧ NM/337
sundur “roots” [← sundo] ✧ PE18/95
sundar “roots” [← sundo] ✧ UT/166
táli [← tál] ✧ PE16/96
talami ← talan ✧ PE17/52
taltilli ← taltil ✧ VT47/10
arkanwar “*thrones” [← tarhanwa] ✧ PE22/147
tauri “forests” [← taurë] ✧ MC/222
tehtar “signs” [← tehta] ✧ LotR/1118
tehtar ← tehta ✧ LotR/1121
tehtar [← tehta] ✧ VT39/8
tehtar “marks” [← tehta] ✧ VT39/17
tellumar “vaults” [← telluma] ✧ LotR/377
tellumar “vaults” ← telluma ✧ PE17/66
téllumàr “vaults” [← telluma] ✧ RGEO/58
tellumar “domes” [← telluma] ✧ RGEO/58
témar “series” [← téma] ✧ LotR/1118
tengwar “letters” [← tengwa] ✧ Let/223
Tengwar “letters” [← tengwa] ✧ LotR/1117
Tengwar [← tengwa] ✧ LotRI/Tengwar
tengwar “letters” [← tengwa] ✧ MRI/tengwar
tengwar ← tengwa ✧ PE17/122
tengwar ← tengwa ✧ PE22/149
tengwar [← tengwa] ✧ PE22/149
Tengwar [← tengwa] ✧ RSI/Tengwar
teñgwar ← teñgwa ✧ VT39/17
tengwar ← tengwa ✧ WJ/396
tengwar ← tengwa ✧ WJ/396
tengwi “signs” ← tengwe ✧ VT39/4
tengwi “signs” ← tengwe ✧ VT39/5
tengwi [← tengwë] ✧ VT39/8
teñgwi ← teñgwe ✧ VT39/16
teñgwi [← tengwë] ✧ VT39/16
tengwi ← tengwe ✧ WJ/394
tengwi “signs” [← tengwë] ✧ WJ/395
tier “paths” [← tië] ✧ PE23/134
tilli “tips, points” ← tille ✧ VT47/10
tilli “toes” ← tille ✧ VT47/26
tinwi “sparks” ← tinwë ✧ MR/388
tinwi ← tinwë ✧ MR/471
tinwi “apparent stars, sparks” ← tinwe ✧ PE17/22
úcarindor “*sinners” [← #úcarindo] ✧ VT43/33
naicor “*sinners” [← #naico] ✧ VT43/33
naici “*sinners” [← #naico] ✧ VT43/34
naicandor “*sinners” [← #naicando] ✧ VT43/33
ulcarindor “*sinners” [← #ulcarindo] ✧ VT43/33
umbari ← umbar ✧ PE17/104
únati ← únat ✧ VT39/26
únehtar “the smallest quantities possible” [← #únehta] ✧ NM/250
únexi “the smallest quantities possible” [← #únehta] ✧ NM/265
urqui ← urko ✧ WJ/390
Urqui ← Urko ✧ WJI/Urko
Urulóki “fire-drakes” [← urulócë] ✧ S/116
Urulóki [← urulócë] ✧ SA/lok
Urulóki [← urulócë] ✧ SA/ur
Urulóki “fire-serpent” [← urulócë] ✧ SI/Urulóki
Urulóki “fire-drakes” [← urulócë] ✧ WJ/46
Urulóki ← Urulókë ✧ WJI/Urulókë
Valar “powers, gods” [← Vala] ✧ Let/146
Valar “the Powers, Authorities” [← Vala] ✧ Let/193
Valar “the Powers, Lords of the West, gods” [← Vala] ✧ Let/198
Valar “powers, rulers” [← Vala] ✧ Let/284
Valar “angelic governors” [← Vala] ✧ Let/354
Valar “angelic Guardians” [← Vala] ✧ Let/387
Valar “Powers” [← Vala] ✧ LotR/1110
Valar “Authorities” [← Vala] ✧ LotRI/Valar
Valar “those with powers, the Powers, (more strictly) the Authorities” [← Vala] ✧ MR/350
Valar ← Vala ✧ MRI/Valar
Valar ← Vala ✧ PE17/48
Vali [← Vala] ✧ PE17/74
Valar [← Vala] ✧ PE17/88
Valar [← Vala] ✧ PE17/174
Valar [← Vala] ✧ PE17/175
Valar ← Vala ✧ PMI/Valar
Valar “Powers” [← Vala] ✧ S/25
Valar ← val- (prefix) ✧ SA/val
Valar “Those with Power, the Powers” ← Vala ✧ SI/Valar
Valar “ruling powers of Arda” ← Vala ✧ UTI/Valar
Valar “Powers” ← Vala ✧ WJ/403
Valar [← Vala] ✧ WJ/404
Valar ← Vala ✧ WJI/Valar
vanimar “beautiful ones” [← vanima²] ✧ Let/448
vanimar [← vanima²] ✧ LotR/981
vanimar “fair ones” [← vanima²] ✧ PE17/111
wilyar [← vilya] ✧ PE16/96
wingildi [← #vingil] ✧ PE16/96
yárier “ages” [← yárië] ✧ CPT/1298
yéni “long years” [← yén] ✧ LotR/377
Yéni “years” [← yén] ✧ LotR/377
yéni “long-years” [← yén] ✧ LotR/1115
yéni [← yén] ✧ NM/85
yéni “long years” ← yén ✧ PE17/62
yéni ← yēn ✧ PE17/62
yḗni “long years” [← yén] ✧ RGEO/58
Yḗni “long years” [← yén] ✧ RGEO/58
yēni “years (long Elvish years)” [← yén] ✧ RGEO/58
Yēni “Years” [← yén] ✧ RGEO/58
yéni “*ages” [← yén] ✧ VT44/36
yuldar “draughts” [← yulda¹] ✧ LotR/377
yuldar ← yulda ✧ PE17/63
yuldar “draughts” [← yulda¹] ✧ PE17/63
yúldar “draughts” [← yulda¹] ✧ RGEO/58
yuldar “draughts” [← yulda¹] ✧ RGEO/58
yulmar [← yulma] ✧ Minor-Doc/2013-05-13
yulmar [← yulma] ✧ VT21/6
arca·ndemmar “*our petitions” [← #arcandë] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ VT44/8
anarcandemman [← #arcandë] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ VT44/8
kiryammar “our ships” [← cirya¹] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ PE23/128
kiryammar [← cirya¹] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ PE23/129
mastammar “*our bread” [← masta] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ VT43/11
rohtammar “*our debts, our trespasses” [← #rohta] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ VT43/19
luhtammar “*our debts, our trespasses” [← #luhta] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ VT43/19
luciemmar “*our debts, our trespasses” [← #lucië] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ VT43/19
lucassemmar “*our debts, our trespasses” [← #lucassë] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ VT43/19
úcaremmar “*our debts, our trespasses” [← #úcarë] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ VT43/19
rocindillomman “*[from our] debtors, those who trespasses” [← #rocindë] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ablative possessive-second ✧ VT43/20
rucindillomman “*[from our] debtors, those who trespasses” [← #rocindë] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ablative possessive-second ✧ VT43/20
lucandollommar [← #lucindo] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ablative possessive-second ✧ VT43/20
lucindillomman [← #lucindo] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ablative possessive-second ✧ VT43/20
sangiessemman “*in our necessities” [← #sangië] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss locative possessive-second ✧ VT44/8
Hildinyar “my heirs” [← #hildë] 1st-sg-poss ✧ LotR/967
Hildinyar “my heirs” ← hildi 1st-sg-poss ✧ PE17/103
hildinyar [← #hildë] 1st-sg-poss ✧ PE22/147
nassentar “their true-being” [← nassë] 3rd-pl-poss ✧ PE17/174
nassentar “their true-being” [← nassë] 3rd-pl-poss ✧ PE17/175
mánte ←  3rd-pl-poss irregular ✧ PE17/161
símaryassen “in their imaginations” [← síma] 3rd-pl-poss locative colloquial-possessive ✧ VT49/16
híniryannar “*to his children” [← hína] 3rd-sg-poss allative ✧ VT44/33
híniryan “*to his children” [← hína] 3rd-sg-poss dative ✧ VT44/33
ciryallon ← cirya ablative ✧ Plotz/9
elenillor “[from] the stars” [← elen] ablative ✧ MC/222
lassellon ← lasse ablative ✧ Plotz/19
raxellor “*from dangers” [← #raxë] ablative ✧ VT44/9
raxalellor [← #raxë] ablative ✧ VT44/9
lucandollor [← #lucindo] ablative ✧ VT43/20
ciryai ← cirya accusative ✧ Plotz/2
elde [← Elda] accusative ✧ PE23/141
ambonnar “upon ... hills” [← ambo] allative ✧ MC/222
ciryannar ← cirya allative ✧ Plotz/5
falma(nna)r [← falma] allative ✧ PE23/134
lassennar ← lasse allative ✧ Plotz/15
mindoninnar “upon ... towers” [← mindon] allative ✧ MC/222
mindonnar [← mindon] allative ✧ MC/222
ciryain ← cirya dative ✧ Plotz/6
hinin “*to children” [← hína] dative ✧ VT44/33
hínin “*to children” [← hína] dative ✧ VT44/35
lassin ← lasse dative ✧ Plotz/16
main ←  dative ✧ PE17/161
kantiër “patterns” [← #cantië] er-plural ✧ NM/288
enquier ← enquië er-plural ✧ LotR/1107
fintaler “tricks” [← #fintalë] er-plural ✧ PE17/119
lámatyáver ← lámatyávë er-plural ✧ MR/216
lámatyáver ← lámatyávë er-plural ✧ MR/471
lotser ← lotse er-plural ✧ PE17/160
Nasser “Natures” [← nassë] er-plural ✧ PE17/175
tier “paths” [← tië] er-plural ✧ LotR/377
tier “ways” [← tië] er-plural ✧ PE17/72
tiër ← tië er-plural ✧ PE17/72
tier [← tië] er-plural ✧ PE17/76
tíër “paths” [← tië] er-plural ✧ RGEO/58
tiër “roads” [← tië] er-plural ✧ RGEO/59
tier “roads, paths” [← tië] er-plural ✧ VT39/20
tyeller “grades” [← tyellë] er-plural ✧ LotR/1118
Valier [← Valië] er-plural ✧ MR/201
Valier “Queens of the Valar” [← Valië] er-plural ✧ MRI/Valier
Valier “Queens of the Valar” [← Valië] er-plural ✧ S/25
Valier “Queens of the Valar” ← Valië er-plural ✧ SI/Valier
Valier “Queens of the Valar” [← Valië] er-plural ✧ UTI/Nienna
Valier “Queens of the Valar” [← Valië] er-plural ✧ UTI/Varda
Valier “Queens of the Valar” [← Valië] er-plural ✧ UTI/Yavanna
Valier ← Valië er-plural ✧ WJI/Valier
quender [← Quendë] fem ✧ MR/229
quendir [← Quendë] fem ✧ MR/229
quender/quendir ← quende/quendi (fem) fem ✧ MR/471
aldaron “of trees” [← alda] genitive ✧ LotR/377
aldăron ← alda genitive ✧ PE17/63
aldaron “of trees” ← alda genitive ✧ PE17/136
áldaròn “of trees” [← alda] genitive ✧ RGEO/58
aldaron “trees-of” [← alda] genitive ✧ RGEO/58
aldaron “of trees” ← alda genitive ✧ RGEO/65
aranion [← aran] genitive ✧ LotR/864
aranion [← aran] genitive ✧ LotRI/Asëa aranion
aranion “of the Kings” [← aran] genitive ✧ PE17/49
aranion “of the Kings” [← aran] genitive ✧ PE17/100
ciryaron ← cirya genitive ✧ Plotz/3
koaron “of bodies” [← cöa] genitive ✧ PE17/174
Cormaron “of ... rings” [← #corma] genitive ✧ Minor-Doc/1973-05-30
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] genitive ✧ NM/239
Eldaron [← Elda] genitive ✧ PE21/77
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] genitive ✧ PM/395
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] genitive ✧ PM/403
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] genitive ✧ WJ/368
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] genitive ✧ WJ/369
Elenion “of Stars” [← elen] genitive ✧ Let/385
Elenion [← elen] genitive ✧ LotR/720
elenion [← elen] genitive ✧ LotR/915
elenion “of the ... stars” [← elen] genitive ✧ PE17/56
elenion “among the stars” [← elen] genitive ✧ PE17/57
elenion “among stars” [← elen] genitive ✧ PE17/90
elenion “of stars” [← elen] genitive ✧ PE17/91
elenion [← elen] genitive ✧ PE17/101
elenion “of stars” ← elen genitive ✧ VT49/45
Lambion “of tongues” [← lambë] genitive ✧ PE18/8
Lambion “of Tongues” [← lambë] genitive ✧ PE18/71
lassion ← lasse genitive ✧ Plotz/13
lassio “of leaves” ← lasseo (genitive) genitive ✧ WJ/407
lassion “of leaves” ← lasseo (genitive) genitive ✧ WJ/407
máron ←  genitive ✧ PE17/161
Maiaron [← Maia] genitive ✧ PE17/175
million “of ... rings” [← #millë] genitive ✧ DTS/54
mittarion “*of enterings” [← #mittar(ë)] genitive ✧ PMCH/1
mittarion “*of enterings” [← #mittar(ë)] genitive ✧ TMME/192
námaron “(created) things” [← #náma²] genitive ✧ PE23/133
nínaron “*women” [← nís] genitive ✧ VT43/31
#nómion [← #nómë] genitive ✧ WJ/206
Periandion “*of Hobbits” [← #Perian] genitive ✧ VT49/40
Quendion “of the Elves” [← Quendë] genitive ✧ PM/395
tasarion ← tasarë genitive ✧ SA/tathar
Valion [← Vala] genitive ✧ MR/18
Valaron [← Vala] genitive ✧ PE17/175
Valaron “*of the Valar” [← Vala] genitive ✧ PE22/147
Valaron “of (the) Valar” [← Vala] genitive ✧ PE23/134
Yénion “years” [← yén] genitive ✧ CPT/1296
yénion “*of ages” [← yén] genitive ✧ VT44/36
yondion [← yondo] genitive ✧ Minor-Doc/1955-CT
esseron “of ... names” [← essë¹] genitive er-plural ✧ VT42/17
Nómesseron “into the Place-names” [← #nómessë] genitive er-plural ✧ VT42/17
Wenderon “*of virgins” ← Wende genitive er-plural ✧ VT44/18
ciryainen ← cirya instrumental ✧ Plotz/4
koainen “with bodies” [← cöa] instrumental ✧ PE17/174
fanainen “in fanar (veils)” [← fana] instrumental ✧ PE17/174
fanainen “in fanar” [← fana] instrumental ✧ PE17/175
lassī́nen [← lassë] instrumental ✧ PE19/106
lassínen ← lasse instrumental ✧ Plotz/14
mainen “by hand” ←  instrumental ✧ PE17/161
ómainen “with voices” [← óma] instrumental ✧ WJ/391
rámainen “on wings” [← ráma] instrumental ✧ MC/222
kelumessen “in [the] flowing” ← kelume locative ✧ MC/222
ciryassen ← cirya locative ✧ Plotz/7
lassessen ← lasse locative ✧ Plotz/17
lúmissen “at the times” [← lúmë¹] locative ✧ VT49/47
mahalmassen “on thrones” [← mahalma] locative ✧ UT/305
mahalmassen ← mahalma locative ✧ UT/317
quendor [← Quendë] masc ✧ MR/229
quendur [← Quendë] masc ✧ MR/229
quendor/quendur ← quendo/quendu (masc) masc ✧ MR/471
eldain [← Elda] nominative ✧ PE23/141
lassin ← lassi (plural) nominative ✧ PE17/76
Eldaiva “of the Eldar” [← Elda] possessive ✧ WJ/369
Eldaiva “Elves’” ← Eldava (possessive) possessive ✧ WJ/407
Eldaive “of the Eldar” [← Elda] possessive adj-agreement ✧ WJ/369
coranári “sun-rounds, years” ← coranar prosodic-lengthening ✧ PM/126
ciryais ← cirya s-case ✧ Plotz/8
lassis ← lasse s-case ✧ Plotz/18
-eldi ← -el (suffix) suffix ✧ WJ/364
-híni ← -hin (suffix) suffix ✧ WJ/403

Reference ✧ PE21/77

Element In

ᴹQ. plural nouns grammar.

Examples (plural)
Ainur ← Ainu ✧ Ety/AYAN
Ainur “holy ones” [← Ainu] ✧ LR/156
Ainur [← Ainu] ✧ LRI/Ainur
Ainur [← Ainu] ✧ SMI/Ainur
aldar “trees” [← alda] ✧ PE22/116
aldar “trees” [← alda] ✧ PE22/124
aldar “trees” [← alda] ✧ PE22/125
Alphírimor “Immortals” [← Alfírimo] ✧ PE22/124
andondi ← andon ✧ Ety/AD
angwi ← ango ✧ Ety/ANGWA
Angwi [← ango] ✧ PE22/124
annar “gifts” [← anna] ✧ LR/72
annar “gifts” [← anna] ✧ LR/72
harni ← haran ✧ Ety/ƷAR
harni ← haran ✧ EtyAC/ƷARA
ari ← are ✧ Ety/AR¹
atani “men” [← Atan] ✧ PE22/125
atani “men” [← Atan] ✧ PE23/98
atari ← atar ✧ Ety/ATA
[kalm]i [← kalma] ✧ PE21/52
kiryai [← kirya] ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]ali [← kirya] ✧ PE21/46
kiryai [← kirya] ✧ PE21/53
ëari “seas” [← ear] ✧ LR/47
eari “seas” [← ear] ✧ LR/56
eari “seas” [← ear] ✧ LR/72
ëari “seas” [← ear] ✧ SD/247
ëari “seas” [← ear] ✧ SD/310
Eldar “those that departed” [← Elda] ✧ LR/169
Eldar “Star-folk” [← Elda] ✧ LR/169
Eldar “those that departed” [← Elda] ✧ LR/181
Eldar “The Departing” [← Elda] ✧ LR/197
Eldar “Star-folk” [← Elda] ✧ LR/212
Eldar “Departing” [← Elda] ✧ LR/218
Eldar “Star-folk” [← Elda] ✧ LR/218
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ LRI/Eldar
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ PE18/24
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE21/57
Eldar “(the) elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE21/57
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE22/124
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE22/125
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE23/99
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ PE23/106
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ SD/401
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ SDI2/Eldar
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ SDI2/Eledâi
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ SDI2/Nimrî
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ SMI/Eldar
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ VT27/7
Eleni “stars” ← Elen ✧ RS/324
elli [← elen] ✧ VT28/11
elli [← elen] ✧ VT28/11
eleni [← elen] ✧ VT28/11
ennar “things, primary things” [← enna¹] ✧ PE23/92
ennor “persons” [← enno] ✧ PE22/124
falmarindi ← falmarin ✧ Ety/PHAL
ferni ← ferne ✧ Ety/BERÉTH
ferni ← ferne ✧ Ety/PHER
filiki ← filit ✧ Ety/PHILIK
filiki [← filit] ✧ PE21/56
fioni ← fion ✧ Ety/PHI
fiondi ← fion ✧ Ety/PHI
firi ← fire ✧ Ety/PHIR
hendi ← hen ✧ Ety/KHEN-D-E
heruvi “Lords” [← heru] ✧ SD/246
heruvi “Lords” [← heru] ✧ SD/311
homuli [← hón] ✧ PE21/52
huani “dogs” [← huan] ✧ PE23/98
hwandi ← hwan ✧ Ety/SWAD
inderi ← indis ✧ EtyAC/NDIS
indissi ← indis ✧ EtyAC/NDIS
istili [← istya] ✧ PE21/13
istili [← istya] ✧ PE21/13
kaimasambi ← kaimasan ✧ Ety/STAB
lamni [← laman] ✧ PE21/28
lamnuli [← laman] ✧ PE21/28
langwi ← lango ✧ Ety/LANK
lassi [← lasse] ✧ PE21/47
lassí- [← lasse] ✧ PE21/53
lestoli [← lesto] ✧ PE21/12
lestuli [← lesto] ✧ PE21/12
lopotundi [← lopotundo] ✧ PE21/31
maltar “(kind[s] of) gold” [← malta] ✧ PE23/105
mirilli ← miril ✧ Ety/MBIRIL
Napannar “additional letters” [← #napanna] ✧ PE22/16
Napannar “additional letters” [← #napanna] ✧ PE22/61
Napannar “additional letters” [← #napanna] ✧ PE23/47
na-súrimar “aspirate” [← #na-súrima] ✧ PE18/30
nati “things, primary things” [← nat] ✧ PE23/92
nelki ← nelet ✧ Ety/NÉL-EK
nélkī “teeth” [← nelet] ✧ PE19/58
nelki [← nelet] ✧ PE21/56
neltildi “triangle” [← neltil] ✧ Ety/NEL
neltildi ← neltil ✧ Ety/TIL
nengwi ← nengwe ✧ Ety/NEÑ-WI
neri ← nér ✧ Ety/DER
neri [← nér] ✧ PE21/52
neri “men” [← nér] ✧ PE23/108
niksi “fish” [← nikse] ✧ PE22/125
nissi ← nis ✧ Ety/NĪ¹
nissi ← nisse ✧ Ety/NĪ¹
nissi ← nis ✧ Ety/NIS
nissi ← nis ✧ EtyAC/NDIS
[← nis] ✧ PE21/8
nówi ←  ✧ Ety/NOWO
nóri [← nóre] ✧ PE23/106
ontari [← ontaro] ✧ SD/73
Okamnar “diphthongs” [← okamna] ✧ PE18/32
samnar “diphthongs” [← #samna²] ✧ Ety/SAM
osamnar [← #samna²] ✧ VT44/13
Ólamar “consonants” [← #ólama] ✧ PE18/30
Ómaisi “voiced” [← #ómaite] ✧ PE18/30
omandi ← óman ✧ Ety/OM
Ómandi “vowels” [← óman] ✧ PE18/32
ómataimar “vocalic extensions” [← ómataima] ✧ PE18/52
ómatehtar “vowel-signs” [← #ómatehta] ✧ PE23/45
ondor [← ondo] ✧ PE21/58
ondor “rocks” [← ondo] ✧ PE21/63
ondor “stones” [← ondo] ✧ PE23/106
orqi ← orko ✧ Ety/ÓROK
orqui “goblins” ← ork ✧ LR/406
oronti ← oron ✧ Ety/ÓROT
parmai [← parma] ✧ PE21/60
parmar [← parma] ✧ PE22/46
peltaksi ← peltas ✧ Ety/PEL
peltaksi ← peltas ✧ Ety/TAK
pilindi ← pilin ✧ Ety/PÍLIM
polili [← pole] ✧ PE21/13
Puntar “stops” [← punta] ✧ PE18/30
qeletsi ← qelet ✧ Ety/KWEL
qari ← qár ✧ Ety/KWAR
Quendi “Elves” [← Qende] ✧ LR/119
Qendi “Elves” [← Qende] ✧ LR/168
Quendi “Elves” [← Qende] ✧ LR/212
Quendi “Elves” [← Qende] ✧ LRI/Qendi
Qendi [← Qende] ✧ MRI/Quendi
Qendi “Elves” [← Qende] ✧ PE18/23
Quendi “Light-elves” [← Qende] ✧ SM/85
Quendi [← Qende] ✧ SM/86
Qendi [← Qende] ✧ SMI/Quendi
Qendi [← Qende] ✧ TII/Qendi
rávi ←  ✧ Ety/RAW
ranqi ← ranko ✧ Ety/RAK
sardi ← sar ✧ Ety/SAR
selli ← seler ✧ Ety/THEL
semi “small amounts” ← sem- (stem) ✧ PE23/105
sempi “small amounts” ← semp- (stem) ✧ PE23/105
sempi ← sempe ✧ PE23/106
sorni ← sorne ✧ Ety/THOR
sorni “Eagles” [← soron] ✧ SD/290
Sorni “Eagles” [← soron] ✧ SD/290
Soroni [← soron] ✧ SD/290
sundómar [← sundóma] ✧ PE18/52
sundulámar “fundamental sounds” [← #sunduláma] ✧ PE23/6
Suryar “spirants” [← surya] ✧ PE18/30
talami ← talan ✧ Ety/TAL
tári ← tár ✧ Ety/TĀ
tarassi “hills” [← taras] ✧ PE22/125
tehtar “marks” ← tehta ✧ PE22/11
tyeldi ← tyel ✧ Ety/KYEL
telqui ← telko ✧ Ety/TÉLEK
telkuli [← telko] ✧ PE21/12
telkoi [← telko] ✧ PE21/53
tengwar [← tengwa] ✧ SDI2/tengwar
Tengwar [← tengwa] ✧ TII/Tengwar
toksi [← ] ✧ PE21/40
tolli ← tol ✧ Ety/TOL²
torni ← toron ✧ Ety/TOR
tunduli [← tundo²] ✧ PE21/8
tundoli [← tundo²] ✧ PE21/8
tyalie [← tyalie] ✧ PE21/47
Amballi “the Three Fates” [← umbar] ✧ PE21/33
úvanimor [← úvanimo] ✧ Ety/GŪ
úvanimor “monsters” [← úvanimo] ✧ Ety/UGU
Úvanimor [← úvanimo] ✧ LRI/Úvanimor
Úvanimor [← úvanimo] ✧ MRI/Úvanimor
Valar ← Vala ✧ Ety/BAL
Vali ← Vala ✧ Ety/BAL
Valar “Powers” [← Vala] ✧ LR/110
Valar “Powers” [← Vala] ✧ LR/161
Valar “Powers” [← Vala] ✧ LR/204
Valar [← Vala] ✧ LRI/Valar
Valar [← Vala] ✧ RSI/Valar
Valar “gods” [← Vala] ✧ SD/305
Valar “Powers” [← Vala] ✧ SD/401
Valar [← Vala] ✧ SDI2/Avalôi
Valāi [← Vala] ✧ SDI2/Valāi
Valar [← Vala] ✧ SDI2/Valāi
Valar [← Vala] ✧ SDI2/Valar
Valar “Powers” [← Vala] ✧ SM/78
Valar “Powers” [← Vala] ✧ SM/263
Valar [← Vala] ✧ SMI/Valar
Valar [← Vala] ✧ WRI/Valar
vāni ← vān ✧ Ety/WA-N
Vanimor “The Beautiful” ← Vanimo ✧ Ety/BAN
vanimor “fair folk” [← Vanimo] ✧ Ety/UGU
vanimor [← Vanimo] ✧ EtyAC/ƷŪ
Vanimor “The Beautiful” [← Vanimo] ✧ LR/110
Vanimor “The Beautiful” [← Vanimo] ✧ LR/403
Vanimor [← Vanimo] ✧ LRI/Vanimor
Vanimor “The Beautiful” [← Vanimo] ✧ MR/57
Vanimor “The Beautiful” [← Vanimo] ✧ MRI/Vanimor
Vanimor “The Fair” [← Vanimo] ✧ SM/293
Vanimor “The Fair” [← Vanimo] ✧ SMI/Vanimor
wilwarindi ← wilwarin ✧ Ety/WIL
Wingildi ← wingil ✧ Ety/WIG
yéni ← yén ✧ Ety/YEN
yēni “years” [← yén] ✧ PE23/108
kiryammar [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ PE23/81
kiryammar [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammailo [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ablative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]allommar [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ablative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammai [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss accusative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammai [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss accusative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammain [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss allative ✧ PE23/81
kiryammaina [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss allative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]annammar [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss allative ✧ PE23/81
kiryammaina [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss allative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ainamma [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss allative ✧ PE23/81
kiryammain [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss allative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammaion [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss genitive ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammaron [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss genitive ✧ PE23/81
kiryammaion [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss genitive ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammaron [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss genitive ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammainen [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss instrumental ✧ PE23/81
kiryammainen [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss instrumental ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammais [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss locative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]ammaire [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss locative ✧ PE23/81
[kiry]assemmar [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss locative ✧ PE23/81
kiryammaire [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss locative ✧ PE23/81
kiryammasser [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss locative ✧ PE23/81
kiryammassen [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss locative ✧ PE23/81
kiryassemmar [← kirya] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss locative ✧ PE23/81
hildinyar “my heirs” [← #hilde] 1st-sg-poss ✧ SD/56
talinyar “my feet” [← tál] 1st-sg-poss ✧ PE23/81
hōnelyar “your hearts” [← hón] 2nd-sg-polite-poss ✧ PE23/81
[andul]illon [← andul] ablative ✧ PE21/34
atarillor “from ... fathers” [← atar] ablative ✧ PE23/81
[kalm]illon [← kalma] ablative ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]ullon [← kalma] ablative ✧ PE21/52
karillon [← kas¹] ablative ✧ PE21/22
kiryalillon [← kirya] ablative ✧ PE21/4
[kiry]allon [← kirya] ablative ✧ PE21/8
[kiry]alillo [← kirya] ablative ✧ PE21/8
kiryallon [← kirya] ablative ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]alinde(n) [← kirya] ablative ✧ PE21/46
kiryallon [← kirya] ablative ✧ PE21/53
kiryallor [← kirya] ablative ✧ VT28/8
[kiryallo]n [← kirya] ablative ✧ VT28/8
kiryalillo [← kirya] ablative ✧ VT28/8
homillon [← hón] ablative ✧ PE21/23
ildumalillon [← ilduma] ablative ✧ PE21/4
untamolillon [← untamo] ablative ✧ PE21/5
lamnillon [← laman] ablative ✧ PE21/28
lamullon [← laman] ablative ✧ PE21/28
lassillon [← lasse] ablative ✧ PE21/6
lassellon [← lasse] ablative ✧ PE21/6
lasselillon [← lasse] ablative ✧ PE21/6
lassinden [← lasse] ablative ✧ PE21/47
lassenden [← lasse] ablative ✧ PE21/47
lassellon [← lasse] ablative ✧ PE21/53
[leps]illon [← let] ablative ✧ PE21/26
[lind]illon [← linde²] ablative ✧ PE21/10
málon [← †má³] ablative ✧ PE21/38
mallon [← †má³] ablative ✧ PE21/38
mallon [← mál] ablative ✧ PE21/24
mallillon [← malle] ablative ✧ PE21/45
yakillon [← yat²] ablative ✧ PE21/24
nerillon [← nér] ablative ✧ PE21/20
niellon [← nie] ablative ✧ PE21/6
ondolillon [← ondo] ablative ✧ PE21/5
[ond]ollon [← ondo] ablative ✧ PE21/8
[ondo]lillo [← ondo] ablative ✧ PE21/8
qendillon [← Qen] ablative ✧ PE21/25
talillon [← tál] ablative ✧ PE21/21
tárilillon [← tári] ablative ✧ PE21/14
telkollon [← telko] ablative ✧ PE21/53
pelkollon [← pelko] ablative ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]ollor [← pelko] ablative ✧ VT28/8
[pelkollo]n [← pelko] ablative ✧ VT28/8
[tund]ullon [← tundo²] ablative ✧ PE21/11
tyaliellon [← tyalie] ablative ✧ PE21/47
verŭlillon [← veru¹] ablative ✧ PE21/15
[veru]lillo [← veru¹] ablative ✧ PE21/15
yellon [← yé²] ablative ✧ PE21/40
yellon [← yé²] ablative ✧ PE21/40
kallon [← kas¹] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/22
kallon [← kas¹] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/22
holmon [← hón] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/23
yatyon [← yat²] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/24
nellon [← nér] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/20
nerden [← nér] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/52
qendyon [← Qen] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/25
sutyon [← sút] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/24
tallon [← tál] ablative assimilated ✧ PE21/21
[kalm]i [← kalma] accusative ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]ir [← kalma] accusative ✧ PE21/52
kiryali [← kirya] accusative ✧ PE21/4
kiryai [← kirya] accusative ✧ PE21/8
kirye [← kirya] accusative ✧ PE21/8
kiryai [← kirya] accusative ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]ali [← kirya] accusative ✧ PE21/46
kiryai [← kirya] accusative ✧ VT28/8
kiryali [← kirya] accusative ✧ VT28/8
filiki [← filet] accusative ✧ PE21/35
lamni [← laman] accusative ✧ PE21/28
lassi [← lasse] accusative ✧ PE21/6
lasseli [← lasse] accusative ✧ PE21/6
lassi [← lasse] accusative ✧ PE21/47
[lest]uï [← lesto] accusative ✧ PE21/12
lepsi [← let] accusative ✧ PE21/26
[lind]i [← linde²] accusative ✧ PE21/10
mai [← má¹] accusative ✧ PE21/40
máli [← †má³] accusative ✧ PE21/38
mai [← †má³] accusative ✧ PE21/38
malli [← malle] accusative ✧ PE21/45
[mal]wi [← malo²] accusative ✧ PE21/12
[mul]wion [← mulo] accusative ✧ PE21/11
neri [← nér] accusative ✧ PE21/20
neri [← nér] accusative ✧ PE21/52
ondoli [← ondo] accusative ✧ PE21/5
ondoi [← ondo] accusative ✧ PE21/8
[pol]i [← pole] accusative ✧ PE21/13
poli [← pole] accusative ✧ PE21/13
poli [← pole] accusative ✧ VT28/8
qendi [← Qen] accusative ✧ PE21/25
sari [← sarya] accusative ✧ VT28/8
tali [← tál] accusative ✧ PE21/21
tári [← tári] accusative ✧ PE21/14
pelko [← pelko] accusative ✧ PE21/48
pelkoi [← pelko] accusative ✧ PE21/48
pelqi [← pelko] accusative ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]oi [← pelko] accusative ✧ VT28/8
telumi [← telume] accusative ✧ PE21/7
[tund]uï [← tundo²] accusative ✧ PE21/11
tyalie [← tyalie] accusative ✧ PE21/47
varinyeli [← varinye] accusative ✧ PE21/7
veruï [← veru¹] accusative ✧ PE21/15
yai [← yé²] accusative ✧ PE21/40
ildumáli [← ilduma] accusative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/4
ildumáli [← ilduma] accusative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/42
untamóli [← untamo] accusative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/5
táríli [← tári] accusative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/14
teluméli [← telume] accusative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/7
verúli [← veru¹] accusative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/15
alamalintan [← alama] allative ✧ PE21/8
amaldumelintan [← #amaldume] allative ✧ PE21/7
andulintan [← andul] allative ✧ PE21/34
atarinnar [← atar] allative ✧ PE23/81
[kalm]unden [← kalma] allative ✧ PE21/52
karintan [← kas¹] allative ✧ PE21/22
kiryalintan [← kirya] allative ✧ PE21/4
kiryantan [← kirya] allative ✧ PE21/8
kiryalinta [← kirya] allative ✧ PE21/8
[kiry]alillo(n) [← kirya] allative ✧ PE21/46
kiryanden [← kirya] allative ✧ PE21/46
kiryantar [← kirya] allative ✧ PE21/53
kiryandar [← kirya] allative ✧ VT28/8
kiryalinda [← kirya] allative ✧ VT28/8
filikintan [← filet] allative ✧ PE21/35
homintan [← hón] allative ✧ PE21/23
ildumalintan [← ilduma] allative ✧ PE21/4
untamolintan [← untamo] allative ✧ PE21/5
lamnintan [← laman] allative ✧ PE21/28
lamuntan [← laman] allative ✧ PE21/28
landannar “to the plains” [← landa²] allative ✧ PE22/125
lassintan [← lasse] allative ✧ PE21/6
lassentan [← lasse] allative ✧ PE21/6
lasselintan [← lasse] allative ✧ PE21/6
lassillon [← lasse] allative ✧ PE21/47
lassellon [← lasse] allative ✧ PE21/47
lassentar [← lasse] allative ✧ PE21/53
lepsintan [← let] allative ✧ PE21/26
[lind]intan [← linde²] allative ✧ PE21/10
mannar “into the hands” [← má¹] allative ✧ LR/72
maïntan [← má¹] allative ✧ PE21/40
mantan [← má¹] allative ✧ PE21/40
mahtan [← má¹] allative ✧ PE21/40
málintan [← má¹] allative ✧ PE21/40
[má]lintan [← †má³] allative ✧ PE21/38
maintan [← †má³] allative ✧ PE21/38
mátan [← †má³] allative ✧ PE21/38
maltan [← mál] allative ✧ PE21/24
mallinden [← malle] allative ✧ PE21/45
[mal]untan [← malo²] allative ✧ PE21/12
yakintan [← yat²] allative ✧ PE21/24
nerintan [← nér] allative ✧ PE21/20
nientan [← nie] allative ✧ PE21/6
ninqeruntan [← ninqeru] allative ✧ PE21/15
ondolintan [← ondo] allative ✧ PE21/5
ondontan [← ondo] allative ✧ PE21/8
ondolinta [← ondo] allative ✧ PE21/8
[pol]inta(n) [← pole] allative ✧ PE21/13
qendintan [← Qen] allative ✧ PE21/25
laisintan [← laite] allative ✧ PE21/7
talintan [← tál] allative ✧ PE21/21
tárĭlintan [← tári] allative ✧ PE21/14
tárintan [← tári] allative ✧ PE21/14
telkontar [← telko] allative ✧ PE21/53
pelkonden [← pelko] allative ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]ondar [← pelko] allative ✧ VT28/8
[tund]untan [← tundo²] allative ✧ PE21/11
tyalielintan [← tyalie] allative ✧ PE21/7
tyalientan [← tyalie] allative ✧ PE21/7
tyalienden [← tyalie] allative ✧ PE21/47
valannar “on-Powers” [← Vala] allative ✧ LR/47
valannar “on-Powers” [← Vala] allative ✧ LR/56
valannar “on Powers” [← Vala] allative ✧ SD/246
valannar “on-Powers” [← Vala] allative ✧ SD/310
varinyentan [← varinye] allative ✧ PE21/7
varinyelintan [← varinye] allative ✧ PE21/7
verŭlintan [← veru¹] allative ✧ PE21/15
verulinta [← veru¹] allative ✧ PE21/15
veruntan [← veru¹] allative ✧ PE21/15
yentan [← yé²] allative ✧ PE21/40
kastan [← kas¹] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/22
hontan [← hón] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/23
yahtan [← yat²] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/24
nentan [← nén] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/23
nenten [← nén] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/23
nertan [← nér] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/20
nellon [← nér] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/52
qentan [← Qen] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/25
suttan [← sút] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/24
taltan [← tál] allative assimilated ✧ PE21/21
kiryel [← kirya] comitative ✧ PE21/47
kiryaile [← kirya] comitative ✧ PE21/47
kiryalil [← kirya] comitative ✧ PE21/47
kiryaiko [← kirya] comitative ✧ PE21/53
lassil [← lasse] comitative ✧ PE21/47
mallíle [← malle] comitative ✧ PE21/45
telkoiko [← telko] comitative ✧ PE21/53
pelkoile [← pelko] comitative ✧ PE21/48
pelkol [← pelko] comitative ✧ PE21/48
tyaliel [← tyalie] comitative ✧ PE21/47
tyaliaile [← tyalie] comitative ✧ PE21/47
kiryalíle [← kirya] comitative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
ildumálil [← ilduma] comitative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
lassíle [← lasse] comitative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
lassíko [← lasse] comitative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/53
[kalm]ir [← kalma] dative ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]eren [← kalma] dative ✧ PE21/52
kiryalir [← kirya] dative ✧ PE21/4
kiryer [← kirya] dative ✧ PE21/8
kiryaire(n) [← kirya] dative ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]alir [← kirya] dative ✧ PE21/46
kiryaino [← kirya] dative ✧ PE21/53
kiryais [← kirya] dative ✧ VT28/8
kiryaisi [← kirya] dative ✧ VT28/8
kiryalis [← kirya] dative ✧ VT28/8
eldain “for Elves” [← Elda] dative ✧ LR/72
Eldain “for Elves” [← Elda] dative ✧ LR/72
eldain “for Elves” [← Elda] dative ✧ LR/72
Eldain [← Elda] dative ✧ LRI/Eldar
filiken [← filet] dative ✧ PE21/35
ildumaire [← ilduma] dative ✧ PE21/43
Ilqainen “To all” [← ilqa] dative ✧ LR/72
untamoire(n) [← untamo] dative ✧ PE21/48
lamnir [← laman] dative ✧ PE21/28
lassir [← lasse] dative ✧ PE21/6
lasselir [← lasse] dative ✧ PE21/6
[lest]uïr [← lesto] dative ✧ PE21/12
lepsir [← let] dative ✧ PE21/26
[lind]ir [← linde²] dative ✧ PE21/10
mair [← má¹] dative ✧ PE21/40
málir [← †má³] dative ✧ PE21/38
mair [← †má³] dative ✧ PE21/38
mallir [← malle] dative ✧ PE21/45
[mal]wir [← malo²] dative ✧ PE21/12
[mul]wir [← mulo] dative ✧ PE21/11
nerir [← nér] dative ✧ PE21/20
nerir [← nér] dative ✧ PE21/52
[ner]íre [← nér] dative ✧ PE21/52
ondolir [← ondo] dative ✧ PE21/5
ondoi [← ondo] dative ✧ PE21/8
[pol]ir [← pole] dative ✧ PE21/13
polis [← pole] dative ✧ VT28/8
[pol]ísi [← pole] dative ✧ VT28/8
qendir [← Qen] dative ✧ PE21/25
talir [← tál] dative ✧ PE21/21
tárir [← tári] dative ✧ PE21/14
telkoino [← telko] dative ✧ PE21/53
pelkoire(n) [← pelko] dative ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]ois(i) [← pelko] dative ✧ VT28/8
telumir [← telume] dative ✧ PE21/7
[tund]uïr [← tundo²] dative ✧ PE21/11
tyaliaire(n) [← tyalie] dative ✧ PE21/47
veruïr [← veru¹] dative ✧ PE21/15
yair [← yé²] dative ✧ PE21/40
[kalm]íre [← kalma] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/52
[kiry]alíre [← kirya] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
ildumálir [← ilduma] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/4
ildumálir [← ilduma] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/42
ildumáren [← ilduma] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/43
untamólir [← untamo] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/5
[unta]móren [← untamo] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/48
lassíre(n) [← lasse] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
lassíno [← lasse] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/53
tárílir [← tári] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/14
telumélir [← telume] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/7
tyaliéren [← tyalie] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
verúlir [← veru¹] dative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/15
#esser “names” [← esse¹] er-plural ✧ PE22/22
#esser [← esse¹] er-plural ✧ PE22/22
maller “roads” ← malle er-plural ✧ LR/47
maller “roads” ← malle er-plural ✧ LR/56
maller “roads” ← Malle er-plural ✧ SD/310
Angwion “of dragons” [← ango] genitive ✧ PE22/124
[kalm]ion [← kalma] genitive ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]aron [← kalma] genitive ✧ PE21/52
kiryalion [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE21/4
kiryalion [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE21/8
kiryaion [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE21/8
kiryaron [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]alion [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE21/46
kiryaron [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE21/53
kiryaron [← kirya] genitive ✧ VT28/8
kiryalion [← kirya] genitive ✧ VT28/8
Eldaron “(of the) Elves” [← Elda] genitive ✧ PE23/106
Elenion [← elen] genitive ✧ WR/223
filikion [← filet] genitive ✧ PE21/35
heruion “of the Lords” [← heru] genitive ✧ SD/290
ildumalion [← ilduma] genitive ✧ PE21/46
lamnion [← laman] genitive ✧ PE21/28
Lambion “of tongues” [← lambe] genitive ✧ PE18/23
lassion [← lasse] genitive ✧ PE21/6
lasselion [← lasse] genitive ✧ PE21/6
lassion [← lasse] genitive ✧ PE21/47
lasseron [← lasse] genitive ✧ PE21/47
lassion [← lasse] genitive ✧ PE21/53
lasseron [← lasse] genitive ✧ PE21/53
[lest]uion [← lesto] genitive ✧ PE21/12
lepsion [← let] genitive ✧ PE21/26
[lind]ion [← linde²] genitive ✧ PE21/10
maion [← má¹] genitive ✧ PE21/40
málion [← †má³] genitive ✧ PE21/38
maion [← †má³] genitive ✧ PE21/38
mallion [← malle] genitive ✧ PE21/45
[mal]wion [← malo²] genitive ✧ PE21/12
márion “of ... houses” [← mar] genitive ✧ PE23/105
[mul]wion [← mulo] genitive ✧ PE21/11
nerion [← nér] genitive ✧ PE21/20
nerion [← nér] genitive ✧ PE21/52
nerion [← nér] genitive ✧ PE21/60
nórion [← nóre] genitive ✧ PE23/106
ondolion [← ondo] genitive ✧ PE21/5
ondoion [← ondo] genitive ✧ PE21/8
ondolion [← ondo] genitive ✧ PE21/8
parmaion [← parma] genitive ✧ PE21/59
parmaron [← parma] genitive ✧ PE21/59
parmaion [← parma] genitive ✧ PE21/60
parmaron [← parma] genitive ✧ PE21/60
[pol]ion [← pole] genitive ✧ PE21/13
polion [← pole] genitive ✧ VT28/8
qendion [← Qen] genitive ✧ PE21/25
laision [← laite] genitive ✧ PE21/7
saryaro [← sarya] genitive ✧ VT28/8
talion [← tál] genitive ✧ PE21/21
tárion [← tári] genitive ✧ PE21/14
telkoron [← telko] genitive ✧ PE21/53
pelkoron [← pelko] genitive ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]oron [← pelko] genitive ✧ VT28/8
telumion [← telume] genitive ✧ PE21/7
*Tinweron “of Stars” [← tinwe] genitive ✧ Ety/TĀ
[tund]u͡ion [← tundo²] genitive ✧ PE21/11
tyalieon [← tyalie] genitive ✧ PE21/47
Valion “of the Lords” [← Vala] genitive ✧ LR/72
veru͡ion [← veru¹] genitive ✧ PE21/15
yaion [← yé²] genitive ✧ PE21/40
ildumálion [← ilduma] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/4
ildumálion [← ilduma] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/42
ildumáron [← ilduma] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/43
ildumáron [← ilduma] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
ildumálion [← ilduma] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
untamólion [← untamo] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/5
untamóron [← untamo] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/48
tárílion [← tári] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/14
telumélion [← telume] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/7
tyaliéron [← tyalie] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
verúlion [← veru¹] genitive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/15
[kalm]ínen [← kalma] instrumental ✧ PE21/52
kiryainen [← kirya] instrumental ✧ PE21/4
kiryainen [← kirya] instrumental ✧ PE21/8
kiryainen [← kirya] instrumental ✧ PE21/46
kiryainen [← kirya] instrumental ✧ PE21/53
kiryainen [← kirya] instrumental ✧ VT28/8
kiryalínen [← kirya] instrumental ✧ VT28/8
homínen [← hón] instrumental ✧ PE21/23
ildumainen [← ilduma] instrumental ✧ PE21/4
istínen [← istya] instrumental ✧ PE21/13
untamoinen [← untamo] instrumental ✧ PE21/5
lamnínen [← laman] instrumental ✧ PE21/28
[lest]u͡inen [← lesto] instrumental ✧ PE21/12
lepsínen [← let] instrumental ✧ PE21/26
[lind]īnen [← linde²] instrumental ✧ PE21/10
mainen [← má¹] instrumental ✧ PE21/40
málínen [← †má³] instrumental ✧ PE21/38
mainen [← †má³] instrumental ✧ PE21/38
mallínen [← malle] instrumental ✧ PE21/45
[mal]wínen [← malo²] instrumental ✧ PE21/12
[mul]wínen [← mulo] instrumental ✧ PE21/11
yakínen [← yat²] instrumental ✧ PE21/24
nēnī́men [← nén] instrumental ✧ PE21/23
nénínen [← nén] instrumental ✧ PE21/23
ningínen [← nin] instrumental ✧ PE21/26
nerínen [← nér] instrumental ✧ PE21/20
nerínen [← nér] instrumental ✧ PE21/52
niainen [← nie] instrumental ✧ PE21/6
nielínen [← nie] instrumental ✧ PE21/6
ninqeruinen [← ninqeru] instrumental ✧ PE21/15
ninqerulínen [← ninqeru] instrumental ✧ PE21/15
ondoinen [← ondo] instrumental ✧ PE21/5
ondolínen [← ondo] instrumental ✧ PE21/5
ondoinen [← ondo] instrumental ✧ PE21/8
[pol]īnen [← pole] instrumental ✧ PE21/13
polínen [← pole] instrumental ✧ PE21/13
polínen [← pole] instrumental ✧ VT28/8
qendínen [← Qen] instrumental ✧ PE21/25
laisínen [← laite] instrumental ✧ PE21/7
talínen [← tál] instrumental ✧ PE21/21
telkoinen [← telko] instrumental ✧ PE21/53
pelkoinen [← pelko] instrumental ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]oinen [← pelko] instrumental ✧ VT28/8
[tund]u͡inen [← tundo²] instrumental ✧ PE21/11
tyaliainen [← tyalie] instrumental ✧ PE21/7
tyaliainen [← tyalie] instrumental ✧ PE21/9
tyaliainen [← tyalie] instrumental ✧ PE21/47
varinyainen [← varinye] instrumental ✧ PE21/7
veru͡inen [← veru¹] instrumental ✧ PE21/15
veruinen [← veru¹] instrumental ✧ PE21/15
yainen [← yé²] instrumental ✧ PE21/40
kiryalínen [← kirya] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/4
[kiry]alínen [← kirya] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
filikínen [← filet] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/35
ildumalínen [← ilduma] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/4
untamlínen [← untamo] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/5
lassínen [← lasse] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/6
lasselínen [← lasse] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/6
lassínen [← lasse] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/9
lasselínen [← lasse] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/9
lassínen [← lasse] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
lassínen [← lasse] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/53
ninqerilínen [← ninqeri] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/15
tárĭlínen [← tári] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/14
tarínen [← tári] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/14
tárilínen [← tári] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/14
telumínen [← telume] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/9
tyalielínen [← tyalie] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/7
verŭlínen [← veru¹] instrumental prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/15
[andul]issen [← andul] locative ✧ PE21/34
[kalm]issen [← kalma] locative ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]essen [← kalma] locative ✧ PE21/52
karissen [← kas¹] locative ✧ PE21/22
kiryalissen [← kirya] locative ✧ PE21/4
[kiry]assen [← kirya] locative ✧ PE21/8
kiryassen [← kirya] locative ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]alisse(n) [← kirya] locative ✧ PE21/46
kiryassen [← kirya] locative ✧ PE21/53
kiryasser [← kirya] locative ✧ VT28/8
[kiryasse]n [← kirya] locative ✧ VT28/8
kiryalisse(n) [← kirya] locative ✧ VT28/8
homissen [← hón] locative ✧ PE21/23
ildumalissen [← ilduma] locative ✧ PE21/4
untamolissen [← untamo] locative ✧ PE21/5
lamnissen [← laman] locative ✧ PE21/28
lamussen [← laman] locative ✧ PE21/28
lassissen [← lasse] locative ✧ PE21/6
lasselissen [← lasse] locative ✧ PE21/6
lassissen [← lasse] locative ✧ PE21/47
lassessen [← lasse] locative ✧ PE21/47
lassessen [← lasse] locative ✧ PE21/53
[leps]issen [← let] locative ✧ PE21/26
[lind]issen [← linde²] locative ✧ PE21/10
massen [← †má³] locative ✧ PE21/38
mallissen [← malle] locative ✧ PE21/45
yakissen [← yat²] locative ✧ PE21/24
nerissen [← nér] locative ✧ PE21/20
nerissen [← nér] locative ✧ PE21/52
niessen [← nie] locative ✧ PE21/6
ondolissen [← ondo] locative ✧ PE21/5
[ond]ossen [← ondo] locative ✧ PE21/8
[ondo]lisse [← ondo] locative ✧ PE21/8
polisser [← pole] locative ✧ VT28/8
qendissen [← Qen] locative ✧ PE21/25
talissen [← tál] locative ✧ PE21/21
tárilissen [← tári] locative ✧ PE21/14
telkossen [← telko] locative ✧ PE21/53
pelkossen [← pelko] locative ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]osser [← pelko] locative ✧ VT28/8
[pelkosse]n [← pelko] locative ✧ VT28/8
[tund]ussen [← tundo²] locative ✧ PE21/11
tyaliessen [← tyalie] locative ✧ PE21/47
verŭlissen [← veru¹] locative ✧ PE21/15
[veru]lisse [← veru¹] locative ✧ PE21/15
kassen [← kas¹] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/22
honsen [← hón] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/23
yaksen [← yat²] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/24
nersen [← nér] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/20
nerren [← nér] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/20
nessen [← nér] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/52
sutsen [← sút] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/24
talten [← tál] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/21
talsen [← tál] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/21
yeksen [← yé²] locative assimilated ✧ PE21/40
númessier “They are in the West” [← númen] locative stative ✧ LR/72
ahtumatsin [← ahtumat] nominative ✧ PE21/32
ahtumatsin [← ahtumat] nominative ✧ PE21/37
[ahtu]mattulin [← ahtumat] nominative ✧ PE21/37
oiwin [← oio] nominative ✧ PE21/12
oiwin [← oio] nominative ✧ PE21/12
oiulin [← oio] nominative ✧ PE21/12
amanin [← aman] nominative ✧ PE21/34
amborin [← ambor] nominative ✧ PE21/33
andulin [← andul] nominative ✧ PE21/34
andullin [← andul] nominative ✧ PE21/34
arakin [← arat] nominative ✧ PE21/35
[kalm]ir [← kalma] nominative ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]in [← kalma] nominative ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]ulin [← kalma] nominative ✧ PE21/52
kalumetsin [← kalumet] nominative ✧ PE21/37
kalumettulin [← kalumet] nominative ✧ PE21/37
karin [← kas¹] nominative ✧ PE21/22
kiryalin [← kirya] nominative ✧ PE21/4
kiryain [← kirya] nominative ✧ PE21/8
kiryen [← kirya] nominative ✧ PE21/8
†kiryar [← kirya] nominative ✧ PE21/46
kiryain [← kirya] nominative ✧ PE21/46
kiryalin [← kirya] nominative ✧ PE21/46
kiryar [← kirya] nominative ✧ PE21/53
kiryar [← kirya] nominative ✧ VT28/8
kiryalin [← kirya] nominative ✧ VT28/8
vainarin [← †vainar] nominative ✧ PE21/36
vainallin [← †vainar] nominative ✧ PE21/36
veanellin [← veaner²] nominative ✧ PE21/36
fassin [← fas] nominative ✧ PE21/26
fassulin [← fas] nominative ✧ PE21/26
filikin [← filet] nominative ✧ PE21/35
hahtin [← hat] nominative ✧ PE21/27
hahtulin [← hat] nominative ✧ PE21/27
helemin [← helen] nominative ✧ PE21/34
hendin [← hen] nominative ✧ PE21/52
hóvin [← ] nominative ✧ PE21/38
hólin [← ] nominative ✧ PE21/38
homin [← hón] nominative ✧ PE21/23
humulin [← hón] nominative ✧ PE21/23
homin [← hón] nominative ✧ PE21/52
hostin [← hosto] nominative ✧ PE21/27
hostulin [← hosto] nominative ✧ PE21/27
huanin “dogs” [← huan] nominative ✧ PE23/98
hunin [← hún] nominative ✧ PE21/24
[kaima]sambin [← kaimasan] nominative ✧ PE21/37
[kaima]sambulin [← kaimasan] nominative ✧ PE21/37
kapsin [← kapsa] nominative ✧ PE21/27
kapsulin [← kapsa] nominative ✧ PE21/27
kelutsin [← kelut] nominative ✧ PE21/35
untamoin [← untamo] nominative ✧ PE21/48
lamnin [← laman] nominative ✧ PE21/28
lamnulin [← laman] nominative ✧ PE21/28
lassin [← lasse] nominative ✧ PE21/6
lasselin [← lasse] nominative ✧ PE21/6
lasselin [← lasse] nominative ✧ PE21/47
lasser [← lasse] nominative ✧ PE21/47
lassin [← lasse] nominative ✧ PE21/47
lasser [← lasse] nominative ✧ PE21/53
lassi [← lasse] nominative ✧ PE21/53
lestuïn [← lesto] nominative ✧ PE21/12
lestoin [← lesto] nominative ✧ PE21/12
lepsin [← let] nominative ✧ PE21/26
lepsulin [← let] nominative ✧ PE21/26
lindin [← linde²] nominative ✧ PE21/10
lindelin [← linde²] nominative ✧ PE21/10
lótelin [← lóte] nominative ✧ PE21/7
lotsin [← lóte] nominative ✧ PE21/7
lótin “flowers” [← lóte] nominative ✧ PE22/124
maksin [← má¹] nominative ✧ PE21/40
main [← má¹] nominative ✧ PE21/40
málin [← má¹] nominative ✧ PE21/40
main [← má¹] nominative ✧ PE21/40
málin [← †má³] nominative ✧ PE21/38
main [← †má³] nominative ✧ PE21/38
malin [← mál] nominative ✧ PE21/24
mallin [← mál] nominative ✧ PE21/24
mallin [← malle] nominative ✧ PE21/24
mallin [← malle] nominative ✧ PE21/45
†mallelin [← malle] nominative ✧ PE21/45
malwin [← malo²] nominative ✧ PE21/12
malulin [← malo²] nominative ✧ PE21/12
malulin [← malo²] nominative ✧ PE21/12
mardin “homes” [← mar] nominative ✧ PE21/27
mardulin “houses” [← mar] nominative ✧ PE21/27
mattin [← mat] nominative ✧ PE21/27
mattulin [← mat] nominative ✧ PE21/27
mulwuin [← mulo] nominative ✧ PE21/11
mululin [← mulo] nominative ✧ PE21/11
yakin [← yat²] nominative ✧ PE21/24
nēnin [← nén] nominative ✧ PE21/23
nēnulin [← nén] nominative ✧ PE21/23
ningin [← nin] nominative ✧ PE21/26
ningulin [← nin] nominative ✧ PE21/26
nerin [← nér] nominative ✧ PE21/20
nellin [← nér] nominative ✧ PE21/20
nerulin [← nér] nominative ✧ PE21/21
nerin [← nér] nominative ✧ PE21/52
niksin [← nikse] nominative ✧ PE21/27
niksulin [← nikse] nominative ✧ PE21/27
nildin [← nil] nominative ✧ PE21/26
nildulin [← nil] nominative ✧ PE21/26
olarin [← olar] nominative ✧ PE21/33
olallin [← olar] nominative ✧ PE21/33
ondolin [← ondo] nominative ✧ PE21/5
ondoin [← ondo] nominative ✧ PE21/8
orumin [← oron] nominative ✧ PE21/34
pélin [← ] nominative ✧ PE21/38
[pel]taksin [← peltas] nominative ✧ PE21/37
[pel]taksulin [← peltas] nominative ✧ PE21/37
pilinin [← pilen] nominative ✧ PE21/34
pilindin [← pilin] nominative ✧ PE21/36
pilindulin [← pilin] nominative ✧ PE21/36
pilindin [← pilin] nominative ✧ PE21/52
pitsin [← pite] nominative ✧ PE21/7
[pol]in [← pole] nominative ✧ PE21/13
polin [← pole] nominative ✧ PE21/13
polilin [← pole] nominative ✧ PE21/13
polir [← pole] nominative ✧ VT28/8
qeletsin [← qelet] nominative ✧ PE21/35
qendin [← Qen] nominative ✧ PE21/25
qendilin [← Qen] nominative ✧ PE21/25
qilirin [← qilir] nominative ✧ PE21/34
qilelli [← qilir] nominative ✧ PE21/34
laisin [← laite] nominative ✧ PE21/7
rambin [← ran] nominative ✧ PE21/27
rambulin [← ran] nominative ✧ PE21/27
rílin [← ] nominative ✧ PE21/38
saksin [← sahte] nominative ✧ PE21/7
sapsin [← sat] nominative ✧ PE21/24
saryar [← sarya] nominative ✧ VT28/8
soronin [← soron] nominative ✧ PE21/34
sorulli [← soron] nominative ✧ PE21/34
sutsin [← sút] nominative ✧ PE21/24
talin [← tál] nominative ✧ PE21/21
talin [← tál] nominative ✧ PE23/81
talatsin [← talat] nominative ✧ PE21/35
tansin [← tante] nominative ✧ PE21/7
tárílin [← tári] nominative ✧ PE21/14
tárin [← tári] nominative ✧ PE21/14
telqin [← telko] nominative ✧ PE21/12
telkor [← telko] nominative ✧ PE21/53
pelkolin [← pelko] nominative ✧ PE21/48
pelkor [← pelko] nominative ✧ PE21/48
pelkoin [← pelko] nominative ✧ PE21/48
pelqin [← pelko] nominative ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]or [← pelko] nominative ✧ VT28/8
telumin [← telume] nominative ✧ PE21/7
telumetsin [← telumet] nominative ✧ PE21/37
telumettulin [← telumet] nominative ✧ PE21/37
telumeksin [← telumet] nominative ✧ PE21/37
telumehtulin [← telumet] nominative ✧ PE21/37
tetsin [← tet(ta)] nominative ✧ PE21/24
tetulin [← tet(ta)] nominative ✧ PE21/24
teksin [← tie] nominative ✧ PE21/40
télin [← tie] nominative ✧ PE21/40
titsin [← titse] nominative ✧ PE21/27
titsulin [← titse] nominative ✧ PE21/27
tumpin [← tumpo] nominative ✧ PE21/27
tumpulin [← tumpo] nominative ✧ PE21/27
tunduin [← tundo²] nominative ✧ PE21/11
tundulin [← tundo²] nominative ✧ PE21/11
tyalier [← tyalie] nominative ✧ PE21/47
tyaliain [← tyalie] nominative ✧ PE21/47
tyuin [← tyue] nominative ✧ PE21/6
tyuelin [← tyue] nominative ✧ PE21/6
veruïn [← veru¹] nominative ✧ PE21/15
yain [← yé²] nominative ✧ PE21/40
ahtumátulin [← ahtumat] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/37
veanérin [← veaner²] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
veanérulin [← veaner²] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
ildumálin [← ilduma] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/4
ildumálin [← ilduma] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/42
ildumálin [← ilduma] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
untamólin [← untamo] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/5
untamólin [← untamo] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/48
telumélin [← telume] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/7
tyaliélin [← tyalie] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/7
tyaliélin [← tyalie] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
verúlin [← veru¹] nominative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/15
amaldum(el)inwa [← #amaldume] possessive ✧ PE21/7
karinwa [← kas¹] possessive ✧ PE21/22
kiryalinwa [← kirya] possessive ✧ PE21/4
kiryaiva [← kirya] possessive ✧ PE21/46
hominwa [← hón] possessive ✧ PE21/23
ildumalinwa [← ilduma] possessive ✧ PE21/4
untamolinwa [← untamo] possessive ✧ PE21/5
lamninwa [← laman] possessive ✧ PE21/28
lasselinwa [← lasse] possessive ✧ PE21/6
lepsinwa [← let] possessive ✧ PE21/26
mallíva [← malle] possessive ✧ PE21/45
yakinwa [← yat²] possessive ✧ PE21/24
nerinwa [← nér] possessive ✧ PE21/20
neríva [← nér] possessive ✧ PE21/52
ondolinwa [← ondo] possessive ✧ PE21/5
qendinwa [← Qen] possessive ✧ PE21/25
laitelinwa [← laite] possessive ✧ PE21/7
talinwa [← tál] possessive ✧ PE21/21
tárilinwa [← tári] possessive ✧ PE21/14
pelkoiva [← pelko] possessive ✧ PE21/48
teluminwa [← telume] possessive ✧ PE21/7
tyalielinwa [← tyalie] possessive ✧ PE21/7
tyaliaiva [← tyalie] possessive ✧ PE21/47
verulinwa [← veru¹] possessive ✧ PE21/15
[kalm]íva [← kalma] possessive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/52
[kiry]alíva [← kirya] possessive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
lassíva [← lasse] possessive prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
veanēri [← veaner²] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/31
quantiéni [← qantien] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PM/127
[andul]indon [← andul] similative ✧ PE21/34
[kalm]ahta [← kalma] similative ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]ihta [← kalma] similative ✧ PE21/52
karindon [← kas¹] similative ✧ PE21/22
kiryalindon [← kirya] similative ✧ PE21/4
kiryandon [← kirya] similative ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]alindon [← kirya] similative ✧ PE21/46
homindon [← hón] similative ✧ PE21/23
ildumalindon [← ilduma] similative ✧ PE21/4
untamolindon [← untamo] similative ✧ PE21/5
lamnindon [← laman] similative ✧ PE21/28
lassindon [← lasse] similative ✧ PE21/6
lasselindon [← lasse] similative ✧ PE21/6
lassindon [← lasse] similative ✧ PE21/47
lassendon [← lasse] similative ✧ PE21/47
[leps]indon [← let] similative ✧ PE21/26
mallindon [← malle] similative ✧ PE21/45
yakindon [← yat²] similative ✧ PE21/24
nerindon [← nér] similative ✧ PE21/20
ondolindon [← ondo] similative ✧ PE21/5
qendindon [← Qen] similative ✧ PE21/25
laisindon [← laite] similative ✧ PE21/7
laitelindon [← laite] similative ✧ PE21/7
talindon [← tál] similative ✧ PE21/21
tárilindon [← tári] similative ✧ PE21/14
pelkondon [← pelko] similative ✧ PE21/48
tyaliendon [← tyalie] similative ✧ PE21/47
verulindon [← veru¹] similative ✧ PE21/15
[kalm]íka [← kalma] similative prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/52

Reference ✧ PE21/58

Element In

ᴱQ. plural nouns grammar.

Examples (plural)
ailindi ← ailind- (stem) ✧ PE13/158
ainasti [← ainar] ✧ PE14/117
Ainir ← aini ✧ PME/34
Ainur [← Ainu] ✧ LT1/61
Ainur ← ainu ✧ LT1A/Ainur
Ainur ← Ainu ✧ LT1I/Ainur
Ainur ← Ainu ✧ LT2I/Ainur
Ainur [← Ainu] ✧ PE13/103
Ainur [← Ainu] ✧ PE15/20
Ainur [← Ainu] ✧ PE15/27
Ainur ← ainu ✧ PME/34
aldalin “trees” [← alda] ✧ CPT/259
aldar [← alda] ✧ VT40/8
andondi ← andon ✧ PE13/137
andoli ← andon ✧ PE13/137
andondi ← andon ✧ PE13/160
andoli ← ando ✧ PE13/160
attahi [← atar] ✧ PE15/72
kalmali ← kalma ✧ PE14/43
kalmali ← kalma ✧ PE14/73
karmar “*deeds” [← karma] ✧ PE15/32
karoli ← karo ✧ PE15/71
kari [← kas] ✧ PE14/69
kasti ← kas ✧ PE14/72
kasi ← kar ✧ PE14/72
kasti ← kas ✧ PE15/78
kasi ← kas ✧ PE15/78
kari [← kas] ✧ PE16/112
kari [← kas] ✧ PE16/115
kasi ← kar ✧ PE14/43
kasti [← kar] ✧ PE14/117
kasi ← kar ✧ PE15/73
kiryali [← kirya] ✧ PE16/112
kiryali [← kirya] ✧ PE16/115
kiryai [← kirya] ✧ PE16/115
ehtalli ← ehtar ✧ PE14/44
ehtari ← ehtar ✧ PE14/44
ehtalli ← ehtar ✧ PE14/72
ehtardi ← ehtar ✧ PE14/72
ehtari ← ehtar ✧ PE14/74
[eht]ardi ← ehtar ✧ PE14/74
ehtalli ← ehtar ✧ PE15/77
ehtardi ← ehtar ✧ PE15/77
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ LBI/Eldar
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ LT1/114
Eldar ← Elda ✧ LT1/235
Eldar ← Elda ✧ LT1A/Eldar
Eldar “Elves” ← Elda ✧ LT1I/Eldar
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ LT2I/Eldar
ELDAR “elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE13/99
Eldar “Elves or fairies” [← Elda] ✧ PE14/9
elda(li) “elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE14/50
elda(li) “elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE14/83
eldali “elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE14/83
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ PE15/23
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE15/61
Eldar “Elves” [← Elda] ✧ PE15/62
Eldar [← Elda] ✧ QL/43
qímari “phantoms” [← #qímar] ✧ MC/213
falmari “waves” [← falmar] ✧ MC/216
falmarin [← falmar] ✧ PE16/75
falmari “waves” [← falmar] ✧ PE16/100
falmari [← falmar] ✧ PE16/104
Falmaríni “spirits of the foam” [← falmarin] ✧ Ety/PHAL
Falmaríni [← falmarin] ✧ LT1A/Falman
Falmaríni “Spirits of the Sea-foam” [← falmarin] ✧ LT1I/Falmaríni
Falmaríni “Spirits of the Sea Foam” [← falmarin] ✧ LT2I/Falmaríni
falmaríni ← falmarin ✧ PE14/43
falmaríni ← falmarin ✧ PE14/72
falmarīni ← falmarin ✧ PE15/77
fini [← fine] ✧ PE16/140
tili [← til] ✧ PE14/117
hendi ← hen ✧ PE13/147
hendi ← hen ✧ PE14/43
hendi ← hen ✧ PE14/76
hendi [← hen] ✧ PE14/117
hendi [← hen] ✧ PE15/72
hendi ← †hen ✧ QL/40
hendi [← hen] ✧ QL/82
hirdi ← hir ✧ PE13/161
irdi ← ir ✧ PE13/144
ankasi ← Ankar ✧ QL/31
unqi ← unko ✧ PE14/76
unkoli ← unko ✧ PE14/76
hondor “*hearts” [← hon²] ✧ PE15/32
huandi [← huan] ✧ PE16/132
ōmi “*all” [← on(t)] ✧ PE15/32
yondi ← ion ✧ PE13/144
kaimasambi ← kaimasan ✧ PE15/70
KALIMBOR [← kalimbo] ✧ PE13/99
lamni ← lama ✧ PE14/42
lamni ← lama ✧ PE14/44
lamni [← lama] ✧ PE14/70
lamni [← lama] ✧ PE14/71
lamni ← lama ✧ PE14/74
lamni ← lama ✧ PE15/69
lamni [← lama] ✧ PE16/132
lasser [← lasse] ✧ VT40/8
lepsi ← lepta ✧ PE15/72
lómi “clouds” [← lóme] ✧ MC/214
lómi “shadows” [← lóme] ✧ MC/221
lómi “clouds” [← lóme] ✧ PE16/62
loomi [← lóme] ✧ PE16/72
lómi [← lóme] ✧ PE16/74
loomi [← lóme] ✧ PE16/77
fumellar “flowers of sleep” [← fumella] ✧ LT1/74
fumellar “flowers of sleep, poppies” ← fúmella ✧ LT1A/fumellar
Fumellar “poppies” [← fumella] ✧ LT1I/Fumellar
Lōter [← lóte] ✧ PE13/104
lósi [← lóte] ✧ PE16/139
máli ←  ✧ PE14/76
máli [← ] ✧ PE14/117
māli ←  ✧ PE15/73
malli [← malle] ✧ PE16/112
malleli [← malle] ✧ PE16/112
malli [← malle] ✧ PE16/115
malleli [← malle] ✧ PE16/115
malwi ← malo ✧ QL/58
malwi ← malo ✧ PE14/42
malwi ← malo ✧ PE14/44
malwi [← malo²] ✧ PE14/71
malwi ← malo ✧ PE14/74
malwi ← malo ✧ PE15/77
Mánir “Spirits of the Air” [← máne] ✧ LBI/Mánir
Mánir [← máne] ✧ LT1A/Eruman
Mánir ← mánë ✧ LT1A/Mánir
Mánir “Spirits of the Air” [← máne] ✧ LT1I/Mánir
Mānir [← máne] ✧ PE14/10
manir [← máne] ✧ PE14/10
mari ← mar ✧ PE15/74
mardi ← mardo ✧ QL/60
mawardi ← māwar ✧ PE12/14
moardi ← moar ✧ PE12/14
Nandini “fays of the valleys” ← nandin ✧ LT1A/Nandini
Nandini “fays of the valleys” [← nandin] ✧ LT1I/Nandini
nandini “fay of the valleys” [← nandin] ✧ PE14/10
nandini “Earth [Fay]” [← nandin] ✧ PE14/10
natsi ← nat ✧ PE14/43
natsi ← nat ✧ PE14/72
natsi “*beings” [← nat] ✧ PE15/32
natsi ← nat ✧ PE15/68
natsi [← nat] ✧ PE15/78
nattur ← natto ✧ PE15/68
nautar “dwarves” [← nauka] ✧ PE14/9
nausi [← naute] ✧ PE14/117
nyatsi [← nyat] ✧ PE16/136
nengi ← nĕn ✧ PE14/72
nengi ← nĕn ✧ PE14/76
nengi [← nen²] ✧ PE16/112
nengi [← nen²] ✧ PE16/115
-néni [← nen¹] ✧ LT1A/Koivië-néni
nēni ← nēn ✧ PE14/43
nēni ← nēn ✧ PE14/72
nēni ← nēn ✧ PE15/78
nēri “men” [← ner] ✧ PE14/32
nĕri ← nēr ✧ PE14/43
neri [← ner] ✧ PE14/50
nĕri ← nēr ✧ PE14/72
neri “men” [← ner] ✧ PE14/83
nēri “*men” [← ner] ✧ PE15/32
Nermir “fays of the meads” ← Nermi ✧ LT1A/Nermir
Nermir “fays of the meads” [← nermi] ✧ LT1I/Nermir
nermir “fay of the meads” [← nermi] ✧ PE14/10
nermir “Earth [Fay]” [← nermi] ✧ PE14/10
Nier “tears” ← nië ✧ LT2A/Nínin-Udathriol
qimi ← qin ✧ PE15/79
qindi ← qin ✧ PE15/79
nori [← nóre] ✧ LT1A/Nori Landar
nyeleksi ← nyelet ✧ PE15/75
Oarni [← oar] ✧ LBI/Oarni
Oarni ← oar ✧ LT1A/Oarni
Oarni “Spirits of the Sea” [← oar] ✧ LT1I/Oarni
Oarni “Spirits of the Sea” [← oar] ✧ LT2I/Oarni
oarni “Water [Fay]” [← oar] ✧ PE14/10
Oaritsi ← oaris ✧ LT1/227
Oaritsi “mermaids?” ← oaris ✧ LT1I/Oaritsi
oaritsi “Water [Fay]” [← oaris] ✧ PE14/10
[ohta]rdi ← ohtar ✧ PE15/78
Ómali [← óma] ✧ VT40/8
ondoli “rocks” [← ondo] ✧ MC/213
ondoli ← ondo ✧ PE14/44
ondoli ← ondo ✧ PE14/73
ondoli ← ondo ✧ PE15/77
ondoli [← ondo] ✧ PE16/115
ondoi [← ondo] ✧ PE16/115
hondi ← hond- (stem) ✧ PE13/162
yungwi “twins” [← yunga] ✧ PE14/77
yungwi “twins” ← yunga ✧ PE15/78
Orqui “Orcs” [← ork] ✧ LT2/136
Orqui [← ork] ✧ LT2A/Balcmeg
Orqui ← Orc ✧ LT2I/Orqui
ORQI “goblins” [← ork] ✧ PE13/99
Orqui [← ork] ✧ PE13/102
Orqi “goblins” [← ork] ✧ PE14/9
Orqui [← ork] ✧ PE15/21
ormindi ← ormin ✧ PE15/78
I oros [← oro] ✧ LT1/85
Toros [← oro] ✧ VT28/30
oromandin “wood-spirits” [← #oroman] ✧ MC/215
oromandi “wood-elves” [← #oroman] ✧ PE16/90
oromandi “wood-elves” [← #oroman] ✧ PE16/92
peltaksi ← peltas ✧ PE14/42
peltaksi ← peltas ✧ PE14/44
peltakse [← peltas] ✧ PE15/76
pilindi ← pilin ✧ PE14/73
pilindi ← pilin ✧ PE15/69
pilindi [← pilin] ✧ PE16/112
pilindi [← pilin] ✧ PE16/115
Pilini [← pilin] ✧ VT40/8
pior [← pio] ✧ VT40/8
pirindi [← pirin] ✧ QL/78
piur ← piu ✧ QL/74
pīwi ← piu ✧ QL/74
poli ← pole ✧ PE15/73
Qendi [← Qen] ✧ GL/32
Qendi [← Qen] ✧ LRI/Qendi
Qendi [← Qen] ✧ LT1/235
Qendi [← Qen] ✧ LT1I/Qendi
QENDI [← Qen] ✧ PE13/99
Qendi ← Qen ✧ PE13/146
Qendi ← qende ✧ PE14/9
Quendi “Elves, Light-elves” [← Qen] ✧ SM/13
Quendi [← Qen] ✧ SM/168
rávi ← rau ✧ LT1A/Meássë
rāvi ← Rau ✧ QL/79
rámali “wings” [← ráma] ✧ MC/213
rankoli ← ranko ✧ PE14/76
rankoli ← ranko ✧ PE15/69
rantali “parts” [← #ranta²] ✧ PE14/117
RAUK(I) “demons” [← (a)rauke] ✧ PE13/99
Rauki “demons” [← (a)rauke] ✧ PE14/9
arauki ← ARAUKE ✧ QL/32
rauki [← (a)rauke] ✧ QL/60
rotser [← rotse] ✧ VT40/8
orotsi ← orot ✧ QL/71
Salmar [← salma] ✧ PE13/104
sangar [← sanga] ✧ VT40/8
sangar [← sanga] ✧ VT40/8
sinqi ← sinqe ✧ PE14/42
sinqi ← sinqe ✧ PE14/44
sinqi [← sinqe] ✧ PE14/71
sinqi ← sinqe ✧ PE14/74
sinqi ← sinqe ✧ PE15/72
sinqi ← sinqe ✧ PE15/74
sinqi [← sinqe] ✧ VT40/8
aikori ← aikor ✧ PE13/158
horinelli ← horinel ✧ QL/41
súni ← súne ✧ PE14/76
sūni ← sūne ✧ PE15/75
Sūruli ← Sūru ✧ GL/68
Súruli [← súru] ✧ LBI/Súruli
Súruli ← Súru ✧ LT1A/Súruli
Súruli “spirits of the winds” [← súru] ✧ LT1I/Súruli
Suruli [← súru] ✧ PE14/10
suruli [← súru] ✧ PE14/10
surui [← súru] ✧ PE16/57
Súruli “Spirits of the Wind” [← súru] ✧ SMI/Súruli
súyer [← †súye] ✧ VT40/8
taksi ← takse ✧ PE15/75
tăli ← tāl ✧ PE14/43
tăli ← tāl ✧ PE14/72
tăli ← tál ✧ PE14/76
tali ← tal ✧ PE15/72
táli “feet” [← tala¹] ✧ PE16/90
táli “feet” [← tala¹] ✧ PE16/92
tantarēli ← tantare ✧ PE14/44
tantaréli ← tantare ✧ PE14/73
tantaréli ← tantare ✧ PE15/71
Tauler [← taule²] ✧ PE13/104
Tavari “fays of the woods” ← tavar ✧ LT1A/Tavari
tavarni “dale-sprites” ← tavar ✧ LT1A/Tavari
Tavari “fays of the woods” [← tavar] ✧ LT1I/Tavari
tavāri “fay of the woods” [← tavar] ✧ PE14/10
Tavari [← tavar] ✧ PE14/10
tavarni “dale-sprites” ← tavar ✧ QL/90
telkoli [← telko] ✧ PE16/112
pelqi ← pelko ✧ PE14/76
pelkoli ← pelko ✧ PE14/76
pelqi ← pelko ✧ PE15/74
tendilli “pieces of string” ← tendl ✧ PE12/25
tinwi “stars” [← tinwe] ✧ MC/214
Tolli ← tol ✧ LT1/85
Tolli ← tol ✧ LT1A/Tolli Kuruvar
tolli [← tol] ✧ PE16/139
Torqeler “tropics” ← torqele ✧ QL/94
tyaliéli [← tyalie] ✧ PE16/112
tyaliéli [← tyalie] ✧ PE16/115
Ulbandi [← ulban] ✧ LT2A/Ulbandi
Ulbandi [← ulban] ✧ PE13/99
Ulbandi “giants” [← ulban] ✧ PE13/99
ulbandi “wood-giants” [← ulban] ✧ PE14/9
Úvanimor “who are monsters, giants, orges” [← úvanimo] ✧ LT1/236
Úvanimor “monsters, giants, orges” [← úvanimo] ✧ LT1I/Úvanimor
Úvanimor [← úvanimo] ✧ LT2I/Úvanimor
ŪVANIMOR [← úvanimo] ✧ PE13/99
Ūvanimor “monsters” [← úvanimo] ✧ PE14/9
Úvanimor [← úvanimo] ✧ SMI/Úvanimor
Valar [← Vala] ✧ GL/18
Valar [← Vala] ✧ GL/21
Valar [← Vala] ✧ LBI/Valar
Vali [← Vala] ✧ LBI/Valar
Valar/Vali [← Vala] ✧ LT1/61
Valur [← Vala] ✧ LT1/61
Valir [← Vala] ✧ LT1/61
Valar/Vali [← Vala] ✧ LT1A/Valar
Valar “Gods” ← Vala ✧ LT1I/Valar
Vali ← Vala ✧ LT1I/Valar
Valar [← Vala] ✧ LT2A/Valar
Valar/Vali [← Vala] ✧ LT2A/Valar
Valar [← Vala] ✧ LT2I/Valar
Vali [← Vala] ✧ LT2I/Valar
Valar [← Vala] ✧ PE13/103
Valar [← Vala] ✧ PE14/10
Valar [← Vala] ✧ PE15/8
Valar [← Vala] ✧ PE15/21
Vali [← Vala] ✧ PE15/21
Vali ← Vala ✧ PE15/72
Valar [← Vala] ✧ PME/99
Vali [← Vala] ✧ PME/99
valar [← Vala] ✧ QL/39
Valar “the happy folk” [← Vala] ✧ QL/99
Vali [← Vala] ✧ QL/99
Valar [← Vala] ✧ QL/99
Wingildi ← wingild- (stem) ✧ LT1A/Wingilot
Wingildi “spirits of the sea-foam” [← wingil] ✧ LT1I/Wingildi
Wingildi “spirits of the sea-foam” [← wingil] ✧ LT2I/Wingildi
wingildi [← wingil] ✧ PE14/10
wingilli ← wingil ✧ PE14/43
wingildi ← wingil ✧ PE14/43
wingilli ← Wingil ✧ PE14/44
wingilli ← wingil ✧ PE14/72
wingildi ← wingil ✧ PE14/72
wingilli ← wingil ✧ PE14/74
[wing]ildi ← wingil ✧ PE14/74
[wilgi]lli ← wingil ✧ PE15/75
[wilgi]ldi ← wingil ✧ PE15/75
wingildi “foam-fairies” [← wingil] ✧ PE16/90
wingildi “foam-riders” [← wingil] ✧ PE16/92
hari [← hari] ✧ PE14/71
yavandi ← yávan ✧ PE15/69
ser ←  ✧ QL/82
yondi “irreg. pl.” ← yondo ✧ PE15/77
kiryalillon [← kirya] ablative ✧ PE16/115
kiryailon [← kirya] ablative ✧ PE16/115
eldallor “from the elves” [← Elda] ablative ✧ PE14/47
eldalillo(r) [← Elda] ablative ✧ PE14/47
eldallor “from the elves” [← Elda] ablative ✧ PE14/79
eldalillo(r) [← Elda] ablative ✧ PE14/79
mallillon [← malle] ablative ✧ PE16/115
mallílon [← malle] ablative ✧ PE16/115
ondolillon [← ondo] ablative ✧ PE16/115
ondoilon [← ondo] ablative ✧ PE16/115
pilindillon [← pilin] ablative ✧ PE16/115
tollillon [← tol] ablative ✧ PE16/147
tyalielillon [← tyalie] ablative ✧ PE16/115
kalmalin ← kalma accusative ✧ PE14/43
kalmalin(t) ← kalma accusative ✧ PE14/73
kari [← kas] accusative ✧ PE16/112
kiryali [← kirya] accusative ✧ PE16/112
Eldalin “Elves” [← Elda] accusative ✧ PE14/84
lamnin ← lama accusative ✧ PE14/44
lamnin ← lama accusative ✧ PE14/74
lómi “clouds” [← lóme] accusative ✧ PE16/75
losselin “flowers” [← losse] accusative ✧ PE14/56
malli [← malle] accusative ✧ PE16/112
malleli [← malle] accusative ✧ PE16/112
malwin ← malo accusative ✧ PE14/44
malwin ← malo accusative ✧ PE14/74
malwi [← malo²] accusative ✧ PE16/111
maluvi [← malo²] accusative ✧ PE16/111
nengi [← nen²] accusative ✧ PE16/112
neri [← ner] accusative ✧ PE16/111
ondolin(t) ← ondo accusative ✧ PE14/73
ondoli [← ondo] accusative ✧ PE16/111
peltaksin ← peltas accusative ✧ PE14/44
pilindin(t) ← pilin accusative ✧ PE14/73
pilindi [← pilin] accusative ✧ PE16/112
poli [← pole] accusative ✧ PE16/111
[pund]ui [← pundo] accusative ✧ PE16/111
sinqin ← sinqe accusative ✧ PE14/44
sinqin ← sinqe accusative ✧ PE14/74
sinqi [← sinqe] accusative ✧ PE16/111
sinqili [← sinqe] accusative ✧ PE16/111
tantarélin(t) ← tantare accusative ✧ PE14/73
telkoli [← telko] accusative ✧ PE16/112
tyaliéli [← tyalie] accusative ✧ PE16/112
kiryalinya [← kirya] adjectival ✧ PE16/115
[kirya]linwa [← kirya] adjectival ✧ PE16/115
Kuruvar ← kuru adjectival ✧ LT1A/Tolli Kuruvar
pilindinya [← pilin] adjectival ✧ PE16/115
[pilind]inwa [← pilin] adjectival ✧ PE16/115
pilindyinya [← pilin] adjectival ✧ PE16/115
kiryalinta(n) [← kirya] allative ✧ PE16/115
mallinta(n) [← malle] allative ✧ PE16/115
ondolinta(n) [← ondo] allative ✧ PE16/115
pilindinta(n) [← pilin] allative ✧ PE16/115
tinwelinte [← tinwe] allative ✧ PE16/60
tollalinta “upon ... hills” [← tolda] allative ✧ MC/214
tyalielinta(n) [← tyalie] allative ✧ PE16/115
kiryalinko [← kirya] comitative ✧ PE16/115
mallinko [← malle] comitative ✧ PE16/115
nenginto [← nen²] comitative ✧ PE16/115
ondolinko [← ondo] comitative ✧ PE16/115
pilindinko [← pilin] comitative ✧ PE16/115
tyalielinko [← tyalie] comitative ✧ PE16/115
kalmalir ← kalma dative ✧ PE14/43
kalmalir ← kalma dative ✧ PE14/73
karir [← kas] dative ✧ PE16/112
kiryalir [← kirya] dative ✧ PE16/112
kiryalir [← kirya] dative ✧ PE16/115
kiryair [← kirya] dative ✧ PE16/115
lamnir ← lama dative ✧ PE14/44
lamnir ← lama dative ✧ PE14/74
mallir [← malle] dative ✧ PE16/112
[mall]elir [← malle] dative ✧ PE16/112
mallir [← malle] dative ✧ PE16/115
mallelir [← malle] dative ✧ PE16/115
malwir ← malo dative ✧ PE14/44
malwir ← malo dative ✧ PE14/74
malwir [← malo²] dative ✧ PE16/111
maluir [← malo²] dative ✧ PE16/111
nengir [← nen²] dative ✧ PE16/112
nerir [← ner] dative ✧ PE16/111
ondolir ← ondo dative ✧ PE14/73
ondolir [← ondo] dative ✧ PE16/111
ondolir [← ondo] dative ✧ PE16/115
ondoir(en) [← ondo] dative ✧ PE16/115
peltaksir ← peltas dative ✧ PE14/44
pilindir ← pilin dative ✧ PE14/73
pilindir [← pilin] dative ✧ PE16/112
pilindir [← pilin] dative ✧ PE16/115
polir [← pole] dative ✧ PE16/111
[pund]uir [← pundo] dative ✧ PE16/111
sinqir ← sinqe dative ✧ PE14/44
sinqir ← sinqe dative ✧ PE14/74
sinqir [← sinqe] dative ✧ PE16/111
tantarélir ← tantare dative ✧ PE14/73
telkolir [← telko] dative ✧ PE16/112
tyaliélir [← tyalie] dative ✧ PE16/112
tyaliélir [← tyalie] dative ✧ PE16/115
i aldas “the trees” [← alda] definite ✧ LT1/85
kalma̹lion ← kalma genitive ✧ PE14/43
kalma̹lion ← kalma genitive ✧ PE14/73
karion [← kas] genitive ✧ PE16/112
kari [← kas] genitive ✧ PE16/115
kiryalion [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE16/112
kiryalion [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE16/115
kiryaion [← kirya] genitive ✧ PE16/115
eldalion “elves” [← Elda] genitive ✧ PE14/50
Eldalion “of ... elves” [← Elda] genitive ✧ PE14/83
lamnion ← lama genitive ✧ PE14/44
lamnion ← lama genitive ✧ PE14/74
mallion [← malle] genitive ✧ PE16/112
[mall]elion [← malle] genitive ✧ PE16/112
mallion [← malle] genitive ✧ PE16/115
mallelion [← malle] genitive ✧ PE16/115
malwion ← malo genitive ✧ PE14/44
malwion ← malo genitive ✧ PE14/74
malwion [← malo²] genitive ✧ PE16/111
maluion [← malo²] genitive ✧ PE16/111
Nautaron [← nauka] genitive ✧ PE15/15
nengion [← nen²] genitive ✧ PE16/112
nengion [← nen²] genitive ✧ PE16/115
nerion “men” [← ner]